
See here for a complete list of publications: Tp 3, Ep 5, Ep 6


Recent Publications:

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021


D. V. Christensen, U. Staub, T. R. Devidas, B. Kalisky, K. C. Nowack, J. L. Webb, U. L. Andersen, A. Huck, D. A. Broadway, K. Wagner, P. Maletinsky, T. van der Sar, C. R. Du, A. Yacoby, D. Collomb, S. Bending, A. Oral, H. J. Hug, A.-O. Mandru, V. Neu, H. W. Schumacher, S. Sievers, H. Saito, A. A. Khajetoorians, N. Hauptmann, S. Baumann, A. Eichler, C. L. Degen, J. McCord, M. Vogel, M. Fiebig, P. Fischer, A. Hierro-Rodriguez, S. Finizio, S. S. Dhesi, C. Donnelly, Falk F. R. Büttner, O. Kfir, W. Hu, S. Zayko, S. Eisebitt, B. Pfau, R. Frömter, M. Kläui, F. S. Yasin, B. J. McMorran, S. Seki, X. Yu, A. Lubk, D. Wolf, N. Pryds, D. Makarov und M. Poggio
2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science

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Hongzheng Zhao, Marin Bukov, Markus Heyl und Roderich Moessner
Adaptive Trotterization for time-dependent Hamiltonian quantum dynamics using piecewise conservation laws

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Lilian Prodan, Artem Chmeruk, Liviu Chioncel, Vladimir Tsurkan und István Kézsmárki
Anisotropic charge transport in the easy-plane kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn

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Riccardo Battistelli, Daniel Metternich, Michael Schneider, Lisa-Marie Kern, Kai Litzius, Josefin Fuchs, Christopher Klose, Kathinka Gerlinger, Kai Bagschik, Christian M. Günther, Dieter Engel, Claus Ropers, Stefan Eisebitt, Bastian Pfau, Felix Büttner und Sergey Zayko
Coherent x-ray magnetic imaging with 5 nm resolution

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Harish Kumar, Marvin Klinger, Anton Jesche und Christine A. Kuntscher
Crystal growth and magnetic properties of pyrochlore iridate Bi2Ir2O7

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66th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, 18-22 December 2022, Ranchi, India

Kan Zhao, Yoshifumi Tokiwa, H. Chen und Philipp Gegenwart
Discrete degeneracies distinguished by the anomalous Hall effect in a metallic kagome ice compound

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Babak Tarighi, Reyhaneh Khasseh und M. A. Rajabpour
Efficient representation of Gaussian fermionic pure states in noncomputational bases

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Ao Chen und Markus Heyl
Empowering deep neural quantum states through efficient optimization

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Manuel Zahn, Elke Beyreuther, Iuliia Kiseleva, Ahmed Samir Lotfy, Conor J. McCluskey, Jesi R. Maguire, Ahmet Suna, Michael Rüsing, J. Marty Gregg und Lukas M. Eng
Equivalent-circuit model that quantitatively describes domain-wall conductivity in ferroelectric LiNbO3

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Zhe Wang, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Alexey Ponomaryov, Denis I. Gorbunov, Sandra Niesen, Oliver Breunig, J. Michael Klopf, Sergei Zvyagin, Thomas Lorenz, Alois Loidl und Corinna Kollath
Experimental observation of repulsively bound magnons

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A. Hauspurg, S. Zherlitsyn, T. Helm, V. Felea, J. Wosnitza, Vladimir Tsurkan, K.-Y. Choi, S.-H. Do, Mengxing Ye, Wolfram Brenig und Natalia B. Perkins
Fractionalized excitations probed by ultrasound

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I. Ishant, T. Shiroka, O. Stockert, Veronika Fritsch und M. Majumder
Frustration-induced quantum criticality in Ni-doped CePdAl as revealed by the μSR technique

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K. Kutko, B. Bernáth, V. Khrustalyov, O. Young, H. Engelkamp, P. C. M. Christianen, Lilian Prodan, Y. Skourski, L. V. Pourovskii, S. Khmelevskyi und Dmytro Kamenskyi
High-field magnetization of KEr(MoO4)2

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Ursula Ludacka, Jiali He, Shuyu Qin, Manuel Zahn, Emil Frang Christiansen, Kasper A. Hunnestad, Xinqiao Zhang, Zewu Yan, Edith Bourret, István Kézsmárki, Antonius T. J. van Helvoort, Joshua Agar und Dennis Meier
Imaging and structure analysis of ferroelectric domains, domain walls, and vortices by scanning electron diffraction

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Kerstin Dittmann, Robert Gruhl, Anna Trauth und Kay André Weidenmann
In-situ failure behavior and interfacial bonding of an interpenetrating metal matrix composite reinforced with lattice-like metallic glass (Ni60Nb20Ta20) preform

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Agnieszka Wierzchucka, Francesco Piazza und Pieter W. Claeys
Integrability, multifractality, and two-photon dynamics in disordered Tavis-Cummings models

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Arthur Schulz, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
Ionic conductivity of a lithium-doped deep eutectic solvent: glass formation and rotation−translation coupling

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Max Hirschberger, Bertalan G. Szigeti, Mamoun Hemmida, Moritz M. Hirschmann, Sebastian Esser, Hiroyuki Ohsumi, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Leonie Spitz, Shang Gao, Kamil K. Kolincio, Hajime Sagayama, Hironori Nakao, Yuichi Yamasaki, László Forró, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, István Kézsmárki, Taka-hisa Arima und Yoshinori Tokura
Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet

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Norbert Büttgen und Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda
Magnetic resonance in quantum spin chains with competing exchange interactions

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Bin Shen, Victoria A. Ginga, Angel M. Arévalo-López, Gaston Garbarino, Ece Uykur, Marcos Gonçalves-Faria, Prashanta K. Mukharjee, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Magnetic versus nonmagnetic polymorphs of RuBr3 under pressure

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Ágnes Orbán, Jan-Jonas Schumacher, Szilvia Mucza, Ana Strinic, Petra Molnár, Réka Babai, András Halbritter, Beáta G. Vértessy, Stephan Karl, Stephan Krohns und István Kézsmárki
Magneto-optical assessment of Plasmodium parasite growth via hemozoin crystal size

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Jan Schultheiß, Lukas Puntigam, Maximilian Winkler, Stephan Krohns, D. Meier, H. Das, Donad M. Evans und István Kézsmárki
Magnetoelectric coupling at the domain level in polycrystalline hexagonal ErMnO3

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Maximilian Gabriel Winkler
Magnetoelectric studies on the collinear AFM Co3O4

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Henrik Thoma, Rajesh Dutta, Vladimir Hutanu, Veronica Granata, Rosalba Fittipaldi, Qiang Zhang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Petr Čermák, Nazir Khan, Shibabrata Nandi und Manuel Angst
Multiferroic quantum material Ba2Cu1−xMnxGe2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as a potential candidate for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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Jiali He, Manuel Zahn, Ivan N. Ushakov, Leonie Richarz, Ursula Ludacka, Erik D. Roede, Zewu Yan, Edith Bourret, István Kézsmárki, Gustau Catalan und Dennis Meier
Non‐destructive tomographic nanoscale imaging of ferroelectric domain walls

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Jihaan Ebad-Allah, M.-C. Jiang, R. Borkenhagen, F. Meggle, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, F. Schilberth, G.-Y. Guo, R. Arita, István Kézsmárki und Christine A. Kuntscher
Optical anisotropy of the kagome magnet FeSn: dominant role of excitations between kagome and Sn layers

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Harish Kumar, M. Köpf, P. Telang, N. Bura, Anton Jesche, Philipp Gegenwart und Christine A. Kuntscher
Optical conductivity of the metallic pyrochlore iridate Pr2Ir2O7: influence of spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlations on the electronic structure

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Kyrill Vasin, A. Strinić, F. Schilberth, Stephan Reschke, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, A. R. Nurmukhametov, M. V. Eremin, István Kézsmárki und Joachim Deisenhofer
Optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Fe2Mo3O8

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Sebastian Werner Schmid, László Pósa, Tímea Nóra Török, Botond Sánta, Zsigmond Pollner, György Molnár, Yannik Horst, János Volk, Juerg Leuthold, András Halbritter und Miklós Csontos
Picosecond femtojoule resistive switching in nanoscale VO2 memristors

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Lima Zhou, Lukas Puntigam, Peter Lunkenheimer, Edith Bourret, Zewu Yan, István Kézsmárki, Dennis Meier, Stephan Krohns, Jan Schultheiß und Donald M. Evans
Post-synthesis tuning of dielectric constant via ferroelectric domain wall engineering

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Yuejian Wang, Zhiwei Shen, Dongzhou Zhang, Lin Wang, Vladimir Tsurkan, Lilian Prodan, Alois Loidl, Bishal B. Dumre und Sanjay V. Khare
Pressure-induced changes in the crystal structure and electrical conductivity of GeV4S8

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Myron S. Huzan, Timothy G. Burrow, Manuel Fix, Franziska A. Breitner, Sut Kei Chong, Peter Bencok, Matteo Aramini, Anton Jesche und Michael L. Baker
Quantifying the influence of 3d–4s mixing on linearly coordinated metal-ions by L2,3-edge XAS and XMCD

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Mamoun Hemmida, J. Masell, K. Karube, D. Ehlers, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Vladimir Tsurkan, Y. Tokura, Y. Taguchi und István Kézsmárki
Role of magnetic anisotropy in the antiskyrmion-host schreibersite magnets

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Arthur Schulz, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
Rotational dynamics, ionic conductivity, and glass formation in a ZnCl2-based deep eutectic solvent

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Tatjana Thomas, Yassine Agarmani, Steffi Hartmann, Mark Kartsovnik, Natalia Kushch, Stephen M. Winter, Sebastian Schmid, Peter Lunkenheimer, Michael Lang und Jens Müller
Slow and non-equilibrium dynamics due to electronic ferroelectricity in a strongly correlated molecular conductor

