Prof. Dr. Martin Trepel

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1991


Enke Johanna S., Reitsam Nic G., Grosser Bianca, Kircher Malte, Dierks Alexander, Bundschuh Ralph Alexander, Wienand Georgine, Uhrmacher Luise, Trepel Martin, Schottelius Margret, Lapa Constantin, Pfob Christian H.. C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4–directed scintigraphy of multiple myeloma using [99mTc]Tc-PentixaTec.
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Sommer Sebastian, Schmutz Maximilian, Hildebrand Kathrin, Schiwitza Annett, Benedikt Selinah, Eberle Maria, Mögele Tatiana, Sultan Aziz, Reichl Lena, Campillo Maria, Uhrmacher Luise, Nikolic Ana Antic, Bundschuh Ralph, Lapa Constantin, Kuhlen Michaela, Dintner Sebastian, Langer Angela, Märkl Bruno, Wendler Thomas, Tehlan Kartikay, Kröncke Thomas, Wahle Maria, Mann Matthias, Casadei Nicolas, Pogoda Michaela, Hummler Simone, Sax Irmengard, Schlesner Matthias, Kubuschok Boris, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. Concept and feasibility of the Augsburg longitudinal plasma study (ALPS) - a prospective trial for comprehensive liquid biopsy-based longitudinal monitoring of solid cancer patients.
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Schlosser Pascal, Schiwitza Annett, Klaus Jonas, Hieke-Schulz Stefanie, Szarc vel Szic Katarzyna, Duyster Justus, Trepel Martin, Zirlik Katja, Schumacher Martin, Claus Rainer. Conditional survival to assess prognosis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Gäble Alexander, Enke Johanna S., Hügle Martin J., Grochowski Przemyslaw, Trepel Martin, Dierks Alexander, Pfob Christian H., Bundschuh Ralph A., Lapa Constantin, Kircher Malte. Disclosing tumor biology by means of molecular imaging in a patient with malignant melanoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Dierks Alexander, Gäble Alexander, Rinscheid Andreas, Wienand Georgine, Pfob Christian H., Kircher Malte, Enke Johanna S., Janzen Tilman, Patt Marianne, Trepel Martin, Weckermann Dorothea, Bundschuh Ralph A., Lapa Constantin. First safety and efficacy data with the radiohybrid 177Lu-rhPSMA-10.1 for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer.
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Höhne Kerstin, Wagenknecht Annett, Maier Corinna, Engelhard Peggy, Goldmann Torsten, Schließmann Stephan J., Plönes Till, Trepel Martin, Eibel Hermann, Müller-Quernheim Joachim, Zissel Gernot. Pro-fibrotic effects of CCL18 on human lung fibroblasts are mediated via CCR6.
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Grosser Bianca, Emmerson Jake, Reitsam Nic G., Cunningham David, Nankivell Matthew, Langley Ruth E., Allum William H., Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Grabsch Heike I.. Stroma AReactive Invasion Front Areas (SARIFA) improves prognostic risk stratification of perioperative chemotherapy treated oesophagogastric cancer patients from the MAGIC and the ST03 trial.
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Krebs Markus, Haller Florian, Spörl Silvia, Gerhard-Hartmann Elena, Utpatel Kirsten, Maurus Katja, Kunzmann Volker, Chatterjee Manik, Venkataramani Vivek, Maatouk Imad, Bittrich Max, Einwag Tatjana, Meidenbauer Norbert, Tögel Lars, Hirsch Daniela, Dietmaier Wolfgang, Keil Felix, Scheiter Alexander, Immel Alexander, Heudobler Daniel, Einhell Sabine, Kaiser Ulrich, Sedlmeier Anja M., Maurer Julia, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Jordan Frank, Schmutz Maximilian, Dintner Sebastian, Rosenwald Andreas, Hartmann Arndt, Evert Matthias, Märkl Bruno, Bargou Ralf, Mackensen Andreas, Beckmann Matthias W., Pukrop Tobias, Herr Wolfgang, Einsele Hermann, Trepel Martin, Goebeler Maria-Elisabeth, Claus Rainer, Kerscher Alexander, Lüke Florian. The WERA cancer center matrix: strategic management of patient access to precision oncology in a large and mostly rural area of Germany.
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Burkhard-Meier Anton, Grube Matthias, Jurinovic Vindi, Agaimy Abbas, Albertsmeier Markus, Berclaz Luc M., Di Gioia Dorit, Dürr Hans Roland, von Eisenhart-Rothe Rüdiger, Eze Chukwuka, Fechner Katja, Fey Emma, Güler Sinan E., Hecker Judith S., Hendricks Anne, Keil Felix, Klein Alexander, Knebel Carolin, Kovács Julia R., Kunz Wolfgang G., Lenze Ulrich, Lörsch Alisa M., Lutz Mathias, Meidenbauer Norbert, Mogler Carolin, Schmidt-Hegemann Nina-Sophie, Semrau Sabine, Sienel Wulf, Trepel Martin, Waldschmidt Johannes, Wiegering Armin, Lindner Lars H.. Unraveling the role of local ablative therapies for patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcoma – a retrospective multicenter study of the Bavarian university hospitals.
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Meyer M., Schmutz Markus, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Claus Rainer, Sommer Sebastian, Märkl Bruno, Kerscher A., Kunzmann V., Trepel Martin, Kubuschok Boris. Adeno- and undifferentiated carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP): leukocytes and bilirubin are prognostic factors in addition to ECOG and LDH [Abstract].
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Rinscheid Andreas, Gäble Alexander, Wienand Georgine, Pfob Christian, Dierks Alexander, Kircher Malte, Trepel Martin, Weckermann Dorothea, Lapa Constantin, Bundschuh Ralph A.. An intrapatient dosimetry comparison of 177 Lu-rhPSMA-10.1 and 177 Lu-PSMA-I&T in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
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Enke Johanna S., Gäble Alexander, Reitsam Nic G., Schaller Tina, Trepel Martin, Hirschbühl Klaus, Welzel Julia, Dierks Alexander, Kircher Malte, Lapa Constantin. Granulomatous dermatitis: a rare pitfall in lymphoma staging with [18F]FDG-PET/CT.
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Hirschbuehl Klaus, Märkl Bruno, Schaller Tina, Claus Rainer, Sommer Sebastian, Schmutz Markus, Trepel Martin, Schmid Christoph, Dintner Sebastian. Molecular genetic analysis of bone marrow core biopsy as an alternative or adjunct to bone marrow aspirate and/or peripheral blood in hematologic neoplasms [Abstract].
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Velazquez Giuliano Filippini, Weller Jan Frederic, Rubeck Anna, Arndt Tobias, Schiele Stefan, Mezger Markus, Müller Gernot, Lengerke Claudia, Trepel Martin, Christopeit Maximilian, Schmid Christoph. Multistate model analysis of prophylactic/preemptive donor lymphocyte infusion for high-risk acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome in complete hematologic remission after allogeneic stem cell transplantation [Abstract].
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Dintner Sebastian, Schmutz Maximilian, Sommer Sebastian, Langer Angela, Hirschbühl Klaus, Claus Rainer, Schmid Christoph, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno. NGS-basierte Molekulargenetik der Leukämie: ein leistungsfähiger und dezentraler Lösungsansatz.
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Claaß Luise Victoria, Mayr Patrick, Paschold Lisa, Weber Thomas, Terziev Denis, Jehs Bertram, Brill Richard, Dober Johannes, Märkl Bruno, Wickenhauser Claudia, Czapiewski Piotr, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer, Binder Mascha. No association of malignant B‐cell non‐Hodgkin lymphomas with ipsilateral SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccination.
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Sommer Sebastian, Schmutz Maximilian, Benedikt S., Sax I., Dintner Sebastian, Eberle M., Langer A., Märkl Bruno, Hummler S., Schlesner Matthias, Kubuschok Boris, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. P703 Assessment of genetic tumor profiles and clonal evolution by liquid biopsy: the Augsburg Longitudinal Plasma Study (ALPS) [Abstract].
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Liebich Alessandro, Enke Johanna S., Reitsam Nic G., Trepel Martin, Wienand Georgine, Bundschuh Ralph A., Pfob Christian H., Dierks Alexander, Lapa Constantin, Kircher Malte. SSTR antagonists as theranostic option in small cell lung cancer.
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Luke F., Haller F., Spoerl S., Gerhard-Hartmann E., Utpatel K., Kunzmann V., Chatterjee M., Maatouk I., Bittrich M., Einwag T., Meidenbauer N., Hirsch D., Dietmaier W., Keil F., Scheiter A., Immel A., Heudobler D., Einhell S., Kaiser U., Maurer J., Herrmann A., Schenkirsch Gerhard, Sommer Sebastian, Jordan F., Dintner Sebastian, Rosenwald A., Hartmann A., Evert M., Märkl Bruno, Bargou R., Einsele H., Mackensen A., Backmann M. W., Pukrop T., Herr W., Trepel Martin, Goebeler M.-E., Claus Rainer, Kerscher A., Krebs M.. Screening and measuring patient access to precision oncology in a rural area of Germany - strategic toolbox of the WERA Cancer Center Network [Abstract].
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Halms Theresa, Strasser Martina, Hasan Alkomiet, Rüther Tobias, Trepel Martin, Raab Stephan, Gertzen Marcus. Smoking and quality of life in lung cancer patients: systematic review.
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Illert A. L., Stenzinger A., Bitzer M., Horak P., Gaidzik V. I., Möller Y., Beha J., Öner Ö., Schmitt F., Laßmann S., Ossowski S., Schaaf C. P., Hallek M., Brümmendorf T. H., Albers P., Fehm T., Brossart P., Glimm H., Schadendorf D., Bleckmann A., Brandts C. H., Esposito I., Mack E., Peters C., Bokemeyer C., Fröhling S., Kindler T., Algül H., Heinemann V., Döhner H., Bargou R., Ellenrieder V., Hillemanns P., Lordick F., Hochhaus A., Beckmann M. W., Pukrop T., Trepel Martin, Sundmacher L., Wesselmann S., Nettekoven G., Kohlhuber F., Heinze O., Budczies J., Werner M., Nikolaou K., Beer A. J., Tabatabai G., Weichert W., Keilholz U., Boerries M., Kohlbacher O., Duyster J., Thimme R., Seufferlein T., Schirmacher P., Malek N. P.. The German Network for Personalized Medicine to enhance patient care and translational research.
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Remes Anca, Körbelin Jakob, Arnold Caroline, Rohwedder Carolin, Heckmann Markus Benjamin, Mairbauerl Heimo, Frank Derk, Korff Thomas, Frey Norbert, Trepel Martin, Müller Oliver J.. Adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer of inducible nitric oxide synthase to an animal model of pulmonary hypertension.
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Lutz M., Mayr Patrick, Thölken Rubens, Maurer Christoph J., Emmerling U., Schaller Tina, Trepel Martin, Schmid Christoph, Hirschbühl Klaus. An unexpected and ultimately fatal cause of extensive unilateral proptosis in a patient with secondary acute myeloid leukemia [Abstract].
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Illerhaus Gerald, Ferreri Andrés J. M., Binder Mascha, Borchmann Peter, Hasenkamp Justin, Stilgenbauer Stephan, Roeth Alexander, Weber Thomas, Egerer Gerlinde, Ernst Thomas, Hertenstein Bernd, Lenz Georg, Kobbe Guido, Brunnberg Uta, Schmidt Christian, Kneba Michael, Dreyling Martin, Möhle Robert, Panse Jens, Heinicke Thomas, Schroll Sebastian, Larsen Thomas S., Salwender Hans, Naumann Ralph, Hess Georg, Thurner Lorenz, Pukrop Tobias, Keller Ulrich, Blystadt Anne Kirsti, Kroschinsky Frank P., Re Francesca, Pulczynski Elisa, Orsucci Lorella, Pospiech Lisa, Deckert Martina, Ponzoni Maurilio, Wendler Julia, Valk Elke, Calimeri Teresa, Kasenda Benjamin, Trepel Martin, Fricker Heidi, von Gottberg Philipp, Burger Elvira, Ihorst Gabriele, Grishina Olga, Hader Claudia, Zucca Emanuele, Finke Jürgen, Schorb Elisabeth. Effects on survival of non-myeloablative chemoimmunotherapy compared to high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (HDC-ASCT) as consolidation therapy in patients with primary CNS lymphoma: results of an international randomized phase III trial (MATRix/IELSG43) [Abstract].
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Filippini Velázquez Giuliano, Schiele S., Gerken M., Neumaier S., Hackl C., Mayr Patrick, Klinkhammer-Schalke M., Illerhaus G., Schlitt H. J., Anthuber Matthias, Kröncke Thomas, Messmann Helmut, Märkl Bruno, Schmid Christian, Trepel Martin, Müller G., Claus Rainer, Hackanson Björn. Predictive preoperative clinical score for patients with liver-only oligometastatic colorectal cancer.
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Lüke F., Haller F., Utpatel K., Krebs M., Meidenbauer N., Scheiter A., Spörl S., Heudobler D., Keil F., Schubart C., Tögel L., Einhell S., Dietmaier W., Huss Ralf, Dintner Sebastian, Sommer Sebastian, Jordan Frank, Göbeler M. E., Metz M., Haake D., Scheytt M., Gerhard-Hartmann E., Maurus K., Brändlein S., Rosenwald A., Hartmann A., Märkl Bruno, Einsele H., Mackensen A., Herr W., Kunzmann V., Bargou R., Beckmann M., Pukrop T., Trepel Martin, Evert M., Claus Rainer, Kerscher A.. Recording of the regional origin areas of patients from the molecular tumor board to identify the "white spots" in the service area - a joint initiative of the Bavarian CCC WERA alliance [Abstract].
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Jordan Frank, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. Restoring immune mediated disease control by Ipilimumab re-exposition in a heavily pretreated patient with MSI-H mCRC.
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Bonk M.-N., Motov Stefan, Sommer Björn, Krauß Philipp, Kahl Klaus Henning, Schmid Christoph, Hackanson Björn, Berlis Ansgar, Stüben Georg, Märkl Bruno, Trepel Martin, Shiban Ehab. The predictive value of the spinal instability neoplastic score (SINS) [Abstract].
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Bonk M.-N., Motov Stefan, Krauß P. E., Sommer Björn, Hackanson Björn, Kahl Klaus Henning, Berlis Ansgar, Stüben Georg, Märkl Bruno, Trepel Martin, Shiban Ehab. The treatment of spinal metastasis in the 21st century [Abstract].
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Mayr Patrick, Grünewald Tatiana, Filippini Velazquez Giuliano, Rank Andreas, Schmid Christoph, Harloff Manuela, Märkl Bruno, Trepel Martin, Hirschbühl Klaus, Pfeiffer Tim, Claus Rainer. Transfusion‐refractory pancytopenia with MDS‐like morphologic alterations of the bone marrow in a 29‐year old man: A mimicry manifestation caused by scurvy.
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Jordan Frank, Huber Simon, Sommer Sebastian, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Frühwald Michael C., Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer, Kuhlen Michaela. A retrospective 5-year single center study highlighting the risk of cancer predisposition in adolescents and young adults.
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Schmaelter Ann-Kristin, Waidhauser Johanna, Kaiser Dina, Lenskaja Tatjana, Gruetzner Stefanie, Claus Rainer, Trepel Martin, Schmid Christoph, Rank Andreas. Alterations of peripheral blood T cell subsets following donor lymphocyte infusion in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
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Olschewski Patrick, Kaspar-Ott Irena, Koller Stephanie, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Trepel Martin, Hertig Elke. Associations between weather, air quality and moderate extreme cancer-related mortality events in Augsburg, Southern Germany.
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Alvarez-Vergara Maria I., Rosales-Nieves Alicia E., March-Diaz Rosana, Rodriguez-Perinan Guiomar, Lara-Ureña Nieves, Ortega-de San Luis Clara, Sanchez-Garcia Manuel A., Martin-Bornez Miguel, Gómez-Gálvez Pedro, Vicente-Munuera Pablo, Fernandez-Gomez Beatriz, Marchena Miguel A., Bullones-Bolanos Andrea S., Davila Jose C., Gonzalez-Martinez Rocio, Trillo-Contreras Jose L., Sanchez-Hidalgo Ana C., del Toro Raquel, Scholl Francisco G., Herrera Eloisa, Trepel Martin, Körbelin Jakob, Escudero Luis M., Villadiego Javier, Echevarria Miriam, de Castro Fernando, Gutierrez Antonia, Rabano Alberto, Vitorica Javier, Pascual Alberto. Non-productive angiogenesis disassembles Aß plaque-associated blood vessels.
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Bonk M. N., Konietzko I., Choumin F., Sommer B., Hackanson B., Kahl Klaus Henning, Stüben Georg, Berlis Ansgar, Maurer C., Schmid Christoph, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Shiban E.. P 13. The added benefit of intraoperative neuromonitoring for resection of motor eloquent brain lesions: a comparative study [Abstract].
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Staquicini Fernanda I, Hajitou Amin, Driessen Wouter HP, Proneth Bettina, Cardó-Vila Marina, Staquicini Daniela I, Markosian Christopher, Hoh Maria, Cortez Mauro, Hooda-Nehra Anupama, Jaloudi Mohammed, Silva Israel T, Buttura Jaqueline, Nunes Diana, Dias-Neto Emmanuel, Eckhardt Bedrich, Ruiz-Ramírez Javier, Dogra Prashant, Wang Zhihui, Cristini Vittorio, Trepel Martin, Anderson Robin, Sidman Richard L, Gelovani Juri G, Cristofanilli Massimo, Hortobagy Gabriel, Bhujwalla Zaver M, Burley Stephen, Arap Wadih, Pasqualini Renata. Targeting a cell surface vitamin D receptor on tumor-associated macrophages in triple-negative breast cancer.
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Sommer Björn, Konietzko Ina, Hackanson Björn, Kahl Klaus Henning, Stüben Georg, Berlis Ansgar, Maurer Christoph J., Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Schaller Tina, Shiban Ehab. The need of a virtual tumor conference for neurooncological patients: results of a regional survey in Bavaria, Germany.
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Bonk M.-N., Sommer B., Stemmer B., Motov S., Hackanson B., Kahl Klaus Henning, Stüben Georg, Schmid Christoph, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Shiban E.. Utility of the Spinal Instability Score in patients with spinal metastases: a single center study with 332 patients.
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Hennigs Jan K., Matuszcak Christiane, Trepel Martin, Körbelin Jakob. Vascular endothelial cells: heterogeneity and targeting approaches.
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Waidhauser Johanna, Martin Benedikt, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno. Can low autopsy rates be increased? Yes, we can! Should postmortem examinations in oncology be performed? Yes, we should! A postmortem analysis of oncological cases.
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Waidhauser Johanna, Schuh Anja, Trepel Martin, Schmälter Ann-Kristin, Rank Andreas. Chemotherapy markedly reduces B cells but not T cells and NK cells in patients with cancer.
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Sommer S., Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. Die Therapielandschaft der chronischen lymphatischen Leukämie im Wandel.
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Schaller Tina, Hirschbühl Klaus, Burkhardt Katrin, Braun Georg, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Claus Rainer. Postmortem examination of patients with COVID-19.
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Grundmann Nina, Meisinger Christa, Trepel Martin, Müller-Nordhorn Jacqueline, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Linseisen Jakob. Trends in cancer incidence and survival in the Augsburg study region: results from the Augsburg cancer registry.
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Schmutz Maximilian, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. Chemotherapie-freie Behandlung der CLL.
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Gomes de Castro Maria Angela, Wildhagen Hanna, Sograte-Idrissi Shama, Hitzing Christoffer, Binder Mascha, Trepel Martin, Engels Niklas, Opazo Felipe. Differential organization of tonic and chronic B cell antigen receptors in the plasma membrane.
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Waidhauser Johanna, Bornemann Anne, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno. Frequency, localization, and types of gastrointestinal stromal tumor-associated neoplasia.
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Waidhauser J., Bornemann A., Anthuber Matthias, Probst Andreas, Mayr P., Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno. Häufigkeit, Lokalisation und Art von GIST-assoziierten malignen Neoplasien.
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Hirschbuehl Klaus, Rank Andreas, Pfeiffer Tim, Schaller Tina, Haeckel Thomas, Roeling Joerg, Vlasenko Dmytro, Trepel Martin, Schmid Christoph. Large vessel vasculitis as a possible mechanism of vascular side effects of ponatinib: a case report.
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Schmutz M., Schaller T., Kubuschok B., Fleischmann C., Hirschbühl K., Dintner S., Häckel T., Märkl Bruno, Trepel Martin, Claus Rainer. Periodisches Fieber und Panzytopenie bei einem 35‑jährigen Patienten.
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Gruenewald T., Dintner S., Hoeck M., Sommer F., Kröncke Thomas, Messmann Helmut, Anthuber Matthias, Stüben Georg, Trepel Martin, Maerkl B., Claus Rainer. The predictive role of ctDNA for response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (NEORECT trial).
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Grünewald T., Dintner S., Höck M., Sommer F., Kröncke Thomas, Messmann Helmut, Anthuber Matthias, Stüben Georg, Trepel Martin, Märkl Bruno, Claus Rainer. ctDNA als prädiktiver Marker für Ansprechen unter neoadjuvanter Radiochemotherapie (NEORECT) bei fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinomen [Abstract].
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Jordan Frank, Grundmann Nina, Schenkirsch Gerhard, Märkl Bruno, Messmann Helmut, Anthuber Matthias, Schmid Christoph, Trepel Martin. Impact of primary tumor localization on the efficacy of bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer.
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Filippini G., Murnauer M., Vollmer C., Kahl Klaus Henning, Dintner S., Anthuber Matthias, Kröncke Thomas, Messmann Helmut, Stüben Georg, Märkl Bruno, Schenkirsch G., Trepel Martin, Schmid Christoph, Claus Rainer, Hackanson B.. P892: Predicting outcome of oligometastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving local therapy for liver metastases [Abstract].
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Dogbevia Godwin K., Töllner Kathrin, Körbelin Jakob, Bröer Sonja, Ridder Dirk A., Grasshoff Hanna, Brandt Claudia, Wenzel Jan, Straub Beate K., Trepel Martin, Löscher Wolfgang, Schwaninger Markus. Gene therapy decreases seizures in a model of incontinentia pigmenti.
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Körbelin Jakob, Trepel Martin. How to successfully screen random adeno-associated virus display peptide libraries in vivo.
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Kubuschok Boris, Trepel Martin. Learning from the failures of drug discovery in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas and perspectives for the future: chronic lymphocytic leukemia and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma as two ends of a spectrum in drug development.
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Körbelin J., Hunger A., Alawi M., Sieber T., Binder M., Trepel Martin. Optimization of design and production strategies for novel adeno-associated viral display peptide libraries.
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Fichtner M., Dreyling M., Binder M., Trepel Martin. The role of B cell antigen receptors in mantle cell lymphoma.
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Körbelin Jakob, Dogbevia Godwin, Michelfelder Stefan, Ridder Dirk A, Hunger Agnes, Wenzel Jan, Seismann Henning, Lampe Melanie, Bannach Jacqueline, Pasparakis Manolis, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A, Schwaninger Markus, Trepel Martin. A brain microvasculature endothelial cell‐specific viral vector with the potential to treat neurovascular and neurological diseases.
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Braig Friederike, Kriegs Malte, Voigtlaender Minna, Habel Beate, Grob Tobias, Biskup Karina, Blanchard Veronique, Sack Markus, Thalhammer Anja, Ben Batalla Isabel, Braren Ingke, Laban Simon, Danielczyk Antje, Goletz Steffen, Jakubowicz Elzbieta, Märkl Bruno, Trepel Martin, Knecht Rainald, Riecken Kristoffer, Fehse Boris, Loges Sonja, Bokemeyer Carsten, Binder Mascha. Cetuximab resistance in head and neck cancer is mediated by EGFR-K521 polymorphism.
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Fichtner M., Spies E., Seismann H., Riecken K., Engels N., Gosch B., Dierlamm J., Gerull H., Nollau P., Klapper W., Dreyling M., Binder M., Trepel Martin. Complementarity determining region-independent recognition of a superantigen by B-cell antigen receptors of mantle cell lymphoma.
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Körbelin Jakob, Sieber Timo, Michelfelder Stefan, Lunding Lars, Spies Elmar, Hunger Agnes, Alawi Malik, Rapti Kleopatra, Indenbirken Daniela, Müller Oliver J., Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A., Trepel Martin. Pulmonary targeting of Adeno-associated viral vectors by next-generation sequencing-guided screening of random capsid displayed peptide libraries.
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Körbelin Jakob, Schwaninger Markus, Trepel Martin. Vascular-targeted recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors for the treatment of rare diseases.
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Brandt A., Trepel Martin. Ätiologische und pathogenetische Grundlagen der Krebsentstehung.
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Sieber Timo, Hare Eric, Hofmann Heike, Trepel Martin. Biomathematical description of synthetic peptide libraries.
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Pilger Amrei, Tsilimparis Nikolaos, Bockhorn Maximilian, Trepel Martin, Dreimann Marc. Combined modified en bloc corpectomy with replacement of the aorta in curative interdisciplinary treatment of a large osteosarcoma infiltrating the aorta.
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Spies Elmar, Fichtner Michael, Müller Fabian, Krasemann Susanne, Illerhaus Gerald, Glatzel Markus, Binder Mascha, Trepel Martin. Comment on “Primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma B cell receptors recognize CNS proteins”.
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Voigtlaender Minna, Vogler Birthe, Trepel Martin, Panse Jens, Jung Roman, Bokemeyer Carsten, Bacher Ulrike, Binder Mascha. Hospital population screening reveals overrepresentation of CD5− monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance of IgM type.
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Bannas B., Lenz A., Kunick V., Well L., Fumey W., Rissiek B., Haag F., Schmidt J., Schütze K., Eichhoff A., Trepel Martin, Adam G., Ittrich H., Koch-Nolte F.. Molecular imaging of tumors with nanobodies and antibodies: timing and dosage are crucial factors for improved in vivo detection.
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Trepel Martin, Körbelin J., Spies E., Heckmann M. B., Hunger A., Fehse B., Katus H. A., Kleinschmidt J. A., Müller O. J., Michelfelder S.. Treatment of multifocal breast cancer by systemic delivery of dual-targeted adeno-associated viral vectors.
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Corrigendum (2015): Gene Therapy, Vol. 22, P. 848, DOI: 10.1038/gt.2015.52
Oing C., Helal H. A., Frenzel T., Körbelin J., Bakr A., Rothkamm K., Bokemeyer C., Dikomey E., Trepel Martin, Mansour W.. Tumor-specific radiosensitization by targeted inhibition of DNA double strand break repair: ATM knockdown by AAV9-mediated miRNA transduction.
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Oing C., Helal H. A., Frenzel T., Spies E., Bakr A., Rothkamm K., Petersen C., Bokemeyer C., Dikomey E., Trepel Martin, Mansour W.. Tumorspezifische Radiosensibilisierung durch zielspezifische Inhibition der DNA-Doppelstrangbruch-Reparatur: micro-RNA-mediierter ATM-Knock down beim Mammakarzinom [Abstract].
