International Master Materials Science & Engineering


Important notice 


The applications for the summer term 2025 will presumably start 1st October 2024.


We currently install an online application portal, so please submit your documents there (  

Written or email applications will be not accepted.


The deadline for applications will be 1st November 2024. Further information will follow soon.


End of important notice




to the Master's Program in Materials Science & Engineering


at the University of Augsburg


On this page you will find all relevant information for initiating and completing your master-level studies of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) at the University of Augsburg. The Master’s Program (M.Sc.) in Materials Science & Engineering provides a high-level academic and research-oriented education on the synthesis, characterisation and processing of all classes of structural and functional materials, including for example hybrid materials, high performance ceramics, composites, energy materials, biomaterials,  thermoelectrics, semiconductors, carbon materials, and OLEDs. Special emphasis will be put on materials sustainability and on digital tools for materials science.


Over the course of four semesters, in-depth studies of various aspects of fundamental materials’ research in physics and engineering will be provided, culminating in a master’s thesis on individual research by the student in advanced materials science. All courses are given in English.



What is the Materials Science & Engineering program about?

Materials Science is an interdisciplinary field connecting several aspects of engineering, physics, chemistry and methods for characterization and processing of materials. The consecutive M.Sc. Materials Science & Engineering program deepens the scientific expertise of your previous eduction, e.g. the understanding of various material properties and interactions between materials particularly with regard to application oriented research in science and technology.


Why choose the University of Augsburg to study?

The Materials Science & Engineering program of the University of Augsburg offers students a broad variety of elective courses to specialize in, like spintronics, porous materials, reinforced composites, low temperature physics, nanostructers and many more. Furthermore, through the corresponding method courses the theoretical knowledge can be enhanced with practical experience.

The program also encourages you to socialize with fellow students from different countries and cultures in an agreeable international atmosphere. The University of Augsburg assures easy access to the program for foreign students, and enhances the international competitiveness of German students by providing all lectures and courses in English.


Why choose the Master of Science qualification?

The Masters degree provides a professional and qualifying education in materials science and engineering and is a certification for enhanced expertise in these topic, and thus testifies that the candidate is capable to tackle scientific problems concerning materials independently and efficiently, by the use of state of the art methods. Also, the program aims towards well trained graduates to perform organizational, planning, and management duties in research institutions, industry, and public administration.


Information for students

Before Application

We strongly suggest that you familiarize yourself first with the Institutes’ various research activities in physics, materials science and engineering.


Study the information given on the pages concerning the International M.Sc. 'Materials Science & Engineering' carefully before submitting your application!


See also:


Admission Requirements

  • For admission to the Master’s program in Materials Science & Engineering, a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in the fields of materials science, physics, chemistry, or materials science and engineering is required. A degree in a related discipline might be deemed equivalent by the examination board, subject to evaluation of the documents submitted by the applicant. In the majority of cases a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering does not provide sufficient knowledge in the scientific foundations for Materials Science.
  • All applicants have to submit proof of having obtained at least 12 ECTS credits in Materials Science, 12 ECTS credits in Physics and 18 ECTS credits from Engineering, Chemistry or Mathematics. To evaluate if you fulfill this requirement, you have to list (including a summary of contents) each lecture course in the evaluation form, which you have to submit as part of your application documents. Note: Applicants who graduated from the University of Augsburg do not have to submit this form.
  • If, at the time of application, your Bachelor’s diploma is not yet available, a current transcript of records must be submitted and the diploma and associated documents submitted within one year of commencing the Master’s program.
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must provide proof of a sufficient knowledge of English corresponding to level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Currently, equivalences to B2 in terms of one of internationally recognized test methods (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS) are as follows:
    • TOEFL TOEFL (paper-based) score of at least 550 or
    • TOEFL TOEFL (computer-based) score of at least 213 or
    • TOEFL TOEFL (internet-based) score of at least 80 or
    • IELTS-Overall Band Score of at least 6.5 (out of 9)

Note: You do not have to submit this proof if you are a native speaker of English or you have graduated from a university where English is the primary language of instruction. In the latter case, please provide supporting documentation. Students with a German 'Abitur' need no further proof of their knowledge of English.






