PD Dr. Stephan Bosch
Phone: | +49 821 598 2257 |
Email: | stephan.bosch@geo.uni-augsburggeo.uni-augsburg.de () |
Room: | 2033 (B) |
Open hours: | Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 am |
Address: | Alter Postweg 118, 86159 Augsburg |
Research Interests
- Geographical energy research
- Energy transformations
- Energy landscapes
- Energy planning
- Netherlands
Reviewer for ...
- Energy Research & Social Science (ERSS, Elsevier)
- Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (Taylor & Francis)
- Geographica Helvetica (GH, Copernicus)
- Geographische Rundschau (Westermann)
- Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde (Franz Steiner)
- Standort – Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie (Springer Nature)
- Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
- Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
Moderation of Special Issues
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning – Participation in Regional Energy Transitions: dynamics, strategies and the science-policy interface, 2024
- Geographische Rundschau – Energiewende in Deutschland, 2013
- Revue Géographique de l´Est – Energies renouvelables et territoires: les défis de la transition énergétique en Allemagne, 2015
- Geographische Rundschau – Konkurrenz um Land, 2020
Funded projects
- EU-Project, European Union (UP-RES): Urban Planners with Renewable Energy Skills (2010-2013)
- DFG-Project, German Research Foundation (eigene Stelle, BO 4499/2-1): Spatially compatible deployment of renewable energies in Germany (2016-2019)
- DFG-Project, German Research Foundation (BO 4499/4-1): Sustainable energy landscapes – Modelling regional strategies for the expansion of renewable energies with special consideration of national and international climate policy (2023-2026)
- BMWK-Project, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (FKZ: 03El1057B): Actor-centred approach to spatial optimisation and modelling of regional energy transitions (2023-2026)
- StMUV-Project, Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (TKP01KPB-82170): Indicator system for evaluating the measures of the Bavarian Climate Protection Programme (BayCliMit) (2023-2026)
2025 |
Jörg Radtke and Stephan Bosch. in press. E-Planning. In Norbert Kersting, Jörg Radtke and Sigrid Baringhorst (Ed.). Handbuch Digitalisierung und politische Beteiligung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 1-32. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31480-4_41-1 |
2024 |
Friederike Schlenker and Stephan Bosch. in press. Do citizens' perspectives matter? A comparison of formal planning and local preferences for the deployment of renewable energies. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/1523908x.2024.2417001 |
Stephan Bosch and Dominik Kienmoser. 2024. Land use scenarios for the development of a carbon-neutral energy supply – a case study from Southern Germany. Land Use Policy 142, 107159. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107159 |
Franziska Mey, Kristian Borch, Stephan Bosch, Benita Ebersbach, Robert Hecht, Lars Holstenkamp and Jörg Radtke. 2024. Simplify the uptake of community energy by leveraging intermediaries and the use of digital planning tools. In Ami Crowther, Chris Foulds, Rosie Robison and Ganna Gladkykh (Ed.). Strengthening European energy policy: governance recommendations from innovative interdisciplinary collaborations. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 17-29. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66481-6_2 |
2023 |
Robin Tutunaru, Stephan Bosch, Lukas Greßhake and Uwe Holzhammer. 2023. Ein Konzept für eine GIS-gestützte Visualisierung der spezifischen Anforderungen von regionalen Akteuren der Energiewende an die Landnutzung. AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik 2023, 9, 44-49. DOI: 10.14627/537742005 |
Stephan Bosch, Friederike Schlenker, Jochen Bohn, Simone Kupies and Matthias Schmidt. 2023. Energie-Weltatlas: Transformation des Energiesystems in globaler Perspektive. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-38449-4 |
Stephan Bosch and Harald Kunstmann. 2023. Energiewende verbindet: Chancen integrativer human- und physisch-geographischer Forschung. Geographische Rundschau 75, 6, 57. |
2022 |
