Press release 18/24 - 06.02.2024

Save the Date: Study Information Day at the Leopold Mozart College of Music

The Leopold Mozart College of Music at the University of Augsburg invites all prospective students to find out more about the courses on offer on Friday, 1 March 2024

© University of Augsburg

What degree programmes does the Leopold Mozart College of Music (LMC) offer? How does it feel to study at LMC among international students and teachers? And what specific career prospects does studying at the LMC open up? Prospective students can find answers to these and many other questions at the information day in Grottenau 1.

On Friday, 1 March 2024 from 14.00, teaching staff and students will be available to answer questions from prospective students and families. There will also be a wide-ranging music programme: the guitar class will be playing, there will be improvisations by percussionists to join in with, and anyone who wants to can watch an opera rehearsal of “Don Giovanni”. In addition to the taster programmes, there will be plenty of scope to resolve individual questions and get to know the premises and the unique ambience in the Grottenau, in the heart of Augsburg.

The courses of study offered at LMC:

  • A Bachelor of Music is offered in Augsburg, which, thanks to an update, offers a particularly wide range of subjects in addition to classical artistic training on the instrument or voice, with a view to the versatility of future music careers. Music education, elementary music education and ensemble conducting are areas that provide students with the tools for a wide variety of tasks.
  • The Master of Music is offered in Augsburg for advanced students. In addition to artistic excellence, it focuses on interdisciplinarity, reflection and chamber music expertise.

“Personal contact with the professors and lecturers from all departments, the interdisciplinary exchanges and the close cooperation between different disciplines make up the special quality of the training at the LMC,” says Prof. Dominik Wortig. “At the study information day, prospective students can exchange ideas with their potential teachers, watch future fellow students at music performances and experience our teaching live. “Prospective students can also ‘check’ their repertoire for the aptitude tests and obtain advice,” continues Wortig . “Anyone who wants to can also present themselves with a short piece of their choice.”
Music teachers from the city and region are also very welcome.

Further information about the study information day at the Leopold Mozart College of Music can be found on the following website:

Time: Friday, 1 March 2024 from 14.00
Location: Leopold Mozart College of Music at the University of Augsburg, Grottenau 1, 86150 Augsburg



Institutsleiter | Professur für Gesang
Leopold Mozart College of Music



Media contact

Dr. Manuela Rutsatz
Media Officer
Communications and Media Relations

