Chair for Value Based Marketing
© University of Augsburg

Journal of Service Research (JSR) Best Article Award Finalist 2023

The paper "Customer Experience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application in Omnichannel Environments" authored by Markus Gahler, Jan F. Klein and Michael Paul was a finalist for the 2023 Journal of Service Research (JSR) Best Article Award. The JSR is the top journal for service research and selects the three best papers each year. The selection is based on the votes of the Area Editors and the members of the Editorial Review Board as well as the number of downloads and Web of Science citations. The paper is available at

July 31, 2024

The Chair for Value Based Marketing is looking for student tutors in winter term 2024

The Chair for Value Based Marketing is looking for two student tutors for the courses " Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften " and "Marketing". More detailed information is available here.

July 31, 2024

The Chair for Value Based Marketing is looking for a student assistant for faculty marketing

The Chair for Value Based Marketing is looking for a student assistant for faculty marketing with a focus on social media. More detailed information is available here.

July 23, 2024

The 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster took place in Augsburg

Last week, the 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster took place at the University of Augsburg. Prof. Paul (Chair for Value Based Marketing) and his team welcomed Prof. Bilstein (University of Bayreuth), Prof. Hogreve (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Prof. Schumann and Prof. Totzek (both University of Passau), and their doctoral students to discuss the current state of their dissertation projects. During the two-day event, the attendees took advantage of the social program to network, exchange ideas, and talk about future projects.

July 8, 2024

Institute for Digitization Research organized interesting workshop with CHECK24 Mietwagen

On June 12, 2024, 17 students participated in a workshop with CHECK24 Mietwagen which was organized by the Institute for Digitization Research. The workshop took place as part of the Digital Excellence Circle, which aims at connecting highly motivated students with digitally-oriented companies. The students worked on a case study focusing on online marketing, data analytics, and operations management and presented their results to the management board. The day was rounded off with a get-together with barbecue and drinks.

April 8, 2024

Presentation dates for GBM projects in summer term 2024

The presentations for GBM projects, which are supervised by the Chair for Value Based Marketing, will take place on April 25, 2024 (Thursday), at 10 am and on July 12, 2024 (Friday), at 10 a.m. in room J 1204. A registration is obligatory. Please contact Katharina Saborowski for registration or further questions. The registration deadline ends on April 23, 2024, and on July 10, 2024 at 23:59, respectively. Please send your final project report to Katharina Saborowski ( until the mentioned dates.

April 8, 2024

Exam review winter term 2023/2024

The review for the exams of the winter term 2023/2024 will be held on Friday, April 19 from 11:45 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. in J 1106. Registration is required, please register for a time slot at the following link by April 16, 2 p.m.:

Feb. 8, 2024

Final presentation of our master seminar "Services Marketing: Case Studies" at Hilti

The final presentation of our master seminar "Services Marketing: Case Studies" took place on January 30, 2024, at the headquarter of our cooperation partner Hilti Deutschland AG in Kaufering. After an interesting company tour, the students presented their concept for the software licensing business, customer journey strategy and a practical messaging campaign. The students received valuable feedback on their final presentations by the company representatives. We would like to thank Hilti Deutschland AG for this interesting and insightful day.

Nov. 2, 2023

Follow us on LinkedIn

We are happy to announce that we are now on LinkedIn, please follow us and share the news! Our LinkedIn page provides you with information about the chair’s activities, events, guest talks, publications and shares interesting content with you that is directly related to our main research and teaching areas.

July 25, 2023

Prof. Bhattacharya (University of Pittsburgh) and Prof. Berti (University of Technology Sydney) gave a talk at the Cluster Strategy & Information's research seminar

On July 14, 2023, two research talks took place as part of the Cluster Strategy & Information’s research seminar. Prof. CB Bhattacharya from the University of Pittsburgh gave a talk entitled “Business through the Sustainability Lens“. Prof. Marco Berti from the University of Technology Sydney talked about “Fighting Fire with Fire: Counteracting Escalation of Commitment in the Management of Paradoxes".

May 9, 2023

Research paper by Janina Kleine, Nico Friederich, and Michael Paul accepted for publication in Journal of Advertising

The research paper “Celebrity Endorser Scandals and Competitor Firm Value” by Janina Kleine, Nico Friederich, and Michael Paul has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Advertising (Jourqual: B).

Sept. 20, 2022

Research paper by Markus Gahler and Michael Paul accepted for publication in Journal of Service Research

“Customer Experience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application in Omnichannel Environments” authored by our research fellow Markus Gahler, Jan F. Klein (Tilburg University, NLD), and Michael Paul has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Research (Jourqual: A).