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Daniel Braak, Lei Cong, Hans-Peter Eckle, Henrik Johannesson und Elinor K. Twyeffort
Spectral continuum in the Rabi–Stark model [invited]

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Chris Reinhoffer, Sven Esser, Sebastian Esser, Evgeny A. Mashkovich, Semyon Germanskiy, Philipp Gegenwart, Frithjof Anders, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht und Zhe Wang
Strong terahertz third-harmonic generation by kinetic heavy quasiparticles in CaRuO3

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Sebastian Emmert, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
THz spectroscopy on the amino acids L-serine and L-cysteine

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P. Henning, Robert Gruhl, U. Ross, V. Roddatis, V. Bruchmann-Bamberg, K. P. Stroh, M. Seibt, Philipp Gegenwart und V. Moshnyaga
Tailoring of magnetism & electron transport of manganate thin films by controlling the Mn–O–Mn bond angles via strain engineering

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Soumendra Nath Panja, Anton Jesche, Nan Tang und Philipp Gegenwart
Tensile and compressive strain tuning of a Kondo lattice

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B. Tóth, D. G. Farkas, K. Amelin, T. Rõõm, U. Nagel, L. Udvardi, L. Szunyogh, L. Rózsa, T. Ito und Sándor Bordács
Terahertz spin-wave excitations in the transverse conical phase of BiFeO3

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W. Simeth, Marein C. Rahn, A. Bauer, M. Meven und C. Pfleiderer
Topological aspects of multi-k antiferromagnetism in cubic rare-earth compounds

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Axel Fünfhaus, Marius Möller, Thilo Kopp und Roser Valentí
Topological phase transitions of interacting fermions in the presence of a commensurate magnetic flux

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Julius Ratzenberger, Iuliia Kiseleva, Boris Koppitz, Elke Beyreuther, Manuel Zahn, Joshua Gössel, Peter A. Hegarty, Zeeshan H. Amber, Michael Rüsing und Lukas M. Eng
Toward the reproducible fabrication of conductive ferroelectric domain walls into lithium niobate bulk single crystals

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Arthur Schulz, Kevin Moch, Yannik Hinz, Peter Lunkenheimer und Roland Böhmer
Translational and reorientational dynamics in carboxylic acid-based deep eutectic solvents

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N. Aucar Boidi, Arno P. Kampf und K. Hallberg
Unconventional correlated metallic behavior due to interorbital Coulomb interaction

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Arkadiusz Kosior und Markus Heyl
Vortex loop dynamics and dynamical quantum phase transitions in three-dimensional fermion matter

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Tiago Mendes-Santos, M. Schmitt, A. Angelone, A. Rodriguez, P. Scholl, H. J. Williams, D. Barredo, T. Lahaye, A. Browaeys, Markus Heyl und M. Dalmonte
Wave function network description and Kolmogorov complexity of quantum many-body systems

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Vera Patricia Bader
2D spin-orbit-coupled frustrated magnets

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Verena Schiller, Katharina Knippen, Alois Loidl, Peter Lunkenheimer, Dirk Volkmer und Michael Vogel
2H NMR studies on the dynamics of supercooled water in a metal-organic framework

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Reyhaneh Khasseh, Sascha Wald, Roderich Moessner, Christoph A. Weber und Markus Heyl
Active quantum flocks

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Anton Jesche, Noah Winterhalter-Stocker, Fabian Hirschberger, Alexander Bellon, Sebastian Bachus, Yoshi Tokiwa, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Philipp Gegenwart
Adiabatic demagnetization cooling well below the magnetic ordering temperature in the triangular antiferromagnet KBaGd(BO3)2

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U. Arjun, K. M. Ranjith, Anton Jesche, Fabian Hirschberger, D. D. Sarma und Philipp Gegenwart
Adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration to millikelvin temperatures with the distorted square lattice magnet NaYbGeO4

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Katharina Preißinger, István Kézsmárki und János Török
An automated neural network-based stage-specific malaria detection software using dimension reduction: the Malaria Stage Classifier

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Pranay Patil, Markus Heyl und Fabien Alet
Anomalous relaxation of density waves in a ring-exchange system

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Jennifer Schnabel, Arthur Schulz, Peter Lunkenheimer und Dirk Volkmer
Benzothiadiazole-based rotation and possible antipolar order in carboxylate-based metal-organic frameworks

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Boglárka Tóth, Kirill Amelin, Toomas Rõõm, Urmas Nagel, Anastasia Bauernfeind, Vladimir Tsurkan, Lilian Prodan, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Marc Scheffler, István Kézsmárki und Sándor Bordács
Broadband magnetic resonance spectroscopy in MnSc2S4

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Peter Lunkenheimer, Alois Loidl und Gyan Johari
Dipolar relaxation, conductivity, and polar order in AgCN

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Frank Schulz, Kai Litzius, Lukas Powalla, Max T. Birch, Rodolfo A. Gallardo, Sayooj Satheesh, Markus Weigand, Tanja Scholz, Bettina V. Lotsch, Gisela Schütz, Marko Burghard und Sebastian Wintz
Direct observation of propagating spin waves in the 2D van der Waals ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2

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S. Mohanty, S. S. Islam, N. Winterhalter-Stocker, Anton Jesche, G. Simutis, Ch. Wang, Z. Guguchia, J. Sichelschmidt, M. Baenitz, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Philipp Gegenwart und R. Nath
Disordered ground state in the spin-orbit coupled Jeff = 1/2 distorted honeycomb magnet BiYbGeO5

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Thorben Petersen, Lilian Prodan, Korbinian Geirhos, Hiroyuki Nakamura, István Kézsmárki und Liviu Hozoi
Dressed jeff-1/2 objects in mixed-valence lacunar spinel molybdates

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Roberto Verdel, Guo-Yi Zhu und Markus Heyl
Dynamical localization transition of string breaking in quantum spin chains

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Alexander A. Tsirlin, Brenden R. Ortiz, Martin Dressel, Stephen D. Wilson, Stephan Winnerl und Ece Uykur
Effect of nonhydrostatic pressure on the superconducting kagome metal CsV3Sb5

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U. Arjun, K. M. Ranjith, Anton Jesche, Fabian Hirschberger, D. D. Sarma und Philipp Gegenwart
Efficient adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration to below 50 mK with ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible ytterbium diphosphates AYbP2O7 (A=Na, K)

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Ao Chen und Markus Heyl
Efficient optimization of deep neural quantum states toward machine precision

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David Maximilian Janas, Andrea Droghetti, Stefano Ponzoni, Iulia Cojocariu, Matteo Jugovac, Vitaliy Feyer, Miloš M. Radonjić, Ivan Rungger, Liviu Chioncel, Giovanni Zamborlini und Mirko Cinchetti
Enhancing electron correlation at a 3D ferromagnetic surface

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Jan Schultheiß, G. Picht, J. Wang, Y. A. Genenko, L. Q. Chen, J. E. Daniels und J. Koruza
Ferroelectric polycrystals: structural and microstructural levers for property-engineering via domain-wall dynamics

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Rajah P. Nutakki, Richard Röß-Ohlenroth, Dirk Volkmer, Anton Jesche, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Philipp Gegenwart, Lode Pollet und Ludovic D. C. Jaubert
Frustration on a centered pyrochlore lattice in metal-organic frameworks

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Amelia Panther, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Ioannis Rousochatzakis
Frustration relief and reorientation transition in the kagomelike dolerophanite

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Vera P. Bader, Clemens Ritter, Elias Papke, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Geometrical frustration and incommensurate magnetic order in Na3RuO4 with two triangular motifs

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Tiago Mendes-Santos, Markus Schmitt und Markus Heyl
Highly resolved spectral functions of two-dimensional systems with neural quantum states

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Reyhaneh Khasseh, Jiaju Zhang, Markus Heyl und M. A. Rajabpour
Identifying quantum many-body integrability and chaos using eigenstate trace distances

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Moritz Winter, Marein C. Rahn, Daniel Wolf, Sebastian Schneider, Manuel Valvidares, Chandra Shekhar, Praveen Vir, Toni Helm, Barat Achinuq, Horia Popescu, Nicolas Jaouen, Alexander Tahn, Gerrit Van der Laan, Thorsten Hesjedal, Bernd Rellinghaus und Claudia Felser
Investigations of magnetic spin-textures in the antiskyrmion compound Mn1.4PtSn by complementary microscopy and scattering experiments using LTEM and REXS [Abstract]

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Tiago Mendes-Santos, Rubem Mondaini, Thereza Paiva und Raimundo R. dos Santos
Kaleidoscope of phases tuned by global dipole orientations in the Hubbard model

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Lilian Prodan, Donald M. Evans, Sinéad M. Griffin, Andreas Östlin, Markus Altthaler, Erik Lysne, Irina G. Filippova, Sergiu Shova, Liviu Chioncel, Vladimir Tsurkan und István Kézsmárki
Large ordered moment with strong easy-plane anisotropy and vortex-domain pattern in the kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn

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Igor Plokhikh, Oscar Fabelo, Lilian Prodan, Michael Wörle, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Antonio Cervellino, Vladimir Tsurkan, István Kézsmárki und Oksana Zaharko
Magnetic and crystal structure of the antiferromagnetic skyrmion candidate GdSb0.71Te1.22

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Ina-Marie Pietsch
Magnetic anisotropy studies of Kitaev model candidate materials

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R. M. Eremina, I. V. Yatsyk, Z. Y. Seidov, F. G. Vagizov, V. A. Shustov, A. G. Badelin, V. K. Karpasyuk, D. S. Abdinov, M. M. Tagiev, S. Kh. Estemirova und Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda
Magnetic properties of La0.81Sr0.19Mn0.9Fe0.1−xZnxO3 (x = 0, x = 0.05)