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Abstract für: 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, Hamburg, 2015
Bannas Peter, Lenz Alexander, Kunick Valentin, Fumey William, Rissiek Björn, Schmid Joanna, Haag Friedrich, Leingärtner Axel, Trepel Martin, Adam Gerhard, Koch-Nolte Friedrich. Validation of nanobody and antibody based in vivo tumor xenograft NIRF-imaging experiments in mice using ex vivo flow cytometry and microscopy.
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Trepel Martin, Müller Fabian, Illerhaus Gerald, Glatzel Markus, Binder Mascha, Spies Elmar. B-cell receptors of primary central nervous system lymphoma recognize antigens in the brain.
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Bannas P., Well L., Lenz A., Rissiek B., Haag F., Schmid J., Hochgräfe K., Trepel Martin, Adam G., Ittrich H., Koch-Nolte F.. In vivo near-infrared fluorescence targeting of T cells: comparison of nanobodies and conventional monoclonal antibodies.
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Nolting Minna, Schneider-Merck Tanja, Trepel Martin. Lapatinib.
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Rissiek Anne, Schulze Christian, Bacher Ulrike, Schieferdecker Aneta, Thiele Benjamin, Jacholkowski Anita, Flammiger Anna, Horn Christiane, Haag Friedrich, Tiegs Gisa, Zirlik Katja, Trepel Martin, Tolosa Eva, Binder Mascha. Multidimensional scaling analysis identifies pathological and prognostically relevant profiles of circulating T-cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Thiele Benjamin, Kloster Marie, Alawi Malik, Indenbirken Daniela, Trepel Martin, Grundhoff Adam, Binder Mascha. Next-generation sequencing of peripheral B-lineage cells pinpoints the circulating clonotypic cell pool in multiple myeloma.
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Tachezy Michael, Gebauer Florian, Petersen Cordula, Arnold Dirk, Trepel Martin, Wegscheider Karl, Schafhausen Phillipe, Bockhorn Maximilian, Izbicki Jakob Robert, Yekebas Emre. Sequential neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) followed by curative surgery vs. primary surgery alone for resectable, non-metastasized pancreatic adenocarcinoma: NEOPA - a randomized multicenter phase III study (NCT01900327, DRKS00003893, ISRCTN82191749).
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Binder Mascha, Müller Fabian, Frick Mareike, Wehr Claudia, Simon Frédéric, Leistler Bernd, Veelken Hendrik, Mertelsmann Roland, Trepel Martin. CLL B-cell receptors can recognize themselves: alternative epitopes and structural clues for autostimulatory mechanisms in CLL.
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Flammiger Anna, Weisbach Lars, Huland Hartwig, Tennstedt Pierre, Simon Ronald, Minner Sarah, Bokemeyer Carsten, Sauter Guido, Schlomm Thorsten, Trepel Martin. High tissue density of FOXP3+ T cells is associated with clinical outcome in prostate cancer.
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Müller F., Trepel Martin. Meningeosis neoplastica.
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Naumer Matthias, Ying Ying, Michelfelder Stefan, Reuter Antje, Trepel Martin, Müller Oliver J., Kleinschmidt Jürgen A.. Development and validation of novel AAV2 random libraries displaying peptides of diverse lengths and at diverse capsid positions.
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Flammiger Anna, Bayer Florian, Cirugeda-Kühnert Ana, Huland Hartwig, Tennstedt Pierre, Simon Ronald, Minner Sarah, Bokemeyer Carsten, Sauter Guido, Schlomm Thorsten, Trepel Martin. Intratumoral T but not B lymphocytes are related to clinical outcome in prostate cancer.
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Trepel Martin, Martens Victoria, Doll Christian, Rahlff Janina, Gösch Barbara, Loges Sonja, Binder Mascha. Phenotypic detection of clonotypic B cells in multiple myeloma by specific Immunoglobulin ligands reveals their rarity in multiple myeloma.
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Wehr Claudia, Müller Fabian, Schüler Julia, Tomann Tina, Nitschke Claudia, Seismann Henning, Spillner Edzard, Klingner Kerstin, Schneider-Merck Tanja, Binder Mascha, Fiebig Heinz-Herbert, Mertelsmann Roland, Trepel Martin. Anti-tumor activity of a B-cell receptor-targeted peptide in a novel disseminated lymphoma xenograft model.
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Müller-Schmah Claudia, Solari Leticia, Weis Roland, Pfeifer Dietmar, Scheibenbogen Carmen, Trepel Martin, May Annette M., Engelhardt Rupert, Lübbert Michael. Immune response as a possible mechanism of long-lasting disease control in spontaneous remission of MLL/AF9-positive acute myeloid leukemia.
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Varadi K., Michelfelder S., Korff T., Hecker M., Trepel Martin, Katus H. A., Kleinschmidt J. A., Müller O. J.. Novel random peptide libraries displayed on AAV serotype 9 for selection of endothelial cell-directed gene transfer vectors.
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Michelfelder Stefan, Varadi Karl, Raupp Christina, Hunger Agnes, Körbelin Jakob, Pahrmann Christiane, Schrepfer Sonja, Müller Oliver J., Kleinschmidt Jürgen A., Trepel Martin. Peptide ligands incorporated into the threefold spike capsid domain to re-direct gene transduction of AAV8 and AAV9 In Vivo.
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Trepel Martin, Flammiger A., Weisbach L., Schlomm T., Huland H., Minner S., Tennstaedt P., Bokemeyer C., Sauter G.. Relationship of T lymphocytes, T regulatory cells, and B lymphocytes to clinical outcome in prostate cancer.
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Daskalakis M., Henne K., Henß H., Martens U., Digel W., Engelhardt R., Otto F., Deschler B., Berger D. P., Allgaier H.-P., Harder J., Behringer D., Waller C. F., Trepel Martin, Runnebaum I. B., Wäsch R., Weissenberger C., Spyridonidis A., Schultze-Seemann W., Schrenk K. G., Brink I., Engelhardt M., Neumann H. P. H., Reincke M., Flohr F., Seufert J., Schwabe M., Veelken H., Marks R., Finke J., Heinz J., Kleber M.. Tumeurs solides.
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Staquicini F. I., Cardo-Vila M., Kolonin M. G., Trepel Martin, Edwards J. K., Nunes D. N., Sergeeva A., Efstathiou E., Sun J., Almeida N. F., Tu S.-M., Botz G. H., Wallace M. J., O'Connell D. J., Krajewski S., Gershenwald J. E., Molldrem J. J., Flamm A. L., Koivunen E., Pentz R. D., Dias-Neto E., Setubal J. C., Cahill D. J., Troncoso P., Do K.-A., Logothetis C. J., Sidman R. L., Pasqualini R., Arap W.. Vascular ligand-receptor mapping by direct combinatorial selection in cancer patients.
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Binder Mascha, Müller Fabian, Jackst Antje, Léchenne Barbara, Pantic Milena, Bacher Ulrike, zu Eulenburg Christine, Veelken Hendrik, Mertelsmann Roland, Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih, Trepel Martin. B-cell receptor epitope recognition correlates with the clinical course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
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Adebahr S., Henke M., Mertelsmann R., Niedermann G., Trepel Martin. Characterization of tumor initiating cells with randomized phage peptide banks [Abstract].
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Abstract für: DEGRO 2010 - 16. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie Radioonkologie, Medizinische Physik, Strahlenbiologie Magdeburg, 3. bis 6. Juni 2010
Ying Y., Müller O. J., Goehringer C., Leuchs B., Trepel Martin, Katus H. A., Kleinschmidt J. A.. Heart-targeted adeno-associated viral vectors selected by in vivo biopanning of a random viral display peptide library.
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Schneider-Merck Tanja, Trepel Martin. Lapatinib.
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Kohlschütter Johannes, Michelfelder Stefan, Trepel Martin. Novel cytotoxic vectors based on adeno-associated virus.
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Binder Mascha, Léchenne Barbara, Ummanni Ramesh, Scharf Christan, Balabanov Stefan, Trusch Maria, Schlüter Hartmut, Braren Ingke, Spillner Edzard, Trepel Martin. Stereotypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia B-cell receptors recognize survival promoting antigens on stromal cells.
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Trepel Martin, Stoneham C. A., Eleftherohorinou H., Mazarakis N. D., Pasqualini R., Arap W., Hajitou A.. A heterotypic bystander effect for tumor cell killing after adeno-associated virus/phage-mediated, vascular-targeted suicide gene transfer.
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Michelfelder Stefan, Trepel Martin. Adeno-associated viral vectors and their redirection to cell-type specific receptors.
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Binder M., Jackst A., Lechenne B., Mueller F., Veelken H., Mertelsmann R., Trepel Martin. B-cell receptor recognition of multiple epitopes correlates with an aggressive clinical course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia [Abstract].
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Abstract for: American Society of Hematology (ASH) 51st Annual Meeting 2009, 5-8 December, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Binder Mascha, Trepel Martin. Drugs targeting integrins for cancer therapy.
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Varandi K., Michelfelder S., Trepel Martin, Katus H. A., Kleinschmidt J., Müller O. J.. Generation of a randomized heptapeptide library displayed on AAV9 capsids for selection of AAV9-vectors targeted to human endothelium [Abstract].
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Abstract for: Combined Meeting 2009, November 20–25, 2009, Hannover, Germany, Convention Center at Hannover FairgroundXVIIth Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, 16th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Gene Therapy, 4th Annual Congress of the German Society for Stem Cell Research, Co-organized by the European Branch of the International Society for Cellular Therapy
Michelfelder Stefan, Kohlschütter Johannes, Skorupa Alexandra, Pfennings Sabrina, Müller Oliver, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A., Trepel Martin. Successful expansion but not complete restriction of Tropism of adeno-associated virus by in vivo biopanning of random virus display peptide libraries.
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Behringer D., Waller C. F., Trepel Martin. Breast cancer.
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Trepel Martin. Carcinomatous meningitis (leptomeningeal metastases).
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Kohlschütter Johannes, Michelfelder Stefan, Trepel Martin. Drug delivery in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Daskalakis Michael, Henne Karl, Henß Hartmut, Martens Uwe, Digel Werner, Engelhardt Rupert, Otto Florian, Deschler Barbara, Berger Dietmar P., Allgaier H.-P., Harder Jan, Behringer D., Waller Cornelius, Trepel Martin, Runnebaum Ingo, Weissenberger Christian, Spyridonidis Alexandros, Schultze-Seemann Wolfgang, Schrenk K. G., Neumann Hartmut, Reincke Martin, Seufert Jochen, Schwabe Michael, Veelken Hendrik, Marks Reinhard, Finke Jürgen, Heinz Jürgen, Kleber M.. Medical oncology.
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Arap Wadih, Trepel Martin, Zetter Bruce R., Pasqualini Renata. Meeting Report: Innovations in prostate cancer research.
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Trepel Martin, Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih. Screening phage‐display peptide libraries for vascular targeted peptides.
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Hajitou Amin, Rangel Roberto, Trepel Martin, Soghomonyan Suren, Gelovani Juri G, Alauddin Mian M, Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih. Design and construction of targeted AAVP vectors for mammalian cell transduction.
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Binder Mascha, Vögtle Friederike-Nora, Michelfelder Stefan, Müller Fabian, Illerhaus Gerald, Sundararajan Sangeeth, Mertelsmann Roland, Trepel Martin. Identification of their epitope reveals the structural basis for the mechanism of action of the immunosuppressive antibodies Basiliximab and Daclizumab.
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Jäger S., Jahnke A., Wilmes T., Adebahr S., Vögtle F.-N., deLima-Hahn E., Pfeifer D., Berg T., Lübbert M., Trepel Martin. Leukemia targeting ligands isolated from phage display peptide libraries.
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Soghomonyan Suren, Hajitou Amin, Rangel Roberto, Trepel Martin, Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih, Gelovani Juri G, Alauddin Mian M. Molecular PET imaging of HSV1-tk reporter gene expression using [18F]FEAU.
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Michelfelder Stefan, Lee Mi-Kyung, deLima-Hahn Elisethe, Wilmes Thomas, Kaul Felix, Müller Oliver, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A., Trepel Martin. Vectors selected from adeno-associated viral display peptide libraries for leukemia cell–targeted cytotoxic gene therapy.
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Hajitou Amin, Trepel Martin, Lilley Caroline E., Soghomonyan Suren, Alauddin Mian M., Marini Frank C., Restel Bradley H., Ozawa Michael G., Moya Catherine A., Rangel Roberto, Sun Yan, Zaoui Karim, Schmidt Manfred, Kalle Christof von, Weitzman Matthew D., Gelovani Juri G., Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih. A hybrid vector for ligand-directed tumor targeting and molecular imaging.
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Waterkamp Daniel A., Müller Oliver J., Ying Ying, Trepel Martin, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A.. Isolation of targeted AAV2 vectors from novel virus display libraries.
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Trepel Martin, Arap W., Pasqualini R.. Selection, isolation, and identification of targeting peptides for ligand-directed gene delivery.
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Binder Mascha, Otto Florian, Mertelsmann Roland, Veelken Hendrik, Trepel Martin. The epitope recognized by rituximab.
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Yao Virginia J., Ozawa Michael G., Trepel Martin, Arap Wadih, McDonald Donald M., Pasqualini Renata. Targeting pancreatic islets with phage display assisted by laser pressure catapult microdissection.
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Marchiò Serena, Lahdenranta Johanna, Schlingemann Reinier O, Valdembri Donatella, Wesseling Pieter, Arap Marco A, Hajitou Amin, Ozawa Michael G, Trepel Martin, Giordano Ricardo J, Nanus David M, Dijkman Henri B.P.M, Oosterwijk Egbert, Sidman Richard L, Cooper Max D, Bussolino Federico, Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih. Aminopeptidase A is a functional target in angiogenic blood vessels.
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Muller Claudia I., Trepel Martin, Kunzmann Regina, Lais Angela, Engelhardt Rupert, Lubbert Michael. Hematologic and molecular spontaneous remission following sepsis in acute monoblastic leukemia with translocation (9;11): a case report and review of the literature.
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Tamm I., Trepel Martin, Cardo-Vila M., Sun Y., Welsh K., Cabezas E., Swatterthwait A., Arap W., Reed J. C., Pasqualini R.. Peptides targeting caspase inhibitors.
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Müller Oliver J., Kaul Felix, Weitzman Matthew D., Pasqualini Renata, Arap Wadih, Kleinschmidt Jürgen A., Trepel Martin. Random peptide libraries displayed on adeno-associated virus to select for targeted gene therapy vectors.
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Trepel Martin, Arap Wadih, Pasqualini Renata. In vivo phage display and vascular heterogeneity: implications for targeted medicine.
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Engelhardt Monika, Jakob Andreas, Rüter Björn, Trepel Martin, Hirsch Friedrich, Lübbert Michael. Severe cold hemagglutinin disease (CHD) successfully treated with rituximab.
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Arap Wadih, Kolonin Mikhail G., Trepel Martin, Lahdenranta Johanna, Cardó-Vila Marina, Giordano Ricardo J., Mintz Paul J., Ardelt Peter U., Yao Virginia J., Vidal Claudia I., Chen Limor, Flamm Anne, Valtanen Heli, Weavind Lisa M., Hicks Marshall E., Pollock Raphael E., Botz Gregory H., Bucana Corazon D., Koivunen Erkki, Cahill Dolores, Troncoso Patricia, Baggerly Keith A., Pentz Rebecca D., Do Kim-Anh, Logothetis Christopher J., Pasqualini Renata. Steps toward mapping the human vasculature by phage display.
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Grifman Mirta, Trepel Martin, Speece Paul, Gilbert Luz Beatriz, Arap Wadih, Pasqualini Renata, Weitzman Matthew D.. Incorporation of tumor-targeting peptides into recombinant Adeno-associated virus capsids.
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Trepel Martin, Arap W., Pasqualini R.. Modulation of the immune response by systemic targeting of antigens to lymph nodes.
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Trepel Martin, Arap W., Pasqualini R.. Exploring vascular heterogeneity for gene therapy targeting.
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Trepel Martin, Grifman Mirta, Weitzman Matthew D., Pasqualini Renata. Molecular adaptors for vascular-targeted adenoviral gene delivery.
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Trepel Martin, Groscurth P., Malipiero U., Gulbins E., Dichgans J., Weller M.. Chemosensitivity of human malignant glioma: modulation by p53 gene transfer.
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Reber Ulrike, Wüllner Ulrich, Trepel Martin, Baumgart Jürgen, Seyfried Jan, Klockgether Thomas, Dichgans Johannes, Weller Michael. Potentiation of treosulfan toxicity by the glutathione-depleting agent buthionine sulfoximine in human malignant glioma cells.
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Trepel Martin, Scheding S., Groscurth P., Horny H.-P., Malipiero U., Brugger W., Dichgans J., Weller M.. A new look at the role of p53 in leukemia cell sensitivity to chemotherapy.
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Weller M., Trepel Martin, Grimmel C., Schabet M., Bremen D., Krajewski S., Reed J. C.. Hypericin-induced apoptosis of human malignant glioma cells is light-dependent, independent of bcl-2 expression, and does not require wild-type p53.
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Roth Wilfried, Fontana Adriano, Trepel Martin, Reed John C., Dichgans Johannes, Weller M.. Immunochemotherapy of malignant glioma: synergistic activity of CD95 ligand and chemotherapeutics.
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Wagenknecht Bettina, Trepel Martin, Deimling Andreas von, Grimmel Cornelia, Rollbrocker Britta, Hayashi Yutaka, Lang Florian, Dichgans Johannes, Gulbins Erich, Weller Michael. P53 accumulation promotes dephosphorylation and proteolytic cleavage of retinoblastoma protein in human malignant glioma cells.
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Trepel Martin, Weller M., Dichgans J., Petersen D.. Voluntary facial palsy with a pontine lesion.
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Trepel Martin. Neuroanatomie: Struktur und Funktion.
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Auch erschienen: 2., neu bearb. Aufl. (1999): X, 396 S. 3., neu bearb. Aufl. (2003): X, 396 S. 4., neu bearb. Aufl. (2008): XIII, 450 S. 5. Aufl. (2011): XII, 420 S. 6. Aufl. (2015): X, 422 S. 7. Aufl. (2017): XII, 419 S.


Kolbinger Walter, Trepel Martin, Beyer Cordian, Pilgrim Christoph, Reisert Ingrid. The influence of genetic sex on sexual differentiation of diencephalic dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo.
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Prof. Dr. Martin Pichler

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006


Oing C., Seidel C., Giannatempo P., Tryakin A., De Giorgi U., Sagstuen Haugnes H., Hentrich M., Dieing A., Zschäbitz S., Gietema J. A., Fischer S. C., Fankhauser C. D., Garcia Del Muro X., Aparicio J., Ottaviano M., Pichler Martin, Brito Goncalves M., Paffenholz P., Rescigno P., Bokemeyer C.. 704P Characteristics and palliative management of patients with cisplatin-refractory germ cell tumours: a Global Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (G3) retrospective registry study [Abstract].
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Scheipner Lukas, Barletta Francesco, Garcia Cristina Cano, Incesu Reha-Baris, Morra Simone, Baudo Andrea, Assad Anis, Tian Zhe, Saad Fred, Shariat Shahrokh F., Briganti Alberto, Chun Felix K. H., Tilki Derya, Longo Nicola, Carmignani Luca, Pichler Martin, Ahyai Sascha, Karakiewicz Pierre I.. ASO visual abstract: prognostic significance of pathological lymph node invasion in metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the immunotherapy era.
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Huemer Matthias, Graca Sandro, Bitsche Sarah, Hofmann Guenter, Armour Mike, Pichler Martin. Assessing the role and impact of research in clinical practice among acupuncturists in western countries: a multinational cross-sectional survey.
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Huber Katharina, Giralt Albert, Dreos René, Michenthaler Helene, Geller Sarah, Barquissau Valentin, Ziegler Dorian V., Tavernari Daniele, Gallart-Ayala Hector, Krajina Katarina, Jonas Katharina, Ciriello Giovanni, Ivanisevic Julijana, Prokesch Andreas, Pichler Martin, Fajas Lluis. E2F transcription factor-1 modulates expression of glutamine metabolic genes in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and uterine sarcoma cells.
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Timofeev Oleg, Giron Philippe, Lawo Steffen, Pichler Martin, Noeparast Maxim. ERK pathway agonism for cancer therapy: evidence, insights, and a target discovery framework.
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Noeparast Maxim, Timofeev Oleg, Pichler Martin. Enhancing oncogenic signaling to kill cancer cells.
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Huemer Matthias, Graca Sandro, Bitsche Sarah, Hofmann Guenter, Armour Mike, Pichler Martin. Mapping the clinical practice of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine in oncology in Western countries: a multinational cross-sectional survey.
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Scheipner Lukas, Incesu Reha-Baris, Morra Simone, Baudo Andrea, Assad Anis, Jannello Letizia Maria Ippolita, Siech Carolin, de Angelis Mario, Tian Zhe, Saad Fred, Shariat Shahrokh F., Briganti Alberto, Chun Felix K. H., Tilki Derya, Longo Nicola, Carmignani Luca, De Cobelli Ottavio, Pichler Martin, Ahyai Sascha, Karakiewicz Pierre I.. Prognostic significance of radiographic lymph node invasion in contemporary metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients.
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Pichler Renate, Siska Peter J., Tymoszuk Piotr, Martowicz Agnieszka, Untergasser Gerold, Mayr Roman, Weber Florian, Seeber Andreas, Kocher Florian, Barth Dominik A., Pichler Martin, Thurnher Martin. A chemokine network of T cell exhaustion and metabolic reprogramming in renal cell carcinoma.
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Juracek Jaroslav, Madrzyk Marie, Stanik Michal, Ruckova Michaela, Trachtova Karolina, Malcikova Hana, Lzicarova Eva, Barth Dominik A., Pichler Martin, Slaby Ondrej. A tissue miRNA expression pattern is associated with disease aggressiveness of localized prostate cancer.
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Moser T., Eberhard A., Hammer S., Glawitsch L., Vlachos G., Lazzeri I., Lang K., Faschauner P., Belic J., Pichler Martin, Geigl J. B., Bauernhofer T., Speicher M. R., Heitzer E.. Bridging urinary and plasma-based circulating tumor DNA analysis in prostate cancer [Poster].
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Richtig Georg, Kienzl Melanie, Rittchen Sonja, Roula David, Eberle Jürgen, Sarif Zina, Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Heinemann Akos. Cannabinoids reduce melanoma cell viability and do not interfere with commonly used targeted therapy in metastatic melanoma in vivo and in vitro.
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Juracek Jaroslav, Madrzyk Marie, Trachtova Karolina, Ruckova Michaela, Bohosova Julia, Barth Dominik A., Pichler Martin, Stanik Michal, Slaby Ondrej. Combination of urinary MiR-501 and MiR-335 with current clinical diagnostic parameters as potential predictive factors of prostate biopsy outcome.
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Untergasser Andreas, Hellemans Jan, Pfaffl Michael W., Ruijter Jan M., van den Hoff Maurice J. B., Dragomir Mihnea P., Adamoski Douglas, Dias Sandra Martha Gomes, Reis Rui Manuel, Ferracin Manuela, Dias‐Neto Emmanuel, Marsh Ian, Kubista Mikael, Fabbri Muller, Goel Ajay, Slabý Ondřej, Knutsen Erik, Chen Baoqing, Negrini Massimo, Mimori Koshi, Pichler Martin, Papatriantafyllou Maria, Anfossi Simone, Schmittgen Thomas D., Huggett Jim, Bustin Stephen, Vandesompele Jo, Calin George A.. Disclosing quantitative RT‐PCR raw data during manuscript submission: a call for action.
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Barth Dominik A, Moik Florian, Steinlechner Sarah, Posch Florian, Mayer Marie-Christina, Sandner Amelie M, Berton Franziska, Schlintl Verena, Koch Lukas, John Nikolaus, Wurm Robert, Pichler Martin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Reimann Patrick, Wohlkönig Christoph, Richtig Erika, Winder Thomas, Preusser Matthias, Jost Philipp J, Ay Cihan, Gerger Armin, Terbuch Angelika, Riedl Jakob Michael. Early kinetics of C reactive protein for cancer-agnostic prediction of therapy response and mortality in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a multicenter cohort study.
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Huemer M., Pansi A., Hofmann G., Terbuch A., Sciri E., Lipp R., Spiegelberg J. A., Jahn-Kuch D., Pichler Martin. Gender differences in using complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: A cross-sectional study [Poster].
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Smolle Maria Anna, Helmberg Wolfgang, Matzhold Eva Maria, Barth Dominik Andreas, Sareban Nazanin, Szkandera Joanna, Liegl‐Atzwanger Bernadette, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. Impact of allogeneic red blood cell transfusion on prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma patients: a single‐centre study.
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Smolle Maria Anna, Herbsthofer Laurin, Prietl Barbara, El-Heliebi Amin, Pichler Martin, Tomberger Martina, Feichtinger Julia, Baumgartner Claudia, Leithner Andreas, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Szkandera Joanna. Impact of tumour-infiltrating immune cells on oncological outcome (local recurrence, distant metastasis, overall survival) in soft tissue sarcoma patients.
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Pototschnig Isabella, Feiler Ursula, Diwoky Clemens, Vesely Paul W., Rauchenwald Thomas, Paar Margret, Bakiri Latifa, Pajed Laura, Hofer Peter, Kashofer Karl, Sukhbaatar Nyamdelger, Schoiswohl Gabriele, Weichhart Thomas, Hoefler Gerald, Bock Christoph, Pichler Martin, Wagner Erwin F., Zechner Rudolf, Schweiger Martina. Interleukin‐6 initiates muscle‐ and adipose tissue wasting in a novel C57BL/6 model of cancer‐associated cachexia.
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Huemer M., Pichler Martin, Richtig G.. Is palliative care research biased towards oncology? Trends in literature from 2000 to 2021: A bibliometric big data analysis [Poster].
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Törzsök Peter, Van Goubergen Jasper, Pichler Martin, Pichler Renate, Santer Frédéric R.. Isochromosome 12p formation regulates vitamin D metabolism in testicular cancer.
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Moser T., Eberhard A., Hammer S., Glawitsch L., Vlachos G., Lazzeri I., Lang K., Faschauner P., Belic J., Pichler Martin, Geigl J. B., Bauernhofer T., Speicher M. R., Heitzer E.. It's a match – ctDNA in urine and plasma reveal complementary information in prostate cancer [Poster].
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Schrom Silke, Kleinegger Florian, Anders Ines, Hebesberger Thomas, Karner Christina, Liesinger Laura, Birner-Gruenberger Ruth, Renner Wilfried, Pichler Martin, Grillari Regina, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Rinner Beate. MUG CCArly: a novel autologous 3D cholangiocarcinoma model presents an increased angiogenic potential.