June 24, 2022

Dr. Markus Gahler wins Wolfgang Wirichs Förderpreis Handel 2022

Dr. Markus Gahler is the 22nd winner of the Wolfgang Wirichs Förderpreis Handel. He received the sponsorship prize for his dissertation on "Customer Experience: Conceptualization and Development of a Text-based and Graphical Scale". At a ceremony in Moers, the Executive Board and Board of Trustees of the Wolfgang Wirichs Foundation as well as the supervising professors honored the award winners of 2021 and 2022. Since 2001, the sponsorship prize supports ongoing scientific work or practical projects that lead to novel solutions to problems in commercial practice.

April 26, 2022

Sonja Kralj successfully defended her dissertation

On April 26, 2022, Sonja Kralj successfully defended her PhD thesis to earn her doctoral degree. Her dissertation is entitled “Akkulturation von Konsumierenden: Gesellschaftliches Klima und individuelle Strategien“. The chair congratulates Sonja Kralj for this accomplishment! Many thanks also to the dissertation committee members Prof. Dr. Lehmann (chairman), Prof. Dr. Paul (1st examiner and supervisor), and Prof. Dr. Veit (2nd examiner) for their work and highly valuable input.

Feb. 14, 2022

Research paper by Andreas Lechner and colleagues accepted for publication in Psychology & Marketing

“Fake smiles. Customer reactions to employees’ display inauthenticity and choice restrictions” authored by our research fellow Andreas Lechner together with Thuy Pham and Frank Mathmann (both Queensland University of Technology, AUS) has been accepted for publication in Psychology & Marketing (Jourqual: B).

Oct. 25, 2021

Markus Gahler wins HORIZONT Award 2021

Our research fellow and former colleague Markus Gahler has won this year's HORIZONT Foundation sponsorship award for his dissertation “Customer Experience: Conceptualization and Development of a Text-Based and Pictorial Scale”. A total of 20,000 € was paid out to the winners of the sponsorship award and the scholarship.

Oct. 21, 2021

Research paper by Maximilian Bruder, Andreas Lechner, and Michael Paul accepted for publication in Psychology & Marketing

“Toward holistic frontline employee management: An investigation of the interplay of positive emotion displays and dress color” authored by our colleague Maximilian Bruder, research fellow Andreas Lechner, and Michael Paul has been accepted for publication in Psychology & Marketing (Jourqual: B).

Feb. 19, 2020

Research paper by Andreas Lechner accepted for publication in Journal of Service Research

Bringing Service Interactions Into Focus: Prevention- Versus Promotion-Focused Customers’ Sensitivity to Employee Display Authenticity” authored by our research fellow and former colleague Andreas Lechner and Frank Mathmann (Queensland University of Technology, AUS) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Research (Jourqual: A).

Dec. 14, 2020

Research paper by Andreas Lechner and Michael Paul accepted for publication in Journal of Service Research

“Frontline Employees’ Display of Fake Smiles and Angry Faces: When and Why They Influence Service Performance” authored by our research fellow Andreas Lechner, Michael Paul, and Frank Mathmann (Queensland University of Technology, AUS) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Research (Jourqual: A).

The Chair for Value Based Marketing addresses relevant issues in research and teaching in the fields of value based marketing, services marketing, and new media & omnichannel management. Together with our partners in research and practice, we conduct empirical studies using a wide range of empirical designs and sophisticated data analysis methods. We strive for combining rigor with managerial and societal relevance.


The team and associates of the Chair for Value Based Marketing.

Chair for Value Based Marketing

Study & Service

Our chair provides students with a range of bachelor and master courses and supervises theses on all marketing-relevant topics. We also issue certificates and letters of recommendation upon request.

Study group at the University of Augsburg


The chair's main research areas involve value based marketing, services marketing, and new media & omnichannel management.

Logos of high-quality journals in marketing

Cluster Strategy, Marketing & Management

The Cluster Strategy, Marketing & Management puts human beings and their decisions as a success factor of businesses at the heart of its teaching and research. The goal of strategic management and marketing is always to ensure sustainable corporate success.


Pittsburgh Exchange Program

The exchange program with the University of Pittsburgh, as one of the top universities in the US, is an excellent opportunity for bachelor and master students to enrich their studies at the University of Augsburg.

Pittsburgh Exchange Program

AUX Marketing Tag

The Augsburger Marketing Tag brings together practitioners and researchers to exchange views on future-oriented topics and to develop new ideas for successful marketing.

Audience of the second Augsburg Marketing Tag listening to a talk of Prof. Dr. Paul


The chair cooperates with profit and non-profit organizations in research (e.g., knowledge exchange), teaching (e.g., guest lectures), and talent recruitment (e.g., workshops).

Prof. Dr. Michael Paul gave a talk at GWW Summermeeting 2018


Press information, including press coverage of the chair's research activities and downloadable press material.

Social media


Postal address:

University of Augsburg
Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair for Value Based Marketing

Universitätsstr. 16
D-86159 Augsburg

Phone: +49 821 598 -4247 (Office Management)

Fax: +49 821 598 -4242

E-Mail: (Office Management)


Building: J

© University of Augsburg
