Research Areas
Theory of superconductivity and superfluid Helium; Unconventional superconductors near interfaces; Quantum mechanics and dissipation: Josephson junctions and networks; Phase coherence in mesoscopic systems: disorder and electron-electron interaction; One-dimensional models and quasi one-dimensional materials; Charge and spin transport: disorder and finite-size effects; Density functional theory: electronic structure, transport and response; Charge, spin, and heat transport through correlated nano- and heterostructures
(Co-)Organisation of Conferences
- 03/2024: Focus Session Unconventional Thermoelectric Phenomena and Materials (DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin)
- 10/2019: Polish-German WEH-Seminar Coherence in Fermionic Matter
- 04/2012: Symposium Quantum Dynamics of Nano-Structured Systems
- 10/2006: 378. WEH-Seminar
- 07/2006: Sommerschule 'Kommunikation-Dialog-Friedensarbeit'
- 03/2006: Symposium 'Magnetic Switching' (DPG/EPS Spring Meeting, Dresden)
- 10/2002: 287. WEH-Seminar
- 10/1999: 225. WEH-Seminar