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V. N. Glazkov, Yu. V. Krasnikova, I. K. Rodygina, M. Hemmida, M. Hirrle, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda und Takatsugu Masuda
Magnetic resonance in the quasi-2D square lattice easy-plane antiferromagnet Ba2MnGe2O7

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Rajesh Dutta, Henrik Thoma, Andrew Sazonov, Bálint Náfrádi, Martin Meven, Arsen Gukasov, Vilmos Kocsis, Uli Zeitler, Alessandro Puri, Yusuke Tokunaga, Yasujiro Taguchi, Yoshinori Tokura, Sándor Bordács, István Kézsmárki und Vladimir Hutanu
Magnetic structure of the two-dimensional XY antiferromagnet Sr2CoSi2O7 studied using single-crystal neutron diffraction

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Kan Zhao, Xuejiao Chen, Zhaosheng Wang, Jinyu Liu, Jiating Wu, Chuanying Xi, Xiaodong Lv, Lei Li, Zhicheng Zhong und Philipp Gegenwart
Magnetic tuning of band topology evidenced by exotic quantum oscillations in the Dirac semimetal EuMnSb2

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Somnath Ghara, Evgenii Barts, Kirill Vasin, Dmytro Kamenskyi, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, István Kézsmárki, Maxim Mostovoy und Joachim Deisenhofer
Magnetization reversal through an antiferromagnetic state

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Hongzheng Zhao, Marin Bukov, Markus Heyl und Roderich Moessner
Making trotterization adaptive and energy-self-correcting for NISQ devices and beyond

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Fabian Ballar Trigueros, Tiago Mendes-Santos und Markus Heyl
Mean-field theories are simple for neural quantum states

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Franziska A. Breitner, Julian Kaiser, Anton Jesche und Philipp Gegenwart
Metallic conductivity in Na-deficient structural domain walls in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Na2IrO3

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Donald M. Evans
Next generation information storage using hafnia-based ferroelectrics: back to the future?

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F. Schilberth, M.-C. Jiang, S. Minami, M. A. Kassem, Franz Mayr, T. Koretsune, Y. Tabata, T. Waki, H. Nakamura, G.-Y. Guo, R. Arita, István Kézsmárki und S. Bordács
Nodal-line resonance generating the giant anomalous Hall effect of Co3Sn2S2

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Peng Rao und Francesco Piazza
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior from cavity electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations at the superradiant transition

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Fabian Meggle, Martina Mikuta, Michael Saule, Volker Hermann, N. Khan, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Christine A. Kuntscher
Optical signatures of the Jeff=1/2 state in Ir4+ halides

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Olav W. Sandvik, Aaron Merlin Mueller, Hakon W. Anes, Manuel Zahn, Jiali He, Manfred Fiebig, Thomas Lottermoser, Tadej Rojac, Dennis Meier und Jan Schultheiß
Pressure control of nonferroelastic ferroelectric domains in ErMnO3

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Michael Marz, Andrew Issac, Veronika Fritsch, Amina Kimouche und Regina Hoffmann-Vogel
Real-space imaging of several molecular layers of C60 in the rotational glass phase

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Ola G. Grendal, Donald M. Evans und Solveig S. Aamlid
Revisiting the structures and phase transitions of Ba2NaNb5O15

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Jutta Püttmann, N. S. Sangeetha, Teslin R. Thomas, Jörg Meermann, Andreas Kreyssig und Anna E. Böhmer
Robust conveniently sealable container for high-temperature single-crystal growth out of reactive melts with high vapor pressure

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Franziska Grußler, Mamoun Hemmida, Sebastian Bachus, Yurii Skourski, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Role of alkaline metal in the rare-earth triangular antiferromagnet KYbO2

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Jihaan Ebad-Allah, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Y. L. Zhu, Z. Q. Mao und Christine A. Kuntscher
Signatures of van Hove singularities in the anisotropic in-plane optical conductivity of the topological semimetal Nb3SiTe6

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Daniel Braak
Spectral determinant of the two‐photon quantum Rabi model

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Nilotpal Chakraborty, Markus Heyl, Petr Karpov und Roderich Moessner
Spectral response of disorder-free localized lattice gauge theories

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Katharina Preißinger
Stage-specific detection and characterisation of the malaria parasite

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Rajesh Dutta, Henrik Thoma, Bertrand Roessli, Vilmos Kocsis, Yusuke Tokunaga, Yasujiro Taguchi, Yoshinori Tokura, István Kézsmárki und Vladimir Hutanu
Temperature-dependent spin gap in multiferroic 2D-XY antiferromagnet Ba2CoGe2O7 under applied magnetic fields

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Franziska A. Breitner, Anton Jesche, Vladimir Tsurkan und Philipp Gegenwart
Thermal decomposition of the Kitaev material α−RuCl3 and its influence on low-temperature behavior

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Peter Lunkenheimer, Alois Loidl, Birte Riechers, Alessio Zaccone und Konrad Samwer
Thermal expansion and the glass transition

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Stefan Gorol
Thermodynamic signatures of topological spin-texture transitions in magnetic field gradients

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Vittorio Vitale, Tiago Mendes-Santos, Alex Rodriguez und Marcello Dalmonte
Topological Kolmogorov complexity and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless mechanism

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Jian-Rui Soh, Alessandro Bombardi, Frédéric Mila, Marein C. Rahn, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Sonia Francoual, Henrik M. Rønnow und Andrew T. Boothroyd
Understanding unconventional magnetic order in a candidate axion insulator by resonant elastic x-ray scattering

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Peter Lunkenheimer, Alois Loidl, Birte Riechers und Konrad Samwer
Universelle thermische Ausdehnung in Gläsern

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István Kézsmárki und Andrés Cano
When Ising met Kibble–Zurek

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Mariia Karabin, Wasim Raja Mondal, Andreas Östlin, Wai-Ga D. Ho, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, Ka-Ming Tam, Hanna Terletska, Liviu Chioncel, Yang Wang und Markus Eisenbach
Ab initio approaches to high-entropy alloys: a comparison of CPA, SQS, and supercell methods

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Blair W. Lebert, Subin Kim, Danil A. Prishchenko, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Ayman H. Said, Ahmet Alatas und Young-June Kim
Acoustic phonon dispersion of α−RuCl3

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P. Basa, B. Fodor, Zs. Nagy, B. Oyunbolor, A. Hajtman, S. Bordács, István Kézsmárki, A. Halbritter und Á. Orbán
Analysis of malaria infection byproducts with Mueller matrix transmission ellipsometry

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H. D. Rosales, F. A. Gómez Albarracín, K. Guratinder, Vladimir Tsurkan, Lilian Prodan, E. Ressouche und O. Zaharko
Anisotropy-driven response of the fractional antiferromagnetic skyrmion lattice in MnSc2S4 to applied magnetic fields

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Maximilian Winkler, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, Peter Lunkenheimer und István Kézsmárki
Antipolar transitions in GaNb4Se8 and GaTa4Se8

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K. L. Ngai, S. Capaccioli, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
Arriving at the most plausible interpretation of the dielectric spectra of glycerol with help from quasielastic γ-ray scattering time-domain interferometry

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Raymond Frésard, Kevin Steffen und Thilo Kopp
Bad metal and negative compressibility transitions in a two-band Hubbard model

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D. Takegami, C.-Y. Kuo, K. Kasebayashi, J.-G. Kim, C. F. Chang, C. E. Liu, C. N. Wu, D. Kasinathan, S. G. Altendorf, K. Hoefer, F. Meneghin, A. Marino, Y. F. Liao, K. D. Tsuei, C. T. Chen, K.-T. Ko, A. Günther, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, J. W. Seo, D. H. Lee, G. Ryu, A. C. Komarek, S. Sugano, Y. Shimakawa, A. Tanaka, T. Mizokawa, J. Kuneš, L. H. Tjeng und A. Hariki
CaCu3Ru4O12: a high-kondo-temperature transition-metal oxide

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Victoria A. Ginga, Oleg I. Siidra, Franziska Breitner, Anton Jesche und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Chemical vapor transport synthesis of Cu(VO)2(AsO4)2 with two distinct spin-1/2 magnetic ions

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Daniel Braak, Murray T. Batchelor und Qing-Hu Chen
Comment on 'Parameter-dependent unitary transformation approach for quantum Rabi model'

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L. Salamakha, O. Sologub, A. Riss, H. Michor, H. Müller, B. Stöger, G. Giester, P. Rogl, A. Sakai, Philipp Gegenwart und E. Bauer
Complex transport and magnetism of the ternary boride YbPt5B2

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Manuel Feig, Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera, Matej Bobnar, Paul Simon, Caroline Curfs, Volodymyr Levytskyi, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Andreas Leithe-Jasper und Roman Gumeniuk
Composition dependent polymorphism and superconductivity in Y3+x{Rh,Ir}4Ge13−x

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Stephan Reschke, D. G. Farkas, A. Strinić, Somnath Ghara, K. Guratinder, O. Zaharko, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, D. Szaller, S. Bordács, Joachim Deisenhofer und István Kézsmárki
Confirming the trilinear form of the optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Co2Mo3O8

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Ahana Chakraborty und Francesco Piazza
Controlling collective phenomena by engineering the quantum state of force carriers: the case of photon-mediated superconductivity and its criticality

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Zu-Jian Ying, Simone Felicetti, Gang Liu und Daniel Braak
Critical quantum metrology in the non-linear quantum Rabi model

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Darren C. Peets, Maxim Avdeev, Marein C. Rahn, Falk Pabst, Sergey Granovsky, Markus Stötzer und Dmytro S. Inosov
Crystal growth, structure, and noninteracting quantum spins in cyanochroite, K2Cu(SO4)2·6H2O

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Andrea Droghetti, Miloš M. Radonjić, Anita Halder, Ivan Rungger und Liviu Chioncel
DFT+Σ2 method for electron correlation effects at transition metal surfaces

