Structural optimization
This course is offered every summer term for Master's students from WING and MSE. It is tought in English and is structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Unconstrained optimizaiton
- Constrained optimization
- Optimization using local approximations
- Trusses in a nutshell
- Optimization of truss structures
- Finite element analysis in a nutshell
- Optimization of continuum structures

Materials Engineering
This course is offered every winter term for MSE Master's students and tought in English. We discuss fundamentals of structural materials:
- Mechanical properties of materials
- Failure of materials
- Atomic structures and crystal structures
- Imperfections in solids and strengthening
- Phase diagrams
- Phase transformations
- Metals
- Polymers
- Ceramics and glasses
- Composites
- Natural materials and bio-based materials
- Materials selection and sustainable design
Name | Dozent | Semester | Typ | Sprache |
Materials Engineering |
Meyer Nils Meyer |
Wintersemester 2024/25 | Vorlesung + Übung | englisch |
Resource Efficiency and Strategy |
Koch Dietmar Koch, MeyerNils Meyer, WeidenmannKay Weidenmann, LechnerPhilipp Lechner, SauseMarkus Sause, WeihrichRichard Weihrich, LindnerJan Paul Lindner, GüntherTimon Günther, Moosburger-WillJudith Moosburger-Will, ThorenzAndrea Thorenz |
Wintersemester 2024/25 | Vorlesung | deutsch |
Ingenieurwissenschaftliches Praktikum |
Siegmund Frederik Siegmund, MillerFabian Miller, VollprechtDaniel Vollprecht, MaurerClaudia Christine Maurer, WeißenfelsChristian Weißenfels, MorbitzerPhilipp Morbitzer, BaumeisterChristina Baumeister, KochDietmar Koch, KamathKiran Kamath, MeyerNils Meyer, KunzmannChristina Kunzmann, LeverenzDominik Leverenz, VolkMichael Volk, EnzlerSarah Enzler, SchischkeAmelie Schischke, RiesnerJonas Riesner, WeidenmannKay Weidenmann, LechnerPhilipp Lechner, Straub-MückMichael Straub-Mück, HäfeleHolger Häfele, BratzdrumThomas Bratzdrum, NguyenDuc Hoang Nguyen, GreifJulian Greif, GabeleLeonard Gabele, Duarte WitzenbergerPatricia Michaela Duarte Witzenberger, ReichmannJulia Reichmann, GrizaSamuel Griza, SauseMarkus Sause, ChaloupkaNiklas Chaloupka, SchnellerAnna Schneller, WeihrichRichard Weihrich, KupkeMichael Kupke, HolubWolfgang Holub, LindnerJan Paul Lindner, PostlerKevin Postler, GüntherTimon Günther, SchollMichéle Scholl, SchneiderQuirin Schneider, SchukraftJoél Schukraft, DittmannKerstin Dittmann, BargSuelen Barg |
Wintersemester 2024/25 | Blockpraktikum | deutsch |