Stephan Bosch and Dominik Kienmoser. 2022. Modellierung klimaneutraler Energielandschaften – eine kritische Reflexion regionaler Strategien zum Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien unter Berücksichtigung des Zwei-Grad-Ziels. Geographica Helvetica 77, 4, 523-546. DOI: 10.5194/gh-77-523-2022 |
2021 |
Stephan Bosch. 2021. Landschaftswandel und Energiewende - die Energielandschaft Bayerisch-Schwaben: eine raumkritische Analyse. In Marita Krauss and Stefan Lindl (Ed.). Landschaft, Umwelt, Identität: die Region Bayerisch-Schwaben im Vergleich. Volk, München, 45-58. |
Stephan Bosch and Dominik Kienmoser. 2021. Räumliche Differenzierung der Beiträge erneuerbarer Energien zur Einhaltung des Klimaabkommens von Paris mittels GIS. AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik 2021, 7, 9-19. DOI: 10.14627/537707002 |
Stephan Bosch. 2021. Räumliche Steuerung von Erneuerbare-Energie-Anlagen: Planungsrecht, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Landschaftsästhetik und Partizipation. In Sören Becker, Britta Klagge and Matthias Naumann (Ed.). Energiegeographie: Konzepte und Herausforderungen. utb, Stuttgart (UTB ; 5320), 159-170. DOI: 10.36198/9783838553207-161-172 |
2020 |
Lucas Schwarz and Stephan Bosch. 2020. Behaviorismus und erneuerbare Energien: Anlagenbetreiber als Schlüssel für eine konfliktarme und inklusive Energiewende. Standort 44, 3, 160-167. DOI: 10.1007/s00548-020-00664-9 |
Stephan Bosch, Matthias Schmidt and Dominik Kienmoser. 2020. On the path to sustainable energy landscapes? The social shaping of energy landscapes in the face of climate protection measures. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography 74, 4, 263-280. DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2020.04.03 |
Stephan Bosch and Matthias Schmidt. 2020. Ungerechte Energielandschaften – die Produktion von Raum im Kontext der Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems. Geographica Helvetica 75, 3, 235-251. DOI: 10.5194/gh-75-235-2020 |
Stephan Bosch. 2020. Wohin mit dem Windrad? Die räumlichen Grenzen von Klimaschutz. Geographische Rundschau 72, 5, 34-39. |
Stephan Bosch and Matthias Schmidt. 2020. Wonderland of technology? How energy landscapes reveal inequalities and injustices of the German Energiewende. Energy Research & Social Science 70, 101733. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101733 |
2019 |
Stephan Bosch and Matthias Schmidt. 2019. Auswirkungen neuer Energiesysteme auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung – Möglichkeiten eines grünen Kapitalismus. NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum - Sustainability Management Forum 27, 2, 95-111. DOI: 10.1007/s00550-019-00486-w |
Stephan Bosch, Lucas Schwarz and Matthias Schmidt. 2019. Energiegeographie von A bis Z. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg (Geographica Augustana ; 28). |
Stephan Bosch and Matthias Schmidt. 2019. Is the post-fossil era necessarily post-capitalistic? The robustness and capabilities of green capitalism. Ecological Economics 161, 270-279. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.04.001 |
Stephan Bosch. 2019. Meere als regenerative Energiequellen. Geographische Rundschau 71, 4, 1-6. |
Stephan Bosch. 2019. Technologie- und Standortwahl beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien – eine empirische Analyse zum unternehmerischen Verhalten von Anlagenbetreibern. NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum - Sustainability Management Forum 27, 1, 31-52. DOI: 10.1007/s00550-018-0477-8 |
Stephan Bosch, Joachim Rathmann and Lucas Schwarz. 2019. The energy transition between profitability, participation and acceptance – considering the interests of project developers, residents, and environmentalists. Advances in Geosciences 49, 19-29. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-49-19-2019 |
Stephan Bosch and Lucas Schwarz. 2019. The energy transition from plant operators' perspective - a behaviorist approach. Sustainability 11, 6, 1621. DOI: 10.3390/su11061621 |
2018 |
Stephan Bosch and Joachim Rathmann. 2018. Deployment of renewable energies in Germany: spatial principles and their practical implications based on a GIS-tool. Advances in Geosciences 45, 115-123. DOI: 10.5194/adgeo-45-115-2018 |
Stephan Bosch and Lucas Schwarz. 2018. Ein GIS-Planungstool für erneuerbare Energien – Integration sozialer Perspektiven. AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik 4, 92-101. DOI: 10.14627/537647012 |
