The local allocation process

If there are not enough places available for all interested students in a degree programme, it is a restricted admission programme. The allocation of places in the first semester is carried out through a local allocation process. A prerequisite for participation in this allocation process is the submission of a timely application.


The allocation process is based on various quotas, which are based on specific criteria. Study places are allocated according to these quotas. The legal basis for this is the Bavarian Higher Education Admission Act Bayerische Hochschulzulassungsgesetz (BayHZG) and the Ordinance on Higher Education Admission at State Universities in Bavaria Hochschulzulassung an den staatlichen Hochschulen in Bayern (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung HZV). 


An overview of the individual quotas


The quotas are divided into reserved and main quotas. The reserved quotas are first determined by fixed admission numbers. The remaining places are then allocated via the main quotas.


Reserved quotas

Up to 2% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.


A case of hardship exists if the rejection of the admission request would constitute an exceptional hardship. This applies, in particular, to special social or family reasons. The application is always submitted with the admission request and must be supported by appropriate evidence. The application initially takes part in the main quota allocation process. If admission is not possible via this process, an offer will be made within the framework of the hardship quota.


Further information on hardship applications and the provision of suitable evidence can be found on the webpages of


Link to (Hardship applications)


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 1 BayHZG

§§ 25, 26 HZV

Up to 5% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.


Foreign nationals or stateless persons are considered in this quota, provided that they are not considered equivalent to German nationals.

In the context of the allocation of study places, persons are considered equivalent to German nationals if they:

  • are a national of another member state of the European Union, OR
  • possess a German higher education entrance qualification.

The selection criterion for ranking in this quota is the grade point average of the foreign higher education entrance qualification. This is converted into a grade point average corresponding to a German Abitur grade.


Link to the webpage on international applications


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 2 and Sentence 5 BayHZG

§ 6 Statutes of the University of Augsburg on admission to study in restricted admission degree programmes (Satzung der Universität Augsburg über die Zulassung zum Studium in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen)


Up to 4% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.


For this quota, evidence of qualification for your desired degree programme is provided by evidence of having studied in a degree programme that has not yet been completed. This entails having a certificate of having passed a preliminary examination (Vorprüfung) or evidence of successful examination performance based on ECTS credit points. These are to have been achieved within the first two subject semesters of an undergraduate degree programme according to the specifications of the respective examination regulations. In most cases, this is 60 ECTS. Please note that a transfer is only possible between closely related degree programmes.


The ranking is based on the grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification.


A list of degree programmes that can be studied with a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification.


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 3 BayHZG

§ 25 HZV

Up to 4% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.


A second degree is considered to exist when a degree programme at a German higher education institution has already been completed by the application deadline. A degree programme is completed when the prescribed final state examination (Staatsexamen) or academic final examination (e.g., diploma or magister examination, bachelor’s degree) has been successfully passed.


As a rule, evidence is provided by the degree certificate of the first degree programme. Alternatively, a special certificate issued by the office responsible for issuing the degree certificate may be submitted. This must show the grade point average of the completed degree programme.


The selection is made on the basis of a points system that considers the grade of the first degree as well as the relevant reasons for the second degree. A distinction is made between academic and professional reasons. Points can still be awarded if previous professional activity was given up for family reasons (e.g., caring for children). Please enclose all necessary documents with your admission request (Antrag auf Zulassung).


You will find a detailed description of the reasons considered for undertaking a second degree and how points are allocated to each, as well as an outline of suitable documents to be submitted with an application on the webpages of The description was created for medical degree programmes, but it also applies to our degree programmes with local admission restrictions.


Link to (Second degree)


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 4 and Sentence 7 BayHZG

§ 25 HZV

Up to 3% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.

According to this quota, university access is gained via a vocational qualification. Further information on this can be found on the webpages of the Registrar’s Office (Studierendenkanzlei).


Webpage on university access for vocationally qualified


If you possess both a school-based higher education entrance qualification and a higher education entrance qualification for vocationally qualified persons, you can decide which one you would like to use for the admission process. Both cannot be considered at the same time.


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 5 BayHZG

§ 25 HZV

§7 Statutes of the University of Augsburg on admission to study in restricted admission degree programmes (Satzung der Universität Augsburg über die Zulassung zum Studium in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen)


Up to 1% of the study places are allocated according to this quota.


This quota considers persons who due to special public interest should be promoted in the field of elite sport. The prerequisite is membership of an Olympic, perspective, supplementary, or junior squad of a federal sports association of the German Olympic Sports Confederation. This must be proven by a corresponding certificate accompanying your admission request (Antrag auf Zulassung).


Art. 5 Para. 3 Sentence 2 No. 1 BayHZG

§ 25 HZV

§ 8 Statutes of the University of Augsburg on admission to study in restricted admission degree programmes (Satzung der Universität Augsburg über die Zulassung zum Studium in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen)


Main quotas

30% of study places are allocated according to the quota based on the grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification.