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Tomasz Wasak, Matteo Sighinolfi, Johannes Lang, Francesco Piazza und Alessio Recati
Decoherence and momentum relaxation in fermi-polaron rabi dynamics: a kinetic equation approach

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Vera P. Bader, Jan Langmann, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Deformation of the triangular spin-12 lattice in Na2SrCo(PO4)2

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Airat Kiiamov, Maxim Kuznetsov, Dorina Croitori, Irina Filippova, Vladimir Tsurkan, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Zakir Seidov, Franz Mayr, Sebastian Widmann, Farit Vagizov, Dmitrii Tayurskii und Lenar Tagirov
Density functional theory approach to the vibrational properties and magnetic specific heat of the covalent chain antiferromagnet KFeS2

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Lisa-Marie Kern, Bastian Pfau, Victor Deinhart, Michael Schneider, Christopher Klose, Kathinka Gerlinger, Steffen Wittrock, Dieter Engel, Ingo Will, Christian M. Günther, Rein Liefferink, Johan H. Mentink, Sebastian Wintz, Markus Weigand, Meng-Jie Huang, Riccardo Battistelli, Daniel Metternich, Felix Büttner, Katja Höflich und Stefan Eisebitt
Deterministic generation and guided motion of magnetic skyrmions by focused He+-ion irradiation

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Lilian Prodan, Irina Filippova, Aleksandr O. Zubtsovskii, S. Shova, S. Widmann, Alexander A. Tsirlin, István Kézsmárki und Vladimir Tsurkan
Dilution of a polar magnet: structure and magnetism of Zn-substituted Co2Mo3O8

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Nilotpal Chakraborty, Markus Heyl, Petr Karpov und Roderich Moessner
Disorder-free localization transition in a two-dimensional lattice gauge theory

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A. Wörl, M. Garst, Y. Yamane, S. Bachus, T. Onimaru und Philipp Gegenwart
Divergent thermal expansion and Grüneisen ratio in a quadrupolar Kondo metal

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Kosuke Karube, Licong Peng, Jan Masell, Mamoun Hemmida, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, István Kézsmárki, Xiuzhen Yu, Yoshinori Tokura und Yasujiro Taguchi
Doping control of magnetic anisotropy for stable antiskyrmion formation in schreibersite (Fe,Ni)3P with S4 symmetry

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Andrea Droghetti, Miloš M. Radonjić, Liviu Chioncel und Ivan Rungger
Dynamical mean-field theory for spin-dependent electron transport in spin-valve devices

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Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Alexander Lichtenstein und Dieter Vollhardt (Hrsg.)
Dynamical mean-field theory of correlated electrons: lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022; Forschungszentrum Jülich, 4-7 October 2022

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A. Hartl, F. Jurányi, M. Krack, Peter Lunkenheimer, A. Schulz, D. Sheptyakov, C. Paulmann, M. Appel und S.-H. Park
Dynamically disordered hydrogen bonds in the hureaulite-type phosphatic oxyhydroxide Mn5[(PO4)2(PO3(OH))2](HOH)4

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Robert Bartel
Einfluss von Quantenkorrekturen auf den elektrischen Transport in mittels gepulster Laserablation hergestellter BaPbO3-BaBiO3-Dünnfilmsystemen

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Mads C. Weber, Mael Guennou, Donald M. Evans, Constance Toulouse, Arkadiy Simonov, Yevheniia Kholina, Xiaoxuan Ma, Wei Ren, Shixun Cao, Michael A. Carpenter, Brahim Dkhil, Manfred Fiebig und Jens Kreisel
Emerging spin–phonon coupling through cross-talk of two magnetic sublattices

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Tobias Stauber und José González
Encounter with a stranger metal

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Jan Langmann, Hasan Kepenci, Georg Eickerling, Kilian Batke, Anton Jesche, Mingyu Xu, Paul Canfield und Wolfgang Scherer
Experimental x-ray charge-density studies ─ a suitable probe for superconductivity? A case study on MgB2

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Tomasz Wasak, Falko Pientka und Francesco Piazza
Fermi polaron laser in two-dimensional semiconductors

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Josef Ketels, Michael Leitner, Peter Böni, Christoph Hugenschmidt, Mikheil Sekania, Alyn D. N. James, Jakob A. E. Bonart, Nico Unglert und Liviu Chioncel
Fermi surface modeling of light‐rare‐earth hexaborides using positron annihilation spectroscopy

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Poetri Sonya Tarabunga, Tiago Mendes-Santos, Fabrizio Illuminati und Marcello Dalmonte
Finite-temperature quantum discordant criticality

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Harish Kumar, Matthias Köpf, Aladin Ullrich, M. Klinger, Anton Jesche und Christine A. Kuntscher
Fluorite-related iridate Pr3IrO7: crystal growth, structure, magnetism, thermodynamic, and optical properties

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Ulrich Eckern und Philipp Gegenwart
From electronic correlations to functionality [Guest Editorial]

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Thorben Petersen, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, István Kézsmárki, Ulrich K. Rößler und Liviu Hozoi
How correlations and spin–orbit coupling work within extended orbitals of transition-metal tetrahedra of 4d/5d lacunar spinels

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Florian Mayer, Maxim N. Popov, Donald M. Evans, Stephan Krohns, Marco Deluca und Jürgen Spitaler
Improved description of the potential energy surface in BaTiO3 by anharmonic phonon coupling

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Mohsen Sabbaghi, Tobias Stauber, Hyun-Woo Lee, J. Sebastian Gomez-Diaz und George W. Hanson
In-plane optical phonon modes of current-carrying graphene

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Alexander A. Tsirlin und Philipp Gegenwart
Kitaev magnetism through the prism of lithium iridate

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Marein C. Rahn, K. Kummer, A. Hariki, K.-H. Ahn, J. Kuneš, A. Amorese, J. D. Denlinger, D.-H. Lu, M. Hashimoto, E. Rienks, M. Valvidares, F. Haslbeck, D. D. Byler, K. J. McClellan, E. D. Bauer, J. X. Zhu, C. H. Booth, A. D. Christianson, J. M. Lawrence, F. Ronning und M. Janoschek
Kondo quasiparticle dynamics observed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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P. Karpov und Francesco Piazza
Light-induced quantum droplet phases of lattice bosons in multimode cavities

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Zakir Y. Seidov, Ivan V. Yatsyk, Farit G. Vagizov, Vladimir Alekseevich Shustov, A. G. Badelin, V. K. Karpasyuk, M. J. Najafzade, I. N. Ibrahimov, Svetlana Kh. Estemirova, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda und Rushana M. Eremina
Local magnetic properties of La0.83Sr0.17Mn0.9Fe0.1−xZnxO3

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Andreas Stephan Wörl
Low Temperature Capacitive Dilatometry on Quadrupolar Kondo Metals

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A. Kiiamov, Z. Seidov, D. Croitori, Vladimir Tsurkan, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Axel Günther, L. Tagirov und D. Tayurskii
Magnetic and vibrational properties of the covalent chain antiferromagnet RbFeS2

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Dieter Ehlers, L. Vasylechko, Z. Medvecká und J. Sichelschmidt
Magnetic anisotropy in YbAlO3 studied by electron spin resonance

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Roberto Antonio Ortiz, Pascal Puphal, Marcel Klett, Fabian Hotz, Reinhard K. Kremer, Heiko Trepka, Mamoun Hemmida, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Masaaki Isobe, Rustem Khasanov, Hubertus Luetkens, Philipp Hansmann, B. Keimer, Thomas Schäfer und Matthias Hepting
Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multimethod study

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K. Guratinder, Vladimir Tsurkan, Lilian Prodan, L. Keller, J. P. Embs, F. Juranyi, M. Medarde, Ch. Rüegg und O. Zaharko
Magnetic order and exchange coupling in the frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnet MnSc2Se4

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Henrik Thoma, Vladimir Hutanu, Rajesh Dutta, Arsen Gukasov, Vilmos Kocsis, Yusuke Tokunaga, Yasujiro Taguchi, Yoshinori Tokura, István Kézsmárki, Georg Roth und Manuel Angst
Magnetic order and sign of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in 2-D antiferromagnet Ba2CoGe2O7 under applied magnetic field

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F. Schilberth, N. Unglert, Lilian Prodan, F. Meggle, Jihaan Ebad-Allah, Christine A. Kuntscher, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Vladimir Tsurkan, Joachim Deisenhofer, Liviu Chioncel, István Kézsmárki und S. Bordács
Magneto-optical detection of topological contributions to the anomalous Hall effect in a kagome ferromagnet

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Julian Wagner, Anuja Sahasrabudhe, Rolf B. Versteeg, Lena Wysocki, Zhe Wang, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Daniel I. Khomskii, Hamoon Hedayat und Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
Magneto-optical study of metamagnetic transitions in the antiferromagnetic phase of α-RuCl3

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C. M. Fernandez-Posada, C. R. S. Haines, Donald M. Evans, Z. Yan, E. Bourret, D. Meier und M. A. Carpenter
Magnetoelastic properties of multiferroic hexagonal ErMnO3

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Robert Bartel, Elias Lettl, Patrick Seiler, Thilo Kopp und German Hammerl
Magnetotransport of functional oxide heterostructures affected by spin‐orbit coupling: a tale of two‐dimensional systems

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Bence Bernáth, Khrystyna Kutko, Steffen Wiedmann, Olga Young, Hans Engelkamp, Peter C. M. Christianen, Sergii Poperezhai, Leonid V. Pourovskii, Sergii Khmelevskyi und Dmytro Kamenskyi
Massive magnetostriction of the paramagnetic insulator KEr(MoO4)2 via a single‐ion effect

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Markus Altthaler
Microscopic characterization of mesoscopic magnetic textures in Fe3Sn2

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Lukas Körber, István Kézsmárki und Attila Kákay
Mode splitting of spin waves in magnetic nanotubes with discrete symmetries