2017 |
Stephan Bosch. 2017. Neue Energieressourcen als Ausgangspunkte ländlicher und urbaner Transformationsprozesse. In Matthias Schmidt (Ed.). Vielfalt und Veränderung: aktuelle Beiträge der Augsburger Humangeographie. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, 1-10. |
Stephan Bosch. 2017. Wie unser Energiekonsum unsere Umgebung verändert. Praxis Geographie 47, 1, 16-20. |
2016 |
Fabian Jetter, Stephan Bosch and Tobias Schmid. 2016. Analyse des PV-Potenzials von Wohngebäuden anhand siedlungsgenetischer Merkmale. AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik 2016, 2, 106-115. DOI: 10.14627/537622016 |
Fabian Jetter and Stephan Bosch. 2016. Energiewende auf dem Dach – siedlungsstrukturelle Informationen als Grundlage zur Berechnung des Solarpotenzials auf Wohngebäuden. Kartographische Nachrichten 66, 4, 186-193. |
Stephan Bosch, Joachim Rathmann and Florian Simetsreiter. 2016. Raumverträglicher Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien – ein alternativer Standortplanungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende. Geographica Helvetica 71, 1, 29-45. DOI: 10.5194/gh-71-29-2016 |
2015 |
Stephan Bosch. 2015. Des énergies renouvelables pour l’Allemagne: planification spatiale et technique pour une transition énergétique intelligent. Revue Géographique de l'Est 55, 1-2, 1-22. DOI: 10.4000/rge.5412 |
Florian Simetsreiter and Stephan Bosch. 2015. Energieressource Raum. arcAKTUELL – Über und unter der Erde: Umgang mit Ressourcen 2015, 3, 14-15. |
Kathrin Walter and Stephan Bosch. 2015. Réseau intercontinental d'approvisionnement énergétique - scénario pour un tracé de la ligne de transport électrique de l'Afrique du Nord à l'Europe centrale. Revue Géographique de l'Est 55, 1-2, 1-14. DOI: 10.4000/rge.5447 |
2014 |
Stephan Bosch. 2014. Geographie der erneuerbaren Energien: räumliche Grenzen eines nachhaltigen Energiesystems. In J. Radtke and B. Henning (Ed.). Die deutsche "Energiewende" nach Fukushima: der wissenschaftliche Diskurs zwischen Atomausstieg und Wachstumsdebatte. Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg (Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung ; 8), 397-422. |
Stephan Bosch and Nikolas Ludwig. 2014. Standortalternativen für die Windenergie – Berechnung des Ertragspotenzials auf Offenland- und Waldstandorten in Bayern. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 72, 4, 293-308. DOI: 10.1007/s13147-014-0294-7 |
Nikolas Ludwig and Stephan Bosch. 2014. Windenergiepotenzial auf Offenland- und Waldstandorten. In J. Strobl, Thomas Blaschke, G. Griesebner and B. Zagel (Ed.). Angewandte Geoinformatik 2014 – Beiträge zum 26. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann, Berlin, 117-126. |
2013 |
Stephan Bosch. 2013. Erneuerbare Energie für Deutschland – räumliche und technische Planung für eine intelligente Energieversorgung. Geographische Rundschau 65, 1, 4-11. |
Gerd Peyke, Stephan Bosch, K. Färber, D. Tatu and K. Walter. 2013. Erneuerbare Energien von A bis Z. (3. Aufl.). Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg (Geographica Augustana, Manuskripte ; 13). |
Katrin Walter and Stephan Bosch. 2013. Intercontinental cross-linking of power supply - calculating an optimal power line corridor from North Africa to Central Europe. Energy, Sustainability and Society 3, 1, 14. DOI: 10.1186/2192-0567-3-14 |
Kathrin Walter and Stephan Bosch. 2013. Planung einer Stromleitungstrasse von Hassi R’Mel (Algerien) nach Brüssel. GIS.Science – Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik 26, 4, 119-126. |
2012 |
Kathrin Walter and Stephan Bosch. 2012. Energietransport – GIS-gestützte Identifikation optimaler Stromleitungstrassen zwischen Nordafrika und Europa. In J. Strobl, Thomas Blaschke and G. Griesebner (Ed.). Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012 – Beiträge zum 24. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann, Berlin, 543-552. |
Stephan Bosch. 2012. Erfassung und Bewertung des Einflusses der Ressource Raum im Rahmen der Förderung von Erneuerbaren Energien sowie Ableitung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes zur optimalen Integration von regenerativen Technologien in den ländlichen Raum. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