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Jonas Katharina, Prinz Felix, Ferracin Manuela, Krajina Katarina, Deutsch Alexander, Madl Tobias, Rinner Beate, Slaby Ondrej, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin. MiR-4646-5p acts as a tumor-suppressive factor in triple negative breast cancer and targets the cholesterol transport protein GRAMD1B.
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Jonas Katharina, Prinz Felix, Ferracin Manuela, Krajina Katarina, Pasculli Barbara, Deutsch Alexander, Madl Tobias, Rinner Beate, Slaby Ondrej, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin. MiR-4649-5p acts as a tumor-suppressive microRNA in triple negative breast cancer by direct interaction with PIP5K1C, thereby potentiating growth-inhibitory effects of the AKT inhibitor capivasertib.
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Ruggieri Francesca, Jonas Katharina, Ferracin Manuela, Dengler Michael, Jäger Vanessa, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs as regulators of tumor metabolism.
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Lindner Andrea Katharina, Pichler Martin, Maier Sarah, Ulmer Hanno, Gorreri Thomas, Luger Anna Katharina, Barth Dominik A., Seeber Andreas, Kocher Florian, Pichler Renate. Optimization of postoperative surveillance protocols in upper tract urothelial cancer: a retrospective cohort study.
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Mayr Christian, Kiesslich Tobias, Bekric Dino, Beyreis Marlena, Kittl Michael, Ablinger Celina, Neureiter Elen, Pichler Martin, Prinz Felix, Ritter Markus, Neureiter Daniel, Jakab Martin, Dobias Heidemarie. Ouabain at nanomolar concentrations is cytotoxic for biliary tract cancer cells.
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Egger Valentina, Hutterer Georg C., Mischinger Johannes, Seles Maximilian, Pichler Renate, Mannweiler Sebastian, Huber Katharina, Balihodzic Amar, Spiegelberg Jasmin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Ahyai Sascha, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Barth Dominik A.. Preoperative fibrinogen/CRP score predicts survival in upper urothelial tract carcinoma patients undergoing radical curative surgery.
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Scheipner Lukas, Barletta Francesco, Cano Garcia Cristina, Incesu Reha-Baris, Morra Simone, Baudo Andrea, Assad Anis, Tian Zhe, Saad Fred, Shariat Shahrokh F., Briganti Alberto, Chun Felix K. H., Tilki Derya, Longo Nicola, Carmignani Luca, Pichler Martin, Ahyai Sascha, Karakiewicz Pierre I.. Prognostic significance of pathologic lymph node invasion in metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the immunotherapy era.
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Scheipner Lukas, Tappero Stefano, Piccinelli Mattia Luca, Barletta Francesco, Cano Garcia Cristina, Incesu Reha-Baris, Morra Simone, Baudo Andrea, Tian Zhe, Saad Fred, Shariat Shahrokh F., Terrone Carlo, De Cobelli Ottavio, Briganti Alberto, Chun Felix K. H., Tilki Derya, Longo Nicola, Carmignani Luca, Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg, Ahyai Sascha, Karakiewicz Pierre I.. Regional differences in clear cell metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients across the USA.
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Lindner Andrea Katharina, Lackner Felizian, Tymoszuk Piotr, Barth Dominik Andreas, Seeber Andreas, Kocher Florian, Toth Bettina, Hochleitner Margarethe, Pichler Martin, Pichler Renate. Sex hormones influence survival of patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma undergoing immune checkpoint therapy.
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Lindenmann Joerg, Fediuk Melanie, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Mykoliuk Iurii, Taucher Elisabeth, Pichler Martin, Smolle Josef, Smolle-Juettner Freyja Maria. The prognostic long-term impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and postoperative mucostasis in patients with curatively resected non-small cell lung cancer.
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Huemer Matthias, Jahn-Kuch Daniela, Hofmann Guenter, Pichler Martin. A case report of immediate effects of acupuncture on neuropathic cancer breakthrough pain.
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Klec Christiane, Stotz Michael, Vychytilova- Faltejskova Petra, Slaby Ondrej, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. ALYREF regulates glucose metabolism and tumorigenesis in colorectal cancer [Poster].
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Klec Christiane, Knutsen Erik, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Jonas Katharina, Pasculli Barbara, Heitzer Ellen, Rinner Beate, Krajina Katarina, Prinz Felix, Gottschalk Benjamin, Ulz Peter, Deutsch Alexander, Prokesch Andreas, Jahn Stephan W., Lellahi S. Mohammad, Perander Maria, Barbano Raffaela, Graier Wolfgang F., Parrella Paola, Calin George Adrian, Pichler Martin. ALYREF, a novel factor involved in breast carcinogenesis, acts through transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms selectively regulating the short NEAT1 isoform.
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Maisel Franziska, Smolle Maria A., Mollnar Stefanie, Riedl Jakob M., Barth Dominik A., Seles Maximilian, Terbuch Angelika, Rossmann Christopher H., Eisner Florian, Mannweiler Sebastian, Hutterer Georg, Zigeuner Richard, Pummer Karl, Smolle-Jüttner Freyja-Maria, Lindenmann Jörg, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Jost Philipp J., Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Posch Florian. Benefit of metastasectomy in renal cell carcinoma: a propensity score analysis.
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Pichler Martin. Best of ASCO 2022: bladder cancer.
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Hochmair M., Schmidinger M., Ay L., Robinson I., Absenger G., Pichler Martin, Nguyen V. A., Richtig E., Rainer B., Jansen C., Sladek B., Knabl A., Gasche N., Valipour A.. BiomeOne: multi-center validation of a new microbiome-based biomarker to predict response to cancer immunotherapy [Poster].
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Robinson I., Schmidinger M., Hochmair M.J., Ay L., Absenger G., Pichler Martin, Nguyen V.A.F., Richtig E., Rainer B., Jansen C., Sladek B., Knabl A., Gasche N., Valipour A.. BiomeOne: multi-centric validation of a novel microbiome-based biomarker to predict response to cancer immunotherapy.
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Barth Dominik, Stradner Martin, Hutterer Georg, Spiegelberg Jasmin, Bauerhofer Thomas, Absenger Gudrun, Jost Philipp, Pichler Martin. Blood-based b-cell subtypes as predictors of treatment response during treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a prospective longitudinal pan-cancer study [Poster].
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Richtig Georg, Kienzl Melanie, Rittchen Sonja, Roula David, Eberle Jürgen, Sarif Zina, Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Heinemann Akos. Cannabinoids reduce melanoma cell viability and do not interfere with commonly used targeted therapy in metastatic melanoma [Poster].
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Mischinger Johannes, Schöllnast Helmut, Zurl Hanna, Geyer Mark, Fischereder Katja, Adelsmayr Gabriel, Igrec Jasminka, Fritz Gerald, Merdzo-Hörmann Martina, Elstner Jörg, Schmid Johannes, Triebl Alfred, Trimmel Viktoria, Reiter Clemens, Steiner Jakob, Rosenlechner Dominik, Seles Maximilian, Pichler Georg P., Pichler Martin, Riedl Jakob, Schöpfer-Schwab Stephanie, Strobl Jakob, Hutterer Georg C., Zigeuner Richard, Pummer Karl, Augustin Herbert, Ahyai Sascha, Mannweiler Sebastian, Fuchsjäger Michael, Talakic Emina. Combining targeted and systematic prostate biopsy improves prostate cancer detection and correlation with the whole mount histopathology in biopsy naïve and previous negative biopsy patients.
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Mischinger J., Schoellnast H., Zurl H., Geyer M., Fischereder K., Scheipner L., Jasarevic S., Adelsmayr F., Igrec J., Fritz G., Merdzo-Hörmann M., Elstner J., Schmid J., Triebl A., Reiter C., Steiner J., Rosenlechner D., Seles M., Pichler G., Pichler Martin, Riedl J., Schöpfer-Schwab S., Hutterer G., Zigeuner R., Augustin H., Ahyai S., Mannweiler S., Fuchsjäger M., Talakic E.. Combining targeted and systematic transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy to improve verifcation and reduce misclassifcation of prostate cancer.
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Scheipl Susanne, Brcic Iva, Moser Tina, Fischerauer Stefan, Riedl Jakob, Bergovec Marko, Smolle Maria, Posch Florian, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Leithner Andreas, Heitzer Ellen, Liegl Bernadette, Szkandera Joanna. Die molekularpathologische Testung von Weichteilsarkomen mittels FoundationOne® Heme bestätigt potentielle therapeutische Targets: Ergebnisse einer monozentrischen Analyse [Poster].
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Uhl Barbara, Prochazka Katharina T., Pansy Katrin, Wenzl Kerstin, Strobl Johanna, Baumgartner Claudia, Szmyra Marta M., Waha James E., Wolf Axel, Tomazic Peter V., Steinbauer Elisabeth, Steinwender Maria, Friedl Sabine, Weniger Marc, Küppers Ralf, Pichler Martin, Greinix Hildegard T., Stary Georg, Ramsay Alan G., Apollonio Benedetta, Feichtinger Julia, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter, Deutsch Alexander J.. Distinct chemokine receptor expression profiles in de novo DLBCL, transformed follicular lymphoma, Richter’s trans-formed DLBCL and germinal center B-cells.
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Riedl J. M., Barth D., Steinlechner S., Moik F., Posch F., Schlintl V., Mayer M. C., Sandner A. M., Berton F., Koch L., John N., Wurm R., Pichler Martin, Absenger G., Jost P. J., Wohlkonig C., Richtig E., Winder T., Gerger A., Terbuch A.. Early CRP kinetics after initiation of immune checkpoint inhibitors is a predictive biomarker for treatment response independent of the tumor antity [Poster].
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Smolle Maria Anna, Helmberg Wolfgang, Barth Dominik, Sareban Nazanin, Szkandera Joanna, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. Einfluss der perioperativen Erythrozytenkonzentrat-Gabe auf die Prognose von Weichteilsarkom-patient*Innen: eine retrospektive Studie.
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Barth Dominik A., Stanzer Stefanie, Spiegelberg Jasmin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Absenger Gudrun, Posch Florian, Lipp Rainer, Halm Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Balic Marija, Gerger Armin, Smolle Maria A., Hutterer Georg C., Klec Christiane, Jost Philipp J., Kargl Julia, Stradner Martin, Pichler Martin. Evaluation of autoantibodies as predictors of treatment response and immune‐related adverse events during the treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a prospective longitudinal pan‐cancer study.
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Krstic Jelena, Reinisch Isabel, Schindlmaier Katharina, Galhuber Markus, Riahi Zina, Berger Natascha, Kupper Nadja, Moyschewitz Elisabeth, Auer Martina, Michenthaler Helene, Nössing Christoph, Depaoli Maria R., Ramadani-Muja Jeta, Usluer Sinem, Stryeck Sarah, Pichler Martin, Rinner Beate, Deutsch Alexander J. A., Reinisch Andreas, Madl Tobias, Chiozzi Riccardo Zenezini, Heck Albert J. R., Huch Meritxell, Malli Roland, Prokesch Andreas. Fasting improves therapeutic response in hepatocellular carcinoma through p53-dependent metabolic synergism.
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Fluhrer Hannah, Hutterer Georg C., Golbeck Sylvia, Stidl Michael, Niedrist Tobias, Pichler Renate, Mischinger Johannes, Seles Maximilian, Mannweiler Sebastian, Spiegelberg Jasmin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Jost Philipp J., Ahyai Sascha, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Barth Dominik A.. Improved overall survival of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients in the era of modern tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immune checkpoint inhibitors: results from a real-life, population-based Austrian study comprising three decades of follow-up.
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Posch Florian, Niedrist Tobias, Glantschnig Theresa, Firla Saskia, Moik Florian, Kolesnik Ewald, Wallner Markus, Verheyen Nicolas, Jost Philipp J., Zirlik Andreas, Pichler Martin, Balic Marija, Rainer Peter P.. Left ventricular ejection fraction and cardiac biomarkers for dynamic prediction of cardiotoxicity in early breast cancer.
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Mischinger Johannes, Schöllnast Helmut, Zurl Hanna, Geyer Mark, Fischereder Katja, Adelsmayr Gabriel, Igrec Jasminka, Fritz Gerald Alois, Merdzo-Hörmann Martina, Elstner Jörg, Schmid Johannes, Triebl Alfred, Trimmel Viktoria, Reiter Clemens, Steiner Jürgen, Rosenlechner Dominik, Seles Maximilian, Pichler Georg, Pichler Martin, Riedl Jakob Michael, Schöpfer-Schwab Stephanie, Strobl Jakob, Hutterer Georg, Zigeuner Richard, Pummer Karl, Augustin Herbert, Ahyai Sascha, Mannweiler Sebastian, Fuchsjäger Michael, Talakic Emina. MRT gezielte Fusionsbiopsie der Prostata vs. systematische transrektale ultraschallgezielte Biopsie vs. kombiniertes Biopsieverfahren zur Detektion und korrekten Klassifikation des Prostatakarzinoms: eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie.
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Prinz Felix, Jonas Katharina, Balihodzic Amar, Klec Christiane, Reicher Andreas, Barth Dominik Andreas, Riedl Jakob, Gerger Armin, Kiesslich Tobias, Mayr Christian, Rinner Beate, Kargl Julia, Pichler Martin. MicroRNA mimics can distort physiological microRNA effects on immune checkpoints by triggering an antiviral interferon response.
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Balihodzic Amar, Prinz Felix, Dengler Michael A., Calin George A., Jost Philipp J., Pichler Martin. Non-coding RNAs and ferroptosis: potential implications for cancer therapy.
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Barth Dominik A., Pichler Martin. Pathophysiology roles and translational opportunities of miRNAs in renal cancer.
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Barth Dominik A., Stanzer Stefanie, Spiegelberg Jasmin A., Bauernhofer Thomas, Absenger Gudrun, Szkandera Joanna, Gerger Armin, Smolle Maria A., Hutterer Georg C., Ahyai Sascha A., Madl Tobias, Posch Florian, Riedl Jakob M., Klec Christiane, Jost Philipp J., Kargl Julia, Stradner Martin H., Pichler Martin. Patterns of peripheral blood B-cell subtypes are associated with treatment response in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a prospective longitudinal pan-cancer study.
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Robinson I., Hochmair M. J., Jansen C., Pacifico C., Sladek B., Knabl A., Gasche N., Absenger G., Pichler Martin, Valipour A.. Prediction of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) response in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients using a microbiome-based biomarker [Abstract].
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Smolle Maria Anna, Helmberg Wolfgang, Barth Dominik Andreas, Sareban Nazanin, Szkandera Joanna, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. Prognostic effect Of allogeneic red blood cell transfusions in soft tissue sarcoma patients: a retrospective study.
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin. Renal cell carcinoma: presentation highlights from the ESMO Congress 2021.
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Dieckmann Klaus-Peter, Pokrivcak Tomas, Geczi Lajos, Niehaus David, Dralle-Filiz Inken, Matthies Cord, Dienes Tamas, Zschäbitz Stefanie, Paffenholz Pia, Gschliesser Tanja, Pichler Renate, Mego Michal, Bader Pia, Zengerling Friedemann, Heinzelbecker Julia, Krausewitz Philipp, Krege Susanne, Aurilio Gaetano, Aksoy Cem, Hentrich Marcus, Seidel Christoph, Törzsök Péter, Nestler Tim, Majewski Matthaeus, Hiester Andreas, Buchler Tomas, Vallet Sonia, Studentova Hana, Schönburg Sandra, Niedersüß-Beke Dora, Ring Julia, Trenti Emanuela, Heidenreich Axel, Wülfing Christian, Isbarn Hendrik, Pichlmeier Uwe, Pichler Martin. Single-course bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (1xBEP) as adjuvant treatment in testicular nonseminoma clinical stage 1: outcome, safety, and risk factors for relapse in a population-based study.
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Lindner Andrea Katharina, Pichler Martin, Thurnher Martin, Pichler Renate. Targeting c-Met to improve immune checkpoint inhibition in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
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Klec Christiane, Knutsen Erik, Pasculli Barbara, Krajina Katarina, Deutsch Alexander, Perander Maria, Graier Wolfgang F., Parrella Paola, Pichler Martin. The RNA-binding protein ALYREF is promoting triple negative breast carcinogenesis through CPSF6 -mediated selective regulation of the short NEAT1 isoform [Poster].
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Krajina Katarina, Kapeller Anita, Dengler Michael, Jost Phillip, Pichler Martin, Klec Christiane. The long non-coding RNA NORAD and its relevance on PARP inhibitor sensitivity in triple negative breast cancer [Poster].
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Huemer Matthias, Jahn-Kuch Daniela, Hofmann Günter, Andritsch Elisabeth, Farkas Clemens, Schaupp Walter, Masel Eva Katharina, Jost Philipp Jakob, Pichler Martin. Trends of public interest in palliative care, euthanasia, and advanced health care directives in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland using big data from Google.
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Müller Moritz, Posch Florian, Kiem Dominik, Barth Dominik, Horvath Lena, Stotz Michael, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Pichler Martin, Greil Richard, Jost Philipp J., Seeber Andreas, Amann Arno, Schlick Konstantin, Gerger Armin, Riedl Jakob M.. Benefit of second-line therapy for advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a tri-center propensity score analysis.
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Laprovitera Noemi, Riefolo Mattia, Ambrosini Elisa, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin, Ferracin Manuela. Cancer of unknown primary: challenges and progress in clinical management.
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Berger Marina, Thueringer Andrea, Franz Doritt, Dandachi Nadia, Talakić Emina, Richtig Georg, Richtig Erika, Rohrer Peter Michael, Koch Lukas, Wolf Ingrid Hildegard, Koch Catharina, Rainer Barbara Margaretha, Koeller Maximilian, Pichler Martin, Gerritsmann Hanno, Kashofer Karl, Aigelsreiter Ariane. Circulating tumor DNA as a marker for treatment response in metastatic melanoma patients using next-generation sequencing: a prospective feasibility study.
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Pichler Martin, Steyrer J.. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the use of immunotherapy in metastatic solid tumours in Austria by applying the ESMO-magnitude of clinical benefit scale (ESMO-MCBS) version 1.1.
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Smolle Elisabeth, Taucher Valentin, Lindenmann Joerg, Jost Philipp J., Pichler Martin. Current knowledge about mechanisms of drug resistance against ALK inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer.
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Schmolle M. A., Herbsthofer L., Granegger B., Goda M., Brcic I., Bergovec M., Scheipl S., Prietl B., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Rossmann C., Riedl J., Tomberger M., Lopez-Garcia P., El-Heliebi A., Leithner A., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Szkandera J.. Einfluss von regulatorischen T-Zellen auf die Prognose von Weichteilsarkompatienten: retrospektive, klinisch-pathologische Studie.
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Taheri Mohammad, Barth Dominik A., Kargl Julia, Rezaei Omidvar, Ghafouri-Fard Soudeh, Pichler Martin. Emerging role of non-coding RNAs in regulation of t-lymphocyte function.
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Riedl Jakob M., Posch Florian, Horvath Lena, Gantschnigg Antonia, Renneberg Felix, Schwarzenbacher Esther, Moik Florian, Barth Dominik A., Rossmann Christopher H., Stotz Michael, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Greil Richard, Djanani Angela, Schlick Konstantin, Gerger Armin. Gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel versus FOLFIRINOX for palliative first-line treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer: a propensity score analysis.
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Valadez-Cosmes Paulina, Maitz Kathrin, Kindler Oliver, Raftopoulou Sofia, Kienzl Melanie, Santiso Ana, Mihalic Zala Nikita, Brcic Luka, Lindenmann Jörg, Fediuk Melanie, Pichler Martin, Schicho Rudolf, McGarry Houghton A., Heinemann Akos, Kargl Julia. Identification of novel low-density neutrophil markers through unbiased high-dimensional flow cytometry screening in non-small cell lung cancer patients.
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Smolle Maria A., Herbsthofer Laurin, Goda Mark, Granegger Barbara, Brcic Iva, Bergovec Marko, Scheipl Susanne, Prietl Barbara, El-Heliebi Amin, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Posch Florian, Tomberger Martina, López-García Pablo, Feichtinger Julia, Baumgartner Claudia, Leithner Andreas, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Szkandera Joanna. Influence of tumor-infiltrating immune cells on local control rate, distant metastasis, and survival in patients with soft tissue sarcoma.
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Balihodzic Amar, Barth Dominik A., Prinz Felix, Pichler Martin. Involvement of long non-coding RNAs in glucose metabolism in cancer.
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Smolle Elisabeth, Taucher Valentin, Lindenmann Jörg, Pichler Martin, Smolle-Juettner Freyja-Maria. Liquid biopsy in non-small cell lung cancer: current status and future outlook—a narrative review.
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Posch Florian, Prinz Felix, Balihodzic Amar, Mayr Christian, Kiesslich Tobias, Klec Christiane, Jonas Katharina, Barth Dominik A., Riedl Jakob M., Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. MiR-200c-3p modulates cisplatin resistance in biliary tract cancer by ZEB1-independent mechanisms.
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Berg Johannes Lorenz, Perfler Bianca, Hatzl Stefan, Mayer Marie-Christina, Wurm Sonja, Uhl Barbara, Reinisch Andreas, Klymiuk Ingeborg, Tierling Sascha, Pregartner Gudrun, Bachmaier Gerhard, Berghold Andrea, Geissler Klaus, Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Strobl Herbert, Wölfler Albert, Sill Heinz, Zebisch Armin. Micro-RNA-125a mediates the effects of hypomethylating agents in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.
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Laprovitera Noemi, Riefolo Mattia, Porcellini Elisa, Durante Giorgio, Garajova Ingrid, Vasuri Francesco, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Dandachi Nadia, Benvenuto Giuseppe, Agostinis Federico, Sabbioni Silvia, Berindan Neagoe Ioana, Romualdi Chiara, Ardizzoni Andrea, Trerè Davide, Pichler Martin, D'Errico Antonietta, Ferracin Manuela. MicroRNA expression profiling with a droplet digital PCR assay enables molecular diagnosis and prognosis of cancers of unknown primary.
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Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs, precision oncology and innovative diagnostics in testicular germ cell tumor patients - an update [Abstract].
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Scheipl Susanne, Brcic Iva, Moser Tina, Fischerauer Stefan, Riedl Jakob, Bergovec Marko, Smolle Maria, Posch Florian, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stoeger Herbert, Leithner Andreas, Heitzer Ellen, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Szkandera Joanna. Molecular profiling of soft-tissue sarcomas with FoundationOne® Heme identifies potential targets for sarcoma therapy: a single-centre experience.
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Riedl Jakob M., Schwarzenbacher Esther, Moik Florian, Horvath Lena, Gantschnigg Antonia, Renneberg Felix, Posch Florian, Barth Dominik A., Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin, Hatzl Stefan, Fandler-Höfler Simon, Gressenberger Paul, Gary Thomas, Jost Philipp J., Greil Richard, Ay Cihan, Djanani Angela, Gerger Armin, Schlick Konstantin. Patterns of thromboembolism in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer undergoing first-line chemotherapy with FOLFIRINOX or gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel.
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Riedl Jakob M., Hasenleithner Samantha O., Pregartner Gudrun, Scheipner Lukas, Posch Florian, Groller Karin, Kashofer Karl, Jahn Stephan W., Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Berghold Andrea, Hoefler Gerald, Speicher Michael R., Heitzer Ellen, Gerger Armin. Profiling of circulating tumor DNA and tumor tissue for treatment selection in patients with advanced and refractory carcinoma: a prospective, two-stage phase II individualized cancer treatment trial.
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Barth Dominik A., Sareban Nazanin, Lindner Andrea K., Daller Louisa A.J., Matzhold Eva Maria, Hutterer Georg, Smolle Maria, Mischinger Johannes, Riedl Jakob M., Seles Maximilian, Mannweiler Sebastian, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pummer Karl, Pichler Renate, Zigeuner Richard, Schlenke Peter, Pichler Martin. Prognostic relevance of ABO blood group system in non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma: an analysis of two independent european cohorts with long-term follow-up.
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Ghafouri-Fard Soudeh, Shoorei Hamed, Abak Atefe, Abbas Raza Sayed Haidar, Pichler Martin, Taheri Mohammad. Role of non-coding RNAs in modulating the response of cancer cells to paclitaxel treatment.
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Tulchiner Gennadi, Staudacher Nina, Fritz Josef, Hackl Monika, Pichler Martin, Seles Maximilian, Shariat Shahrokh F., D’Andrea David, Gust Kilian, Albrecht Walter, Grubmüller Karl, Madersbacher Stephan, Graf Sebastian, Lusuardi Lukas, Augustin Herbert, Berger Andreas, Loidl Wolfgang, Horninger Wolfgang, Pichler Renate. Seasonal variations in the diagnosis of testicular germ cell tumors: a national cancer registry study in austria.
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Huemer M., Gollner K., Schlager M., Karner V., Gombocz C., Pichler Martin. Sexuality in palliative care: practical up-to-date guidelines for overcoming multidimensional barriers in communication, support and patient-education concerning sexual needs of chronically ill [Abstract].
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Smolle Maria A., Herbsthofer Laurin, Granegger Barbara, Goda Mark, Brcic Iva, Bergovec Marko, Scheipl Susanne, Prietl Barbara, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Rossmann Christopher, Riedl Jakob, Tomberger Martina, López-García Pablo, El-Heliebi Amin, Leithner Andreas, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Szkandera Joanna. T-regulatory cells predict clinical outcome in soft tissue sarcoma patients: a clinico-pathological study.
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Scheipner Lukas, Smolle Maria Anna, Barth Dominik, Posch Florian, Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Gerger Armin, Riedl Jakob Michael. The AST/ALT ratio is an independent prognostic marker for disease-free survival in stage II and III colorectal carcinoma.
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Huemer Matthias, Jahn-Kuch Daniela, Hofmann Guenter, Andritsch Elisabeth, Farkas Clemens, Schaupp Walter, Masel Eva Katharina, Jost Philipp J, Pichler Martin. Trends and patterns in the public awareness of palliative care, euthanasia, and end-of-life decisions in 3 central european countries using big data analysis from google: retrospective analysis.
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Posch F., Barth D., Brueckl W.M., Zeitler G., Foris V., Mollnar S., Stotz M., Rossmann C.H., Terbuch A., Balic M., Niedrist T., Bertsch T., Stöger H., Pichler Martin, Olschewski H., Absenger G., Ficker J.H., Gerger A., Riedl J.M.. C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in immune checkpoint inhibitor response and progression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A bi-center study.
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Riedl Jakob M., Barth Dominik A., Brueckl Wolfgang M., Zeitler Gloria, Foris Vasile, Mollnar Stefanie, Stotz Michael, Rossmann Christopher H., Terbuch Angelika, Balic Marija, Niedrist Tobias, Bertsch Thomas, Stoeger Herbert, Pichler Martin, Olschewski Horst, Absenger Gudrun, Ficker Joachim H., Gerger Armin, Posch Florian. C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in immune checkpoint inhibitor response and progression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a bi-center study.
