Prof. Dr. Abhinav Sharma

Theoretische Physik II
Telefon: +49 (0) 821 598 3244
Raum: 516 (R)
Adresse: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Nord), 86159 Augsburg


2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006


Shashank Ravichandir, Bhavesh Valecha, Pietro Luigi Muzzeddu, Jens-Uwe Sommer und Abhinav Sharma
Transport of partially active polymers in chemical gradients

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Amelie Langer, Abhinav Sharma, Ralf Metzler und Erik Kalz
Dance of odd-diffusive particles: a Fourier approach

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Erik Kalz, Abhinav Sharma und Ralf Metzler
Field theory of active chiral hard disks: a first-principles approach to steric interactions

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Pietro Luigi Muzzeddu, Andrea Gambassi, Jens-Uwe Sommer und Abhinav Sharma
Migration and separation of polymers in nonuniform active baths

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Erik Kalz, Hidde D. Vuijk, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Ralf Metzler und Abhinav Sharma
Oscillatory force autocorrelations in equilibrium odd-diffusive systems

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Rewati Dixit, Khushal Khambhati, Kolli Venkata Supraja, Vijai Singh, Franziska Lederer, Pau-Loke Show, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Abhinav Sharma und Rohan Jain
Application of machine learning on understanding biomolecule interactions in cellular machinery

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Jordan L. Shivers, Abhinav Sharma und Fred C. MacKintosh
Strain-controlled critical slowing down in the rheology of disordered networks

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Jordan L. Shivers, Saamiya Syed, Abhinav Sharma und Fred C. MacKintosh
Structural rearrangement and slow dynamics near the onset of rigidity

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APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10), Session M09: Emerging Trends in Soft Microscale Mechanics I

I. Abdoli, H. Löwen, J.-U. Sommer und Abhinav Sharma
Tailoring the escape rate of a Brownian particle by combining a vortex flow with a magnetic field

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Pietro Luigi Muzzeddu, Édgar Roldán, Andrea Gambassi und Abhinav Sharma
Taxis of cargo-carrying microswimmers in traveling activity waves

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Pietro Luigi Muzzeddu, Hidde D. Vuijk, Hartmut Löwen, Jens-Uwe Sommer und Abhinav Sharma
Active chiral molecules in activity gradients

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Hidde D. Vuijk, Sophie Klempahn, Holger Merlitz, Jens-Uwe Sommer und Abhinav Sharma
Active colloidal molecules in activity gradients

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Erik Kalz, Hidde D. Vuijk, Iman Abdoli, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Hartmut Löwen und Abhinav Sharma
Collisions enhance self-diffusion in odd-diffusive systems

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I. Abdoli, J.-U. Sommer, H. Löwen und Abhinav Sharma
Escape dynamics in an anisotropically driven Brownian magneto-system

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Sadjad Arzash, Abhinav Sharma und Fred C. MacKintosh
Mechanics of fiber networks under a bulk strain

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Rushikesh Shinde, Jens Uwe Sommer, Hartmut Löwen und Abhinav Sharma
Strongly enhanced dynamics of a charged Rouse dimer by an external magnetic field

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Iman Abdoli, René Wittmann, Joseph Michael Brader, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Hartmut Löwen und Abhinav Sharma
Tunable Brownian magneto heat pump

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Hidde D. Vuijk, Holger Merlitz, Michael Lang, Abhinav Sharma und Jens-Uwe Sommer
Chemotaxis of cargo-carrying self-propelled particles

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Iman Abdoli und Abhinav Sharma
Stochastic resetting of active Brownian particles with Lorentz force

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Iman Abdoli, Erik Kalz, Hidde D. Vuijk, René Wittmann, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Joseph M. Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Correlations in multithermostat Brownian systems with Lorentz force

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Hidde D. Vuijk, J. U. Sommer, H. Merlitz, J. M. Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Lorentz forces induce inhomogeneity and flux in active systems

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S. M. Tschopp, Hidde D. Vuijk, Abhinav Sharma und J. M. Brader
Mean-field theory of inhomogeneous fluids

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I. Abdoli, Hidde D. Vuijk, J. U. Sommer, J. M. Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Nondiffusive fluxes in a Brownian system with Lorentz force

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Holger Merlitz, Hidde D. Vuijk, René Wittmann, Abhinav Sharma und Jens-Uwe Sommer
Pseudo-chemotaxis of active Brownian particles competing for food

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I. Abdoli, Hidde D. Vuijk, R. Wittmann, J. U. Sommer, J. M. Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Stationary state in Brownian systems with Lorentz force