Stephan Bosch. 2012. Erneuerbare Energien im Augsburger Raum – technische Details, Standortpotenziale und Flächennutzungskonkurrenzen. In Thomas Schneider (Ed.). Geographische Exkursionen in Bayerisch Schwaben und benachbarten Gebieten: hrsg. ... aus Anlass des 14. Bayerischen Schulgeographentages in Augsburg, 8. - 10. Oktober 2010. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg (Geographica Augustana, Manuskripte ; 12), 121-134. |
2011 |
Stephan Bosch. 2011. Energieplanung 2.0 - Neuorientierung in der Energiebranche. Landmarcs - Geo Business News 2011, 2, 1, 5. |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Erneuerbare Energien und GIS – schlummernde Potenziale. Landmarcs - Geo Business News 2011, . |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Erneuerbare Energien und Offshore-Standorte: Rückzug oder Zukunftsperspektive?. Geographische Rundschau 63, 4, 51-59. |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Gegenwind für die Erneuerbaren – räumliche Neuorientierung der Wind-, Solar- und Bioenergie vor dem Hintergrund einer verringerten Akzeptanz sowie zunehmender Flächennutzungskonflikte im ländlichen Raum. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 69, 2, 105-118. DOI: 10.1007/s13147-011-0082-6 |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Kein Raum für die Erneuerbaren? GIS hilft bei der Suche! - Erneuerbare Energien. GIS.Business – Das Magazin für Geoinformation 17, 5, 34-36. |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Nachhaltige Energieversorgung am Scheideweg – wachsende Ansprüche an GIS zur Korrektur von Fehlentwicklungen beim Ausbau von Erneuerbaren Energien. In J. Strobl, Thomas Blaschke and G. Griesebner (Ed.). Angewandte Geoinformatik 2010 – Beiträge zum 22. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann, Berlin, 924-929. |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2011. Regionalplanerische Einstufung der Windenergie in Deutschland – Visualisierung konkurrierender Flächennutzungsansprüche an On- und Offshore-Standorten mittels GIS. In J. Strobl, Thomas Blaschke and G. Griesebner (Ed.). Angewandte Geoinformatik 2011 – Beiträge zum 23. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann, Berlin, 450-459. |
Gerd Peyke, Stephan Bosch and Birgit Brandhuber. 2011. Von A bis Z – erneuerbare Energien. (2. Aufl.). Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg. |
2010 |
Stephan Bosch. 2010. Energiepflanzenbau und Pflege der Kulturlandschaft – zwischen Dichotomie und Synergie. In Wulf-Dietrich Kavasch (Ed.). Rieser Kulturtage: eine Landschaft stellt sich vor; Dokumentation, 17. April- 16. Mai 2010. Verlag Rieser Kulturtage, Nördlingen, 192-198. |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2010. Raum und Erneuerbare Energien: Anforderungen eines regenerativen Energiesystems an die Standortplanung. Standort 34, 1, 11-19. DOI: 10.1007/s00548-010-0128-y |
Stephan Bosch. 2010. Sauberer Strom aus der Wüste: der Ausbau von konzentrierenden solarthermischen Systemen zur Sicherung der Energie- und Wasserversorgung in der EUMENA-Region. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg (Geographica Augustana ; 8). |
Gerd Peyke and Stephan Bosch. 2010. Von A bis Z – erneuerbare Energien. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg. |
2009 |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2009. Energiewende durch GIS. GIS.Business – Das Magazin für Geoinformation 15, 8, 44-46. |
Hans Frei, Werner Rehklau and Stephan Bosch. 2009. Kulturlandschaften und Erneuerbare Energien – Auswirkungen auf Natur und Landschaft. In Wulf-Dietrich Kavasch (Ed.). Rieser Kulturtage: eine Landschaft stellt sich vor; Dokumentation, 12. April - 11. Mai 2008. Verlag Rieser Kulturtage, Nördlingen, 125-128. |
2008 |
Stephan Bosch and Gerd Peyke. 2008. Energiepflanzenbau und konkurrierende Flächennutzungen – neue Strukturen in der Landwirtschaft und ihre Optimierung mittels GIS. In J. Strobl, Thomas Blaschke and G. Griesebner (Ed.). Angewandte Geoinformatik 2008 – Beiträge zum 20. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 450-455. |
Scientific lectures and conferences
- A concept for a GIS-based visualisation of the competing demands on land use of the actors involved in the regional energy transition. GI_Salzburg23 – Internationales Forum für Geoinformatik, Salzburg 2023.
- Energy transition and resource transition in Germany. Lecture series "Ressourcenwende" at the educational centre of the monastery Roggenburg, Roggenburg 2023.