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Laprovitera Noemi, Porcellini Elisa, Riefolo Mattia, Broseghini Elisabetta, Garajova Ingrid, Sabbioni Silvia, Pichler Martin, Ardizzoni Andrea, D'Errico Antonia, Ferracin Manuela. Cancer of unknown primary site-of-origin: an enigma ready to be miR-solved [Abstract].
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Zhou Qing, Perakis Samantha O., Ulz Peter, Mohan Sumitra, Riedl Jakob M., Talakic Emina, Lax Sigurd, Tötsch Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Geigl Jochen B., Heitzer Ellen, Speicher Michael R.. Cell-free DNA analysis reveals POLR1D-mediated resistance to bevacizumab in colorectal cancer.
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Jonas Katharina, Pichler Martin. Characterization of novel non-coding RNAs potentially involved in breast cancer stem cell formation and metabolism.
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Jonas Katharina, Prinz F., Klec C., Pichler Martin. Characterization of novel non-coding RNAs potentially involved in breast carcinogenesis and tumor cell metabolism.
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Barth Dominik A., Drula Rares, Ott Leonie, Fabris Linda, Slaby Ondrej, Calin George A., Pichler Martin. Circulating non-coding RNAs in renal cell carcinoma — pathogenesis and potential implications as clinical biomarkers.
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Smith Christopher G., Moser Tina, Mouliere Florent, Field-Rayner Johanna, Eldridge Matthew, Riediger Anja L., Chandrananda Dineika, Heider Katrin, Wan Jonathan C. M., Warren Anne Y., Morris James, Hudecova Irena, Cooper Wendy N., Mitchell Thomas J., Gale Davina, Ruiz-Valdepenas Andrea, Klatte Tobias, Ursprung Stephan, Sala Evis, Riddick Antony C. P., Aho Tevita F., Armitage James N., Perakis Samantha, Pichler Martin, Seles Maximilian, Wcislo Gabriel, Welsh Sarah J., Matakidou Athena, Eisen Tim, Massie Charles E., Rosenfeld Nitzan, Heitzer Ellen, Stewart Grant D.. Comprehensive characterization of cell-free tumor DNA in plasma and urine of patients with renal tumors.
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Klec C., Schwarzenbacher D., Gottschalk B., Margit R., Prinz F., Bauernhofer T., Stoeger H., Graier W.F., Pichler Martin. Deciphering the interplay between nuclear RNA export factors and long non-coding RNAs in breast cancer metabolism [Poster].
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Mollnar S., Pondorfer P., Kasparek A.-K., Reinisch S., Moik F., Stotz M., Halm M., Szkandera J., Terbuch A., Eisner F., Gerger A., Kapp K. S., Partl R., Vasicek S., Weiland T., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Thurnher D., Posch F.. Decrease in treatment intensity predicts worse outcome in patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma undergoing radiochemotherapy.
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Klocker Eva Valentina, Barth Dominik Andreas, Riedl Jakob Michael, Prinz Felix, Szkandera Joanna, Schlick Konstantin, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Karoline, Lindenmann Jörg, Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Decreased activity of circulating butyrylcholinesterase in blood is an independent prognostic marker in pancreatic cancer patients.
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Alkan H. Furkan, Vesely Paul W., Hackl Hubert, Foßelteder Johannes, Schmidt Daniel R., Vander Heiden Matthew G., Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Bogner-Strauss Juliane G.. Deficiency of malate-aspartate shuttle component SLC25A12 induces pulmonary metastasis.
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Stelzl Adrian, Aziz Faisal, Riedl Jakob M., Posch Florian, Smolle Maria A., Stojakovic Tatjana, Terbuch Angelika, Pichler Martin, Bergovec Marko, Leithner Andreas, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Sourij Harald, Szkandera Joanna. Diabetes mellitus is independently associated with adverse clinical outcome in soft tissue sarcoma patients.
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Klec Christiane, Kapeller Anita, Prinz Felix, Trenk Christoph, Stöger Herbert, Pichler Martin. Dissecting the interplay of the long non-coding RNA NORAD and PARP inhibitors in triple negative breast cancer [Abstract].
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Klöckl Marie-Christin, Kasparek Anne-Katrin, Riedl Jakob M., Moik Florian, Mollnar Stefanie, Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Terbuch Angelika, Gerger Armin, Niedrist Tobias, Pichler Martin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Schilcher Gernot, Zitta Sabine, Rosenkranz Alexander R., Friedl Claudia, Stöger Herbert, Posch Florian. Estimation versus measurement of the glomerular filtration rate for kidney function assessment in patients with cancer undergoing cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
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Moritz Jennifer, Bauernhofer Thomas, Mannweiler Sebastian, Langsenlehner Tanja, Pummer Karl, Dandachi Nadia, Pichler Martin. Evaluation of blood-based biomarkers for prediction of response in carboplatin-treated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients.
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Barth Dominik Andreas, Brenner Carina, Riedl Jakob Michael, Prinz Felix, Klocker Eva Valentina, Schlick Konstantin, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Karoline, Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. External validation of the prognostic relevance of the advanced lung cancer inflammation index (ALI) in pancreatic cancer patients.
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Barth Dominik Andreas, Brenner Carina, Riedl Jakob Michael, Prinz Felix, Klocker Eva Valentina, Schlick Konstantin, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Karoline, Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. External validation of the prognostic relevance of the advanced lung cancer inflammation index (ALI) in pancreatic cancer patients [Poster].
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Riedl Jakob M., Posch Florian, Gantschnigg Antonia, Horvath Lena, Renneberg Felix, Schwarzenbacher Esther, Moik Florian, Barth Dominik, Stotz Michael, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Greil Richard, Djanani Angela, Schlick Konstantin, Gerger Armin. FOLFIRINOX versus Gemcitabine/nab- Paclitaxel als palliative Erstlinientherapie beim fortgeschrittenen Pankreaskarzinom: eine Propensity-Score-Analyse [Poster].
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Riedl J., Posch F., Horvath L., Gantschnigg A., Renneberg F., Schwarzenbacher E., Moik F., Barth D., Schaberl-Moser R., Stotz M., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Greil R., Djanani A., Schlick K., Gerger A.. FOLFIRINOX versus Gemcitabine/nab-Paclitaxel as palliative first-line treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer: an Austrian observational Tri-Center comparative effectiveness analysis [Abstract].
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Berger M., Thueringer A., Franz D., Dandachi N., Talakic E., Richtig G., Richtig E., Rohrer P., Koch L., Wolf I., Koch C., Rainer B., Koeller M., Pichler Martin, Kashofer K., Aigelsreiter A.. Feasibility and first results of circulating tumor DNA as a marker for treatment response in metastatic melanoma patients using next generation sequencing [Abstract].
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Riedl J.M., Posch F., Horvath L., Gantschnigg A., Renneberg F., Schwarzenbacher E., Moik F., Barth D., Stotz M., Schaberl-Moser R., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Greil R., Djanani A., Schlick K., Gerger A.. Gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel versus (modified) FOLFIRINOX for palliative first-line treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer: A propensity score analysis [Poster].
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Reicher Andreas, Harris Antoneicka L, Prinz Felix, Kiesslich Tobias, Wei Miaoyan, Öllinger Rupert, Rad Roland, Pichler Martin, Kwong Lawrence N.. Generation of an endogenous FGFR2–BICC1 gene fusion/58 megabase inversion using single-plasmid CRISPR/Cas9 editing in biliary cells.
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Lindenmann Joerg, Fediuk Melanie, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Porubsky Christian, Pichler Martin, Brcic Luka, Anegg Udo, Balic Marija, Dandachi Nadia, Maier Alfred, Smolle Maria, Smolle Josef, Smolle-Juettner Freyja Maria. Hazard curves for tumor recurrence and tumor-related death following esophagectomy for esophageal cancer.
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Seles M., Maisel F., Smolle M. A., Molnar S., Riedl J. M., Barth D., Terbuch A., Rossmann C. H., Mannweiler S., Hutterer G. C., Zigeuner R., Pummer K., Smolle-Jüttner F.-M., Lindenmann J., Stotz M., Gerger A., Stöger H., Pichler Martin, Posch F.. Hilfestellung zur sinnvollen Indikation der Metastasektomie bei metachron metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinompatienten.
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Hatzl Stefan, Posch Florian, Deutsch Alexander, Beham‐Schmid Christine, Stöger Herbert, Greinix Hildegard, Pichler Martin, Neumeister Peter, Prochazka Katharina T.. Immunohistochemistry for c‐myc and bcl‐2 overexpression improves risk stratification in primary central nervous system lymphoma.
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Schwarzenbacher E., Moik F., Horvath L., Renneberg F., Posch F., Barth D., Gantschnigg A., Schaberl-Moser R., Pichler Martin, Stotz M., Stöger H., Ay C., Greil R., Gerger A., Djanani A., Schlick K., Riedl J.. Incidence, prediction and outcome of venous and arterial thromboembolism in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with palliative first line chemotherapy of Gemcitabine/nab-Paclitxel or FOLFIRINOX [Poster].
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Riedl J., Perakis S., Pregartner G., Scheipner L., Posch F., Groller K., Kashofer K., Jahn S. W., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Berghold A., Höfler G., Speicher M., Heitzer E., Gerger A.. Individualized cancer treatment based on molecular profiling of circulating tumor DNA in patients with advanced and refractory carcinoma: a prospective phase II trial [Abstract].
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Teppan Julia, Barth Dominik A., Prinz Felix, Jonas Katharina, Pichler Martin, Klec Christiane. Involvement of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in tumor angiogenesis.
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Seles Maximilian, Hutterer Georg C., Foßelteder Johannes, Svoboda Marek, Resel Margit, Barth Dominik A., Pichler Renate, Bauernhofer Thomas, Zigeuner Richard E., Pummer Karl, Slaby Ondrej, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin. Long non-coding RNA PANTR1 is associated with poor prognosis and influences angiogenesis and apoptosis in clear-cell renal cell cancer.
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Bekric Dino, Neureiter Daniel, Ritter Markus, Jakab Martin, Gaisberger Martin, Pichler Martin, Kiesslich Tobias, Mayr Christian. Long non-coding RNAs in biliary tract cancer: an up-to-date review.
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Barth Dominik A., Prinz Felix, Teppan Julia, Jonas Katharina, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin. Long-noncoding RNA (lncRNA) in the regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) in cancer.
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Lembeck Anna L., Puchas Philip, Hutterer Georg, Barth Dominik A., Terbuch Angelika, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs as appropriate discriminators in non-specific alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) elevation in testicular germ cell tumor patients.
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Hsieh Pei-Ling, Liao Yi-Wen, Pichler Martin, Yu Cheng-Chia. MicroRNAs as theranostics targets in oral carcinoma stem cells.
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Henzinger Hanna, Barth Dominik, Klec Christiane, Pichler Martin. Non-coding RNAs and SARS-related coronaviruses.
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Regouc Manuel, Belge Gazanfer, Lorch Anja, Dieckmann Klaus-Peter, Pichler Martin. Non-coding microRNAs as novel potential tumor markers in testicular cancer.
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Schwarzenbacher E., Moik F., Posch F., Horvath L., Gantschnigg A., Renneberg F., Barth D., Stotz M., Schaberl-Moser R., Pichler Martin, Ay C., Stöger H., Greil R., Djanani A., Gerger A., Schlick K., Riedl J.M.. Patterns of venous and arterial thromboembolism in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with palliative first line chemotherapy of gemcitabine/nab-paclitxel or FOLFIRINOX.
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Lindenmann Joerg, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Taucher Valentin, Pichler Martin, Posch Florian, Brcic Luka, Smolle Elisabeth, Koter Stephan, Smolle Josef, Smolle-Juettner Freyja Maria. Prediction of postoperative clinical outcomes in resected stage I non-small cell Lung cancer focusing on the preoperative glasgow prognostic score.
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Gerger A., Riedl J.M., Perakis S., Pregartner G., Scheipner L., Posch F., Groller K., Kashofer K., Jahn S.W., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Berghold A., Höfler G., Speicher M., Heitzer E.. Profiling of circulating tumour DNA for treatment selection in patients with advanced and refractory carcinoma: a prospective, two-stage phase II individualized cancer treatment trial.
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Jonas Katharina, Calin George A., Pichler Martin. RNA-binding proteins as important regulators of long non-coding RNAs in cancer.
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van Manen Labrinus, Groen Jesse V., Putter Hein, Pichler Martin, Vahrmeijer Alexander L., Bonsing Bert A., Mieog J. Sven D.. Stage-specific value of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen serum levels on survival and recurrence in pancreatic cancer: a single center study and meta-analysis.
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Hatzl Stefan, Posch Florian, Schulz Eduard, Gornicec Maximilian, Deutsch Alexander, Beham-Schmid Christine, Pichler Martin, Greinix Hildegard, Sill Heinz, Zebisch Armin, Neumeister Peter, Prochazka Katharina T.. The Role of immunohistochemical overexpression of p53 as adverse prognostic factor in primary testicular diffuse large b cell lymphoma.
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Stotz Michael, Barth Dominik A., Riedl Jakob M., Asamer Eva, Klocker Eva V., Kornprat Peter, Hutterer Georg C., Prinz Felix, Lackner Karoline, Stöger Herbert, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. The lipase/amylase ratio (LAR) in peripheral blood might represent a novel prognostic marker in patients with surgically resectable pancreatic cancer.
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Knittelfelder Olivia, Delago Daniela, Jakse Gabriele, Lukasiak Katarzyna, Thurner Eva-Maria, Thurnher Dietmar, Pichler Martin, Renner Wilfried, Stranzl-Lawatsch Heidi, Langsenlehner Tanja. The pre-treatment c-reactive protein represents a prognostic factor in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy.
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Pichler Martin, Rodriguez-Aguayo Cristian, Nam Su Youn, Dragomir Mihnea Paul, Bayraktar Recep, Anfossi Simone, Knutsen Erik, Ivan Cristina, Fuentes-Mattei Enrique, Lee Sang Kil, Ling Hui, Catela Ivkovic Tina, Huang Guoliang, Huang Li, Okugawa Yoshinaga, Katayama Hiroyuki, Taguchi Ayumu, Bayraktar Emine, Bhattacharya Rajat, Amero Paola, He William Ruixian, Tran Anh M, Vychytilova-Faltejskova Petra, Klec Christiane, Bonilla Diana L, Zhang Xinna, Kapitanovic Sanja, Loncar Bozo, Gafà Roberta, Wang Zhihui, Cristini Vittorio, Hanash Samir M, Bar-Eli Menashe, Lanza Giovanni, Slaby Ondrej, Goel Ajay, Rigoutsos Isidore, Lopez-Berestein Gabriel, Calin George Adrian. Therapeutic potential of FLANC, a novel primate-specific long non-coding RNA in colorectal cancer.
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Bauernhofer T., Stanzer S., Prietl B., Kofler S., Obermayer-Pietsch B., Pichler Martin, Sourij H., Pieber T.. Tregs cells - a double edged sword? Lessons learned from colorectal cancer in comparison to type 1 diabetes mellitus [Poster].
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Barth Dominik A., Juracek Jaroslav, Slaby Ondrej, Pichler Martin, Calin George A.. lncRNA and mechanisms of drug resistance in cancers of the genitourinary system.
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin. Advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and upper urinary tract: presentation highlights from the ASCO 2019 Congress.
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Smolle Maria Anna, van de Sande Michiel, Callegaro Dario, Wunder Jay, Hayes Andrew J., Leitner Lukas, Bergovec Marko, Tunn Per-Ulf, van Praag Veroniek, Panotopoulos Joannis, Willegger Madeleine, Windhager Reinhard, Riedl Jakob M., Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Smolle Josef, Leithner Andreas, Haas Rick L., Szkandera Joanna. Advancing soft-tissue sarcoma aftercare using flexible parametric survival models [Abstract].
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Terbuch Angelika, Posch Florian, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Peinsith Heidi, Szkandera Joanna, Riedl Jakob, Hutterer Georg C., Pummer Karl, Partl Richard, Kapp Karin S., Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin. Age as a predictor of treatment outcome in metastatic testicular germ cell tumors.
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Aziz F., Stelzl A., Riedl J. M., Smolle M. A., Stojakovic T., Posch F., Terbuch A., Pichler Martin, Leithner A., Stöger H., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Stotz M., Gerger A., Szkandera J., Sourij H.. Association of serum glucose levels with disease free survival in soft tissue sarcoma patients [Poster].
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Moik Florian, Riedl Jakob M., Winder Thomas, Terbuch Angelika, Rossmann Christopher H., Szkandera Joanna, Bauernhofer Thomas, Kasparek Anne-Katrin, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Reicher Andreas, Prinz Felix, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Posch Florian. Benefit of second-line systemic chemotherapy for advanced biliary tract cancer: a propensity score analysis.
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Hutterer Georg C., Posch Florian, Buser Lorenz, Zigeuner Richard, Morshäuser Laura, Otto Wolfgang, Wild Peter J., Burger Maximilian, May Matthias, Pichler Martin, Brookman-May Sabine D.. BioScore (B7-H1, survivin, and Ki-67) does not predict cancer-specific mortality in surgically treated patients with renal cell carcinoma: An external validation study.
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Schlick Konstantin, Magnes Teresa, Huemer Florian, Ratzinger Lukas, Weiss Lukas, Pichler Martin, Melchardt Thomas, Greil Richard, Egle Alexander. C-reactive protein and neutrophil/lymphocytes ratio: prognostic indicator for doubling overall survival prediction in pancreatic cancer patients.
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Klec Christiane, Ziomek Gabriela, Pichler Martin, Malli Roland, Graier Wolfgang F.. Calcium signaling in ß-cell physiology and pathology: a revisit.
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Posch F., Glantschnig T., Firla S., Smolle M., Balic M., Moik F., Stoeger H., Zirlik A., Pichler Martin, Rainer P.. Clinical utility of echocardiographic left-ventricular ejection fraction monitoring for cardiotoxicity risk assessment in patients with HER2+ early breast cancer undergoing trastuzumab-based therapy.
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Glantschnig Theresa, Posch Florian, Firla Saskia, Moik Florian, Ablasser Klemens, Binder Josepha S., Stoschitzky Gergana, Wallner Markus, Von Lewinski Dirk, Stöger Herbert, Zirlik Andreas, Pichler Martin, Rainer Peter P.. Clinical utility of echocardiographic left-ventricular ejection fraction monitoring for cardiotoxicity risk assessment in patients with HER2+ early breast cancer undergoing trastuzumab-based therapy [Poster].
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Barth D. A., Riedl J. M., Posch F., Smolle M. A., Kasparek A.-K., Niedrist T., Szkandera J., Stöger H., Pichler Martin, Stotz M., Gerger A.. Critical evaluation of platelet size as a prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer across multiple treatment settings: a retrospective cohort study.
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Barth Dominik, Riedl Jakob Michael, Posch Florian, Smolle Maria Anna, Kasparek Anne Katrin, Niedrist Tobias, Szkandera Joanna, Stöger Herbert, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Stotz Michael. Critical evaluation of platelet size as a prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer across multiple treatment settings: a retrospective cohort study [Poster].
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Smolle Maria Anna, Prinz Felix, Calin George Adrian, Pichler Martin. Current concepts of non-coding RNA regulation of immune checkpoints in cancer.
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Barth Dominik A., Slaby Ondrej, Klec Christiane, Juracek Jaroslav, Drula Rares, Calin George A., Pichler Martin. Current concepts of non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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Aziz Faisal, Stelzl Adrian, Riedl Jakob, Smolle Maria, Stojakovic Tatjana, Posch Florian, Terbuch Angelika, Pichler Martin, Leithner Andreas, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Szkandera Joanna, Sourij Harald. Diabetes is a predictor for survival in soft tissue sarcoma patients [Poster].
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Riedl Jakob Michael, Stelzl Adrian, Aziz Faisal, Smolle Maria A., Stojakovic Tatjana, Posch Florian, Terbuch Angelika, Pichler Martin, Leithner Andreas, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Sourij Harald, Szkandera Joanna. Elevated mean glucose level predicts decreased disease free survival in soft tissue sarcoma patients [Abstract].
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Riedl J.M., Barth D.A., Foris V., Posch F., Mollnar S., Stotz M., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Absenger G., Olschewski H., Gerger A.. External validation and longitudinal extension of the LIPI (Lung Immune Prognostic Index) for immunotherapy outcomes in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
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Barth D. A., Riedl J. M., Foris V., Posch F., Mollnar S., Stotz M., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Absenger G., Olschewski H., Gerger A:. External validation and longitudinal extension of the LIPI (lung immune prognostic index) for immunotherapy outcomes in advanced non-small cell lung cancer [Poster].
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Richtig Georg, Aigelsreiter Alena M, Asslaber Martin, Weiland Thomas, Pichler Martin, Eberhard Katharina, Sygulla Stephan, Schauer Silvia, Hoefler Gerald, Aigelsreiter Ariane. Hedgehog pathway proteins SMO and GLI expression as prognostic markers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
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Seles M., Foseltseder J., Mischinger J., Klec C., Slaby O., Hutterer G.C., Pummer K., Pichler Martin. Identification and characterization of a novel long non-coding RNA RCA-lncRNA1 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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Seles Maximilian, Folsetseder Johannes, Mischinger Johannes, Klec Christiane, Slaby Ondrej, Hutterer Georg C., Pummer Karl, Pichler Martin. Identifikation und Charakterisierung der neuen langen, nicht-kodierenden RNA RCA-lnc-RNA1.
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Seles M., Fosseltseder J., Slaby O., Klec C., Mischinger J., Hutterer G., Pummer K., Pichler Martin. Identifikation und Charakterisierung einer neuen langen, nicht- kodierenden RNA RCA-lnc-RNA1 beim Nierenzellkarzinom.
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Smolle Maria Anna, van de Sande Michiel, Callegaro Dario, Wunder Jay, Hayes Andrew, Leitner Lukas, Bergovec Marko, Tunn Per-Ulf, van Praag Veroniek, Panotopoulos Joannis, Willegger Madeleine, Windhager Reinhard, Riedl Jakob, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Smolle Josef, Leithner Andreas, Gronchi Alessandro, Haas Rick, Szkandera Joanna. Individualising soft tissue sarcoma aftercare with flexible parametric survival modelling.
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Smolle Maria Anna, van de Sande Michiel, Callegaro Dario, Wunder Jay, Hayes Andrew, Leitner Lukas, Bergovec Marko, Tunn Per-Ulf, van Praag Veroniek, Fiocco Marta, Panotopoulos Joannis, Willegger Madeleine, Windhager Reinhard, Dijkstra Sander P. D., van Houdt Winan J., Riedl Jakob M., Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Smolle Josef, Andreou Dimosthenis, Leithner Andreas, Gronchi Alessandro, Haas Rick L., Szkandera Joanna. Individualizing follow-up strategies in high-grade soft tissue sarcoma with flexible parametric competing risk regression models.
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Prinz F., Reicher A., Kiesslich T., Klec C., Gerger A., Stoeger H., Posch F., Pichler Martin. Influence of epithelial-mesenchymal transition on immune checkpoints in biliary tract cancer [Poster].
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Klec Christiane, Gutschner Tony, Panzitt Katrin, Pichler Martin. Involvement of long non-coding RNA HULC (highly up-regulated in liver cancer) in pathogenesis and implications for therapeutic intervention.
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Lembeck Anna L., Posch Florian, Klocker Eva V., Szkandera Joanna, Schlick Konstantin, Stojakovic Tatjana, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Caroline, Gerger Armin, Stoeger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin. Large platelet size is associated with poor outcome in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer.
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Riedl J. M., Barth D., Posch F., Foris V., Absenger G., Mollnar S., Pichler Martin, Stotz M., Stöger H., Olschewski H., Gerger A.. Longitudinal C-reactive protein (CRP) trajectories predict immune checkpoint inhibitor response and progression in advanced non-small cell lung cancer [Poster].
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Terzic Jasmin, Fillafer Florian, Posch Florian, Pichler Renate, Seles Maximillian, Niedersüß-Beke Dora, Tinchon Christoph, Loidl Wolfgang, Pichler Martin, Jahn Stefan, Stöger Herbert, Bauernhofer Thomas. Lymphopenia impairs response to 1st-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma and modulates the relative efficacy of sunitinib and pazopanib [Poster].
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Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Klec Christiane, Pasculli Barbara, Cerk Stefanie, Rinner Beate, Karbiener Michael, Ivan Cristina, Barbano Raffaela, Ling Hui, Wulf-Goldenberg Annika, Stanzer Stefanie, Rinnerthaler Gabriel, Stoeger Herbert, Bauernhofer Thomas, Haybaeck Johannes, Hoefler Gerald, Jahn Stephan Wenzel, Parrella Paola, Calin George Adrian, Pichler Martin. MiR-1287-5p inhibits triple negative breast cancer growth by interaction with phosphoinositide 3-kinase CB, thereby sensitizing cells for PI3Kinase inhibitors.
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Trenk C., Prinz F., Resel M., Stöger H., Klec C., Pichler Martin. MiR-4520s as potential regulator of breast carcinogenesis [Poster].
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Smolle Elisabeth, Pichler Martin. Non-smoking-associated lung cancer: a distinct entity in terms of tumor biology, patient characteristics and impact of hereditary cancer predisposition.
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Krstic Jelena, Reinisch Isabel, Depaoli Maria, Berger Natascha, Noessing Christoph, Galhuber Markus, Anders Ines, Auer Martina, Moyschewitz Elisabeth, Rinner Beate, Pichler Martin, Malli Roland, Prokesch Andreas. Overcoming sorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma by fasting [Poster].
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Klec C., Schwarzenbacher D., Gottschalk B., Resel M., Prinz F., Heitzer E., Bauernhofer T., Stöger H., Graier W. F., Pichler Martin. Paraspeckle-associated protein 1 (PAP1) controls breast cancer growth by regulating and interacting with the long non-coding RNA NEAT1 [Poster].
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Pichler Renate, Compérat Eva, Klatte Tobias, Pichler Martin, Loidl Wolfgang, Lusuardi Lukas, Schmidinger Manuela. Renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features: finally new therapeutic hope?.
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Dieckmann Klaus-Peter, Radtke Arlo, Geczi Lajos, Matthies Cord, Anheuser Petra, Eckardt Ulrike, Sommer Jörg, Zengerling Friedemann, Trenti Emanuela, Pichler Renate, Belz Hanjo, Zastrow Stefan, Winter Alexander, Melchior Sebastian, Hammel Johannes, Kranz Jennifer, Bolten Marius, Krege Susanne, Haben Björn, Loidl Wolfgang, Ruf Christian Guido, Heinzelbecker Julia, Heidenreich Axel, Cremers Jann Frederik, Oing Christoph, Hermanns Thomas, Fankhauser Christian Daniel, Gillessen Silke, Reichegger Hermann, Cathomas Richard, Pichler Martin, Hentrich Marcus, Eredics Klaus, Lorch Anja, Wülfing Christian, Peine Sven, Wosniok Werner, Bokemeyer Carsten, Belge Gazanfer. Serum levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371 Test) as a new biomarker of testicular germ cell tumors: results of a prospective multicentric study.
