Welcome to the Homepage of the DGE Book by Burkhard Heer and Alfred Maußner

Modern business cycle theory and growth theory uses stochastic dynamic general equilibrium models. In order to solve these models, economists need to use many mathematical tools. This book presents various methods in order to compute the dynamics of general equilibrium models. In Part I, the representative-agent stochastic growth model is solved with the help of value function iteration, linear and linear quadratic approximation methods, parameterized expectations and projection methods. In order to apply these methods, fundamentals from numerical analysis are reviewed in detail. In Part II, the authors discuss methods in order to solve heterogeneous agent economies. This part of the book also serves as an introduction to the modern theory of distribution economics. Applications include the dynamics of the income distribution over the business cycle or the demographic transition in a large-scale overlapping generations model. In the tables below, computer codes to all applications can be downloaded.

Third Edition




CoRRAM: User Guide and Toolkit


If you have questions or suggestions pertaining to the programs from Chapters 1-7 and Chapters 12-14 please contact Alfred Maußner.


Burkhard Heer will be pleased to answer any questions about the programs from Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11.


More detailed descriptions of the python codes are also presented here.


A directory with the locations of the program files can be found here.




GAUSS programs
(source code)
Python programs
(source code)            
MATLAB programs
(source code) 
Fortran programs
(source code)            
JULIA programs
(source code)

Part I.
Representative Agent Models

Ch. 1. Basic Models download zip file   download zip file  
Ch. 2. Perturbation Methods: Framework and Tools download zip file   download zip file    
Ch. 3. Perturbation Methods: Solutions download zip file   download zip file    
Ch. 4. Perturbation Methods: Model Evaluation and Applications     download zip file    
Ch. 5. Weighted Residuals Methods download zip file   download zip file    
Ch. 6. Simulation-Based Methods download zip file   download zip file download zip file
Ch. 7. Discrete State Space Value Function Iteration download zip file   download zip file download zip file
Part II. 
Heterogeneous Agent Models
Ch. 8. Computation of Stationary Distributions download zip file download zip file   download zip file  
Ch. 9. Dynamics of the Distribution Function download zip file download zip file      
Ch. 10. Overlapping Generations Models with Perfect Foresight download zip file download zip file download zip file   download zip file
Ch. 11. OLG Models with Uncertainty download zip file download zip file     download zip file
Part III. 
Numerical Methods
Ch. 12. Linear Algebra          
Ch. 13. Function Approximation          
Ch. 14. Differentiation and Integration          
Ch. 15. Nonlinear Equations and Optimization        
Ch. 16. Difference Equations and Stochastic Processes          

Second Edition





CoRRAM: User Guide and Toolkit



If you have questions or suggestions pertaining to the programs from Ch1 through Ch6 and Ch11 please contact Alfred Maußner.


Burkhard Heer will be pleased to answer any questions about the programs from Ch7, Ch8, Ch9 and Ch10.


More detailed descriptions of the python codes are also presented here.



GAUSS programs
(source code)
Fortran programs
(source code)
Python programs
(source code)
JULIA programs
(source code)

Part I.
Representative Agent Models

Ch. 1. Basic Models download zip file      
Ch. 2. Perturbation Methods download zip file download zip file    
Ch. 3. Deterministic Extended Path download zip file      
Ch. 4. Discrete State Space Methods download zip file      
Ch. 5. Parametrized Expectations   download zip file    
Ch. 6. Projection Methods download zip file download zip file  
Part II. 
Heterogeneous Agent Models
Ch. 7. Computation of Stationary Distributions download zip file   download zip file  
Ch. 8. Dynamics of the Distribution Function download zip file   download zip file  
Ch. 9. Deterministic Overlapping Generations Models download zip file   download zip file download zip file
Ch. 10. Stochastic Overlapping Generations Models download zip file   download zip file download zip file
Part III. 
Ch. 11. Numerical Methods download zip file download zip file    
Ch. 12. Various Other Tools        

First Edition




If you have questions or suggestions pertaining to the programs from Ch1 through Ch4 and Ch8 please contact Alfred Maußner.


Burkhard Heer will be pleased to answer any questions about the programs from Ch5, Ch6, and Ch7.



GAUSS programs
(source code)
Fortran programs
(source code)
Part I.
Representative Agent Models
Ch. 1. Basic Models and Elementary Algorithms download zip file download zip file    
Ch. 2. Linear Quadratic and Linear Approximation Methods download zip file      
Ch. 3. Parameterized Expectations download zip file     download zip file    
Ch. 4. Projection Methods download zip file download zip file    
Part II. 
Heterogeneous Agent Models
Ch. 5. A Heterogenous-Agent Extension of the Ramsey Model download zip file  
Ch. 6. Dynamics of the Distribution Function download zip file  
Ch. 7. Overlapping Generations Models download zip file  
Part III. 
Mathematical Background
Ch. 8. Tools download zip file      


This is perhaps the perfect book to learn how to solve quantitative macroeconomics models. Its balance between theory, choice of models, computational insights and use of examples make it an excellent teaching tool. One of the very few books a professional macroeconomist should have: I always learn something important when I consult it.
José-Víctor Ríos Rull, University of Minnesota
This book not only does an excellent job in explaining the existing tools, but it also teaches the reader on how to write her/his own programs and it provides the reader with the tools to help advance the state of the art of dynamic macroeconomics.
Wouter J. Den Haan, University of Amsterdam
… provides the reader with exactly the necessary computational tools to solve the dynamic general equilibrium models macroeconomists care about. It is therefore the perfect complement to Stokey, Lucas and Prescott’s and Sargent and Ljungqvist’s theoretical treatment of modern macroeconomics.
Dirk Krueger, University of Pennsylvania