In the event that one has the same grade as another, periods of voluntary service (Dienst) will first be considered followed by the drawing of a lottery to decide the order of admission.


Art. 5 Para. 4 Sentence 1 No. 1 BayHZG

§§ 28 and 31 HZV


In this quota, 70% of study places are allocated.


At the University of Augsburg, study places are allocated following the grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification. In the event that one has the same grade as another, periods of voluntary service (Dienst) will be taken into consideration followed by the drawing of a lottery.


Art. 5 Para. 4 Sentence 1 No. 2 BayHZG

§§ 30 and 31 HZV

§ 5 Statutes of the University of Augsburg on admission to study in restricted admission degree programmes (Satzung der Universität Augsburg über die Zulassung zum Studium in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen)



Periods of voluntary service (Der Dienst)


In the context of the allocation of study places, periods of voluntary service (Dienst) can play an important role, as for example as a supplementary criterion in determining the order of rank or as grounds for preferential admission if you previously received an offer of admission but were unable to take it up due to a period of voluntary service.

A period of voluntary service must fulfil specific criteria in order to be recognised. The following duties are considered to be voluntary service:


  • The fulfilment of a duty of service (Dienstpflichten) according to Art. 12a of the Basic Law (Grundgesetzes) and the assumption of such duties for a period of up to three years.
  • A period of service undertaken as a development worker (Entwicklungshelfer) according to the Development Workers Act (Entwicklungshelfer-Gesetz)
  • Completion of a year of voluntary social service or voluntary ecological service according to the Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Service (Jugendfreiwilligendienstegesetz) or in the context of a model project sponsored by the Federal Government.
  • Completion of voluntary military service as a special civic commitment under the Soldiers Act (Soldatengesetz)
  • Completion of federal voluntary service in accordance with the Act on Federal Voluntary Service (Bundesfreiwilligendienstgesetz)
  • Caring for a child under 18 years of age or for a person in need of care from one’s family circle for a period of up to three years.

For a period of voluntary service to be considered in the local allocation process, it must have been undertaken for at least six months.



§§ 18, 31 HZV

If you have completed a period of voluntary service (Dienst), you can have this considered in the allocation process. A period of voluntary service can be decisive if several applications have the same ranking (e.g., grade point average). Applications that include a period of voluntary service will then be given preferential consideration.


How do I indicate a period of voluntary service in my application?


In the online application, you can indicate whether you have completed a period of voluntary service. You will then receive an admission request (Antrag auf Zulassung). Please submit this together with your certificate of voluntary service by the application deadline. If you are still engaged in a period of voluntary service during the application process, please request confirmation from the relevant office and include it with your application. The certificate/confirmation must show that you have already completed at least six months of voluntary service.


Only certificates whose date of issue is after the end of the period of voluntary service or at least six months after the beginning of the voluntary service can be recognised. Employment contracts or agreements are not sufficient.


Art. 2 BayHZG


What is preferential admission?


If you have previously received a study place in a degree programme as a consequence of a previous study place allocation process but were unable to take up this place due to the completion of a period of voluntary service, you can apply for preferential admission. However, you can only apply for this for the same degree programme that you were initially unable to take up.


How do I apply for preferential admission?


During the online application process, there is an option to select preferential admission. At the end of the process, you will receive an admission request (Antrag auf Zulassung). Please submit this to us by the application deadline. Please enclose your certificate of voluntary service as well as the previous letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Augsburg.


For how long can preferential admission be applied for?


Preferential admission must be applied for no later than the second allocation process that is carried out after the end of the voluntary service. After that, the entitlement expires.


Art. 2 BayHZG

§§ 18, 32 HZV



Compensation for disadvantage


If special life circumstances lead to disadvantages when acquiring the higher education entrance qualification, compensation for disadvantages can be applied for to improve the average grade. However, strict standards must be applied to this application and approval is only possible in exceptional cases. In addition to the application, meaningful documents are important.

Grade point average is an important criterion in the allocation of study places. If one’s performance was significantly disadvantaged while acquiring a higher education entrance qualification, thereby preventing a better result, this can be compensated.


If evidence of the circumstances that led to the disadvantage and its results is provided, the admission request will participate in the allocation process based on a higher grade point average. It is important to note that the Abitur examination is not the only performance to be considered; rather, performance in the senior years of secondary school is also considered.


You can select the corresponding application in the online application portal (VIBS). After completing the online application, you will receive an admission request (Antrag auf Zulassung). Please submit this together with supporting documentation by the application deadline.


You can find out which documents are required and how to provide evidence in the following document from This document was created for medical degree programmes but is also valid for our local allocation process.


Link to (compensation for grade point average)

Study places in our restricted admission degree programmes are allocated via You can register and find out more information here.

Online application portal (VIBS)

Apply here for our degree programmes. For restricted admission degree programmes, you also need a account.