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Smolle Maria A., van Praag Veroniek M., Posch Florian, Bergovec Marko, Leitner Lukas, Friesenbichler Jörg, Heregger Ronald, Riedl Jakob M., Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Szkandera Joanna, Stöger Herbert, Smolle-Jüttner Freyja-Maria, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Fiocco Marta, van de Sande Michiel AJ., Leithner Andreas. Surgery for metachronous metastasis of soft tissue sarcoma: a magnitude of benefit analysis using propensity score methods.
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Smolle Elisabeth, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Lindenmann Joerg, Smolle-Juettner Freyja, Pichler Martin. The biological and clinical relevance of Inhibitor of Growth (ING) genes in non-small cell lung cancer.
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Prinz Felix, Kapeller Anita, Pichler Martin, Klec Christiane. The implications of the long non-coding RNA NEAT1 in non-cancerous diseases.
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Xiao Hua, Shiu Patrick, Gabryleska Marta, Conn Simon, Dey Abhishek, Chakrabarti Kausik, Regouc Manuel, Pichler Martin, Ørom Ulf, Santulli Gaetano, Nishiwada Satoshi, Goel Ajay, Nagarajan Vaishnavi, Timmons Lisa, Alahari Suresh, Laprovitera Noemi, Ferracin Manuela, Hu Po, Jin Hailing. The non-coding RNA journal club: highlights on recent papers—7.
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Richtig Georg, Hoeller Christoph, Wolf Martin, Wolf Ingrid, Rainer Barbara M., Schulter Günter, Richtig Markus, Grübler Martin R., Gappmayer Anna, Haidn Thomas, Kofler Julian, Huegel Rainer, Lange-Asschenfeldt Bernhard, Pichler Martin, Pilz Stefan, Heinemann Akos, Richtig Erika. Body mass index may predict the response to ipilimumab in metastatic melanoma: an observational multi-centre study.
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Mayr Christian, Beyreis Marlena, Dobias Heidemarie, Gaisberger Martin, Fuchs Julia, Pichler Martin, Ritter Markus, Jakab Martin, Helm Katharina, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. Continuous, label-free, 96-well-based determination of cell migration using confluence measurement.
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Reicher Andreas, Foßelteder Johannes, Kwong Lawrence N., Pichler Martin. Crosstalk between the Notch signaling pathway and long non-coding RNAs.
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Fechter K., Feichtinger J., Prochazka K., Unterluggauer J. J., Pansy K., Pichler Martin, Haybaeck J., Prokesch A., Greinix H., Beham-Schmid C., Neumeister P., Thallinger G. G., Deutsch A.. Cytoplasmic location of NR4A1 in aggressive lymphomas is associated with a favorable cancer specific survival [Abstract].
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Fechter Karoline, Feichtinger Julia, Prochazka Katharina, Unterluggauer Julia Judith, Pansy Katrin, Steinbauer Elisabeth, Pichler Martin, Haybaeck Johannes, Prokesch Andreas, Greinix Hildegard T., Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter, Thallinger Gerhard G., Deutsch Alexander J. A.. Cytoplasmic location of NR4A1 in aggressive lymphomas is associated with a favourable cancer specific survival.
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Mollnar S., Pondorfer P., Reinisch S., Moik F., Halm M., Kasparek A.-K., Klöckl M.-C., Stotz M., Szkandera J., Gerger A., Vasicek S., Weiland T., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Thurnher D., Posch F.. Definitive chemoradiotherapy with or without induction chemotherapy for unresectable squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck: a propensity-score analysis [Abstract].
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Al-Zoughbi Wael, Schauer Silvia, Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald. Early loss of forkhead transcription factor, O subgroup, member 1 protein in the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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Leithner A., van Praag V., Posch F., Bergovec M., Leitner L., Friesenbichler J., Heregger R., Smolle-Jüttner F.-M., Fiocco M., van de Sande M., Riedl J., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Szkandera J., Stöger H., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Smolle M.A.. Efficacy of metastasectomy on survival in patients with metachronous soft tissue sarcoma-metastasis: results of a bi-centre study including 135 patients.
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Asamer Eva, Szkandera Joanna, Gibiser Paul, Lembeck Anna Lena, Stojakovic Tatjana, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Caroline, Winder Thomas, Schlick Konstantin, Stöger Herbert, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael. Elevated amylase in plasma represents an adverse prognostic marker in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer: a retrospective analysis.
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Smolle Elisabeth, Pichler Martin. Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors in adjuvant treatment of lung cancer — the more specific, the better?.
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Klöckl M.-C., Kasparek A.-K., Riedl J., Moik F., Mollnar S., Stotz M., Szkandera J., Terbuch A., Gerger A., Niedrist T., Pichler Martin, Bauernhofer T., Stöger H., Posch F.. Estimated versus measured glomerular filtration rate to evaluate kidney function in patients with cancer undergoing cisplatin-based chemotherapy [Poster].
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Morshaeuser Laura, May Matthias, Burger Maximilian, Otto Wolfgang, Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin, Klatte Tobias, Wild Peter, Buser Lorenz, Brookman-May Sabine. Expression in patients with renal cell carcinoma correlates with a higher probability of disease progression and increased cancer-specific mortality after surgery but does not enhance the predictive accuracy of robust outcome models [Poster].
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Unterluggauer Julia J., Prochazka Katharina, Tomazic Peter V., Huber Heinrich J., Seeboeck Rita, Fechter Karoline, Steinbauer Elisabeth, Gruber Verena, Feichtinger Julia, Pichler Martin, Weniger Marc A., Küppers Ralf, Sill Heinz, Schicho Rudolf, Neumeister Peter, Beham-Schmid Christine, Deutsch Alexander J. A., Haybaeck Johannes. Expression profile of translation initiation factor eIF2B5 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and its correlation to clinical outcome.
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Pichler Renate, Loidl Wolfgang, Pichler Martin. High economic burden of immunotherapy underlines the need of predictive biomarkers for the individual therapy algorithm in metastatic bladder cancer.
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Fink-Neuböck N., Lindenmann J., Porubsky C., Fediuk M., Gschwandtner E., Strießnig A., Swatek P., Pichler Martin, Anegg U., Maier A., Smolle-Jüttner F. M.. How long should we follow up patients with stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer after curative resection? An analysis of 300 cases using flexible parametric modelling of tumor recurrence and mortality rates [Poster].
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Gantenbein Nadine, Bernhart Eva, Anders Ines, Golob-Schwarzl Nicole, Krassnig Stefanie, Wodlej Christina, Brcic Luka, Lindenmann Joerg, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Gollowitsch Franz, Stacher-Priehse Elvira, Asslaber Martin, Gogg-Kamerer Margit, Rolff Jana, Hoffmann Jens, Silvestri Alessandra, Regenbrecht Christian, Reinhard Christoph, Pehserl Anna-Maria, Pichler Martin, Sokolova Olga, Naumann Michael, Mitterer Valentin, Pertschy Brigitte, Bergler Helmut, Popper Helmut, Sattler Wolfgang, Haybaeck Johannes. Influence of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 on non–small cell lung cancer development and progression.
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Gantenbein Nadine, Bernhart Eva, Anders Ines, Golob-Schwarzl Nicole, Krassnig Stefanie, Wodlej Christina, Brcic Luka, Lindenmann Joerg, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Gollowitsch Franz, Stacher-Priehse Elvira, Asslaber Martin, Gogg-Kamerer Margit, Rolff Jana, Hoffmann Jens, Silvestri Alessandra, Regenbrecht Christian, Reinhard Christoph, Pehserl Anna-Maria, Pichler Martin, Sokolova Olga, Naumann Michael, Mitterer Valentin, Pertschy Brigitte, Bergler Helmut, Popper Helmut, Sattler Wolfgang, Haybaeck Johannes. Influence of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 on non–small cell lung cancer development and progression.
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Klec Christiane, Prinz Felix, Pichler Martin. Involvement of the long noncoding RNA NEAT1 in carcinogenesis.
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Koeller M., Berger M., Eder S., Richtig G., Richtig E., Pichler Martin, Winter G., Hoefler G., Aigelsreiter A.. Is microsatellite-instability a prognostic factor in melanoma patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors? [Abstract].
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Foßelteder Johannes, Calin George A., Pichler Martin. Long non-coding RNA CCAT2 as a therapeutic target in colorectal cancer.
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Del Vecchio Filippo, Lee Gui Han, Hawezi Joamir, Bhome Rahul, Pugh Sian, Sayan Emre, Thomas Gareth, Packham Graham, Primrose John, Pichler Martin, Mirnezami Alexander, Calin George, Bullock Marc. Long non-coding RNAs within the tumour microenvironment and their role in tumour-stroma cross-talk.
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Seles M., Fillafer F., Posch F., Terzic J., Pichler Martin, Hutterer G., Zigeuner R., Pummer K., Bauernhofer T.. Lymphopenia can help to predict response to targeted 1st-line therapy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
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Terzic J., Fillafer F., Posch F., Pichler R., Seles M., Pichler Martin, Jahn S., Stöger H., Bauernhofer T.. Lymphopenia impairs response to 1st-line therapy with sunitinib and pazopanib in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma [Abstract].
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Seles M., Fillafer F., Posch F., Pichler Martin, Terzic J., Mischinger J., Hutterer G., Zigeuner R., Pummer K., Bauernhofer T.. Lymphopenie als Prädiktor bei TKI-Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinom.
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Seles Maximilian, Fillafer Florian, Posch Florian, Terzic Jasmin, Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg, Zigeuner Richard, Pummer Karl, Bauernhofer Thomas. Lymphopenie als Vorhersageparameter bei targeted Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinom.
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Smolle Maria Anna, van Praag Veroniek, Posch Florian, Bergovec Marko, Leitner Lukas, Friesenbichle Jörg, Heregger Ronald, Riedl Jakob M., Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Szkandera Joanna, Stöger Herbert, Smolle- Jüttner Frejya-Maria, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Fiocco Marta, van de Sande Michiel A. J., Leithner Andreas. Metachronous metastasis of soft tissue sarcoma: Benefit of metastasectomy. A bi-centre study.
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Shen Peng, Reineke Lucas C., Knutsen Erik, Chen Meng, Pichler Martin, Ling Hui, Calin George A.. Metformin blocks MYC protein synthesis in colorectal cancer via mTOR-4EBP-eIF4E and MNK1-eIF4G-eIF4E signaling.
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Terbuch Angelika, Adiprasito Jan, Stiegelbauer Verena, Seles Maximilian, Klec Christiane, Pichler Georg, Resel Margit, Posch Florian, Lembeck Anna, Stöger Herbert, Szkandera Joanna, Pummer Karl, Bauernhofer Thomas, Hutterer Georg, Gerger Armin, Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin. MiR-371a-3p serum levels are increased in recurrence of testicular germ cell tumor patients.
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Mayr Christian, Beyreis Marlena, Dobias Heidemarie, Gaisberger Martin, Pichler Martin, Ritter Markus, Jakab Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. Miniaturization of the clonogenic assay using confluence measurement.
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Pichler Martin, Smolle Maria Anna. Non-Coding RNA bei Krebserkrankungen.
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Klec C., Resel M., Foßelteder J., Prinz F., Kapeller A., Deutsch A., Heitzer E., Rinner B., Stöger H., Graier W. F., Pichler Martin. Paraspeckle-associated protein 1 (PAP1) controls breast cancer growth by regulating and interacting with the long non-coding RNA NEAT1.
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Lindenmann J., Fink-Neuböck N., Porubsky C., Fediuk M., Gschwandtner E., Strießnig A., Swatek P., Pichler Martin, Anegg U., Maier A., Smolle-Jüttner F. M.. Prediction of clinical outcomes in stage I non-small cell lung cancer after curative surgery focusing on the preoperative Glasgow Prognostic Score.
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Terbuch Angelika, Posch Florian, Partl Richard, Zurl Brigitte, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Szkandera Joanna, Hutterer Georg C., Pummer Karl, Kapp Karin S., Stöger Herbert, Gerger Armin, Stotz Michael. Risk stratification for febrile neutropenia in patients with testicular germ cell tumors.
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Zhou Q., Perakis S., Ulz P., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Bauernhofer T., Geigl J. B., Heitzer E., Speicher M. R.. Role of frequent chr13 q12.2 amplification in colorectal cancer patients.
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Schneider Christopher, Wallner Markus, Kolesnik Ewald, Herbst Viktoria, Mächler Heinrich, Pichler Martin, von Lewinski Dirk, Sedej Simon, Rainer Peter P.. The anti-cancer multikinase inhibitor sorafenib impairs cardiac contractility by reducing phospholamban phosphorylation and sarcoplasmic calcium transients.
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Mayr Christian, Helm Katharina, Jakab Martin, Ritter Markus, Shrestha Rajeev, Makaju Ramesh, Wagner Andrej, Pichler Martin, Beyreis Marlena, Staettner Stefan, Jaeger Tarkan, Klieser Eckhard, Kiesslich Tobias, Neureiter Daniel. The histone methyltransferase G9a: a new therapeutic target in biliary tract cancer.
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Unterluggauer J. J., Prochazka K., Tomazic P. V., Huber H. J., Seeboeck R., Fechter K., Steinbauer E., Gruber V., Feichtinger J., Pichler Martin, Weniger M. A., Küppers R., Sill H., Schicho R., Neumeister P., Beham-Schmid C., Deutsch A., Haybaeck J.. Translation initiation factors are over-expressed in aggressive lymphomas and influence their clinical course [Poster].
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Posch Florian, Partl Richard, Döller Carmen, Riedl Jakob M., Smolle Maria, Leitner Lukas, Bergovec Marko, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Bezan Angelika, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Kapp Karin S., Stöger Herbert, Leithner Andreas, Szkandera Joanna. Benefit of adjuvant radiotherapy for local control, distant metastasis, and survival outcomes in patients with localized soft tissue sarcoma: Comparative effectiveness analysis of an observational cohort study.
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Posch Florian, Riedl Jakob, Leitner Lukas, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Döller Carmen, Bezan Angelika, Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Bergovec Marko, Stöger Herbert, Leithner Andreas, Szkandera Joanna. Benefit of adjuvant radiotherapy for local control, distant metastasis, and survival outcomes in patients with localized soft tissue sarcoma: comparative effectiveness analysis of an observational cohort study.
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Richtig G., Hoeller C., Kashofer K., Aigelsreiter A., Heinemann A., Kwong L.N., Pichler Martin, Richtig E.. Beyond the BRAFV600E hotspot: biology and clinical implications of rare BRAF gene mutations in melanoma patients.
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Mayr Christian, Ocker Matthias, Ritter Markus, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. Biliary tract cancer stem cells - translational options and challenges.
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Seles Maximilian, Posch Florian, Pichler Georg P., Gary Thomas, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin. Blood platelet volume represents a novel prognostic factor in patients with nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma and improves the predictive ability of established prognostic scores.
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Posch Florian, Leitner Lukas, Bergovec Marko, Bezan Angelika, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Leithner Andreas, Szkandera Joanna. Can multistate modeling of local recurrence, distant metastasis, and death improve the prediction of outcome in patients with soft tissue sarcomas?.
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Stotz Michael, Herzog Sereina A., Pichler Martin, Schmolle Maria, Riedl Jakob, Rossmann Christopher, Bezan Angelika, Stöger Herbert, Renner Wilfried, Berghold Andrea, Gerger Armin. Cancer stem cell gene variants in CD44 predict outcome in stage II and stage III colon cancer patients.
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Bezan Angelika, Posch Florian, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Szkandera Joanna, Hutterer Georg C., Pummer Karl, Partl Richard, Zurl Brigitte, Kapp Karin, Stoger Herbert, Gerger Armin, Stotz Michael. Clinical characterization of febrile neutropenia episodes in patients with testicular germ cell tumors.
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Smolle Maria, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pummer Karl, Calin George, Pichler Martin. Current insights into long non-coding RNAs (LncRNAs) in prostate cancer.
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Gantenbein N., Bernhart E., Anders I., Golob-Schwarzl N., Gogg-Kammerer M., Lindenmann J., Fink-Neuboeck N., Brcic L., Gollowitsch F., Stacher-Priehse E., Rolff J., Hoffmann J., Silvestri A., Regenbrecht C., Reinhard C., Pehserl A.-M., Pichler Martin, Mitterer V., Pertschy B., Bergler H., Popper H., Sattler W., Haybaeck J.. Eukaryotic translation initiation factors impact non small cell lung cancer [Poster].
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Seles M., Pichler G. P., Stojakovic T., Hager B., Posch F., Bezan A., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin, Hutterer G. C.. Evaluierung des prognostischen Einflusses der präoperativen Zahl eosinophiler Granulozyten im peripheren Blut auf das klinische Outcome in einer PatientInnen-Kohorte mit nicht-metastasiertem klarzellligen Nierenzellkarzinom [Abstract].
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Rashed Mohammed H., Kanlikilicer Pinar, Rodriguez-Aguayo Cristian, Pichler Martin, Bayraktar Recep, Bayraktar Emine, Ivan Cristina, Filant Justyna, Silva Andreia, Aslan Burcu, Denizli Merve, Mitra Rahul, Ozpolat Bulent, Calin George A., Sood Anil K., Abd-Ellah Mohamed F., Helal Gouda K., Lopez Berestein Gabriel. Exosomal miR-940 maintains SRC-mediated oncogenic activity in cancer cells: a possible role for exosomal disposal of tumor suppressor miRNAs.
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Gutschner Tony, Richtig Georg, Haemmerle Monika, Pichler Martin. From biomarkers to therapeutic targets — the promises and perils of long non-coding RNAs in cancer.
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Richtig Georg, Ehall Barbara, Richtig Erika, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Gutschner Tony, Pichler Martin. Function and clinical implications of long non-coding RNAs in melanoma.
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Hasenoehrl Carina, Sturm Eva, Butcher Lee, Pichler Martin, Schuligoi Rufina, Haybaeck Johannes, Schicho Rudolf. G protein-coupled receptor GPR55 promotes colorectal cancer [Poster].
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Hasenoehrl Carina, Feuersinger David, Sturm Eva M., Bärnthaler Thomas, Heitzer Ellen, Graf Ricarda, Grill Magdalena, Pichler Martin, Beck Stephan, Butcher Lee, Thomas Dominique, Ferreirós Nerea, Schuligoi Rufina, Schweiger Caroline, Haybaeck Johannes, Schicho Rudolf. G protein-coupled receptor GPR55 promotes colorectal cancer and has opposing effects to cannabinoid receptor 1.
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Pichler Martin, Stiegelbauer Verena, Vychytilova-Faltejskova Petra, Ivan Cristina, Ling Hui, Winter Elke, Zhang Xinna, Goblirsch Matthew, Wulf-Goldenberg Annika, Ohtsuka Masahisa, Haybaeck Johannes, Svoboda Marek, Okugawa Yoshinaga, Gerger Armin, Hoefler Gerald, Goel Ajay, Slaby Ondrej, Calin George Adrian. Genome-wide miRNA analysis identifies miR-188-3p as a novel prognostic marker and molecular factor Involved in colorectal carcinogenesis.
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Richtig G., Aigelsreiter A. M., Sygulla S., Schauer S., Pichler Martin, Asslaber M., Hoefler G., Aigelsreiter A.. Hedgehog pathway proteins SMO and GLI expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) – a potential therapeutic target? [Poster].
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Neumann Jens, Pichler Martin, Halasz Judith, Zatloukal Kurt, Berghold Andrea, Douschan Philipp, Rainer Florian, Stauber Rudolf, Haybaeck Johannes, Denk Helmut, Lackner Carolin. Hepatocellular carcinomas with intracellular hyaline bodies have a poor prognosis.
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Lindenmann Jörg, Fink-Neuböck Nicole, Porubsky Christian, Fediuk Melanie, Gschwandtner Elisabeth, Strießnig Anneliese, Swatek Paul, Pichler Martin, Stacher-Priehse Elvira, Anegg Udo, Maier Alfred, Smolle-Jüttner Freyja Maria. How long should we follow up operated patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)? [Poster].
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Lindenmann Jörg, Fink-Neuboeck N., Fediuk M., Gschwandtner E., Strießnig A., Swatek P., Pichler Martin, Posch F., Stacher-Priehse E., Anegg U., Maier A., Smolle-Jüttner F.. How long should we follow-up patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer after curative resection? An analysis of 300 cases using flexible parametric modeling of tumor recurrence and mortality rates [Poster].
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Kessler Sonja M., Lederer Eva, Laggai Stephan, Golob-Schwarzl Nicole, Hosseini Kevan, Petzold Johannes, Schweiger Caroline, Reihs Robert, Keil Marlen, Hoffmann Jens, Mayr Christian, Kiesslich Tobias, Pichler Martin, Kim Kyung Sik, Rhee Hyungjin, Park Young Nyun, Lax Sigurd, Obrist Peter, Kiemer Alexandra K., Haybaeck Johannes. IMP2/IGF2BP2 expression, but not IMP1 and IMP3, predicts poor outcome in patients and high tumor growth rate in xenograft models of gallbladder cancer.
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Prochazka Katharina T., Posch Florian, Deutsch Alexander, Beham-Schmid Christine, Stöger Herbert, Abdyli Leke, Greinix Hildegard, Pichler Martin, Neumeister Peter. Immunohistochemical double hit score enhances NCCN-IPI and is associated with detrimental outcomes in refractory or relapsing patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma.
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Smolle Maria A., Pichler Martin. Inflammation, phagocytosis and cancer: another step in the CD47 act.
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Posch Florian, Pichler Martin. Inflammatory biomarkers in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma: Time for extending the established prognosis scores?.
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Riedl Jakob Michael, Posch Florian, Moik Florian, Bezan Angelika, Szkandera Joanna, Smolle Maria Anna, Kasparek Anne-Katrin, Pichler Martin, Stöger Herbert, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin. Inflammatory biomarkers in metastatic colorectal cancer: prognostic and predictive role beyond the first line setting.
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Wallner Markus, Khafaga Mounir, Kolesnik Ewald, Vafiadis Aris, Schwantzer Gerold, Eaton Deborah M., Curcic Pero, Köstenberger Martin, Knez Igor, Rainer Peter P., Pichler Martin, Pieske Burkert, Von Lewinski Dirk. Istaroxime, a potential anticancer drug in prostate cancer, exerts beneficial functional effects in healthy and diseased human myocardium.
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Seles M., Posch F., Pichler G. P., Gary T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin, Hutterer G. C.. Kleine Thrombozyten im peripheren Blut repräsentieren einen prognostisch ungünstigen Faktor bezogen auf das klinische Outcome in einer PatientInnen-Kohorte mit nicht-metastasiertem Nierenzellkarzinom [Abstract].
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Leithner A., Posch F., Leitner L., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Bergovec M., Szkandera J.. Local recurrence, distant metastasis, and death in patients with soft tissue sarcoma after curative resection using a multi-state model.
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Leitner Lukas, Posch Florian, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Bergovec Marko, Leithner Andreas, Szkandera Joanna. Lokalrezidiv-Rate, Metastasierung und Mortalität nach Resektion lokalisierter Weichteilsarkome in kurativer Intention: ein Multi-State Model.
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Terbuch A., Posch F., Annerer L. M., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Szkandera J., Hutterer G. C., Pummer K., Partl R., Kapp K. S., Stöger H., Gerger A., Stotz M.. Long-term cardiovascular complications in stage I seminoma patients.
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Posch Florian, Silina Karina, Leibl Sebastian, Mündlein Axel, Moch Holger, Siebenhüner Alexander, Samaras Panagiotis, Riedl Jakob, Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Stöger Herbert, Pichler Martin, Stupp Roger, van den Broek Maries, Schraml Peter, Gerger Armin, Petrausch Ulf, Winder Thomas. Maturation of tertiary lymphoid structures and recurrence of stage II and III colorectal cancer.
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Goblirsch Matthew, Richtig Georg, Slaby Ondrej, Berindan-Neagoe Ioana, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs as a tool to aid stratification of colorectal cancer patients and to guide therapy.
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Schanza Lisa-Maria, Seles Maximilian, Stotz Michael, Fosselteder Johannes, Hutterer Georg, Pichler Martin, Stiegelbauer Verena. MicroRNAs associated with Von Hippel–Lindau pathway in renal cell carcinoma: a comprehensive review.
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Smolle Maria Anna, Leithner Andreas, Posch Florian, Szkandera Joanna, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs in different histologies of soft tissue sarcoma: a comprehensive review.
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Smolle Maria A., Haybaeck Johannes, Pichler Martin. Molecular pathogenesis of prostate cancer.
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Rigoutsos Isidore, Lee Sang Kil, Nam Su Youn, Anfossi Simone, Pasculli Barbara, Pichler Martin, Jing Yi, Rodriguez-Aguayo Cristian, Telonis Aristeidis G., Rossi Simona, Ivan Cristina, Catela Ivkovic Tina, Fabris Linda, Clark Peter M., Ling Hui, Shimizu Masayoshi, Redis Roxana S., Shah Maitri Y., Zhang Xinna, Okugawa Yoshinaga, Jung Eun Jung, Tsirigos Aristotelis, Huang Li, Ferdin Jana, Gafà Roberta, Spizzo Riccardo, Nicoloso Milena S., Paranjape Anurag N., Shariati Maryam, Tiron Aida, Yeh Jen Jen, Teruel-Montoya Raul, Xiao Lianchun, Melo Sonia A., Menter David, Jiang Zhi-Qin, Flores Elsa R., Negrini Massimo, Goel Ajay, Bar-Eli Menashe, Mani Sendurai A., Liu Chang Gong, Lopez-Berestein Gabriel, Berindan-Neagoe Ioana, Esteller Manel, Kopetz Scott, Lanza Giovanni, Calin George A.. N-BLR, a primate-specific non-coding transcript leads to colorectal cancer invasion and migration.
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Deutsch Alexander J. A., Rinner Beate, Pichler Martin, Prochazka Katharina, Pansy Katrin, Bischof Marco, Fechter Karoline, Hatzl Stefan, Feichtinger Julia, Wenzl Kerstin, Frisch Marie-Therese, Stiegelbauer Verena, Prokesch Andreas, Krogsdam Anne, Sill Heinz, Thallinger Gerhard G., Greinix Hildegard T., Wang Chenguang, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter. NR4A3 suppresses lymphomagenesis through induction of proapoptotic genes.
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Woitas Rainer P., Scharnagl Hubert, Kleber Marcus E., Delgado Graciela E., Grammer Tanja B., Pichler Martin, Krämer Bernhard K., März Winfried, Stojakovic Tatjana. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels are U-shaped in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study: impact for mortality.
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Cătană Cristina- Sorina, Pichler Martin, Giannelli Gianluigi, Mader Robert M., Berindan-Neagoe Ioana. Non-coding RNAs, the Trojan horse in two-way communication between tumor and stroma in colorectal and hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Smolle Maria A., Calin Horatiu N., Pichler Martin, Calin George A.. Noncoding RNAs and immune checkpoints-clinical implications as cancer therapeutics.