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Hidde D. Vuijk, Joseph Michael Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Anomalous fluxes in overdamped Brownian dynamics with Lorentz force

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Hidde D. Vuijk, Joseph Michael Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Effect of anisotropic diffusion on spinodal decomposition

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A. Scacchi, J. M. Brader und Abhinav Sharma
Escape rate of transiently active Brownian particle in one dimension

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Jordan L. Shivers, Jingchen Feng, Abhinav Sharma und F. C. MacKintosh
Normal stress anisotropy and marginal stability in athermal elastic networks

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Jordan L. Shivers, Sadjad Arzash, Abhinav Sharma und Fred C. MacKintosh
Scaling theory for mechanical critical behavior in fiber networks

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Sadjad Arzash, Jordan L. Shivers, Albert J. Licup, Abhinav Sharma und Fred C. MacKintosh
Stress-stabilized subisostatic fiber networks in a ropelike limit

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René Wittmann, J. M. Brader, Abhinav Sharma und U. Marini Bettolo Marconi
Effective equilibrium states in mixtures of active particles driven by colored noise

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M. C. Bott, J. M. Brader, R. Wittmann, F. Winterhalter, M. Marechal und Abhinav Sharma
Isotropic-nematic transition of self-propelled rods in three dimensions

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Holger Merlitz, Hidde D. Vuijk, Joseph Brader, Abhinav Sharma und Jens-Uwe Sommer
Linear response approach to active Brownian particles in time-varying activity fields

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A. Scacchi und Abhinav Sharma
Mean first passage time of active Brownian particle in one dimension

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Hidde D. Vuijk, Abhinav Sharma, Debasish Mondal, Jens-Uwe Sommer und Holger Merlitz
Pseudochemotaxis in inhomogeneous active Brownian systems

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Tzer Han Tan, Maya Malik-Garbi, Enas Abu-Shah, Junang Li, Abhinav Sharma, Fred C. MacKintosh, Kinneret Keren, Christoph F. Schmidt und Nikta Fakhri
Self-organized stress patterns drive state transitions in actin cortices

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Karin A. Jansen, Albert J. Licup, Abhinav Sharma, Robbie Rens, Fred C. MacKintosh und Gijsje H. Koenderink
The role of network architecture in collagen mechanics

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Knut M. Heidemann, Andrew O. Sageman-Furnas, Abhinav Sharma, Florian Rehfeldt, Christoph F. Schmidt und Max Wardetzky
Topology counts: force distributions in circular spring networks

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Knut M. Heidemann, Andrew O. Sageman-Furnas, Abhinav Sharma, Florian Rehfeldt, Christoph F. Schmidt und Max Wardetzky
Topology determines force distributions in one-dimensional random spring networks

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Abhinav Sharma und J. M. Brader
Brownian systems with spatially inhomogeneous activity

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René Wittmann, C. Maggi, Abhinav Sharma, A. Scacchi, J. M. Brader und U. Marini Bettolo Marconi
Effective equilibrium states in the colored-noise model for active matter I: pairwise forces in the Fox and unified colored noise approximations

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Abhinav Sharma, R. Wittmann und J. M. Brader
Escape rate of active particles in the effective equilibrium approach

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José Alvarado, Michael Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma, Fred C. MacKintosh und Gijsje H. Koenderink
Force percolation of contractile active gels

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Abhinav Sharma und J. M. Brader
Communication: Green-Kubo approach to the average swim speed in active Brownian systems

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A. J. Licup, Abhinav Sharma und F. C. MacKintosh
Elastic regimes of subisostatic athermal fiber networks

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Mahsa Vahabi, Abhinav Sharma, Albert James Licup, Anne S. G. van Oosten, Peter A. Galie, Paul A. Janmey und Fred C. MacKintosh
Elasticity of fibrous networks under uniaxial prestress

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R. Rens, M. Vahabi, A. J. Licup, F. C. MacKintosh und Abhinav Sharma
Nonlinear mechanics of athermal branched biopolymer networks

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J. Messelink, R. Rens, M. Vahabi, F. C. MacKintosh und Abhinav Sharma
On-site residence time in a driven diffusive system: violation and recovery of a mean-field description

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M. Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma und F. C. MacKintosh
Sheinman, Sharma, and MacKintosh reply

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Abhinav Sharma, A. J. Licup, K. A. Jansen, R. Rens, M. Sheinman, G. H. Koenderink und F. C. MacKintosh
Strain-controlled criticality governs the nonlinear mechanics of fibre networks [Letter]