- Energy transition in Germany: are renewable energies the solution? Lecture series on the academic seminar "Energy Transition" at Ruperti-Gymnasium Mühldorf, Mühldorf a. Inn 2023.
- Social barriers to local energy transitions – developing a bottom-up approach to implementing renewable energies in municipal planning processes. Conference of the Working Group on Geographical Energy Research, Klagenfurt 2022.
- Procedural justice concerning the deployment of renewable energies at the municipal level. 28. Scientific Congress of the German Political Science Association(DVPW), Berlin 2021.
- Borders – a human geography approach to a "broad" concept of borders. Habilitation lecture at the Faculty of Applied Computer Sciences at the University of Augsburg, Augsburg 2021.
- A GIS-based approach for a spatial differentiation of renewable energies to meet the Paris climate agreement. AGIT Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2021.
- Energy landscapes resulting from climate protection goals – a GIS-based approach to carbon neutrality. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien 2021.
- Energy landscapes – What is an energy landscape? Workshop Environmental Humanities, Augsburg 2020.
- The energy transition in between profitability, participation and acceptance – deployment of renewable energies considering the interests of project developers, residents, and environmentalists. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien 2019.
- A GIS planning tool for renewable energies - integration of social perspectives. AGIT Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2018.
- Sustainable development of renewable energies – an approach to a spatially compatible site planning in Germanys rural areas. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien 2018.
- Socially compatible expansion of renewable energies. Research Colloquium of the Technical University Ingolstadt, Neuburg a.d. Donau 2018.
- Energy transition - alternative ways in spatial planning for renewable energies. Geographical Colloquium of the University of Würzburg, Würzburg 2017.
- More acceptance for the energy transition. Association of Municipal Companies e. V. (VKU), Bad Wörishofen 2017.
- Spatial compatibility of renewable energies. Energy and Society Conference, Leipzig 2016.
- Spatial compatibility of renewable energies. Geographical Colloquium of the University of Augsburg – Vorstellungsvortrag, Augsburg 2016.
- Analysis of the solar potential of residential buildings on the basis of settlement genetic characteristics. AGIT Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2016.
- Actors in energy transition - new diversity and power asymmetries. Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V. – Institute for Political Education, Utting am Ammersee 2016.
- Renewable energies – technological basics and sites. Technical Association of 1845 Augsburg e.V., Augsburg 2016.
- Spatial compatibility of renewable energies in Germany. German Congress for Geography (DKG), Berlin 2015.
- Energy policy and energy concepts. Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V. – Institute for Political Education, Wildbad Kreuth 2015.
- Development of a web-based planning tool for a spatially compatible deployment of renewable energies. EDC Developer Forum – GIS technologies in the energy sector, Zürich 2014.
- Sustainable landscape development in the wake of energy system transformation. Rieser Cultural Days, Deiningen 2014.
- Energy transport - GIS-supported identification of optimal power line routes between North Africa and Europe. AGIT-Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2012.
- Renewable energies and sustainable resource management for the countries of the south. Studientag „Angepasste Technologien“ STUBE Bayern/ Mission OneWorld, München 2012.
- Energy transition from a geographical perspective. Rieser Cultural Days, Deiningen 2012.
- Regional planning classification of wind energy in Germany - visualisation of competing land use requirements at onshore and offshore locations using GIS. AGIT-Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2011.
- Raumpotenziale Erneuerbarer Energien in Abhängigkeit von wirtschaftlichen, technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen – Working Group of Geographical Energy Research (AKGE), Jahrestagung „Zukunft der Energie“, Osnabrück 2011.
- Determination of spatial potentials of renewable energies depending on technological developments, price structures and acceptance. GeoNet – Geographical Research Colloquium of the Universities of Augsburg, Bamberg and Passau, Augsburg 2010.
- Spatial potentials of renewable energies - ways to a new location planning. 1st IT4SE Workshop – IT for Smart renewable Energy generation and use, Augsburg 2010.
- More renewable energies - a plea for a neglected object of geography. 14. Bayerischer Schulgeographentag, Augsburg 2010.
- Sustainable energy supply at a crossroads - growing demands on GIS to correct undesirable developments in the expansion of renewable energies. AGIT-Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2010.
- Conscientious ways of biogas production. Rieser Cultural Days, Mönchsdeggingen 2010.
- Space-compatible energy transition. Workshop Weilheim-Schongau County, Weilheim 2009.