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Christian H. Johansen, Johannes Lang, Andrea Morales, Alexander Baumgärtner, Tobias Donner und Francesco Piazza
Multimode-polariton superradiance via Floquet engineering

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Sahana Rößler, Mauro Coduri, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Clemens Ritter, Gabriel Cuello, Cevriye Koz, Liudmila Muzica, Ulrich Schwarz, Ulrich K. Rößler, Steffen Wirth und Marco Scavini
Nematic state of the FeSe superconductor

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Julian Wagner, Anuja Sahasrabudhe, Rolf Versteeg, Zhe Wang, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Hamoon Hedayat und Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
Nonequilibrium dynamics of α-RuCl3: a time-resolved magneto-optical spectroscopy study

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R. B. Versteeg, A. Chiocchetta, F. Sekiguchi, A. Sahasrabudhe, J. Wagner, A. I. R. Aldea, K. Budzinauskas, Zhe Wang, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, D. I. Khomskii, S. Diehl und P. H. M. van Loosdrecht
Nonequilibrium quasistationary spin disordered state in α−RuCl3

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Bence Bernáth, Papori Gogoi, Andrea Marchese, Dmytro Kamenskyi, Hans Engelkamp, Denis Arslanov, Britta Redlich, Peter C. M. Christianen und Jan C. Maan
Nonlinear Terahertz transmission spectroscopy on Ga-doped germanium in high magnetic fields

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Markus Prinz-Zwick, Bertalan G. Szigeti, Thomas Gimpel, Dieter Ehlers, Vladimir Tsurkan, Andrey O. Leonov, Björn Miksch, Marc Scheffler, Ioannis Stasinopoulos, Dirk Grundler, István Kézsmárki, Norbert Büttgen und Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda
Nuclear and electron spin resonance studies on skyrmion‐hosting lacunar spinels

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M. Wenzel, B. R. Ortiz, S. D. Wilson, M. Dressel, Alexander A. Tsirlin und E. Uykur
Optical study of RbVSb5: multiple density-wave gaps and phonon anomalies

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Korbinian Geirhos, Stephan Reschke, Somnath Ghara, Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer und István Kézsmárki
Optical, dielectric, and magnetoelectric properties of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric lacunar spinels

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Firat Yılmaz, Arno P. Kampf und Sungkit K. Yip
Phase diagrams of Kitaev models for arbitrary magnetic field orientations

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Ge He, Leander Peis, Ramona Stumberger, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, Nico Unglert, Liviu Chioncel, István Kézsmárki und Rudi Hackl
Phonon anomalies associated with spin reorientation in the kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn2

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Marc Alexander und Marcus Kollar
Photoinduced prethermalization phenomena in correlated metals

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Christopher Klose, Felix Büttner, Wen Hu, Claudio Mazzoli, Geoffrey S. D. Beach, Stefan Eisebitt und Bastian Pfau
Photon correlation spectroscopy with heterodyne mixing based on soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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Bin Shen, Franziska Breitner, Danil Prishchenko, Rudra Sekhar Manna, Anton Jesche, Maximilian L. Seidler, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Pressure-induced dimerization and collapse of antiferromagnetism in the Kitaev material α−Li2IrO3

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Markus Prinz-Zwick, T. Gimpel, Korbinian Geirhos, Somnath Ghara, C. Steinbrecht, Vladimir Tsurkan, Norbert Büttgen und István Kézsmárki
Probing multiferroic order parameters and domain population via nuclear spins

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Markus Prinz-Zwick
Probing multiferroic orders and cluster orbitals by NMR in lacunar spinels

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Yu Liu, Min Yu, Pengcheng Yang, Musang Gong, Qingyun Cao, Shaoliang Zhang, Haibin Liu, Markus Heyl, Tomoki Ozawa, Nathan Goldman und Jianming Cai
Quantum Fisher information measurement and verification of the quantum Cramér–Rao bound in a solid-state qubit

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Markus Schmitt, Marek M. Rams, Jacek Dziarmaga, Markus Heyl und Wojciech H. Zurek
Quantum phase transition dynamics in the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising model

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A. Revelli, M. Moretti Sala, G. Monaco, M. Magnaterra, J. Attig, L. Peterlini, T. Dey, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Philipp Gegenwart, T. Fröhlich, M. Braden, C. Grams, Joachim Hemberger, P. Becker, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, D. I. Khomskii, J. van den Brink, M. Hermanns und M. Grüninger
Quasimolecular electronic structure of the spin-liquid candidate Ba3InIr2O9

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Marc Alexander
Real-time dynamics of weakly correlated electrons

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Katharina Preißinger, Miklós Kellermayer, Beáta G. Vértessy, István Kézsmárki und János Török
Reducing data dimension boosts neural network-based stage-specific malaria detection

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E. Burzo und Liviu Chioncel
Reminiscent rare-earth cobalt magnetic couplings above the curie temperature and spin fluctuations in RCo2 compounds

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Donald M. Evans, Ola G. Grendal, Lilian Prodan, Maximilian Winkler, Noah Winterhalter-Stocker, Philipp Gegenwart, Somnath Ghara, Joachim Deisenhofer, István Kézsmárki und Vladimir Tsurkan
Resolving structural changes and symmetry lowering in spinel FeCr2S4

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Alexander A. Tsirlin, Pierre Fertey, Brenden R. Ortiz, Berina Klis, Valentino Merkl, Martin Dressel, Stephen Wilson und Ece Uykur
Role of Sb in the superconducting kagome metal CsV$3Sb5 revealed by its anisotropic compression

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Angela Wittmann, Olena Gomonay, Kai Litzius, Allison Kaczmarek, Alexander E. Kossak, Daniel Wolf, Axel Lubk, Tyler N. Johnson, Elizaveta A. Tremsina, Alexandra Churikova, Felix Büttner, Sebastian Wintz, Mohamad-Assaad Mawass, Markus Weigand, Florian Kronast, Larry Scipioni, Adam Shepard, Ty Newhouse-Illige, James A. Greer, Gisela Schütz, Norman O. Birge und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Role of substrate clamping on anisotropy and domain structure in the canted antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3

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Valeriy Yu. Verchenko und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Semiconducting and metallic compounds within the IrIn3 structure type: stability and chemical bonding

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Stefan Gorol, Florian Loder, Daniel Braak, Arno P. Kampf und Thilo Kopp
Signatures of topological phase transitions in the S‐Wave superconductor at finite temperature

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M. A. Belyanchikov, Z. V. Bedran, M. Savinov, P. Bednyakov, P. Proschek, J. Prokleska, V. A. Abalmasov, E. S. Zhukova, V. G. Thomas, A. Dudka, A. Zhugayevych, J. Petzelt, A. S. Prokhorov, V. B. Anzin, R. K. Kremer, Jonas K. H. Fischer, Peter Lunkenheimer, Alois Loidl, E. Uykur, M. Dressel und B. Gorshunov
Single-particle and collective excitations of polar water molecules confined in nano-pores within a cordierite crystal lattice

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Fumiya Sekiguchi, Kestutis Budzinauskas, Prashant Padmanabhan, Rolf B. Versteeg, Vladimir Tsurkan, István Kézsmárki, Francesco Foggetti, Sergey Artyukhin und Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
Slowdown of photoexcited spin dynamics in the non-collinear spin-ordered phases in skyrmion host GaV4S8

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P. I. Karpov, Guo-Yi Zhu, Michal P. Heller und Markus Heyl
Spatiotemporal dynamics of particle collisions in quantum spin chains

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Claudia Artiaco, Federico Balducci, Markus Heyl, Angelo Russomanno und Antonello Scardicchio
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of entanglement in many-body localized systems

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M. Majumder, R. Gupta, H. Luetkens, R. Khasanov, O. Stockert, Philipp Gegenwart und V. Fritsch
Spin-liquid signatures in the quantum critical regime of pressurized CePdAl

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Andreas Weh, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Andreas Östlin, Liviu Chioncel und Ulrich Eckern
Spin‐polarization and resonant states in electronic conduction through a correlated magnetic layer

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Ádám Butykai, Korbinian Geirhos, Dávid Szaller, László F. Kiss, László Balogh, Maria Azhar, Markus Garst, Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, Takeshi Waki, Yoshikazu Tabata, Hiroyuki Nakamura, István Kézsmárki und Sándor Bordács
Squeezing the periodicity of Néel-type magnetic modulations by enhanced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of 4d electrons

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L. Puntigam, M. Altthaler, Somnath Ghara, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, Stephan Krohns, István Kézsmárki und Donald M. Evans
Strain driven conducting domain walls in a Mott insulator

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Georg David Bothmann
Structural evolution of hexagonal perovskites with 4d and 5d metals

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Dissertation, Universität Augsburg, 2022

Richard Röß-Ohlenroth, Marcel Hirrle, Maryana Kraft, Andreas Kalytta-Mewes, Anton Jesche, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda und Dirk Volkmer
Synthesis, thermal stability and magnetic properties of an interpenetrated Mn(II) triazolate coordination framework

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L.-M. Kern, B. Pfau, M. Schneider, K. Gerlinger, V. Deinhart, S. Wittrock, T. Sidiropoulos, D. Engel, I. Will, C. M. Günther, K. Litzius, S. Wintz, M. Weigand, Felix Büttner und S. Eisebitt
Tailoring optical excitation to control magnetic skyrmion nucleation

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Q. Stahl, D. Chen, T. Ritschel, C. Shekhar, E. Sadrollahi, Marein C. Rahn, O. Ivashko, M. von Zimmermann, C. Felser und J. Geck
Temperature-driven reorganization of electronic order in CsV3⁢Sb5

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L. Peedu, V. Kocsis, D. Szaller, B. Forrai, S. Bordács, István Kézsmárki, J. Viirok, U. Nagel, B. Bernáth, Dmytro Kamenskyi, A. Miyata, O. Portugall, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Tokura, Y. Taguchi und T. Rõõm
Terahertz spectroscopy of spin excitations in magnetoelectric LiFePO4 in high magnetic fields

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Sebastian Bachus
Thermodynamic measurements on frustrated triangular and honeycomb lattices in the Millikelvin range

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Aleksandr Zubtsovskii
Topotactic synthesis and characterization of new Kitaev iridates

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Babak Tarighi, Reyhaneh Khasseh, M. N. Najafi und M. A. Rajabpour
Universal logarithmic correction to Rényi (Shannon) entropy in generic systems of critical quadratic fermions

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Dieter Vollhardt
Why calculate in infinite dimensions?