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Riedl Jakob Michael, Posch Florian, Bezan Angelika, Szkandera Joanna, Smolle Maria Anna, Winder Thomas, Rossmann Christopher H., Schaberl-Moser Renate, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Stöger Herbert, Gerger Armin. Patterns of venous thromboembolism risk in patients with localized colorectal cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy or active surveillance: an observational cohort study.
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Lindenmann Jörg, Fink-Neuboeck N., Fediuk M., Gschwandtner E., Swatek P., Strießnig A., Pichler Martin, Posch F., Stacher-Priehse E., Anegg U., Maier A., Smolle-Jüttner F.. Prediction of clinical outcomes in stage I non-small cell lung cancer after curative surgery focusing on the preoperative Glasgow Prognostic Score and inflammatory biomarkers.
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Richtig Georg, Pichler Martin. Prediction of response in melanoma therapy by systemic inflammatory response – one size fits not all.
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Lindenmann J., Fink-Neuboeck N., Avian A., Pichler Martin, Habitzruther M., Maier A., Smolle-Juettner F.M.. Preoperative Glasgow prognostic score as additional independent prognostic parameter for patients with esophageal cancer after curative esophagectomy.
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Bezan Angelika, Posch Florian, Ploner Ferdinand, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Szkandera Joanna, Hutterer Georg C., Pummer Karl, Gary Thomas, Samonigg Hellmut, Beyer Joerg, Winder Thomas, Hermanns Thomas, Fankhauser Christian D., Gerger Armin, Stotz Michael. Risk stratification for venous thromboembolism in patients with testicular germ cell tumors.
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Richtig Georg, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Ress Anna Lena, Adiprasito Jan Basri, Stiegelbauer Verena, Hoefler Gerald, Schauer Silvia, Kiesslich Tobias, Kornprat Peter, Winder Thomas, Eisner Florian, Gerger Armin, Stoeger Herbert, Stauber Rudolf, Lackner Carolin, Pichler Martin. SOX9 is a proliferation and stem cell factor in hepatocellular carcinoma and possess widespread prognostic significance in different cancer types.
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Richtig G., Richtig E., Kashofer K., Koch L., Winter G., Hoefler G., Pichler Martin, Ehall B., Grübler M.R., Heinemann A., Aigelsreiter A.. Testing and clinical implications for non‐V600 BRAF mutations in metastatic NRASmt melanoma.
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Mayr C., Wagner A., Löffelberger M., Bruckner D., Jakab M., Berr F., Di Fazio P., Ocker M., Neureiter D., Pichler Martin, Kiesslich T.. The BMI1 inhibitor PTC-209 is a potential compound to halt cellular growth in binary tract cancer cells [Poster].
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Lindenmann J., Fink-Neuböck N., Fediuk M., Gschwandtner E., Strießnig A., Pichler Martin, Brcic L., Maier A., Anegg U., Smolle-Jüttner F. M.. The Glasgow Prognostic Score as additional independent prognostic parameter for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
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Schneider C., Wallner M., Pichler Martin, Von Lewinski D., Sedej S., Rainer P.P.. The anti-cancer tyrosine kinase inhibitor sorafenib reduces cardiac contractile force by reducing cardiomyocyte calcium transient amplitude.
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Lindenmann Jörg, Fink-Neuböck Nicole, Porubsky Christian, Fediuk Melanie, Gschwandtner Elisabeth, Strießnig Anneliese, Pichler Martin, Brcic Luka, Maier Alfred, Anegg Udo, Smolle-Jüttner Freyja Maria. The clinical impact of the Glasgow Prognostic Score as additional independent prognostic parameter for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma [Poster].
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Seeber Andreas, Gastl Günther, Eisterer Wolfgang, Gampenrieder Simon P., Gerger Armin, Kieler Markus, Pichler Martin, Prager Gerald W., Untergasser Gerold, Weltermann Ansgar, Greil Richard. The first meeting of the Austrian Expert Panel for molecular cancer profiling: current status of multiplex molecular profiling and precision oncology in Austria.
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Posch Florian, Silina Karina, Petrausch Ulf, Leibl Sebastian, Muendlein Axel, Moch Holger, Siebenhuener Alexander Rheinhard, Pestalozzi Bernhard C., Riedl Jakob M., Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Stoger Herbert, Pichler Martin, Stupp Roger, Schraml Peter, Gerger Armin, Winder Thomas. The maturation stage of tumoral tertiary lymphoid structures to predict recurrence risk in localized colorectal cancer [Abstract].
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Shen Peng, Pichler Martin, Chen Meng, Calin George, Ling Hui. To Wnt or lose: the missing non-coding linc in colorectal cancer.
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Unterluggauer J., Beham-Schmid C., Tomazic P. V., Fechter K., Rinner B., Pichler Martin, Weniger M., Küppers R., Sill H., Schicho R., Neumeister P., Deutsch A., Haybaeck J.. Translation initiation factors as novel prognostic biomarkers of aggressive b-cell lymphomas [Poster].
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Partl R., Posch F., Döller C., Riedl J. M., Schmolle M., Leitner L., Bergovec M., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Stotz M., Bezan A., Gerger A., Pichler Martin, Kapp K. S., Stöger H., Leithner A., Szkandera J.. Untersuchung des Benefits der adjuvanten Radiotherapie in Bezug auf Lokalkontrolle, Fernmetastasierung und Überleben bei PatientInnen mit lokalisiertem Weichteilsarkom mittels vergleichender Effektivitätsanalyse [Poster].
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Partl R., Bezan A., Posch F., Zurl B., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Szkandera J., Hutterer G., Pummer K., Kapp K. S., Stöger H., Gerger A., Stotz M.. Untersuchung von Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung einer febrilen Neutropenie nach cisplatinhältiger Chemotherapie bei Patienten mit testikulären Keimzelltumoren.
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Stiegelbauer Verena, Vychytilova-Faltejskova Petra, Karbiener Michael, Pehserl Anna-Maria, Reicher Andreas, Resel Margit, Heitzer Ellen, Ivan Cristina, Bullock Marc, Ling Hui, Deutsch Alexander, Wulf-Goldenberg Annika, Adiprasito Jan Basri, Stoeger Herbert, Haybaeck Johannes, Svoboda Marek, Stotz Michael, Hoefler Gerald, Slaby Ondrej, Calin George Adrian, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. miR-196b-5p regulates colorectal cancer cell migration and metastases through interaction with HOXB7 and GALNT5.
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Pichler Martin, Cerk Stefanie, Stiegelbauer Verena, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Ling Hui. A novel long non-coding RNA, TSA-LINC2, regulates cellular growth and is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer [Poster].
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Winder T., Posch F., Asamer E., Stotz M., Siebenhüner A., Schlick K., Magnes T., Samaras P., Szkandera J., Clavien P.-A., Neureiter D., Greil R., Pestalozzi B.C., Stoeger H., Gerger A., Egle A., Pichler Martin. An elevated fibrinogen/CRP ratio predicts a remarkable survival advantage in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer [Poster].
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Posch F., Leitner L., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Wink A., Stotz M., Bezan A., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Bergovec M., Stoeger H., Leithner A., Szkandera J.. Benefit of adjuvant radiotherapy for local control, distant metastasis, and survival outcomes in patients with localized soft tissue sarcoma: comparative effectiveness analysis of an observational cohort study.
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Stotz Michael, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Posch Florian, Mrsic Edvin, Thalhammer Michael, Stojakovic Tatjana, Bezan Angelika, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Szkandera Joanna. Blood-based biomarkers are associated with disease recurrence and survival in gastrointestinal stroma tumor patients after surgical resection.
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Pehserl Anna-Maria, Ress Anna, Stanzer Stefanie, Resel Margit, Karbiener Michael, Stadelmeyer Elke, Stiegelbauer Verena, Gerger Armin, Mayr Christian, Scheideler Marcel, Hutterer Georg, Bauernhofer Thomas, Kiesslich Tobias, Pichler Martin. Comprehensive analysis of miRNome alterations in response to sorafenib treatment in colorectal cancer cells.
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Szkandera Joanna, Posch Florian, Stotz Michael, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Friesenbichler Joerg, Leithner Andreas. Conditional survival of patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) after curative resection.
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Posch F., Leitner L., Stotz M., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Bezan A., Pichler Martin, Friesenbichler J., Gerger A., Stoeger H., Leithner A., Szkandera J.. Conditional survival of patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) after curative resection [Poster].
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Kammerer Sarah, Jahn Stephan Wenzel, Winter Elke, Eidenhammer Sylvia, Rezania Simin, Regitnig Peter, Pichler Martin, Schreibmayer Wolfgang, Bauernhofer Thomas. Critical evaluation of KCNJ3 gene product detection in human breast cancer: mRNA in situ hybridisation is superior to immunohistochemistry.
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Dalpiaz Orietta, Luef Theresa, Seles Maximilian, Stotz Michael, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Hutterer Georg C, Pichler Martin. Critical evaluation of the potential prognostic value of the pretreatment-derived neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio under consideration of c-reactive protein levels in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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Seles Maximilian, Hutterer Georg, Kiesslich Tobias, Pummer Karl, Berindan-Neagoe Ioana, Perakis Samantha, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Current insights into long non-coding RNAs in renal cell carcinoma.
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Cerk Stefanie, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Adiprasito Jan, Stotz Michael, Hutterer Georg, Gerger Armin, Ling Hui, Calin George, Pichler Martin. Current status of long non-coding RNAs in human breast cancer.
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Mayr Christian, Beyreis Marlena, Wagner Andrej, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. Deregulated microRNAs in biliary tract cancer: functional targets and potential biomarkers.
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Bonilla Diana, Acklin Kimberlyn, Ruissard Kathryn, Pichler Martin, Jones Richard, Sergueeva Anna, Dwyer David, Jewell Ryan, Papanna Veena, Vaidyanathan Shobana, Ramirez Karen, Clise-Dwyer Karen. Development of a multiplexing imaging flow cytometry assay for apoptosis evaluation.
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Smolle M. A., Pichler Martin, Flick H., Olschewski H., Lindenmann J., Samonigg H., Gerger A.. Einfluss von nicht-steroidalen Antirheumatika (NSARs) sowie Laborparametern auf den Erfolg einer chemischen Pleurodese bei malignen Pleuraergüssen.
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Kanlikilicer Pinar, Rashed Mohammed Mohammed H. S., Bayraktar Recep, Mitra Rahul, Ivan Cristina, Aslan Burcu, Zhang Xinna, Cristian Rodriguez-Aguayo, Bayraktar Emine, Pichler Martin, Ozpolat Bulent, Calin George A., Sood Anil K., Lopez-Berestein Gabriel. Exosomal miR-6126 as a novel tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer [Poster].
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Ohtsuka Masahisa, Ling Hui, Ivan Cristina, Pichler Martin, Matsushita Daisuke, Goblirsch Matthew, Stiegelbauer Verena, Shigeyasu Kunitoshi, Zhang Xinna, Chen Meng, Vidhu Fnu, Bartholomeusz Geoffrey A., Toiyama Yuji, Kusunoki Masato, Doki Yuichiro, Mori Masaki, Song Shumei, Gunther Jillian R., Krishnan Sunil, Slaby Ondrej, Goel Ajay, Ajani Jaffer A., Radovich Milan, Calin George A.. H19 Noncoding RNA, an independent prognostic factor, regulates essential Rb-E2F and CDK8-β-Catenin signaling in colorectal cancer.
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Woitas R., Scharnagl H., Kleber M. E., Delgado G. E., Grammer T. B., Pichler Martin, Krämer B. K., März W., Stojakovic T.. Impact of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and neutrophil counts in the Ludwigshafen risk and cardiovasculart health study.
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Hatzl Stefan, Geiger Olivia, Kuepper Maja Kim, Caraffini Veronica, Seime Till, Furlan Tobias, Nussbaumer Erika, Wieser Rotraud, Pichler Martin, Scheideler Marcel, Nowek Katarzyna, Jongen-Lavrencic Mojca, Quehenberger Franz, Wölfler Albert, Troppmair Jakob, Sill Heinz, Zebisch Armin. Increased expression of miR-23a mediates a loss of expression in the RAF kinase inhibitor protein RKIP.
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Smolle Maria Anna, Flick Holger, Pichler Martin, Olschewski Horst, Lindenmann Jörg, Gerger Armin. Is it safe to use NSAIDs for pain control during che- mical pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusion? [Poster].
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Kammerer Sarah, Sokolowski Armin, Hackl Hubert, Platzer Dieter, Jahn Stephan Wenzel, El-Heliebi Amin, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Stiegelbauer Verena, Pichler Martin, Rezania Simin, Fiegl Heidelinde, Peintinger Florentia, Regitnig Peter, Hoefler Gerald, Schreibmayer Wolfgang, Bauernhofer Thomas. KCNJ3 is a new independent prognostic marker for estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients.
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Smolle Maria Anna, Flick Holger, Pichler Martin, Olschewski Horst, Lindenmann Jörg, Gerger Armin. Late-breaking abstract: impact of NSAIDs on success of chemical pleurodesis in malignant pleural effusion.
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Szkandera Joanna, Posch Florian, Stotz Michael, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Friesenbichler Joerg, Leithner Andreas. Local recurrence, distant metastasis, and death in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) after curative resection: a multi-state model.
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Posch F., Leitner L., Stotz M., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Bezan A., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Bergovec M., Stoeger H., Leithner A., Szkandera J.. Local recurrence, distant metastasis, and death in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) after curative resection: a multi-state model [Poster].
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Al-Zoughbi Wael, Pichler Martin, Gorkiewicz Gregor, Guertl-Lackner Barbara, Haybaeck Johannes, Jahn Stephan W., Lackner Carolin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Popper Helmut, Schauer Silvia, Nusshold Elisa, Kindt Alida S. D., Trajanoski Zlatko, Speicher Michael R., Haemmerle Guenther, Zimmermann Robert, Zechner Rudolf, Vesely Paul W., Hoefler Gerald. Loss of adipose triglyceride lipase is associated with human cancer and induces mouse pulmonary neoplasia.
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Bayraktar Recep, Pichler Martin, Kanlikilicer Pinar, Ivan Cristina, Bayraktar Emine, Kahraman Nermin, Aslan Burcu, Oguztuzun Serpil, Ulasli Mustafa, Arslan Ahmet, Calin George, Lopez-Berestein Gabriel, Ozpolat Bulent. MicroRNA 603 acts as a tumor suppressor and inhibits triple-negative breast cancer tumorigenesis by targeting elongation factor 2 kinase.
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Ling Hui, Krassnig Lisa, Bullock Marc D., Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs in testicular cancer diagnosis and prognosis.
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Prochazka Katharina T, Melchardt Thomas, Posch Florian, Schlick Konstantin, Deutsch Alexander, Beham-Schmid Christine, Weiss Lukas, Gary Thomas, Neureiter Daniel, Klieser Eckhard, Greil Richard, Neumeister Peter, Egle Alexander, Pichler Martin. NCCN-IPI score-independent prognostic potential of pretreatment uric acid levels for clinical outcome of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients.
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Deutsch Alexander JA, Rinner Beate, Pichler Martin, Fechter Karoline, Greinix Hildegard T., Wang Chenguang, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter. NR4A3 suppresses lymphomagenesis in vitro and in vivo by induction of similar patterns of pro-apoptotic genes like NR4A1.
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Zigeuner Richard, Golbeck S. V., Pichler Martin. Nierenparenchymtumoren.
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Perakis Samantha O., Thomas Joseph E., Pichler Martin. Non-coding RNAs enabling prognostic stratification and prediction of therapeutic response in colorectal cancer patients.
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Rashed Mohammed H., Kanlikilicer Pinar, Aguayo Cristian Rodriguez, Kabil Nashwa N., Pichler Martin, Bayraktar Recep, Bayraktar Emine, Ivan Cristina, Mitra Rahul, Calin George A., Sood Anil K., Abd-Ellah Mohamed F., Helal Gouda K., Berestein Gabriel Lopez. Ovarian cancer cells selectively release exosomes containing tumor suppressor miRNAs to maintain SRC-mediated oncogenic activities [Poster].
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Riedl J., Posch F., Stotz M., Bezan A., Winder T., Schaberl-Moser R., Pichler Martin, Stoeger H., Gerger A.. Patterns of venous thromboembolism risk in patients with localized colorectal cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy or active surveillance [Poster].
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Seles M., Strini K. A., Pohlmann K., Bezan A., Pummer K., Pichler Martin, Zigeuner R., Hutterer G. C.. Prognostische Bedeutung klinischer und histopathologischer Parameter hinsichtlich des Gesamtüberlebens beim Nierenzellkarzinom – Langzeitanalyse eines europäischen Single-Centers 1984-2013.
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Urbas Romana, Mayr Christian, Klieser Eckhard, Fuereder Julia, Bach Doris, Stättner Stefan, Primavesi Florian, Jaeger Tarkan, Stanzer Stefanie, Ress Anna, Löffelberger Magdalena, Wagner Andrej, Berr Frieder, Ritter Markus, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. Relevance of MicroRNA200 family and MicroRNA205 for epithelial to mesenchymal transition and clinical outcome in biliary tract cancer patients.
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Bezan A., Posch F., Ploner F., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Szkandera J., Hutterer G., Pummer K., Gary T., Samonigg H., Gerger A., Stotz M.. Risk stratification for venous thromboembolism in patients with testicular germ cell tumours.
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Wibmer C., Amrein K., Fahrleitner-Pammer A., Gilg M. M., Berghold A., Hutterer G. C., Maurer-Ertl W., Gerger A., Leithner A., Pichler Martin, Szkandera J.. Serum sclerostin levels in renal cell carcinoma patients with bone metastases.
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Gilg Maria Magdalena, Wibmer Christine, Amrein Karin, Fahrleitner-Pammer Astrid, Berghold Andrea, Ferstl-Rohrbacher Annemarie, Maurer-Ertl Werner, Gerger Armin, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin, Szkandera Joanna. Serum sclerostin levels in renal cell carcinoma patients with bone metastases [Poster].
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Rief Peter, Pichler Martin, Raggam Reinhard, Hafner Franz, Gerger Armin, Eller Philipp, Brodmann Marianne, Gary Thomas. The AST/ALT (De-Ritis) ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial occlusive disease patients.
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Schneider C., Wallner M., Abdellatif M., von Lewinski D., Pichler Martin, Sedej S., Rainer P.. The anti-cancer tyrosine kinase inhibitor sorafenib reduces cardiac contractile force by reducing cardiomyocyte calcium transient amplitude [Poster].
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Winder Thomas, Stotz Michael, Siebenhuener Alexander Rheinhard, Schlick Konstantin, Magnes Teresa, Samaras Panagiotis, Szkandera Joanna, Clavien Pierre-Alain, Neureiter Daniel, Greil Richard, Pestalozzi Bernhard C., Gerger Armin, Egle Alexander, Pichler Martin. The fibrinogen/CRP ratio as a novel prognostic parameter for pancreatic cancer patients [Poster].
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Ling Hui, Ohtsuka Masahisa, Pichler Martin, Ivan Cristina, Matsushita Daisuke, Calin George. The functional involvement of H19, a long noncoding RNA, in human colorectal cancer [Poster].
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Zebisch Armin, Hatzl Stefan, Pichler Martin, Wölfler Albert, Sill Heinz. Therapeutic resistance in acute myeloid leukemia: the role of non-coding RNAs.
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Kanlikilicer Pinar, Rashed Mohammed H., Bayraktar Recep, Mitra Rahul, Ivan Cristina, Aslan Burcu, Zhang Xinna, Filant Justyna, Silva Andreia M., Rodriguez-Aguayo Cristian, Bayraktar Emine, Pichler Martin, Ozpolat Bulent, Calin George A., Sood Anil K., Lopez-Berestein Gabriel. Ubiquitous release of exosomal tumor suppressor miR-6126 from ovarian cancer cells.
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Dalpiaz Orietta, Krieger Daniel, Ehrlich Georg C., Pohlmann Kristof, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C.. Validation of the preoperative platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in a european cohort of patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma.
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Ulz Peter, Belic Jelena, Graf Ricarda, Auer Martina, Lafer Ingrid, Fischereder Katja, Webersinke Gerald, Pummer Karl, Augustin Herbert, Pichler Martin, Hoefler Gerald, Bauernhofer Thomas, Geigl Jochen B., Heitzer Ellen, Speicher Michael R.. Whole-genome plasma sequencing reveals focal amplifications as a driving force in metastatic prostate cancer.
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Bayraktar Recep, Pichler Martin, Ivan Cristina, Calin George, Ozpolat Bulent. miR-603 acts as a tumor suppressor in triple-negative breast cancer and inhibits cell proliferation, invasiveness and tumorigenesis by targeting elongation factor 2-kinase (eEF2K) [Poster].
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Mayr C., Wagner A., Stöcklinger A., Jakab M., Illig R., Berr F., Pichler Martin, Di Fazio P., Ocker M., Neureiter D., Kiesslich T.. 3-Deazaneplanocin a may directly target putative cancer stem cells in biliary tract cancer.
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Eisner Florian, Pichler Martin, Goletz Steffen, Stoeger Herbert, Samonigg Hellmut. A glyco-engineered anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (TrasGEX) induces a long-lasting remission in a patient with HER2 overexpressing metastatic colorectal cancer after failure of all available treatment options.
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Bonin Serena, Donada Marisa, Bussolati Gianni, Nardon Ermanno, Annaratone Laura, Pichler Martin, Chiaravalli Anna Maria, Capella Carlo, Hoefler Gerald, Stanta Giorgio. A synonymous EGFR polymorphism predicting responsiveness to anti-EGFR therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
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Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Langsenlehner Uwe, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Kapp Karin S., Langsenlehner Tanja. An elevated preoperative plasma fibrinogen level is associated with poor disease-specific and overall survival in breast cancer patients.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Thurner E., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K.S., Langsenlehner T.. An elevated preoperative plasma fibrinogen level is related with poor prognosis in breast cancer [Poster].
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Belaj Klara, Pichler Martin, Hackl Gerald, Rief Peter, Eller Philipp, Hafner Franz, Brodmann Marianne, Gary Thomas. Association of the derived neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio with critical limb ischemia.
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Reitz Daniel, Gerger Armin, Seidel Julia, Kornprat Peter, Samonigg Hellmut, Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Pichler Martin. Combination of tumour markers CEA and CA19-9 improves the prognostic prediction in patients with pancreatic cancer.
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Mayr Christian, Neureiter Daniel, Pichler Martin, Berr Frieder, Wagner Andrej, Kiesslich Tobias, Namberger Konrad. Cytotoxic effects of chemokine receptor 4 inhibition by AMD3100 in biliary tract cancer cells: potential drug synergism with gemcitabine.
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Mayr C., Wagner A., Stoecklinger A., Jakab M., Illig R., Berr F., Pichler Martin, Di Fazio P., Ocker M., Neureiter D., Kiesslich T.. DZNep directly targets putative cancer stem cells in biliary tract cancer cells by inhibition of polycomb repressive complex 2 [Poster].
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Krieger D., Mrsic E., Bezan A., Stojakovic T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin, Hutterer G. C.. Die prognostische Relevanz von Leukozytose, Thrombozytose und Anämie bei PatientInnen mit nicht-metastasiertem Nierenzellkarzinom.
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Gary Thomas, Pichler Martin, Schilcher Gernot, Hafner Franz, Hackl Gerald, Rief Peter, Eller Philipp, Brodmann Marianne. Elevated blood urea nitrogen is associated with critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial disease patients.
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Langsenlehner Tanja, Pichler Martin, Thurner Eva-Maria, Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Stojakovic Tatjana, Gerger Armin, Langsenlehner Uwe. Evaluation of the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic indicator in a European cohort of patients with prostate cancer treated with radiotherapy.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Thurner E.M., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K.S., Langsenlehner T.. External validation of the derived neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in breast cancer patients [Poster].
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Smolle Maria Anna, Pichler Martin, Haybaeck Johannes, Gerger Armin. Genetic markers of recurrence in colorectal cancer.
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Melchardt Thomas, Troppan Katharina, Weiss Lukas, Hufnagl Clemens, Neureiter Daniel, Tränkenschuh Wolfgang, Schlick Konstantin, Huemer Florian, Deutsch Alexander, Neumeister Peter, Greil Richard, Pichler Martin, Egle Alexander. Independent prognostic value of serum markers in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma in the era of the NCCN-IPI.
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Ling H., Vincent K., Pichler Martin, Fodde R., Berindan-Neagoe I., Slack F. J., Calin G. A.. Junk DNA and the long non-coding RNA twist in cancer genetics.
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Szkandera J., Herzog S., Pichler Martin, Stiegelbauer V., Stotz M., Schaberl-Moser R., Samonigg H., Asslaber M., Lax S., Leitner G., Renner W., Lenz H.-J., Berghold A., Gerger A.. LGR5 rs17109924 is a predictive genetic biomarker for time to recurrence in patients with colon cancer treated with 5-fluorouracil-based adjuvant chemotherapy.
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Smolle Maria, Bullock Marc, Ling Hui, Pichler Martin, Haybaeck Johannes. Long non-coding RNAs in endometrial carcinoma.
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Nußbaumer Erika, Hatzl Stefan, Kuepper Kim, Geiger Olivia, Wieser Rotraud, Pichler Martin, Scheideler Marcel, Nowek Katarzyna, Lavrencic Mojca, Woelfler Albert, Troppmair Jakob, Sill Heinz, Zebisch Armin. Loss of RAF kinase inhibitor protein in acute myeloid leukemia is caused by the overexpression of miRNA-15a [Poster].
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Hatzl S., Geiger O., Kuepper M. K., Seime T., Nußbaumer E., Wieser R., Pichler Martin, Scheideler M., Nowek K., Jongen-Lacrencic M., Wölfler A., Troppmair J., Sill H., Zebisch A.. Loss of the tumor- and metastasis suppressor RAF kinase inhibitor protein is caused by the overexpression of miRNA-23a [Abstract].
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Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Stiegelbauer Verena, Deutsch Alexander, Ress Anna Lena, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Schauer Silvia, Wagner Karin, Langsenlehner Tanja, Resel Margit, Gerger Armin, Ling Hui, Ivan Cristina, Calin George Adrian, Hoefler Gerald, Rinner Beate, Pichler Martin. Low spinophilin expression enhances aggressive biological behavior of breast cancer.
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Hutterer Georg C., Golbeck Silvia, Mrsic Edvin, Krieger Daniel, Bezan Angelika, Jesche Johanna, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin. MP69-02 survival comparison analysis of two historical cohorts of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients (cytokine therapy vs. targeted agents) - a european single-center experience over 26 years.
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Troppan K., Wenzl K., Pichler Martin, Pursche B., Schwarzenbacher D., Feichtinger J., Thallinger G., Beham-Schmid C., Neumeister P., Deutsch A.. MiR-199a and miR-497 are associated with better overall survival due to increased chemosensitivity in aggressive non-Hodgkin ́s lymphoma patients [Poster].
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Troppan Katharina, Wenzl Kerstin, Pichler Martin, Pursche Beata, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Feichtinger Julia, Thallinger Gerhard, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter, Deutsch Alexander. MiR-199a and miR-497 are associated with better overall survival due to increased chemosensitivity in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma patients.