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Abhinav Sharma, A. J. Licup, R. Rens, M. Vahabi, K. A. Jansen, G. H. Koenderink und F. C. MacKintosh
Strain-driven criticality underlies nonlinear mechanics of fibrous networks

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Anne S. G. van Oosten, Mahsa Vahabi, Albert J. Licup, Abhinav Sharma, Peter A. Galie, Fred C. MacKintosh und Paul A. Janmey
Uncoupling shear and uniaxial elastic moduli of semiflexible biopolymer networks: compression-softening and stretch-stiffening

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M. Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma, J. Alvarado, G. H. Koenderink und F. C. MacKintosh
Anomalous discontinuity at the percolation critical point of active gels

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Hidde D. Vuijk, R. Rens, M. Vahabi, F. C. MacKintosh und Abhinav Sharma
Driven diffusive systems with mutually interactive Langmuir kinetics

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Knut M. Heidemann, Abhinav Sharma, Florian Rehfeldt, Christoph F. Schmidt und Max Wardetzky
Elasticity of 3D networks with rigid filaments and compliant crosslinks

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M. Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma, J. Alvarado, G. H. Koenderink und F. C. MacKintosh
Inherently unstable networks collapse to a critical point

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Albert James Licup, Stefan Münster, Abhinav Sharma, Michael Sheinman, Louise M. Jawerth, Ben Fabry, David A. Weitz und Fred C. MacKintosh
Stress controls the mechanics of collagen networks

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Abhinav Sharma und M. Sheinman
Analytical approximation for chemical potential in organic materials with Gaussian density of states

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Abhinav Sharma, M. Sheinman, K. M. Heidemann und F. C. MacKintosh
Elastic response of filamentous networks with compliant crosslinks

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José Alvarado, Michael Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma, Fred C. MacKintosh und Gijsje H. Koenderink
Molecular motors robustly drive active gels to a critically connected state

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Jose R. Alvarado, Michael Sheinman, Abhinav Sharma, Fred MacKintosh und Gijsje Koenderink
Myosin activity drives cytoskeletal networks to a critically connected state [Abstract]

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Abhinav Sharma, F. W. A. van Oost, M. Kemerink und P. A. Bobbert
Dimensionality of charge transport in organic field-effect transistors

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Peter A. Bobbert, Abhinav Sharma, Simon G. J. Mathijssen, Martijn Kemerink und Dago M. de Leeuw
Operational stability of organic field-effect transistors

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Abhinav Sharma, N. M. A. Janssen, S. G. J. Mathijssen, D. M. de Leeuw, M. Kemerink und P. A. Bobbert
Effect of Coulomb scattering from trapped charges on the mobility in an organic field-effect transistor

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Abhinav Sharma, S. G. J. Mathijssen, P. A. Bobbert und D. M. de Leeuw
Influence of the semiconductor oxidation potential on the operational stability of organic field-effect transistors

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Abhinav Sharma
Modeling of bias-induced changes of organic field-effect transistor characteristics

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PhD thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2011


Abhinav Sharma, S. G. J. Mathijssen, T. Cramer, M. Kemerink, D. M. de Leeuw und P. A. Bobbert
Anomalous current transients in organic field-effect transistors

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Abhinav Sharma, Simon G. J. Mathijssen, M. Kemerink, Dago M. de Leeuw und Peter A. Bobbert
Bias stress effect and recovery in organic field effect transistors: proton migration mechanism

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Abhinav Sharma, S. G. J. Mathijssen, E. C. P. Smits, M. Kemerink, D. M. de Leeuw und P. A. Bobbert
Proton migration mechanism for operational instabilities in organic field-effect transistors

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Abhinav Sharma, S. G. J. Mathijssen, M. Kemerink, D. M. de Leeuw und P. A. Bobbert
Proton migration mechanism for the instability of organic field-effect transistors

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S. G. J. Mathijssen, M. Kemerink, Abhinav Sharma, M. Cölle, P. A. Bobbert, R. A. J. Janssen und D. M. de Leeuw
Charge trapping at the dielectric of organic transistors visualized in real time and space

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Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Costin Anghel, Francois Krummenacher, Christian Maier, Renaud Gillon, Benoit Bakeroot, Bart Desoete, Steven Frere, Andre Baguenier Desormeaux, Abhinav Sharma, Michel Declercq und Adrian Mihai Ionescu
Scalable general high voltage MOSFET model including quasi-saturation and self-heating effects

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