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Axel Fünfhaus, Thilo Kopp und Elias Lettl
Winding vectors of topological defects: multiband Chern numbers

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Tony X. Zhou, Joris J. Carmiggelt, Lisa M. Gächter, Ilya Esterlis, Dries Sels, Rainer J. Stöhr, Chunhui Du, Daniel Fernandez, Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva, Felix Büttner, Eugene Demler und Amir Yacoby
A magnon scattering platform

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D. M. J. van Elst, M. R. A. Peters, Felix Büttner, A. Wittmann, E. A. Tremsina, C. O. Avci, R. Lavrijsen, H. J. M. Swagten und G. S. D. Beach
Accurate extraction of anisotropic spin–orbit torques from harmonic measurements

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Sebastian Bachus, D. A. S. Kaib, Anton Jesche, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, S. M. Winter, Alexander A. Tsirlin, R. Valentí und Philipp Gegenwart
Angle-dependent thermodynamics of α−RuCl3

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Sven Esser, Jiongyao Wu, Sebastian Esser, Robert Gruhl, Anton Jesche, Vladimir Roddatis, Vasily Moshnyaga, Rossitza Pentcheva und Philipp Gegenwart
Angular dependence of Hall effect and magnetoresistance in SrRuO3−SrIrO3 heterostructures

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S. P. M. Curley, B. M. Huddart, Dmytro Kamenskyi, M. J. Coak, R. C. Williams, S. Ghannadzadeh, A. Schneider, S. Okubo, T. Sakurai, H. Ohta, J. P. Tidey, D. Graf, S. J. Clark, S. J. Blundell, F. L. Pratt, M. T. F. Telling, T. Lancaster, J. L. Manson und P. A. Goddard
Anomalous magnetic exchange in a dimerized quantum magnet composed of unlike spin species

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Y. Shimura, Andreas Wörl, M. Sundermann, S. Tsuda, D. T. Adroja, A. Bhattacharyya, A. M. Strydom, A. D. Hillier, F. L. Pratt, A. Gloskovskii, A. Severing, T. Onimaru, Philipp Gegenwart und T. Takabatake
Antiferromagnetic correlations in strongly valence fluctuating CeIrSn

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L. Bhaskaran, A. N. Ponomaryov, J. Wosnitza, N. Khan, Alexander A. Tsirlin, M. E. Zhitomirsky und S. A. Zvyagin
Antiferromagnetic resonance in the cubic iridium hexahalides (NH4)2IrCl6 and K2IrCl6

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Kathinka Gerlinger, Bastian Pfau, Felix Büttner, Michael Schneider, Lisa-Marie Kern, Josefin Fuchs, Dieter Engel, Christian M. Günther, Mantao Huang, Ivan Lemesh, Lucas Caretta, Alexandra Churikova, Piet Hessing, Christopher Klose, Christian Strüber, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Siying Huang, Angela Wittmann, Kai Litzius, Daniel Metternich, Riccardo Battistelli, Kai Bagschik, Alexandr Sadovnikov, Geoffrey S. D. Beach und Stefan Eisebitt
Application concepts for ultrafast laser-induced skyrmion creation and annihilation

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K.-M. Tam, Y. Zhang, H. Terletska, Y. Wang, M. Eisenbach, Liviu Chioncel und J. Moreno
Application of the locally self-consistent embedding approach to the Anderson model with non-uniform random distributions

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P. O. Sukhachov, Saikat Banerjee und A. V. Balatsky
Bose-Einstein condensate of Dirac magnons: pumping and collective modes

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Farokh Mivehvar, Francesco Piazza, Tobias Donner und Helmut Ritsch
Cavity QED with quantum gases: new paradigms in many-body physics

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Alessio Chiocchetta, Dominik Kiese, Carl Philipp Zelle, Francesco Piazza und Sebastian Diehl
Cavity-induced quantum spin liquids

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Jan Schultheiß, Erik Lysne, Lukas Puntigam, Jakob Schaab, Edith Bourret, Zewu Yan, Stephan Krohns und Dennis Meier
Charged ferroelectric domain walls for deterministic ac signal control at the nanoscale

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M. Sánchez Sánchez, Guillermo Gómez-Santos und Tobias Stauber
Collective magnetic excitations in AA- and AB-stacked graphene bilayers

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Marein C. Rahn, A. Gallagher, F. Orlandi, D. D. Khalyavin, C. Hoffmann, P. Manuel, R. Baumbach und M. Janoschek
Collinear antiferromagnetic order in URu2⁢Si2−xPx revealed by neutron diffraction

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Erik D. Roede, Aleksander B. Mosberg, Donald M. Evans, Edith Bourret, Zewu Yan, Antonius T. J. van Helvoort und Dennis Meier
Contact-free reversible switching of improper ferroelectric domains by electron and ion irradiation

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Korbinian Geirhos, Jan Langmann, Lilian Prodan, Alexander A. Tsirlin, A. Missiul, Georg Eickerling, Anton Jesche, Vladimir Tsurkan, Peter Lunkenheimer, Wolfgang Scherer und István Kézsmárki
Cooperative cluster Jahn-Teller effect as a possible route to antiferroelectricity

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Artur Niezgoda, Jan Chwedeńczuk, Tomasz Wasak und Francesco Piazza
Cooperatively enhanced precision of hybrid light-matter sensors

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Philipp Bredol, Hans Boschker, Daniel Braak und Jochen Mannhart
Decoherence effects break reciprocity in matter transport

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P. Karpov, R. Verdel, Y.-P. Huang, M. Schmitt und Markus Heyl
Disorder-free localization in an interacting 2D lattice gauge theory

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Donald M. Evans, Vincent Garcia, Dennis Meier und Manuel Bibes
Domains and domain walls in multiferroics

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Andreas Weh, Y. Zhang, Andreas Östlin, H. Terletska, D. Bauernfeind, K.-M. Tam, H. G. Evertz, K. Byczuk, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Dynamical mean-field theory of the Anderson-Hubbard model with local and nonlocal disorder in tensor formulation

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Felix Büttner und William Legrand
Electrical nucleation and detection of magnetic skyrmions

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Andreas Östlin und Liviu Chioncel
Electronic correlations and Fermi liquid behavior of intermediate-band states in titanium-doped silicon

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Jiongyao Wu, Marcel Zöllner, Sebastian Esser, Vijaya Begum, Günther Prinz, Axel Lorke, Philipp Gegenwart und Rossitza Pentcheva
Electronic reconstruction and charge transfer in strained Sr2CoIrO6 double perovskite

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Sh. Yamamoto, H. Suwa, T. Kihara, T. Nomura, Y. Kotani, T. Nakamura, Y. Skourski, S. Zherlitsyn, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, H. Nojiri, Alois Loidl und J. Wosnitza
Element-specific field-induced spin reorientation and tetracritical point in MnCr2S4

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R. E. Barfknecht, Tiago Mendes-Santos und L. Fallani
Engineering entanglement Hamiltonians with strongly interacting cold atoms in optical traps

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Manh Duc Le, Elisa M. Wheeler, Jaehong Jeong, K. Ramesh Kumar, Seongsu Lee, Chang-Hee Lee, Myeong Jun Oh, Youn-Jung Jo, Akihiro Kondo, Koichi Kindo, U. Stuhr, B. Fåk, M. Enderle, Dmitry Batuk, Artem M. Abakumov, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Je-Geun Park
Experimental determination of the magnetic interactions of frustrated Cairo pentagon lattice materials

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R. Held, J. A. Mundy, M. E. Holtz, D. Hodash, Thomas Mairoser, D. A. Müller und D. G. Schlom
Fabrication of chemically and structurally abrupt Eu1−xLaxO/SrO/Si interfaces and their analysis by STEM-EELS

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Heiko Burau, Markus Heyl und Giuseppe De Tomasi
Fate of algebraic many-body localization under driving

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Eduardo Gonzalez Lazo, Markus Heyl, Marcello Dalmonte und Adriano Angelone
Finite-temperature critical behavior of long-range quantum Ising models

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Yuejian Wang, Saqib Rahman, Elaine Sun, Christopher Knill, Dongzhou Zhang, Lin Wang, Vladimir Tsurkan und István Kézsmárki
From semiconducting to metallic: Jahn–Teller-induced phase transformation in Skyrmion Host GaV4S8

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Yoshifumi Tokiwa, Sebastian Bachus, Kavita Kavita, Anton Jesche, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Philipp Gegenwart
Frustrated magnet for adiabatic demagnetization cooling to milli-Kelvin temperatures

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Somnath Ghara, Korbinian Geirhos, Lukas Kuerten, Peter Lunkenheimer, Vladimir Tsurkan, M. Fiebig und István Kézsmárki
Giant conductivity of mobile non-oxide domain walls

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Cintli Aguilar-Maldonado, Olivier Mentré, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Clemens Ritter, Aleksandr Missiul, Francois Fauth und Angel M. Arévalo-López
Hybrid electrons in the trimerized GaV4O8

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Andreas-Gabriel Florian Schneider
In-situ Detektion von Phasenübergängen in Hochtemperaturschmelzlösungen