- Renewable Energies – Acceptance Onshore. Workshop Bayerische Landesbank, WZU Augsburg 2009.
- Effects of renewable energies on the cultural landscape - environmental impacts of biogas technology. Rieser Cultural Days, Harburg 2008.
- Energy crop cultivation and competing land uses - new structures in agriculture and their optimisation by means of GIS. AGIT-Symposium and Expo, Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg 2008.
- GIS-supported site analysis for biogas plants in organic farming. Research Colloquium of the Science Centre Weihenstephan for Nutrition, Land Use and Environment, Freising 2008.
- A stakeholder-based approach for the sustainable deployment of renewable energies in conflictual social contexts. Poster Session EGU 2023, European Geosciences Union, Wien.
- Wind energy potential on open land and forest sites. Poster Session AGIT 2014, Trade Fair for Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg.
- Mobile visibility analysis for potential wind power sites on smartphones. Poster Session AGIT 2012, Trade Fair for Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg.
Spectrum Teaching
Energy geography (SuSe 2020, SuSe 2021, SuSe 2022)
Oil age and energy transition + accompanying seminar (SuSe 2019)
Energy transition (SuSe 2018)
Geographical energy research (SuSe 2017)
Renewable energy systems (WiSe 2014/15)
Energy - scientific basics, resources, technologies and concepts (WiSe 2015/16, SuSe 2016, WiSe 2016/17)
Introduction to geography with propaedeutics (WiSe 2014/15, WiSe 2015/16)
Major Seminars
Geographies of energy transition (WiSe 2020/21)
Spatial conflicts of the energy transition (WiSe 2019/20, WiSe 2021/22, WiSe 2022/23)
Energy transition (WiSe 2018/19)
Spatial planning and regional planning (WiSe 2017/18)
Peak oil - the end of the oil age? (WiSe 2017/18)
Economic geography (SuSe 2017)
Renewable energies (WiSe 2016/17)
Advanced Seminars
Global energy transition (WiSe 2023/24)
Energy crisis and energy transition (SoSe 2023)
Energy landscapes and social sustainability (WiSe 2022/23)
Energy transition and climate discourse (SuSe 2022)
Borders and territories (WiSe 2021/22)
Geography of Europe (SuSe 2021, SuSe 2022)
Ecological crisis and green economy (WiSe 2020/21)
Geographical energy research (WiSe 2020/21)
Rural areas of Europe (WiSe 2019/20)
Energy transition in Germany (SuSe 2019, SuSe 2020, SuSe 2021, WiSe 2021/22)
Economic and social geography (WiSe 2018/19)
Renewable energies - material resources and cultural landscape elements (SuSe 2015, WiSe 2015/16)
Geography of renewable energies (WiSe 2012/13, SoSe 2013, WiSe 2013/14, WiSe 2014, WiSe 2014/15)
Energy concepts (WiSe 2012/13)
Project Seminars
Modelling of renewable energy systems (WiSe 2023/24)
Energy landscapes in Germany (SuSe 2019, SuSe 2020, SuSe 2021, SuSe 2022)
Wind energy on forest sites (WiSe 2013/14)
The optimal energy mix (SuSe 2013)
Spatial dimensions of the energy transition (WiSe 2012/13)
Spatially compatible expansion of renewable energies (SuSe 2012)
Renewable energies in Bavaria (SuSe 2012)
Desertec - electricity from the desert (WiSe 2011/12)
Life cycle assessment of renewable technologies (SuSe 2011)
Geography of renewable energies (WiSe 2010/11)
Ocean energy (SuSe 2010)
Energy from Africa (WiSe 2009/10)
GIS-supported location analysis for wind energy in Germany (SuSe 2009)
Clean power for the future - the importance of renewable energies in Europe (SuSe 2009)
Renewable energies to ensure sustainable mobility (WiSe 2008/09)
Seminar Courses
Basics of energy geography (WiSe 2023/24)
The Netherlands - from thalassocracy to a pioneer in flood protection (SoSe 2023)
Human Geography I (WiSe 2008/09, WiSe 2009/10, WiSe 2010/11, WiSe 2011/12, WiSe 2012/13, WiSe 2013/14, WiSe 2014/15, WiSe 2023/24)
Human Geography II (SuSe 2008, SuSe 2009, SuSe 2010, SuSe 2011, SuSe 2012, SuSe 2013, SuSe 2014, SuSe 2015)
- Renewable energies in the Augsburg region (each SuSe)
- The Netherlands - from thalassocracy to a pioneer in flood protection (SoSe 2023)
Bachelor Theses
Renewable energies in municipal planning – An empirical analysis on perceptions of the deployment of wind turbines with regard to the spatial and temporal concretisation of projects (Rebecca Ida Bösch)
Solar energy as the key to carbon neutrality – a GIS- based analysis of the solar energy potential of the Peiting municipality for a carbon-neutral energy supply (Leo Dupont-Christ)
Misinformation in the context of the energy transition – reasons, consequences and measures to counteract it (Chanda Andia Owino)
SuedOstLink high voltage transmission line – an actor-centred analysis of the conflict-laden project to expand the German energy infrastructure from a spatial perspective (Theresa Schwark)