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Ress Anna Lena, Perakis Samantha, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs and colorectal cancer.
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Pichler Martin, Calin G. A.. MicroRNAs in cancer: from developmental genes in worms to their clinical application in patients.
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Thomas Joe, Ohtsuka Masahisa, Pichler Martin, Ling Hui. MicroRNAs: clinical relevance in colorectal cancer.
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Stotz Michael, Gerger Armin, Haybaeck Johannes, Kiesslich Tobias, Bullock Marc D., Pichler Martin. Molecular targeted therapies in hepatocellular carcinoma: past, present and future.
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Ress Anna Lena, Wagle Rishi, Pichler Martin. Multi-omics in prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Hutterer G. C., Krieger D., Mrsic E., Pohlmann K., Bezan A., Stojakovic T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. Preoperative leucocytosis, thrombocytosis and anemia as potential prognostic factors in non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
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Dalpiaz Orietta, Pichler Martin, Mrsic Edvin, Reitz Daniel, Krieger Daniel, Venturino Luca, Bezan Angelika, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Hutterer Georg C. Preoperative serum-gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) does not represent an independent prognostic factor in a European cohort of patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
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Hutterer Georg C., Sobolev N., Ehrlich Georg C., Gutschi Thomas, Stojakovic Tatjana, Mannweiler Sebastian, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Dalpiaz Orietta. Pretreatment lymphocyte–monocyte ratio as a potential prognostic factor in a cohort of patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma.
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Wagle Rishi, Ohtsuka Masahisa, Ling Hui, Pichler Martin. RNA interference in the clinics: where are we standing now?.
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Ress Anna Lena, Stiegelbauer Verena, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Deutsch Alexander, Ling Hui, Calin George, Rinner Beate, Gerger Armin, Samonigg Hellmut, Pichler Martin. Spinophilin expression determines cellular growth, cancer stemness and 5-flourouracil resistance in colorectal cancer [Poster].
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Lindenmann Joerg, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Pichler Martin, Anegg Udo, Maier Alfred, Smolle Josef, Smolle-Juettner Freyja Maria. Stage-based treatment for thymoma in due consideration of thymectomy: a single-center experience and comparison with the literature.
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Hutterer G.C., Golbeck S., Mrsic E., Krieger D., Bezan A., Jesche J., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. Survival comparison analysis of two historical cohorts of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients (cytokine therapy vs. targeted agents) – a European single center experience over 26 years.
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Hutterer Georg C., Golbeck Silvia V., Mrsic Edvin, Krieger Daniel, Bezan Angelika, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin. Survival comparison analysis of two historical cohorts of metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients (cytokine therapy vs. targeted agents): a European single-center experience over 26 years [Abstract].
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Rief P., Pichler Martin, Hafner F., Gerger A., Eller P., Hackl G., Brodmann M., Gary T.. The AST/ALT (De-Ritis) Ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial occlusive disease patients.
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Gary T., Pichler Martin, Rief P., Hafner F., Brodmann M.. The AST/ALT ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial occlusive disease patients [Poster].
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Mayr Christian, Wagner Andrej, Loeffelberger Magdalena, Bruckner Daniela, Jakab Martin, Berr Frieder, Di Fazio Pietro, Ocker Matthias, Neureiter Daniel, Pichler Martin, Kiesslich Tobias. The BMI1 inhibitor PTC-209 is a potential compound to halt cellular growth in biliary tract cancer cells.
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Ling Hui, Pickard Karen, Ivan Cristina, Isella Claudio, Ikuo Mariko, Mitter Richard, Spizzo Riccardo, Bullock Marc D, Braicu Cornelia, Pileczki Valentina, Vincent Kimberly, Pichler Martin, Stiegelbauer Verena, Hoefler Gerald, Almeida Maria I, Hsiao Annie, Zhang Xinna, Primrose John N, Packham Graham K, Liu Kevin, Bojja Krishna, Gafà Roberta, Xiao Lianchun, Rossi Simona, Song Jian H, Vannini Ivan, Fanini Francesca, Kopetz Scott, Zweidler-McKay Patrick, Wang Xuemei, Ionescu Calin, Irimie Alexandru, Fabbri Muller, Lanza Giovanni, Hamilton Stanley R, Berindan-Neagoe Ioana, Medico Enzo, Mirnezami Alex H, Calin George A, Nicoloso Milena S. The clinical and biological significance of MIR-224 expression in colorectal cancer metastasis.
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Troppan Katharina T, Melchardt Thomas, Wenzl Kerstin, Schlick Konstantin, Deutsch Alexander, Bullock Marc D, Reitz Daniel, Beham-Schmid Christine, Weiss Lukas, Neureiter Daniel, Tränkenschuh Wolfgang, Greil Richard, Neumeister Peter, Egle Alexander, Pichler Martin. The clinical significance of fibrinogen plasma levels in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
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Szkandera Joanna, Gerger Armin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Samonigg Hellmut, Friesenbichler Joerg, Stojakovic Tatjana, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. The derived neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio predicts poor clinical outcome in soft tissue sarcoma patients.
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Thurner Eva-Maria, Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Langsenlehner Uwe, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Kapp Karin S., Langsenlehner Tanja. The elevated C-reactive protein level is associated with poor prognosis in prostate cancer patients treated with radiotherapy.
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Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Langsenlehner Uwe, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Kapp Karin S., Langsenlehner Tanja. The elevated preoperative derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts poor clinical outcome in breast cancer patients.
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Mayr Christian, Wagner Andrej, Neureiter Daniel, Pichler Martin, Jakab Martin, Illig Romana, Berr Frieder, Kiesslich Tobias. The green tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate induces cell cycle arrest and shows potential synergism with cisplatin in biliary tract cancer cells.
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Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Stojakovic Tatjana, Seidel Julia, Samonigg Hellmut, Kornprat Peter, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Seggewies Fridericke, Hoefler Gerald, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. The lymphocyte to monocyte ratio in peripheral blood represents a novel prognostic marker in patients with pancreatic cancer.
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Bezan Angelika, Mrsic Edvin, Krieger Daniel, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin. The preoperative AST/ALT (De Ritis) ratio represents a poor prognostic factor in a cohort of patients with nonmetastatic renal cell carcinoma.
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Bochis Ovidiu V., Irimie Alexandru, Pichler Martin, Berindan- Neagoe Ioana. The role of Skp2 and its substrate CDKN1B (p27) in colorectal cancer.
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Stiegelbauer V., Ress A., Schwarzenbacher D., Deutsch A., Perakis S., Ling H., Ivan C., Calin G., Gerger A., Rinner B., Pichler Martin. The role of the putative tumor suppressor protein spinophilin in colorectal cancer.
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Troppan Katharina T., Melchardt Thomas, Deutsch Alexander, Schlick Konstantin, Stojakovic Tatjana, Bullock Marc D., Reitz Daniel, Beham-Schmid Christine, Weiss Lukas, Neureiter Daniel, Wenzl Kerstin, Greil Richard, Neumeister Peter, Egle Alexander, Pichler Martin. The significance of pretreatment anemia in the era of R-IPI and NCCN-IPI prognostic risk assessment tools: a dual-center study in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients.
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Szkandera Joanna, Gerger Armin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Samonigg Hellmut, Ploner Ferdinand, Stojakovic Tatjana, Gary Thomas, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. Uric acid levels in blood are associated with clinical outcome in soft-tissue sarcoma patients.
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Langsenlehner Tanja, Thurner Eva-Maria, Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Langsenlehner Uwe, Stojakovic Tatjana, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Validation of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in a cohort of European prostate cancer patients.
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Hutterer G. C., Dalpiaz O., Ehrlich G. C., Mrsic E., Krieger D., Bezan A., Stojakovic T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. Validierung der präoperativen Thrombozyten-Lymphozyten- Ratio (PLR) als Prognosefaktor beim Urothelkarzinom des oberen Harntraktes in einer europäischen Single-Center-Serie [Abstract].
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Abstracts zum 67. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie
Jesche-Chromecki J., Hutterer G. C., Dalpiaz O., Mrsic E., Krieger D., Bezan A., Stojakovic T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. Validierung der präoperativen Thrombozyten-Lymphozyten-Ratio (PLR) als Prognosefaktor beim Urothelkarzinom des oberen Harntraktes in einer europäischen Single-Center Serie [Abstract].
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Strini K. A., Hutterer G., Golbeck S., Mrsic E., Krieger D., Bezan A., Jesche-Chromecki J., Pummer K., Pichler Martin, Zigeuner R.. Vergleich der Überlebenszeiten von PatientInnen mit metastasiertem Nierenzellkarzinom anhand zweier historischer Vergleichskohorten (Zytokintherapie vs. Targeted Agents) – eine europäische Single-Center Serie über 26 Jahre.
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Brookman-May S.D., Ficarra V., Shariat S., Zigeuner R., Chromecki T., Cindolo L., Gunia S., Aziz A., Otto W., Pahernik S., Chun F., Becker A., Simeone C., Longo N., Zucchi A., Stabiano S., D'Alterio C., Gilfrich C., Schips L., De Cobelli O., Joniau S., Waidelich R., Pichler Martin, Rocco B., Tubaro A., Feciche B., Truss M., Dalpiaz O., Zastrow S., Wirth M., Santiago Martin M., Hoschke B., Stief C., May M.. 317 Prognostic influence of chromophobe subtype and sarcomatoid dedifferentiation in patients with renal cell carcinoma and impact of clinical and histopathological parameters on disease-specific survival in patients with collecting duct renal cell carcinoma (CDRCC): results of comprehensive analyses of the CORONA and SATURN databases and development of a disease-specific risk-model for CDRCC patients.
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Szkandera Joanna, Pichler Martin, Absenger Gudrun, Stotz Michael, Weissmueller Melanie, Samonigg Hellmut, Asslaber Martin, Lax Sigurd, Leitner Gerhard, Winder Thomas, Renner Wilfried, Gerger Armin. A functional germline variant in GLI1 implicates hedgehog signaling in clinical outcome of stage II and III colon carcinoma patients.
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Melchardt Thomas, Troppan Katharina, Weiss Lukas, Hufnagl Clemens, Neureiter Daniel, Tränkenschuh Wolfgang, Hopfinger Georg, Magnes Teresa, Deutsch Alexander, Neumeister Peter, Hackl Hubert, Greil Richard, Pichler Martin, Egle Alexander. A modified scoring of the NCCN-IPI is more accurate in the elderly and is improved by albumin and β2-microglobulin.
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Kiesslich Tobias, Mayr Christian, Wachter Julia, Bach Doris, Fuereder Julia, Wagner Andrej, Alinger Beate, Pichler Martin, Di Fazio Pietro, Ocker Matthias, Berr Frieder, Neureiter Daniel. Activated hedgehog pathway is a potential target for pharmacological intervention in biliary tract cancer.
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Troppan K. T., Schlick K., Deutsch A., Melchardt T., Egle A., Stojakovic T., Beham-Schmid C., Weiss L., Neureiter D., Wenzl K., Greil R., Neumeister P., Pichler Martin. C-reactive protein level is a prognostic indicator for survival and improves the predictive ability of the R-IPI score in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma patients.
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Thurner E.-M., Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K., Langsenlehner T.. C-reaktives Protein (CRP) als prognostischer Marker bei nicht metastasierten Prostatakarzinompatienten [Poster].
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Mohan Sumitra, Heitzer Ellen, Ulz Peter, Lafer Ingrid, Lax Sigurd, Auer Martina, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Eisner Florian, Hoefler Gerald, Bauernhofer Thomas, Geigl Jochen B., Speicher Michael R.. Changes in colorectal carcinoma genomes under anti-EGFR therapy identified by whole-genome plasma DNA sequencing.
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Smolle Maria, Uranitsch Stefan, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin, Haybaeck Johannes. Current status of long non-coding RNAs in human cancer with specific focus on colorectal cancer.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Thurner E.-M., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner T.. Der präoperativ erhöhte Plasma-Fibrinogen-Spiegel ist als prädiktiver Faktor für die Prognose von Brustkrebs Patientinnen [Poster].
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Krenn- Pilko S., Thurner E. M., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Langsenlehner U., Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner T.. Die präoperative Thrombozyten/Lymphozyten-Ratio ist ein prädiktiver Faktor für die Prognose von Brustkrebspatientinnen [Poster].
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Aziz Atiqullah, May Matthias, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Chromecki Thomas, Cindolo Luca, Schips Luigi, De Cobelli Ottavio, Rocco Bernardo, De Nunzio Cosimo, Tubaro Andrea, Coman Ioan, Truss Michael, Dalpiaz Orietta, Hoschke Bernd, Gilfrich Christian, Feciche Bogdan, Fenske Fabian, Sountoulides Petros, Figenshau Robert S., Madison Kerry, Sánchez-Chapado Manuel, del Carmen Santiago Martin Maria, Wieland Wolf F., Salzano Luigi, Lotrecchiano Giuseppe, Waidelich Raphaela, Stief Christian, Brookman-May Sabine. Do young patients with renal cell carcinoma feature a distinct outcome after surgery? A comparative analysis of patient age based on the multinational CORONA database.
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Thurner E., Krenn-Pilko S., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Langsenlehner U., Kapp K.S., Langsenlehner T.. Elevated C-reactive protein level predicts poor prognosis in prostate cancer patients treated with radiotherapy [Poster].
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Gary T., Belaj K., Pichler Martin, Schilcher G., Hafner F., Hackl G., Haas E., Eller P., Brodmann M.. Elevated blood urea nitrogen is associated with CLI in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Rief P., Belaj K., Pichler Martin, Schilcher G., Hafner F., Hackl G., Eller P., Brodmann M., Gary T.. Elevated blood urea nitrogen is associated with CLI in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Stotz Michael, Szkandera Joanna, Seidel Julia, Stojakovic Tatjana, Samonigg Hellmut, Reitz Daniel, Gary Thomas, Kornprat Peter, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Hoefler Gerald, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Evaluation of uric acid as a prognostic blood-based marker in a large cohort of pancreatic cancer patients.
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Troppan K., Wenzl K., Deutsch A., Pichler Martin, Gaupp M., Beham-Schmid C., Neumeister P.. High expression of MIRNA-199A_1 and MIRNA-497_1 is associated with better overall survival in aggressive non-hodgkins's lymphoma [Poster].
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Hutterer G. C., Stoeckigt C., Stojakovic T., Martín Hernández J. M., Eberhard K., Mannweiler S., Gerger A., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. High pre-operative monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) represents a poor prognostic factor in non-metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma [Poster].
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Hutterer Georg C., Stoeckigt Caroline, Stojakovic Tatjana, Martin Hernandez Jessica M., Eberhard Katharina, Mannweiler Sebastian, Gerger Armin, Pummer Karl, Pichler Martin, Zigeuner Richard. High preoperative monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) as a prognostic factor in nonmetastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma..
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Pichler Martin, Calin George Adrian. Long noncoding RNA in neuroblastoma: new light on the (Old) N-Myc story.
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Aigelsreiter Alena Maria, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Wehrschuetz Martin, Ress Anna Lena, Koller Karin, Salzwimmer Michaela, Gerger Armin, Schauer Silvia, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin. Loss of the putative tumor suppressor protein spinophilin is associated with poor prognosis in head and neck cancer.
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Hutterer Georg C., Stoeckigt Caroline, Stojakovic Tatjana, Jesche Johanna, Eberhard Katharina, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin. Low preoperative lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR) represents a potentially poor prognostic factor in nonmetastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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Gary T., Pichler Martin, Belaj K., Eller P., Hafner F., Gerger A., Brodmann M.. Lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients.
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Pichler Martin, Ress A. L., Winter E., Stiegelbauer V., Karbiener M., Schwarzenbacher D., Scheideler M., Ivan C., Jahn S. W., Kiesslich T., Gerger A., Bauernhofer T., Calin G. A., Hoefler G.. MiR-200a regulates epithelial to mesenchymal transition-related gene expression and determines prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.
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Ress Anna Lena, Stiegelbauer Verena, Winter Elke, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Kiesslich Tobias, Lax Sigurd, Jahn Stefan, Deutsch Alexander, Bauernhofer Thomas, Ling Hui, Samonigg Hellmut, Gerger Armin, Hoefler Gerald, Pichler Martin. MiR-96-5p influences cellular growth and is associated with poor survival in colorectal cancer patients.
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Stiegelbauer Verena, Perakis Samantha, Deutsch Alexander, Ling Hui, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs as novel predictive biomarkers and therapeutic targets in colorectal cancer.
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Wagner Andrej, Mayr Christian, Bach Doris, Illig Romana, Plaetzer Kristjan, Berr Frieder, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Kiesslich Tobias. MicroRNAs associated with the efficacy of photodynamic therapy in biliary tract cancer cell lines.
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Troppan Katharina, Wenzl Kerstin, Deutsch Alexander, Ling Hui, Neumeister Peter, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma: implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
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Bezan Angelika, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs in testicular cancer: implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
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Vincent Kimberly, Pichler Martin, Lee Gyeong-Won, Ling Hui. MicroRNAs, genomic instability and cancer.
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Pichler Aneta, Pichler Martin. Music therapy in cancer patients: fact or fiction?.
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Deutsch Alexander J. A., Rinner Beate, Wenzl Kerstin, Pichler Martin, Troppan Katharina, Steinbauer Elisabeth, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Reitter Sonja, Feichtinger Julia, Tierling Sascha, Prokesch Andreas, Scheideler Marcel, Krogsdam Anne, Thallinger Gerhard G., Schaider Helmut, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter. NR4A1-mediated apoptosis suppresses lymphomagenesis and is associated with a favorable cancer-specific survival in patients with aggressive B-cell lymphomas.
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Koller Karin, Pichler Martin, Koch Karin, Zandl Martina, Stiegelbauer Verena, Leuschner Ivo, Hoefler Gerald, Guertl Barbara. Nephroblastomas show low expression of MicroR-204 and high expression of its target, the oncogenic transcription factor MEIS1.
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Brookman-May S., Cindolo L., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin, Sountoulides P., Stief C., Waidelich W., Dalpiaz O., Gilfrich C., May M., Schips L.. Nierenzellkarzinom-Patienten ≥ 80 Jahre haben eine signifikant höhere krebsspezifische und nicht-krebs-spezifische Mortalität nach operativer Therapie – Ergebnisse einer komparativen Analyse von Patienten < 80 Jahre und Patienten in der 7. Lebensdekade unter Integration von Competing-Risks-Analysen [Poster].
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Brookman-May S.D., Zigeuner R., Sountoulides P., Truss M., Dalpiaz O., Wolff I., Hoschke B., Gilfrich C., Pichler Martin, Waidelich R., Stief C., Cindolo L., Schips L., May M.. Nierenzellkarzinom-Patienten ≥80 Jahren haben eine signifikant höhere krebsspezifische und nicht-krebsspezifische Mortalität nach operativer Therapie als Patienten im typischen Erstdiagnosealter zwischen 60 und 70 Jahren – Ergebnisse einer komparativen Analyse dieser Altersgruppen unter Integration von Competing-Risks-Analysen [Poster].
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Kuepper M. K., Wolf O., Huber-Krassnitzer B., Wieser R., Pichler Martin, Scheideler M., Woelfler A., Sill H., Zebisch A.. Overexpression of miR-23a, miR-24 and miR- 15a in acute myeloid leukemia with loss of the RAF kinase inhibitor protein.
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Szkandera Joanna, Gerger Armin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Stotz Michael, Samonigg Hellmut, Ploner Ferdinand, Stojakovic Tatjana, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. Pre-treatment anemia is a poor prognostic factor in soft tissue sarcoma patients.
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May Matthias, Cindolo Luca, Zigeuner Richard, De Cobelli Ottavio, Rocco Bernardo, De Nunzio Cosimo, Tubaro Andrea, Coman Ioman, Truss Michael, Dalpiaz Orietta, Wolff Ingmar, Feciche Bogdan, Fenske Fabian, Pichler Martin, Schips Luigi, Figenshau Robert S., Madison Kerry, Sánchez-Chapado Manuel, Santiago Martin Maria del Carmen, Salzano Luigi, Lotrecchiano Giuseppe, Waidelich Raphaela, Stief Christian, Sountoulides Petros, Brookman-May Sabine. Results of a comparative study analyzing octogenarians with renal cell carcinoma in a competing risk analysis with patients in the seventh decade of life.
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Ress Anna Lena, Stiegelbauer Verena, Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Deutsch Alexander, Perakis Samantha, Ling Hui, Ivan Cristina, Calin George Adrian, Rinner Beate, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Spinophilin expression determines cellular growth, cancer stemness and 5-flourouracil resistance in colorectal cancer.
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Thurner Eva-Maria, Krenn-Pilko Sabine, Langsenlehner Uwe, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pichler Martin, Gerger Armin, Kapp Karin S., Langsenlehner Tanja. The association of an elevated plasma fibrinogen level with cancer-specific and overall survival in prostate cancer patients.
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Thurner E. M., Krenn-Pilko S., Gerger A., Pichler Martin, Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner U., Langsenlehner T.. The elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) level is a poor prognostic factor in prostate cancer patients.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Thurner E. M., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Langsenlehner U., Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner T.. The elevated preoperative platelet to lymphocyte ratio is an independent prognostic marker in breast cancer patient [Poster].
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Szkandera Joanna, Pichler Martin, Absenger Gudrun, Stotz Michael, Arminger Franziska, Weissmueller Melanie, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Samonigg Hellmut, Kornprat Peter, Stojakovic Tatjana, Avian Alexander, Gerger Armin. The elevated preoperative platelet to lymphocyte ratio predicts decreased time to recurrence in colon cancer patients.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Thurner E.-M., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner T.. The elevated preoperative platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts poor prognosis in breast cancer patients.
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Lindenmann Joerg, Fink-Neuboeck Nicole, Koesslbacher Mario, Pichler Martin, Stojakovic Tatjana, Roller Regina Elisabeth, Maier Alfred, Anegg Udo, Smolle Josef, Smolle-Juettner Freyja Maria. The influence of elevated levels of C-reactive protein and hypoalbuminemia on survival in patients with advanced inoperable esophageal cancer undergoing palliative treatment.
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Szkandera Joanna, Gerger Armin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Absenger Gudrun, Stotz Michael, Friesenbichler Joerg, Trajanoski Slave, Stojakovic Tatjana, Eberhard Katharina, Leithner Andreas, Pichler Martin. The lymphocyte/monocyte ratio predicts poor clinical outcome and improves the predictive accuracy in patients with soft tissue sarcomas.
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Mayr Christian, Neureiter Daniel, Wagner Andrej, Pichler Martin, Kiesslich Tobias. The role of polycomb repressive complexes in biliary tract cancer.
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Al-Zhoughbi Wael, Huang Jianfeng, Paramasivan Ganapathy S., Till Holger, Pichler Martin, Guertl-Lackner Barbara, Hoefler Gerald. Tumor macroenvironment and metabolism.
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Pichler Martin, Dalpiaz Orietta, Ehrlich Georg C., Stojakovic Tatjana, Martín Hernández Jessica M., Mannweiler Sebastian, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Hutterer Georg C.. Validation of the preoperative plasma fibrinogen level as a prognostic factor in a european cohort of patients with localized upper tract urothelial carcinoma.
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Dalpiaz O., Pichler Martin, Mannweiler S., Martín Hernández J. M., Stojakovic T., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Hutterer G. C.. Validation of the pretreatment derived neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in a European cohort of patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma.
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Hutterer G. C., Dalpiaz O., Sobolev N., Hernández J. M. Martín, Stojakovic T., Eberhard K., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Pichler Martin. Validierung der präoperativen Lymphozyten-Monozyten-Ratio (LMR) als Prognosefaktor beim Urothelkarzinom des oberen Harntraktes in einer europäischen Single-Center-Serie [Poster].
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin, Stoeckigt Caroline, Chromecki Thomas F., Stojakovic Tatjana, Golbeck Silvia, Mannweiler Sebastian, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. 731 A large scale validation study proposes high pre-operative plasma fibrinogen levels as an independent negative prognostic factor regarding cancer-specific, metastasis-free, as well as overall survival in a european cohort of renal cell carcinoma patients [Poster].
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Absenger Gudrun, Szkandera Joanna, Stotz Michael, Pichler Martin, Winder Thomas, Langsenlehner Tanja, Langsenlehner Uwe, Samonigg Hellmut, Renner Wilfried, Gerger Armin. A common and functional gene variant in the vascular endothelial growth factor a predicts clinical outcome in early-stage breast cancer.
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Szkandera Joanna, Winder Thomas, Stotz Michael, Weissmueller Melanie, Langsenlehner Tanja, Pichler Martin, Samonigg Hellmut, Renner Wilfried, Gerger Armin, Absenger Gudrun. A common gene variant in PLS3 predicts colon cancer recurrence in women.
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Absenger G., Szkandera J., Pichler Martin, Stotz M., Arminger F., Weissmueller M., Schaberl-Moser R., Samonigg H., Stojakovic T., Gerger A.. A derived neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts clinical outcome in stage II and III colon cancer patients.
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Hutterer G.C., Pichler Martin, Stoeckigt C., Chromecki T., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. A large scale validation study proposes high pre-operative plasma fibrinogen levels as an independent negative prognostic factor regarding cancer-specific, metastasis-free, as well as overall survival in a European cohort of renal cell carcinoma patients.
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Kiesslich Tobias, Tortik Nicole, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel, Plaetzer Kristjan. Apoptosis in cancer cells induced by photodynamic treatment – a methodological approach.
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Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Langsenlehner Tanja, Samonigg Hellmut, Renner Wilfried, Gerger Armin. Association of common gene variants in vitamin D modulating genes and colon cancer recurrence.
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Mohamad Al–Ali Badereddin, Shamloul Rany, Pichler Martin, Augustin Herbert, Pummer Karl. Clinical and laboratory profiles of a large cohort of patients with different grades of varicocele.
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Stotz Michael, Eisner Florian, Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Carolin, Samonigg Hellmut, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Clinico-pathological characteristics and clinical outcome of different histological types of pancreatic cancer in a large Middle European series.
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Aigelsreite Ariane, Pichler Martin, Pixner Thomas, Janig Elke, Schuller Monika, Lackner Carolin, Scheipl Susanne, Beham Alfred, Regauer Sigrid. Clusterin expression in elastofibroma dorsi.
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Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Gerger Stefan, Zacherl Maximilian, Renner Wilfried, Haijun Miao, Leithner Andreas, Gerger Armin. Common gene variants in RAD51, XRCC2 and XPD are not associated with clinical outcome in soft-tissue sarcoma patients.
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Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Zacherl Maximilian, Renner Wilfried, Leithner Andreas, Gerger Armin. Common gene variants in RAD51, XRCC2 and XPD are not associated with clinical outcome in soft-tissue sarcoma patients [Poster].