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Lukas Puntigam, Jan Schultheiß, Ana Strinic, Zewu Yan, Edith Bourret, Markus Altthaler, István Kézsmárki, Donald M. Evans, Dennis Meier und Stephan Krohns
Insulating improper ferroelectric domain walls as robust barrier layer capacitors

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Bin Shen, Anton Jesche, Maximilian L. Seidler, Friedrich Freund, Philipp Gegenwart und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Interplay of magnetism and dimerization in the pressurized Kitaev material β−Li2IrO3

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Tiago Mendes-Santos, A. Angelone, Alex Rodriguez, R. Fazio und M. Dalmonte
Intrinsic dimension of path integrals: data-mining quantum criticality and emergent simplicity

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Saikat Banerjee, W. A. Atkinson und Arno P. Kampf
Intrinsic hallmarks of phonon-induced charge order in cuprates

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J. Vít, J. Viirok, L. Peedu, T. Rõõm, U. Nagel, V. Kocsis, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, István Kézsmárki, P. Balla, K. Penc, J. Romhányi und S. Bordács
In situ electric-field control of THz nonreciprocal directional dichroism in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7

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Alexander Lichtenstein, Nils Schopohl, Michael Thorwart und Dieter Vollhardt
Kurt Scharnberg [Nachruf]

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Michael Sekania, Andreas Östlin, Wilhelm H. Appelt, S. B. Dugdale und Liviu Chioncel
L-hole pockets of the Fermi surface of palladium revealed by positron annihilation spectroscopy

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Liudmila N. Alyabyeva, Andrey S. Prokhorov, D. A. Vinnik, Vladimir B. Anzin, A. G. Ahmed, Andrey Mikheykin, Petr Bednyakov, Clark N. Kadlec, Filip Kadlec, Esther de Prado, Jan Prokleška, Petra Proschek, Shunsuke Kamba, Artem V. Pronin, Martin Dressel, Venjamin A. Abalmasov, Vyacheslav V. Dremov, Sebastian Schmid, Maksim Savinov, Peter Lunkenheimer und Boris P. Gorshunov
Lead-substituted barium hexaferrite for tunable terahertz optoelectronics

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Fabian Hirschberger, Tanita J. Ballé, Christof Haas, Wolfgang Scherer, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Yu. Prots, P. Höhn und Anton Jesche
Li2Sr[MnN]2: a magnetically ordered metallic nitride

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J. Fink, E. D. L. Rienks, M. Yao, R. Kurleto, J. Bannies, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, S. Wurmehl, T. Wolf, F. Hardy, C. Meingast, H. S. Jeevan, J. Maiwald, Philipp Gegenwart, C. Felser und B. Büchner
Linkage between scattering rates and superconductivity in doped ferropnictides

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Arthur Schulz, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
Lithium-salt-based deep eutectic solvents: importance of glass formation and rotation-translation coupling for the ionic charge transport

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Jad C. Halimeh, Daniele Trapin, Maarten Van Damme und Markus Heyl
Local measures of dynamical quantum phase transitions

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Ahana Chakraborty und Francesco Piazza
Long-range photon fluctuations enhance photon-mediated electron pairing and superconductivity

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P. Bag, N. Ahmed, Vikram Singh, M. Sahoo, Alexander A. Tsirlin und R. Nath
Low-dimensional magnetism of BaCuTe2O6

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A. D. N. James, M. Sekania, S. B. Dugdale und Liviu Chioncel
Magnetic Compton profiles of Ni beyond the one-particle picture: numerically exact and perturbative solvers of dynamical mean-field theory

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Markus Altthaler, Erik Lysne, Erik Roede, Lilian Prodan, Vladimir Tsurkan, Mohamed A. Kassem, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Stephan Krohns, István Kézsmárki und Dennis Meier
Magnetic and geometric control of spin textures in the itinerant kagome magnet Fe3Sn2

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Robert M. Reeve, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Felix Büttner und Mathias Kläui
Magnetic imaging and microscopy

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Gøran J. Nilsen, Corey M. Thompson, Casey Marjerisson, Danis I. Badrtdinov, Alexander A. Tsirlin und John E. Greedan
Magnetic order and multipoles in the 5d2 rhenium double perovskite Ba2YReO6

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R A. Khalaniya, A V. Sobolev, V Yu. Verchenko, Alexander A. Tsirlin, A Senyshyn, F Damay, I A. Presniakov und A V. Shevelkov
Magnetic structures of Fe32+δGe33As2 and Fe32+δ′Ge35−xPx intermetallic compounds: a neutron diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study

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C. Trainer, M. Songvilay, N. Qureshi, A. Stunault, C. M. Yim, E. E. Rodriguez, C. Heil, Vladimir Tsurkan, M. A. Green, Alois Loidl, P. Wahl und C. Stock
Magnetic surface reconstruction in the van der Waals antiferromagnet Fe1+xTe

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L. Arndt, T. Koleala, Á. Orbán, C. Ibam, E. Lufele, L. Timinao, L. Lorry, Á. Butykai, P. Kaman, A. P. Molnár, Stephan Krohns, E. Nate, I. Kucsera, E. Orosz, B. Moore, L. J. Robinson, M. Laman, István Kézsmárki und S. Karl
Magneto-optical diagnosis of symptomatic malaria in Papua New Guinea

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Ophelia Evelyn Sommer, Francesco Piazza und David J. Luitz
Many-body hierarchy of dissipative timescales in a quantum computer

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Danis I. Badrtdinov, Lei Ding, Clemens Ritter, Jan Hembacher, Niyaz Ahmed, Yurii Skourski und Alexander A. Tsirlin
MoP3SiO11: a 4d3 honeycomb antiferromagnet with disconnected octahedra

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Xiang-You Chen, Liwei Duan, Daniel Braak und Qing-Hu Chen
Multiple ground-state instabilities in the anisotropic quantum Rabi model

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Aleksander Matavž, Primož Koželj, Maximilian Winkler, Korbinian Geirhos, Peter Lunkenheimer und Vid Bobnar
Nanostructured multiferroic Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–NiFe2O4 thin-film composites

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Bálint Fülöp, Albin Márffy, Endre Tóvári, Máté Kedves, Simon Zihlmann, David Indolese, Zoltán Kovács-Krausz, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Christian Schönenberger, István Kézsmárki, Péter Makk und Szabolcs Csonka
New method of transport measurements on van der Waals heterostructures under pressure

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Lei Xiao, Dengke Qu, Kunkun Wang, Hao-Wei Li, Jin-Yu Dai, Balázs Dóra, Markus Heyl, Roderich Moessner, Wei Yi und Peng Xue
Non-Hermitian Kibble-Zurek mechanism with tunable complexity in single-photon interferometry

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H. Terletska, A. Moilanen, K.-M. Tam, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, M. Eisenbach, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja, Liviu Chioncel und J. Moreno
Non-local corrections to the typical medium theory of Anderson localization

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Serena Fazzini, Piotr Chudzinski, Christoph Dauer, Imke Schneider und Sebastian Eggert
Nonequilibrium floquet steady states of time-periodic driven Luttinger liquids

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Donald M. Evans, Didrik René Småbråten, Theodor S. Holstad, Per Erik Vullum, Aleksander B. Mosberg, Zewu Yan, Edith Bourret, Antonius T. J. van Helvoort, Sverre M. Selbach und Dennis Meier
Observation of electric-field-induced structural dislocations in a ferroelectric oxide

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Vladimir Tsurkan, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Joachim Deisenhofer, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
On the complexity of spinels: magnetic, electronic, and polar ground states

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Giancarlo Jug, Alois Loidl und Hajime Tanaka
On the structural heterogeneity of supercooled liquids and glasses (a)

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Laura Fanfarillo, Damir Kopić, Andrea Sterzi, Giulia Manzoni, Alberto Crepaldi, Daniel T. Payne, Wibke Bronsch, Vladimir Tsurkan, Dorina Croitori, Joachim Deisenhofer, Fulvio Parmigiani, Massimo Capone und Federico Cilento
Photoinduced long-lived state in FeSe0.4Te0.6

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Korbinian Geirhos
Polar and magnetoelectric properties of lacunar spinels

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Literaturverzeichnis Seite 123-140
Dissertation, Universität Augsburg, 2021

C. Trainer, C. M. Yim, C. Heil, L. S. Farrar, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl und P. Wahl
Probing magnetic exchange interactions with helium

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Cahit Kargi, Juan Pablo Dehollain, Fabio Henriques, Lukas M. Sieberer, Tobias Olsacher, Philipp Hauke, Markus Heyl, Peter Zoller und Nathan K. Langford
Quantum chaos and Trotterisation thresholds in digital quantum simulations

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Angelo Russomanno, Michele Fava und Markus Heyl
Quantum chaos and ensemble inequivalence of quantum long-range Ising chains

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Cahit Kargi, Juan Pablo Dehollain, Fabio Henriques, Lukas M. Sieberer, Tobias Olsacher, Philipp Hauke, Markus Heyl, Peter Zoller und Nathan K. Langford
Quantum chaos and universal Trotterisation performance behaviours in digital quantum simulation

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Jun Yong Khoo und Markus Heyl
Quantum entanglement recognition

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Prashanta K. Mukharjee, K. Somesh, K.M. Ranjith, M. Baenitz, Y. Skourski, D. T. Adroja, D. Khalyavin, Alexander A. Tsirlin und R. Nath
Quantum magnetism of ferromagnetic spin dimers in α−KVOPO4

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Tomasz Wasak, Richard Schmidt und Francesco Piazza
Quantum-Zeno Fermi polaron in the strong dissipation limit

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Sebin J. Sebastian, K. Somesh, M. Nandi, N. Ahmed, P. Bag, M. Baenitz, B. Koo, J. Sichelschmidt, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Y. Furukawa und R. Nath
Quasi-one-dimensional magnetism in the spin-12 antiferromagnet BaNa2Cu(VO4)2

