Promotions- und Habilitationsprojekte am Lehrstuhl
Betreute Promotionsvorhaben
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
- Christoph Loreck, The Classical Tradition as a Magic Thread: John Keats and the 'Labyrinthian Path to Eminence in Art' (2005).
- Sybille Pärsch, Differenz und Interdependenz: Die Krise der Metaerzählungen und ihre Folgen in Salman Rushdies The Satanic Verses und Don DeLillos Underworld (2007).
- Stephanie Egger-Gajardo, Das Prinzip Unentrinnbarkeit: Heteronormativität in Werken von Angela Carter und Christine Brooke-Rose (2008).
- Meike DeVries, Das Theodizee-Problem bei Thomas Hardy (2009).
- Elżbieta Baraniecka, Sublime Drama: British Theatre of the 1990s (2011). [CDE Bi-Annual Award].
- David R. Kerler, Postmoderne Palimpseste: Studien zur (meta-)hermeneutischen Tiefenstruktur intertextueller Erzählverfahren im Gegenwartsroman (2011). [Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013] [Universitätspreis der Universität Augsburg für die beste Dissertation des Jahres 2011]
- Georg Hauzenberger, 'It's Not by Any Lack of Ghosts We're Haunted': First Nations Gothic and Spiritual Realism (2013). [Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2014].
- Adina Sorian, Reading the Real: Toward a Reevaluation of Lacanian Theory in the Study of Twenty-First Century Fiction and Film (2015) [Wissenschaftspreis der Universität Augsburg].
- Gerald Farca, Playing Dystopia: Nightmarish Worlds in Video Games and the Player’s Aesthetics Response
- Martin Riedelsheimer, The Fiction of Infinity: Ethics in the Contemporary Novel
- Korbinian Stöckl, Conceptions of Love in Contemporary Drama
Laufende Arbeiten
- Christian Attinger, The Theatre of Philip Ridley [Arbeitstitel];
- Alexander Lehner, Metagames: Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Videogames [Arbeitstitel];
- Eva Ries, Flânerie as Technique of Self: Ethical Subjects in Contemporary Anglophone Flânerie Texts [Arbeitstitel];
- Christina Schönberger, The Interplay of Distance and Closeness: (Narrative) Strategies in Second and Third Person Autobiographical Writing [Arbeitstitel];
- Leila Michelle Vaziri, Politics, Psychology and Philosophy in Contemporary British Drama: The Theatre of Anxiety [Arbeitstitel];
- Anja Weller, Affect and the Aesthetics of Trauma Narration in Utopian and Dystopian Speculative Fiction [Arbeitstitel]
Betreute Habilitationsvorhaben
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
- Christoph Henke, The Discourse of Common Sense in the Literature and Culture of Early Eighteenth-Century Britain: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2014) [Abschluss 2012]
- Christina Wald, Spectres of Transubstantiation: The Eucharist, Disguise and Foreign Fashion in Early Modern Prose (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2014).
- David Kerler, The Archive Fever of the Romantics: Melancholia, Memory, and Spectrality [Abschluss 2019]
Laufende Arbeiten