Prof. Dr. Mónica Benito

Quanteninformation und Quantencomputing
Telefon: +49 (0) 821 598 3228
Raum: 517 (R)
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung (per E-mail)
Adresse: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Nord), 86159 Augsburg

Aktuelle Vorlesungen

(Angewandte Filter: Semester: aktuelles | Dozenten: Mónica Benito González | Vorlesungsarten: alle)
Name Heimatinstitut Dozent Semester Typ Sprache
Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Quantum Computing Lehrstuhl für Quantenalgorithmik Kottmann

Jakob Siegfried Kottmann,

Benito González

Mónica Benito González

Sommersemester 2024 Arbeitsgemeinschaft englisch


2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Erika Kawakami, Jiabao Chen, Monica Benito und Denis Konstantinov
Blueprint for quantum computing using electrons on helium

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Miguel Bello, Mónica Benito, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Gloria Platero und Géza Giedke
Entangling nuclear spins in distant quantum dots via an electron bus

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Christoph Adelsberger, Mónica Benito, Stefano Bosco, Jelena Klinovaja und Daniel Loss
Hole-spin qubits in Ge nanowire quantum dots: interplay of orbital magnetic field, strain, and growth direction

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Stefano Bosco, Mónica Benito, Christoph Adelsberger und Daniel Loss
Squeezed hole spin qubits in Ge quantum dots with ultrafast gates at low power

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X. Croot, X. Mi, S. Putz, Mónica Benito, F. Borjans, G. Burkard und J. R. Petta
Flopping-mode electric dipole spin resonance

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Mónica Benito und Guido Burkard
Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor systems for quantum technology

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Jorge Cayao, Mónica Benito und Guido Burkard
Programmable two-qubit gates in capacitively coupled flopping-mode spin qubits

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Mónica Benito, Xanthe Croot, Christoph Adelsberger, Stefan Putz, Xiao Mi, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Electric-field control and noise protection of the flopping-mode spin qubit

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Mónica Benito, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Optimized cavity-mediated dispersive two-qubit gates between spin qubits

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X. Mi, Mónica Benito, S. Putz, D. M. Zajac, J. M. Taylor, Guido Burkard und J. R. Petta
A coherent spin–photon interface in silicon

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Mónica Benito, Xiao Mi, Jacob M. Taylor, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Input-output theory for spin-photon coupling in Si double quantum dots

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero, Gernot Schaller und Tobias Brandes
Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero und Tobias Brandes
Topologically enforced bifurcations in superconducting circuits

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Mónica Benito, Carlos Sánchez-Muñoz und Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
Degenerate parametric oscillation in quantum membrane optomechanics

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Mónica Benito, Martin J. A. Schütz, J. Ignacio Cirac, Gloria Platero und Geza Giedke
Dissipative long-range entanglement generation between electronic spins

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Mónica Benito, Michael Niklas, Gloria Platero und Sigmund Kohle
Edge-state blockade of transport in quantum dot arrays

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Mónica Benito, Michael Niklas und Sigmund Kohler
Full-counting statistics of time-dependent conductors

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero und Tobias Brandes
Topological instabilities in ac-driven bosonic systems

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Michael Niklas, Mónica Benito, Sigmund Kohler und Gloria Platero
Transport, shot noise, and topology in AC-driven dimer arrays

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Mónica Benito und Gloria Platero
Floquet Majorana fermions in superconducting quantum dots

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Mónica Benito, Álvaro Gómez-León, Victor Bastidas, Tobias Brandes und Gloria Platero
Floquet engineering of long-range p-wave superconductivity

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