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Oles Matsyshyn, Francesco Piazza, Roderich Moessner und Inti Sodemann
Rabi regime of current rectification in solids

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Ka-Ming Tam, Hanna Terletska, Tom Berlijn, Liviu Chioncel und Juana Moreno
Real space quantum cluster formulation for the typical medium theory of Anderson localization

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Sun Woo Kim, Giuseppe De Tomasi und Markus Heyl
Real-time dynamics of one-dimensional and two-dimensional bosonic quantum matter deep in the many-body localized phase

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Adrien Bolens und Markus Heyl
Reinforcement learning for digital quantum simulation

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J. K. H. Fischer, G. D'Avino, M. Masino, F. Mezzadri, Peter Lunkenheimer, Z. G. Soos und A. Girlando
Relaxor ferroelectricity in the polar M2P-TCNQ charge-transfer crystal at the neutral-ionic interface

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Cid Reyes-Bustos, Daniel Braak und Masato Wakayama
Remarks on the hidden symmetry of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model

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Mario M. Piva, Marein C. Rahn, Sean M. Thomas, Brian L. Scott, Pascoal G. Pagliuso, Joe D. Thompson, Leslie M. Schoop, Filip Ronning und Priscila F. S. Rosa
Robust narrow-gap semiconducting behavior in square-net La3Cd2As6

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Antonius T. J. van Helvoort, Aleksander Mosberg, Ursula Ludacka, Theodor S. Holstad, Donald M. Evans und Dennis Meier
STEM-based analysis of functional defects in ferroelectric ErMnO3 [Abstract]

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D. G. Farkas, David Szaller, István Kézsmárki, U. Nagel, T. Rõõm, L. Peedu, J. Viirok, J. S. White, R. Cubitt, T. Ito, R. S. Fishman und S. Bordács
Selection rules and dynamic magnetoelectric effect of the spin waves in multiferroic BiFeO3

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Valeriy Yu. Verchenko, Alexander A. Tsirlin und Andrei V. Shevelkov
Semiconducting and superconducting Mo–Ga frameworks: total energy and chemical bonding

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Ágnes Orbán, Rhea J. Longley, Piyarat Sripoorote, Nongnuj Maneechai, Wang Nguitragool, Ádám Butykai, Ivo Mueller, Jetsumon Sattabongkot, Stephan Karl und István Kézsmárki
Sensitive detection of Plasmodium vivax malaria by the rotating-crystal magneto-optical method in Thailand

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Asmi Haldar, Krishnanand Mallayya, Markus Heyl, Frank Pollmann, Marcos Rigol und Arnab Das
Signatures of quantum phase transitions after quenches in quantum chaotic one-dimensional systems

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Tobias Biesner, Weiwu Li, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Seulki Roh, Pai-Chun Wei, Ece Uykur und Martin Dressel
Spectroscopic trace of the Lifshitz transition and multivalley activation in thermoelectric SnSe under high pressure

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Yuesheng Li, Qiao-Yi Li, Wei Li, Tao Liu, David J. Voneshen, Pabitra K. Biswas und Devashibhai Adroja
Spin dynamics and Griffiths singularity in the random quantum Ising magnet PrTiNbO6

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Christian Thurn, Paul Eibisch, Arif Ata, Maximilian Winkler, Peter Lunkenheimer, István Kézsmárki, Ulrich Tutsch, Yohei Saito, Steffi Hartmann, Jan Zimmermann, Abanoub R. N. Hanna, A. T. M. Nazmul Islam, Shravani Chillal, Bella Lake, Bernd Wolf und Michael Lang
Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe2O6

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Chi Ming Yim, Soumendra Nath Panja, Christopher Trainer, Craig Topping, Christoph Heil, Alexandra S. Gibbs, Oxana V. Magdysyuk, Vladimir Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Andreas W. Rost und Peter Wahl
Strain-Stabilized (π, π) order at the surface of Fe1+xTe

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Sergey V. Ovsyannikov, Alena A. Aslandukova, Andrey N. Aslandukov, Stella Chariton, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Igor V. Korobeynikov, Natalia V. Morozova, Timofey Fedotenko, Saiana E. Khandarkhaeva und Leonid S. Dubrovinsky
Structural stability and properties of marokite-type γ-Mn3O4

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Guo-Yi Zhu und Markus Heyl
Subdiffusive dynamics and critical quantum correlations in a disorder-free localized Kitaev honeycomb model out of equilibrium

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Thomas Dziuba, Ina-Marie Pietsch, Máté Stark, Georg A. Traeger, Philipp Gegenwart und Martin Wenderoth
Surface conductivity of the honeycomb spin–orbit Mott insulator Na2IrO3

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Lukas Körber, Michael Zimmermann, Sebastian Wintz, Simone Finizio, Matthias Kronseder, Dominique Bougeard, Florian Dirnberger, Markus Weigand, Jörg Raabe, Jorge A. Otálora, Helmut Schultheiss, Elisabeth Josten, Jürgen Lindner, István Kézsmárki, Christian H. Back und Attila Kákay
Symmetry and curvature effects on spin waves in vortex-state hexagonal nanotubes

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Sven Esser
Temperatur- und winkelabhängiger Magnetotransport in SrRuO3/SrIrO3 Heterostrukturen

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Carsten Albert, Tanita J. Ballé, Franziska A. Breitner, Yulia Krupskaya, Alexey Alfonsov, Ziba Zangeneh, Stanislav Avdoshenko, Mohamed S. Eldeeb, Liviu Hozoi, Aswathi Vilangottunjalil, Erik Haubold, Aliaksei Charnukha, Bernd Büchner, Anton Jesche und Vladislav Kataev
Terahertz magneto-optical excitations of the sd-hybrid states of lithium nitridocobaltate Li2(Li1–xCox)N

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Stefano Canossa, Elena Ferrari, Pit Sippel, Jonas K. H. Fischer, Raphael Pfattner, Ruggero Frison, Matteo Masino, Marta Mas-Torrent, Peter Lunkenheimer, Concepció Rovira und Alberto Girlando
Tetramethylbenzidine–tetrafluoroTCNQ (TMB–TCNQF4): a narrow-gap semiconducting salt with room-temperature relaxor ferroelectric behavior

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M. Hemmida, N. Winterhalter-Stocker, D. Ehlers, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, M. Yao, J. Bannies, E. D. L. Rienks, R. Kurleto, C. Felser, B. Büchner, J. Fink, Stefan Gorol, T. Förster, S. Arsenijevic, V. Fritsch und Philipp Gegenwart
Topological magnetic order and superconductivity in EuRbFe4As4

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Nazir Khan, Danil Prishchenko, Mary H. Upton, Vladimir G. Mazurenko und Alexander A. Tsirlin
Towards cubic symmetry for Ir4+: structure and magnetism of the antifluorite K2IrBr6

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D. Reuter, P. Münzner, C. Gainaru, Peter Lunkenheimer, Alois Loidl und R. Böhmer
Translational and reorientational dynamics in deep eutectic solvents

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Franziska Jach, Frank R. Wagner, Zeeshan H. Amber, Michael Rüsing, Jens Hunger, Yurii Prots, Martin Kaiser, Matej Bobnar, Anton Jesche, Lukas M. Eng, Michael Ruck und Peter Höhn
Tricyanidoferrates(−IV) and ruthenates(−IV) with non‐innocent cyanido ligands

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Bastian Pfau und Felix Büttner
Ultraschnelle Erzeugung von Skyrmionen: Magnetismus

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T. Nomura, A. Hauspurg, D. I. Gorbunov, A. Miyata, E. Schulze, S. A. Zvyagin, Vladimir Tsurkan, Y. H. Matsuda, Y. Kohama und S. Zherlitsyn
Ultrasound measurement technique for the single-turn-coil magnets

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Daniele Trapin, Jad C. Halimeh und Markus Heyl
Unconventional critical exponents at dynamical quantum phase transitions in a random Ising chain

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Heiko Burau und Markus Heyl
Unitary long-time evolution with quantum renormalization groups and artificial neural networks

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K. Somesh, Y. Furukawa, Gediminas Simutis, F. Bert, Markus Prinz-Zwick, Norbert Büttgen, Andrej Zorko, Alexander A. Tsirlin, P. Mendels und R. Nath
Universal fluctuating regime in triangular chromate antiferromagnets

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Tiago Mendes-Santos, X. Turkeshi, M. Dalmonte und Alex Rodriguez
Unsupervised learning universal critical behavior via the intrinsic dimension

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Atasi Chakraborty, Vinod Kumar, Sanjay Bachhar, Norbert Büttgen, Koji Yokoyama, Pabitra Kumar Biswas, Vasudeva Siruguri, Sumiran Pujari, Ishita Dasgupta und Avinash V. Mahajan
Unusual spin dynamics in the low-temperature magnetically ordered state of Ag3LiIr2O6

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Roberto Verdel, Markus Schmitt, Yi-Ping Huang, Petr Karpov und Markus Heyl
Variational classical networks for dynamics in interacting quantum matter

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Markus Preißinger, K. Karube, D. Ehlers, B. Szigeti, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, J. S. White, V. Ukleev, H. M. Rønnow, Y. Tokunaga, A. Kikkawa, Y. Tokura, Y. Taguchi und István Kézsmárki
Vital role of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cubic chiral skyrmion hosts

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Mantao Huang, Muhammad Usama Hasan, Konstantin Klyukin, Delin Zhang, Deyuan Lyu, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Sara Sheffels, Alexandra Churikova, Felix Büttner, Jonas Zehner, Lucas Caretta, Ki-Young Lee, Joonyeon Chang, Jian-Ping Wang, Karin Leistner, Bilge Yildiz und Geoffrey S. D. Beach
Voltage control of ferrimagnetic order and voltage-assisted writing of ferrimagnetic spin textures

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Werner Wiater
Computerfreak - der Schülertyp von morgen?: Chancen und Risiken der informations- und kommunikationstechnischen Bildung

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