All applications for the summer term 2025 have to be submitted until 1st November 2024!!


All applications are required to contain the following documents:

  • TOEFL proof of at least 550 (for the paper-based test) or 213 (for the computer-based test) or 80 (for the internet-based test) or
  • IELTS-test score of 6.5 (of 9)
  • Note: You will not have to provide a English test score if you are a native English speaker, or graduated from a university where English is the primary language of instruction. In the latter case please provide supporting documentation. Students with a German 'Abitur' need no further proof of their knowledge of English.
  • GRE-Test (not compulsory) recommended.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • copy of passport / ID card
  • Certified copies and certified translations in English or German of:
    1. 'Final Secondary School certificate' (High School etc.) and (if applicable) 'higher education entrance qualification'
    2. Most recent official transcript of your Bachelor studies
    3. Bachelor certificate or equivalent
  • Please restrain from attaching any additional material!



Entry Requirements


Foreign students have to apply for a student visa at their nearest German Embassy in their home country.

We recommend to do it as soon as you decide to study in Germany.

The 'German Alien's Act' does not allow to change the entry status whilst in Germany; never enter with a tourist visa!


Please present the following at the Embassy:

  1. Our letter of admission ('Zulassung')
  2. Our documentation of the course
  3. A proof of your financial means (EUR 670/month at least). Be prepared to show a bank statement covering the full expenses for the first year!

See also:


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

University of Augsburg International Office



Health Insurance

All students at institutions of higher education in Germany have to provide proof of obligatory health insurance at the time of registration. Health insurance can be obtained (usually without any problem) after arrival in Augsburg.


Applicants from India


There are special regulations for students from India handled by the   Akademische Prüfstelle New Delhi at the German Embassy in New Delhi. Essentially, this institution will check your academic transcripts. Please include the certificate you receive from the 'Akademische Prüfstelle' with your application.


Applicants from China


There are special regulations for students from China handled by the  Akademische Prüfstelle at the German Embassy in Beijing. Essentially, this institution will check your academic transcripts, and you will be given an interview of about 20 minutes duration, during which your academic background will be tested. The language of the interview is English or German. Please include the certificate you receive from the 'Akademische Prüfstelle' with your application.


  • No tuition fees are charged for the Programme, but EUR 150,63 per semester will be charged as a registration fee and for student services (including unlimited local bus & tram use). (This applies to all courses offered at the University of Augsburg.)
  • Students are responsible for their own housing and living expenses which run, as a minimum, at about EUR 861 per month.
  • Note: All non-EU students have to provide evidence that their studies in Germany are financially secured!
  • During your studies, you are allowed to work for up to 120 days or up to 240 half-days in each calendar year. See Student Union of Augsburg for jobs for students. Support grants from German sources are extremely limited and available only to highly qualified applicants and under exceptional circumstances.
  • You may also want to check for scholarships / stipends etc. with other agencies / institutions (e.g. Federal Training Assistance Act 'BAföG') see also Student Union of Augsburg.
  • Another way of supporting our students is through part-time teaching or research assistantships. There are only a few (!) of these jobs available, but you will have to look for them yourself once you are here. We do not assign teaching and research assistantships beforehand!




  • Students admitted to the program are eligible to apply for a room in a student dormitory, but usually there is a long waiting list. In order to avoid the waiting list, you may purchase a 6-month ' Service Package' after you have obtained the 'Zulassung'.
  • Most dormitories are run by the Student Union of Augsburg; they are conveniently located (walking distance or easy tram connection to the university). All rooms are one-person rooms, fully furnished, with a bathroom and cooking facilities. Note: There are no dorms exclusively for men and women.
  • After your arrival in Augsburg, help in finding a private accomodation can also be provided by the International Office of the University of Augsburg.

The language of instruction is English. Each student has to proof good knowlegde in the English language through a appropriate TOEFL or IELTS score. Native English speakers or students which graduated from a Universtiy, where English is the primary language of instruction, are excluded from this prerequisite. But in the latter case, supporting documentation has to be provided.


Though fluent speaking of German is not required, each student will need some basic knowledge of German, in order to get smoothly along in daily live. We suggest to acquire some basic German before coming here.