The implementation of heat pumps in the municipal heat transition – a comparison of different technological concepts using the example of the municipality of Schrobenhausen (Sanja Mayer)
Evaluation of climate protection measures – an actor-centred analysis of the effectiveness of regional compensation projects on the CO2-reduction in Germany (Johanna Karbach)
An actor-centred analysis of the nuclear power debate in Germany with special consideration of the views of other countries and the multi-level perspective (Anna-Maria Kaunat)
The effects of external shocks on energy policy and the energy transition using the example of Fukushima and the Ukraine conflict (Johanna Zandtner)
Ground-mounted photovoltaics on rewetted peatlands in Bavaria – a GIS-based analysis of the ecological, economic, social and legal framework conditions (Quirin Ball)
Local transformation processes – an actor-centred analysis of structure-preserving factors in the context of local energy transitions (Elias Lulay)
The establishment of a climate protection concept based on an energy and greenhouse gas footprint for the town of Scheidegg (Maximilian Sontheimer)
Community energy concepts in times of energy crisis – an empirical analysis on the effects of (in)equitable governance processes in energy planning on the behaviour of local actors (Corinna Wallner)
Creating energy landscapes as a participatory design process – development of a web-based GIS tool for the sustainable expansion of renewable energies at the local level (Sophie Brendel)
Barriers and key success factors in the implementation of municipal heating networks – an empirical analysis of the likelihood of realising regenerative heating networks with special consideration of the perspectives of municipal decision-makers in Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein (Romana Schweiger)
Municipal heat transitions in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Schleswig-Holstein – an empirical analysis concerning the entrepreneurial behaviour of plant operators in the context of the spatial expansion of Heat Networks (Paul Mayer)
An actor-centred analysis concerning the development of the solar industry in the German "Solarvalley" with special consideration of the institutional embeddedness approach (Sabeth Traublinger)
Environmental crisis in times of right-wing populism – A cross-country analysis of party positions on environmental issues (Lorenz Feichtinger)
National energy policies in comparison – Actor-centred analysis of energy transitions in Germany, France and the United Kingdom using the Multi-Level-Perspective (MLP) (Katharina Peuker)
Energy storage landscapes – conceptual operationalization and analysis of the spatial impact of electrical energy storage systems using the example of the German energy transition (Anita Schuster)
Social movements in energy transition exemplified by citizens' initiatives against the expansion of the grid (Katja Mirela Starzyk)
Spatially differentiated climate impact through mobility – possibility of developing a tool for standardised calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from transport at household level (Leonie Leisenheimer)
Effects of distance regulations in the project planning of wind power plants – a GIS-based evaluation of the 10H regulation using the example of the planning regions Allgäu and Oberland (Michael Keller)
Spatial management of wind energy – regional differences and their effects (Tanja Brehme)
Perspectives of nature conservation on wind energy (Jonas Bauer)
Expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric mobility in Augsburg (Nino Frommherz)
Spatial potential analysis for photovoltaic free-field plants in Singapore according to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Tobias Mögerlein)
Renewable energies in Iran – experiences, challenges and strategies of german companies (Marius Peiffer)
Acceptance of wind energy – identification and evaluation of local acceptance factors using the example of projecting the priority area Altenstadt-Kellmünz (Thomas Schultheiß)
Success factors and obstacles of electromobility using the example of the planning regions Oberland and Donau-Wald (Hannes Bredl)
Alternative marketing strategies for the expansion of renewable energies – development and application of an innovative market model for small wind turbines (Andreas Müller)
Nature conservation combination of solar energy and wind energy – suitability of photovoltaic open space systems as ecological compensation areas (Lina Petersen)
Intercultural transferability of parameters for a space-compatible expansion of wind turbines - a comparative analysis between Germany and India (Simon Zwick)
Power asymmetries in the context of energy system transformation – formation and effects of new economic dependencies (Julian Erne)