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Heitzer Ellen, Auer Martina, Gasch Christin, Pichler Martin, Ulz Peter, Hoffmann Eva Maria, Lax Sigurd, Waldispuehl-Geigl Julie, Mauermann Oliver, Lackner Carolin, Höfler Gerald, Eisner Florian, Sill Heinz, Samonigg Hellmut, Pantel Klaus, Riethdorf Sabine, Bauernhofer Thomas, Geigl Jochen B., Speicher Michael R.. Complex tumor genomes inferred from single circulating tumor cells by array-CGH and next-generation sequencing.
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Bach Doris, Fuereder Julia, Karbiener Michael, Scheideler Marcel, Ress Anna Lena, Neureiter Daniel, Kemmerling Ralf, Dietze Otto, Wiederstein Markus, Berr Frieder, Plaetzer Kristjan, Kiesslich Tobias, Pichler Martin. Comprehensive analysis of alterations in the miRNome in response to photodynamic treatment.
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Belaj K., Pichler Martin, Hackl G., Eller P., Brodmann M., Gary T.. Derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and its association with critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Belaj K., Hackl G., Pichler Martin, Eller P., Brodmann M., Gary T.. Derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and its association with critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Ehrlich G., Pichler Martin, Hutterer G., Pummer K., Zigeuner R., Dalpiaz O.. Ein erhöhter Fibrinogen-Plasma-Spiegel ist ein negativer prognostischer Faktor beim Urothelkarzinom des oberen Harntraktes.
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Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Pichler Martin, Zacherl Maximilian, Samonigg Hellmut, Stojakovic Tatjana, Gerger Armin, Leithner Andreas. Elevated preoperative neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio is associated with poor prognosis in soft-tissue sarcoma patients [Poster].
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Heitzer Ellen, Auer Martina, Hoffmann Eva Maria, Pichler Martin, Gasch Christin, Ulz Peter, Lax Sigurd, Waldispuehl‐Geigl Julie, Mauermann Oliver, Mohan Sumitra, Pristauz Gunda, Lackner Carolin, Höfler Gerald, Eisner Florian, Petru Edgar, Sill Heinz, Samonigg Hellmut, Pantel Klaus, Riethdorf Sabine, Bauernhofer Thomas, Geigl Jochen B., Speicher Michael R.. Establishment of tumor‐specific copy number alterations from plasma DNA of patients with cancer.
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Jesche J., Hutterer G. C., Pichler Martin, Stoeckigt C., Chromecki T. F., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Gerger A., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. Evaluierung der Wertigkeit der präoperativen Neutrophilen-/Lymphozyten-Ratio als Prognosefaktor bezüglich des krebsspezifischen-, metastasenfreien- und Gesamtüberlebens von Nierenzellkarzinompatienten in einer europäischen Single-Center Serie [Poster].
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Szkandera Joanna, Stotz Michael, Eisner Florian, Absenger Gudrun, Stojakovic Tatjana, Samonigg Hellmut, Kornprat Peter, Schaberl-Moser Renate, AlZoughbi Wael, Ress Anna Lena, Seggewies Friederike Sophia, Gerger Armin, Hoefler Gerald, Pichler Martin. External validation of the derived neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker on a large cohort of pancreatic cancer patients.
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Wallner M., Rainer R., Mächler H., Pichler Martin, Pieske B., von Lewinski D.. Funktionelle Effekte der Multikinase-Inhibitoren Sorafenib und Sunitinib [Poster].
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Szkandera Joanna, Kiesslich Tobias, Haybaeck Johannes, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. Hedgehog signaling pathway in ovarian cancer.
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Gasch Christin, Bauernhofer Thomas, Pichler Martin, Langer-Freitag Sabine, Reeh Matthias, Seifert Adrian M., Mauermann Oliver, Izbicki Jakob R., Pantel Klaus, Riethdorf Sabine. Heterogeneity of epidermal growth factor receptor status and mutations of KRAS/PIK3CA in circulating tumor cells of patients with colorectal cancer.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer G. C., Stojakovic T., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. High plasma fibrinogen level represents an independent negative prognostic factor regarding cancer-specific, metastasis-free, as well as overall survival in a European cohort of non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients.
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Hutterer G. C., Pichler Martin, Stöckigt C., Chromecki T. F., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. Hoher präoperativer Plasma-Fibrinogen-Spiegel als unabhängiger negativer Prognosefaktor bezüglich des krebsspezifischen, metastasenfreien und Gesamtüberlebens von Nierenzellkarzinompatienten in einer europäischen Single-Center-Serie [Poster].
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Jesche J., Hutterer G. C., Pichler Martin, Stoeckigt C., Chromecki T. F., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. Hoher präoperativer Plasma-Fibrinogen-Spiegel als unabhängiger negativer Prognosefaktor bezüglich des krebsspezifischen-, metastasenfreien- und Gesamtüberlebens von Nierenzellkarzinompatienten in einer europäischen Single-Center Serie [Poster].
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Stotz M., Gerger A., Eisner F., Szkandera J., Loibner H., L Ress A., Kornprat P., A Zoughbi W., Seggewies F. S., Lackner C., Stojakovic T., Samonigg H., Hoefler G., Pichler Martin. Increased neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is a poor prognostic factor in patients with primary operable and inoperable pancreatic cancer.
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Wallner M., Rainer P. P., Mächler H., Pichler Martin, Pieske B., von Lewinski D.. Kardiotoxische Effekte von Multikinase Inhibitoren [Poster].
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Hutterer G. C., Pichler Martin. Krebsspezifisches, metastasenfreies und Gesamtüberleben - Plasma-Fibrinogen-Spiegel in der Prognose des RCC.
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Aigelsreiter A., Ress A. L, Bettermann K., Schauer S., Koller K., Eisner F., Kiesslich T., Stojakovic T., Samonigg H., Kornprat P., Lackner C., Haybaeck J., Pichler Martin. Low expression of the putative tumour suppressor spinophilin is associated with higher proliferative activity and poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Gary T., Pichler Martin, Belaj K., Rief P., Eller P., Hafner F., Gerger A., Froehlich H., Pilger E., Brodmann M.. Lymphocyte to monocyte ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients.
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Gary T., Pichler Martin, Belaj K., Hafner F., Brodmann M.. Lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Belaj K., Gary T., Pichler Martin, Eller P., Hackl G., Hafner F., Gerger A., Froehlich H., Pilger E., Brodmann M.. Lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients [Poster].
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Gary Thomas, Pichler Martin, Belaj Klara, Hafner Franz, Gerger Armin, Froehlich Harald, Eller Philipp, Pilger Ernst, Brodmann Marianne. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and its association with critical limb ischemia in PAOD patients.
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Belaj K., Pichler Martin, Hackl G., Eller Ph., Brodmann M., Gary T.. Pathomechanism of reobstruction after endovasculartreatment of the superficial femoral artery: impact ofinflammatory cells.
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Gary Thomas, Pichler Martin, Belaj Klara, Hafner Franz, Gerger Armin, Froehlich Harald, Eller Philipp, Rief Peter, Hackl Gerald, Pilger Ernst, Brodmann Marianne. Platelet-to-Lymphocyte ratio: a novel marker for critical limb ischemia in peripheral arterial occlusive disease patients.
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Szkandera Joanna, Absenger Gudrun, Weissmueller Melanie, Pichler Martin, Stotz Michael, Lax Sigurd, Leitner Gerhard, Asslaber Martin, Renner Wilfried, Gerger Armin. Prediction of clinical outcome in stage II and III colon cancer by a common gene variant in AXIN2 [Poster].
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Absenger Gudrun, Szkandera Joanna, Stotz Michael, Postlmayr Ulrich, Pichler Martin, Ress Anna Lena, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Loibner Hans, Samonigg Hellmut, Gerger Armin. Preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts clinical outcome in patients with stage II and III colon cancer.
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Kashofer Karl, Viertler Christian, Pichler Martin, Zatloukal Kurt. Quality control of RNA preservation and extraction from Paraffin-Embedded tissue: implications for RT-PCR and microarray analysis.
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Aigelsreiter A. M., Aigelsreiter A., Wehrschuetz M., Ress A., Koller K., Kiesslich T., Schauer S., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin. Reduced expression of the putative tumour suppressor Spinophilin is an adverse prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck [Abstract].
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Aigelsreiter A. M., Aigelsreiter A., Wehrschuetz M., Ress A., Koller K., Kiesslich T., Schauer S., Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin. Reduced expression of the putative tumour suppressor spinophilin is an adverse prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck [Abstract].
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Tinchon Christoph, Hubmann Eva, Pichler Angelika, Keil Felix, Pichler Martin, Rabl Hans, Uggowitzer Martin, Jilek Kurt, Leitner Gerhard, Bauernhofer Thomas. Safety and efficacy of neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX treatment in a series of patients with borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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Eisner Florian, Schaberl-Moser Renate, Gerger Armin, Samonigg Hellmut, Pichler Martin. Successful use of sorafenib after bortezomib failure in metastatic follicular thyroid cancer - a case report.
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Smolle Elisabeth, Taucher Valentin, Pichler Martin, Petru Edgar, Lax Sigurd, Haybaeck Johannes. Targeting signaling pathways in epithelial ovarian cancer.
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Absenger G., Benhaim L., Szkandera J., Zhang W., Yang D., Labonte M. J., Pichler Martin, Stotz M., Samonigg H., Renner W., Gerger A., Lenz H.-J.. The cyclin D1 (CCND1) rs9344 G>A polymorphism predicts clinical outcome in colon cancer patients treated with adjuvant 5-FU-based chemotherapy.
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Troppan K., Deutsch A., Gerger A., Stojakovic T., Beham-Schmid C., Wenzl K., Neumeister P., Pichler Martin. The derived neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio is an independent prognostic factor in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
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Szkandera Joanna, Pichler Martin, Liegl-Atzwanger Bernadette, Absenger Gudrun, Stotz Michael, Ploner Ferdinand, Stojakovic Tatjana, Samonigg Hellmut, Eberhard Katharina, Leithner Andreas, Gerger Armin. The elevated pre-operative plasma fibrinogen level is an independent negative prognostic factor for cancer-specific, disease-free and overall survival in soft-tissue sarcoma patients.
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Szkandera J., Pichler Martin, Liegl-Atzwanger B., Absenger G., Stotz M., Ploner F., Stojakovic T., Samonigg H., Leithner A., Gerger A.. The elevated pre-operative plasma fibrinogen level is an independent negative prognostic factor for cancer-specific; metastasis-free and overall survival in soft-tissue sarcoma patients [Poster].
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Senanayake Upeka, Koller Karin, Pichler Martin, Leuschner Ivo, Strohmaier Heimo, Hadler Ulrike, Das Suman, Hoefler Gerald, Guertl Barbara. The pluripotent renal stem cell regulator SIX2 is activated in renal neoplasms and influences cellular proliferation and migration.
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Stotz M., Pichler Martin, Absenger G., Szkandera J., Arminger F., Schaberl-Moser R., Samonigg H., Stojakovic T., Gerger A.. The preoperative lymphocyte to monocyte ratio predicts clinical outcome in patients with stage III colon cancer.
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Schwarzenbacher Daniela, Balic Marija, Pichler Martin. The role of microRNAs in breast cancer stem cells.
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Heitzer Ellen, Ulz Peter, Belic Jelena, Gutschi Stefan, Quehenberger Franz, Fischereder Katja, Benezeder Theresa, Auer Martina, Pischler Carina, Mannweiler Sebastian, Pichler Martin, Eisner Florian, Haeusler Martin, Riethdorf Sabine, Pantel Klaus, Samonigg Hellmut, Hoefler Gerald, Augustin Herbert, Geigl Jochen B, Speicher Michael R. Tumor-associated copy number changes in the circulation of patients with prostate cancer identified through whole-genome sequencing.
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin, Chromecki Thomas F., Strini Karin A., Klatte Tobias, Pummer Karl, Remzi Mesut, Mannweiler Sebastian, Zigeuner Richard. Tumour-associated macrophages might represent a favourable prognostic indicator in patients with papillary renal cell carcinoma.
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Szkandera J., Stotz M., Absenger G., Stojakovic T., Samonigg H., Kornprat P., Schaberl-Moser R., AlZoughbi W., Lackner C., Ress A. L., Seggewies F. S., Gerger A., Hoefler G., Pichler Martin. Validation of c-reactive protein levels as a prognostic indicator for survival in a large cohort of pancreatic cancer patients.
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Dalpiaz Orietta, Ehrlich Georg C., Mannweiler Sebastian, Hernández Jessica M.Martín, Gerger Armin, Stojakovic Tatjana, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard, Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C.. Validation of pretreatment neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in a European cohort of patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma.
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Hutterer G. C., Pichler Martin, Stöckigt C., Chromecki T. F., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Gerger A., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. Validation of the pre-treatment neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as prognostic factor regarding cancer-specific-, metastasis-free-, as well as overall survival in a European cohort of patients with renal cell carcinoma [Poster].
BibTeX | RIS
Pichler Martin, Hutterer G. C., Stoeckigt C., Chromecki T. F., Stojakovic T., Golbeck S., Eberhard K., Gerger A., Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Zigeuner R.. Validation of the pre-treatment neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in a large European cohort of renal cell carcinoma patients.
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Szkandera J., Gerger A., Liegl-Atzwanger B., Absenger G., Stotz M., Samonigg H., Maurer-Ertl W., Stojakovic T., Ploner F., Leithner A., Pichler Martin. Validation of the prognostic relevance of plasma C-reactive protein levels in soft-tissue sarcoma patients.
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Pichler Martin, Winter Elke, Ress Anna Lena, Bauernhofer Thomas, Gerger Armin, Kiesslich Tobias, Lax Sigurd, Samonigg Hellmut, Hoefler Gerald. miR-181a is associated with poor clinical outcome in patients with colorectal cancer treated with EGFR inhibitor.
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Gary T., Belaj K., Steidl K., Pichler Martin, Eisner F., Stöger H., Hafner F., Froehlich H., Samonigg H., Pilger E., Brodmann M.. Asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis and superficial vein thrombosis in ambulatory cancer patients: impact on short-term survival.
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Gary T., Belaj K., Steidl K., Pichler Martin, Eisner F., Hafner F., Froehlich H., Samonigg H., Pilger E., Brodmann M.. Asymptomatic venous thrombotic events in ambulatory cancer patients: impact on survival.
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Gary T., Belaj K., Eisner F., Pichler Martin, Brodmann M.. Asymptomatic venous thrombotic events in ambulatory cancer patients: impact on survival [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Rainer Peter P., Schauer Silvia, Hoefler Gerald. Cardiac fibrosis in human transplanted hearts is mainly driven by cells of intracardiac origin.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F, Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Groselj-Strele Andrea, Hoefler Gerald, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Comparison of the 2002 and 2010 TNM classification systems regarding outcome prediction in clear cell and papillary renal cell carcinoma.
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin, Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Comparison of the 2002 and 2010 tnm classification system regarding the prediction of metastasis-free survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma [Poster].
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Hutterer Georg C., Pichler Martin, Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Comparison of the 2002 and 2010 version of the TNM classification system regarding the prediction of metastasis-free survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma [Poster].
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Kiesslich Tobias, Berr Frieder, Alinger Beate, Kemmerling Ralf, Pichler Martin, Ocker Matthias, Neureiter Daniel. Current status of therapeutic targeting of developmental signalling pathways in oncology.
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Pichler Martin, Winter E., Stotz M., Eberhard K., Samonigg H., Lax S., Hoefler G.. Down-regulation of KRAS-interacting miRNA-143 predicts poor prognosis but not response to EGFR-targeted agents in colorectal cancer.
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Kiesslich Tobias, Pichler Martin, Neureiter Daniel. Epigenetic control of epithelial-mesenchymal-transition in human cancer.
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Schlick Konstantin, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Pichler Martin, Reitter Sonja, Neumeister Peter, Hoefler Gerald, Beham-Schmid Christine, Linkesch Werner. Histiocytic sarcoma - targeted therapy: novel therapeutic options? A series of 4 cases.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Rehak Peter, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Histologic tumor necrosis is an independent prognostic indicator for clear cell and papillary renal cell carcinoma.
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Wachter Julia, Neureiter Daniel, Alinger Beate, Pichler Martin, Fuereder Julia, Oberdanner Christian, Di Fazio Pietro, Ocker Matthias, Berr Frieder, Kiesslich Tobias. Influence of five potential anticancer drugs on Wnt pathway and cell survival in human biliary tract cancer cells.
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Maritschnegg Elisabeth, Dandachi Nadia, Stadelmeyer Elke, Speicher Michael R., Heitzer Ellen, Samonigg Hellmut, Höfler Gerald, Pichler Martin, Otte Marcus, Bauernhofer Thomas. KRAS mutation analysis using blood derived cell free tumor DNA for treatment monitoring of metastatic colorectal cancer patients [Poster].
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Al-Ali Bader Mohamad, Ress Anna Lena, Gerger Armin, Pichler Martin. MicroRNAs in renal cell carcinoma: Implications for pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Haybaeck Johannes, Schauer Silvia, Kiesslich Tobias, Bettermann Kira, Griessbacher Antonia, Stojakovic Tatjana, Bauernhofer Thomas, Samonigg Hellmut, Kornprat Peter, Lackner Carolin, Pichler Martin. NEMO expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma and its association with clinical outcome.
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Deutsch Alexander J. A., Rinner Beate, Pichler Martin, Reitter Sonja, Beham-Schmid Christine, Neumeister Peter. NR4A1 Mediated apoptosis of aggressive lymphoma cells suppresses tumor growth in a Xenograft model.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Groselj-Strele Andrea, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Predictive ability of the 2002 and 2010 versions of the Tumour-Node-Metastasis classification system regarding metastasis-free, cancer-specific and overall survival in a European renal cell carcinoma single-centre series.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F, Pummer Karl, Mannweiler Sebastian, Zigeuner Richard. Presence and extent of histological tumour necrosis is an adverse prognostic factor in papillary type 1 but not in papillary type 2 renal cell carcinoma.
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Neumann Jens, Pichler Martin, Halasz Judith, Zatloukal Kurt, Berghold Andrea, Lederer Eva, Haybäck Johannes, Denk Helmut, Lackner Carolin. Prognostic relevance of Mallory-Denk and intracyto-plasmic hyaline bodies in hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Aigelsreiter A., Neumann J., Pichler Martin, Halasz J., Zatloukal K., Berghold A., Lederer E., Haybaeck J., Denk H., Lackner C.. Prognostic relevance of mallory-denk bodies and intracellular hyaline bodies in hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Groselj-Strele Andrea, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Prognostic value of the Leibovich prognosis score supplemented by vascular invasion for clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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Deutsch A., Pichler Martin, Reitter S., Troppan K., Beham-Schmid C., Neumeister P.. Reduced NR4A1 expression is associated with poor survival in patients with aggressive lymphomas [Poster].
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Deutsch A. J. A., Pichler Martin, Reiter S., Troppan K., Beham-Schmid C., Neumeister P.. Reduction of NR4A1 is associated with poor survival aggressive lymphomas.
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Renal cell carcinoma stage migration in a single European centre over 25 years: effects on 5- and 10-year metastasis-free survival.
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Rainer Peter P., Doleschal Bernhard, Kirk Jonathan A., Sivakumaran Vidhya, Saad Zora, Groschner Klaus, Maechler Heinrich, Hoefler Gerald, Bauernhofer Thomas, Samonigg Hellmut, Hutterer Georg, Kass David A., Pieske Burkert, von Lewinski Dirk, Pichler Martin. Sunitinib causes dose-dependent negative functional effects on myocardium and cardiomyocytes.
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Absenger G., Szkandera J., Weissmuller M., Postlmayr U., Pichler Martin, Loibner H., Samonigg H. S., Gerger A.. The preoperative neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts disease-free survival and overall survival in patients with stage II and III colon cancer [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C, Chromecki Thomas F, Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Eberhard Katharina, Hoefler Gerald, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. Trends of stage, grade, histology and tumour necrosis in renal cell carcinoma in a European centre surgical series from 1984 to 2010.
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Doleschal B., Rainer P. P., Saad Z., Groschner K., Maechler H., Hoefler G., Samonigg H., Pieske B. M., Von Lewinski D., Pichler Martin. Acute effects of the targeted anti-cancer agent sunitinib on cardiac contractility [Poster].
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Kiesslich T., Neureiter D., Alinger B., Wolkersdörfer G. W., Pichler Martin, Ocker M., Plätzer K., Berr F.. Cellular phenotype and photosensitiser uptake as determinants of the efficiency of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for biliary tract cancer [Poster].
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Doleschal B., Rainer P., Saad Z., Groschner K., Mächler H., Pieske B., von Lewinski D., Pichler Martin. Der Multikinaseinhibitor Sunitinib hat akute Auswirkungen auf die kardiale Kontraktilität [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Hutterer Georg C., Chromecki Thomas F., Jesche Johanna, Kampel-Kettner Karin, Rehak Peter, Pummer Karl, Zigeuner Richard. External validation of the Leibovich prognosis score for nonmetastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma at a single european center applying routine pathology.
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Eichmann E., Eisner F., Stojakovic T., Kiesslich T., Lackner C., Bauernhofer T., Mischinger H., Samonigg H., Pichler Martin. Prognostic value of commonly measured laboratory parameters in patients with biliary malignancies [Poster].
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Bauernhofer T., Pichler Martin, Wieckowski E., Stanson J., Aigelsreiter A., Griesbacher A., Groselj-Strele A., Linecker A., Samonigg H., Langner C., Whiteside T. L.. Prolactin receptor is a negative prognostic factor in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.
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Krenn-Pilko S., Langsenlehner U., Thurner E. M., Stojakovic T., Pichler Martin, Gerger A., Kapp K. S., Langsenlehner T.. Elevated plasma fibrinogen level represents an independent prognostic factor in breast cancer patients.
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Auprich M., Budäus L., Luger F., Pichler Martin, Galle G., Mannweiler S., Chun F.K.H., Pürstner P., Pummer K., Augustin H.. PSA velocity and PCA3 score as risk factors for prostate cancer in a repeat biopsy setting improves the predictive accuracy in a multivariate model.
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Pichler Martin, Beckendorf Jan, Winter Elke, Kleinert Reinhold, Kniepeiss Daniela, Hoefler Gerald. Quantitative short-tandem repeat analysis of recipient-derived cells as an additional tool for diagnosing cardiac allograft rejection.
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Rühlinger D., Szkandera J., Pichler Martin, Eisner F., Stöger H., Bauernhofer T.. Sorafi nib as forth-line treatment in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour: a case report [Poster].
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Auprich Marco, Gutschi Stefan, Gallè Günter, Pichler Martin, Mannweiler Sebastian, Pummer Karl, Augustin Herbert. Systematic analysis of saturation biopsy with 20 peripheral cores and 4 cores from the transition zone based on 62 reduced biopsy schemes after at least one negative biopsy.
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Auprich M., Gutschi St., Galle G., Pichler Martin, Mannweiler S., Pummer K., Augustin H.. Systematic analysis of saturation biopsy with 20 peripheral cores and 4 cores from the transition zone based on 62 reduced biopsy schemes after at least one negative biopsy [Poster].
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Janig Elke, Sostaric Julia, Pichler Martin, Unterthor Daniela, Halasz Judith, Lackner Carolin, Zatloukal Kurt, Denk Helmut. Clusterin expression in cholestasis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver fibrosis.
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Pichler Martin, Balic Marija, Stadelmeyer Elke, Ausch Christoph, Wild Martina, Guelly Christian, Bauernhofer Thomas, Samonigg Hellmut, Hoefler Gerald, Dandachi Nadia. Evaluation of high-resolution melting analysis as a diagnostic tool to detect the BRAF V600E mutation in colorectal tumors.
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Balic Marija, Pichler Martin, Strutz Jasmin, Heitzer Ellen, Ausch Christoph, Samonigg Hellmut, Cote Richard J., Dandachi Nadia. High quality assessment of DNA methylation in archival tissues from colorectal cancer patients using quantitative high-resolution melting analysis.
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Aigelsreiter A., Stiegler P., Pichler Martin, Stöger H., Roob J., Horn S., Ratschek M., Höfler G., Lackner C.. Transmission of metastasizing high-grade hepatocellular carcinoma from a donor with liver cirrhosis [Poster].
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Kaniewska Marzena, Schweiger Stephanie, Huber Marianne, Pichler Martin, Abuja Peter M., Schmid Martin. Simultaneous determination of S-adenosyl-methionine and S-adenosyl-homocysteine in tissue by capillary electrophoresis [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Mischinger H. J., Ratschek M., Hatz M., Hrzenjak A., Zatloukal K.. A real-time qPCR-based assay for assessment of mRNA quality derived from paraffin-embedded tissues [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Hatz Martina, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Mischinger Hans-Jorg, Denk Helmut, Zatloukal Kurt. Altered S-adenosylmethionine metabolism in a Mallory body mouse model [Poster].
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Janig Elke, Halasz Judit, Lackner Carolin, Sostaric Julia, Pichler Martin, Stumptner Cornelia, Unterthor Daniela, Kufferath Iris, Zatloukal Kurt, Denk Helmut. Clusterin expression in cholestasis and liver fibrosis.
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Pichler Martin, Tockner S., Bauernhofer Th., Samonigg H., Dandachi N.. Comparison of real-time PCR instruments for the detection of melanoma cell markers [Poster].
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Aigelsreiter Ariane, Halasz Judit, Lackner Carolin, Sostaric Julia, Reihs Robert, Stark Konrad, Kufferath Iris, Pichler Martin, Stumptner Cornelia, Zatloukal Kurt, Denk Helmut. Hepatocellular carcinomas with Mallory bodies and/or intracellular hyaline bodies: correlation with steatohepatitic features [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Abuja Peter, Aigelsreiter Ariane, Mischinger Hans-Jörg, Denk Helmut, Zatloukal Kurt. Overexpression of glutathione synthesizing enzymes in a mouse model fur drug-induced steatohepatitis [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Dandachi N., Kleinert R., Tscheliessnigg K.-H., Hoefler G.. STR-analysis in diagnosing acute cellular rejection in cardiac transplantation [Poster].
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Pichler Martin, Schmidt R., Becsagh P., Fazekas F., Schmidt H.. Baseline C-reactive protein serum level and the influence of CRP gene polymorphisms [Poster].
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Schmidt Reinhold, Schmidt Helena, Pichler Martin, Enzinger Christian, Petrovic Katja, Niederkorn Kurt, Horner Susanna, Ropele Stefan, Watzinger Norbert, Schumacher Martin, Berghold Andrea, Kostner Gerhard M., Fazekas Franz. C-reactive protein, carotid atherosclerosis, and cerebral small-vessel disease: results of the Austrian stroke prevention study.
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Pichler Martin, Tessaro B., Kleinert R., Tscheliessnigg K., Höfler G.. Intragraft chimerism and cellular rejection in human transplanted heart.
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Pichler Martin, Schmidt R., Becsagh P., Fazekas F., Schmidt H.. The +1444C>T polymorphism in the 3 ́untranslated region of CRP gene influences baseline C-reactive protein serum level.
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