Alternatively, there is the possibility to attend German courses in Augsburg; these will, however, not be offered by the University, but rather by private institutions (and hence will cost a fee). The German courses provided by the University of Augsburg aim towards students which already have a certain knowledge of German and are interested in further improving their skills. Information about the courses can be obtained at the language center of the University of Augsburg ( Sprachenzentrum).

The schedule of the current semester is available in printed form only one month ahead of the coming semester in the department administration of the department of math and science (North wing of the institute of physics building).

If you want more detailed information about the lectures and method courses you can check the  list of courses.

The master program in Materials Science & Engineering was accredited by the  ASIIN e.V. and the  foundation Akkreditierungsrat.


     Record in the database of the Akkreditierungsrat     Certificate of the ASIIN e.V.



  Curriculum  Handbook of modules  Examination regulations  Examinations board




Frequently Asked Questions: 

(Because of further problems and questions regarding application or our study program please contact us:


Q1: When is the next deadline for applications?

All applications for the summer term 2025 have to be submitted until 1st November 2024.


Q2: Which background do your students have?
We expect a strong background in materials science that is comparable to a B.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Augsburg. Our students hold B.Sc. degrees for example in Materials Science, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Physics, or Chemistry. Please note, however, that study programs may vary largely between universities. Admission thus depends very much on the individual background, skills, and academic achievements. The following list gives an overview of the curriculum of your fellow students who graduated from the University of Augsburg:


  • Materials Science
    Introductory knowledge on all classes of materials: e.g. crystal structure, thermodynamics, properties and defects, solid state analytics
  • Engineering
    Statics, mechanics of materials, strength of materials, manufacturing of all classes of materials, e.g. polymers, ceramics, metals, semiconductors
  • Physics
    Experimental physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electodynamics, optics, atomic and molecular physics, solid state physics), theoretical physics (basic quantum mechanics, thermodynamics)
  • Chemistry
    General and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, solid state chemistry, chemical lab practice 
  • Mathematics
    Linear algebra, fundamental calculus, differential equations, complex analysis, vector analysis

Your background will be compared with this list.


Q3:  How will you evaluate my application?

We will evaluate the background of your B.Sc. The minimal strict requirements is listed above under „Applications Requirements, Application Procedure, etc.“. For this purpose, you have to submit the evaluation form where you list  and describe the corresponding courses from your B.Sc. program. Furthermore, we offer and recommend an advisory online discussion. Invitations will be sent out after evaluation of your submitted documents.


In addition, your university documents and English certificates will be validated.


Q4:  How to evaluate my B.Sc. courses in terms of ECTS credits for the evaluation form?

One ECTS credit point corresponds to approximately 30 hours of total workload. If your B.Sc. program uses a different credit system, please try to estimate the ECTS equivalent by using and documenting the number of contact hours of your course in one semester.


Q5: Which level in English is required and which certificates do you accept?

Applicants whose first language is not English must provide proof of having obtained level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Currently, accepted equivalences to B2 in terms of internationally recognized test methods (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS) are as follows:

  • TOEFL TOEFL (paper-based) score of at least 550 or
  • TOEFL TOEFL (computer-based) score of at least 213 or
  • TOEFL TOEFL (internet-based) score of at least 80 or
  • IELTS-Overall Band Score of at least 6.5 (out of 9)

These limits are strict!


Q6: Do I need to provide a language certificate if the medium of instruction during my Bachelor studies was English?
No, in this case it is sufficient to submit the proof that the medium of instruction was English.


Q7: Can I obtain a preliminary estimate from the department about my chances of admission?
Due to the large number of applications, we are not able to offer this service. Please check Q1–Q5 to estimate your chances yourself.


Q8: Are scholarships available?
Information on financing and scholarships can be found  here.


Q9: Do I have to speak German, for studying the Master program 'Materials Science & Engineering'?

All course are given in English, but for getting along in Germany (insurances, accomodation, etc.) and finding a job, knowledge of basic German will be necessary.


Q10: What is the handbook of modules about?

This handbook contains all modules (lectures, seminars, method courses, etc.) offered within the Master program and provides information on the contents of the courses, the competences you should achieve, and the type of exams you will have to pass.


Q11: Do I need to provide a recommendation letter?





Important documents for download
