Julian Braun and Bernd Schmidt An atomistic derivation of von-Kármán plate theory preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Tobias Harks and Anja Schedel Capacity and price competition in markets with congestion effects preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Robert Altmann and Christoph Zimmer Exponential integrators for semi-linear parabolic problems with linear constraints preprint (arXiv, 2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Elena Perfilev and Vitali Wachtel Local tail asymptotics for the joint distribution of length and of maximum of a random walk excursion preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Barbara Verfürth Numerical homogenization for non-linear monotone elliptic problems preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Manuel Amann and Masoumeh Zarei On the equivariant cohomology of cohomogeneity one Alexandrov spaces preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Robert Altmann and M. Froidevaux PDE eigenvalue iterations with applications in two-dimensional photonic crystals preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Chengcheng Ling, Michael Röckner and Xiangchan Zhu SDEs with singular drifts and multiplicative noise on general space-time domains preprint (in print) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Manuel Amann and Leopold Zoller The Toral Rank Conjecture and variants of equivariant formality preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Erika Hausenblas and Jonas M. Tölle The stochastic Klausmeier system and a stochastic Schauder-Tychonoff type theorem preprint (arXiv, 2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Robert Altmann and Christoph Zimmer Time discretization schemes for hyperbolic systems on networks by ε-expansion preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Artem Nepechiy Toward canonical convex functions in Alexandrov spaces preprint (arXiv, 2019) BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Mario Santilli Uniqueness of singular convex hypersurfaces with lower bounded k-th mean curvature preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
Manuel Amann, David González-Álvaro and Marcus Zibrowius Vector bundles of non-negative curvature over cohomogeneity one manifolds preprint (2019) BibTeX | RIS | URL
C. Bhandari, R.H.W. Hoppe, R. Kumar