Location behaviour of plant operators of renewable energies – a cluster analysis using the example of the planning regions Augsburg and Lausitz-Spreewald (Lucas Schwarz)
Spatial-economic strategies in the project development of wind energy plants – adaptation strategies in Southern Germany against the background of the EEG reform 2017 (Jan Spremann)
GIS-based calculation of the heat demand of the Salzburg-Hallein region based on publicly available data (Sophie Horak)
Central location factors for wind energy and photovoltaic plants in the Augsburg planning region (Kenan Dogan)
Effects of new technology formations on the peculiarity of landscapes (Stephanie Schwarz)
The importance of renewable energies in China (Jasper Römelt)
The image of renewable energies – social perception and evaluation versus scientific facts (Wilhelm Holzapfel)
Technology and space – spatial relevance of technological developments in the field of renewable energies (Bastian Gruber)
Renewable energies and economy – importance of the expansion of renewable energies for the swabian economy (Thomas Obermeier)
Renewable energies and spatial planning – possibilities and limits of spatial control for the expansion of wind energy (Stephanie Kleen)
Possibilities for the relocation and optimisation of EE after the dismantling of the first generation of power plants (Daniela Hannelore Wilden)
Feed-in of biogas into the natural gas grid – support of a sustainable location decision process with GIS (Fabian Jetter)
Spatial relevance of energy policy decisions – effects of EEG amendments on location patterns in wind, solar and bioenergy (Verena Koch)
Renewable energies as a growth engine? Relevance and evaluation of the expansion of renewable energies for the stimulation of regional economic cycles (Dominic Schmidtke)
Sustainability of biofuel production – regionalisation of benefits and harms of bioethanol and biodiesel production using selected examples worldwide (Daniela Maria Ratzinger)
Renewable energies and tourism – effects of the expansion of renewable power plants on the tourist quality of spaces and possibilities of energy tourism (Jasmin Sandra Hofmann)
Alternative location patterns of renewable energies – GIS-supported visualisation and evaluation of the spatial relevance of variations in the criteria catalogue for location decision processes for wind energy (Corvin Harm)
Central vs. decentralised energy system – the importance of large and medium-sized companies, municipal utilities and municipalities in the expansion of renewable energies (Hanna Wipp)
Intelligent power grid – technical possibilities for stabilizing power grids and effects on space (Felix Maximilian Sewald)
Determination and evaluation of the acceptance of location decisions in the expansion of renewable energies using the example of the wind farm in Erlauholz (Veronika Wittkopf)
Evaluation of sites for the storage of regenerative electricity by means of pumped storage power plants using the example of the citizens' project "Energiespeicher Dirlewang" (Pia Zordick)
Master Theses
- Procedural justice in the energy transition – a GIS- based study on the participatory deployment of renewable energies using the example of the municipality of Leutkirch im Allgäu (Cintia Elizabeth Fleitas)
- Connecting renewables to the grid. Validation and optimisation of a python tool for estimating grid connection costs (Anita Schuster)
- Identification of sites and classification of PV systems primarily on pre-burdened sites using the example of the region of Salzburg (Sabrina Ermrich)
- Potentials and acceptance of wind energy – a GIS-based analysis of the expansion of wind energy in the Donau-Iller region against the background of the Wind Land Requirement Act (Alexandra Jung)
- Social conflicts on energy infrastructures – Systematic and critical analyses on the emergence of conflicts concerning the deployment of renewable energies in Germany until 2045 (Paul Schloz)
- Resources for a global energy transition – modelling mineral and fossil raw material requirements for the transformation of power supply (Richard Hofmann)
- Spatial convergence of the land uses energy, agriculture and ecology – an empirical analysis of spatial synergies with particular regard to socio-cultural barriers using the example of agri-photovoltaics (Thomas Schultheiß)
- Hydrogen as a regional energy product? The impact of a hydrogen market on the local energy strategy in the Cochem-Zell region (Fabian Bazlen)
- Landscape implications of Paris climate targets – GIS-based modelling of potential energy landscapes with global warming less than two degrees (Dominik Kienmoser)
- Renaissance of the concept of landscape in the course of the energy transition? (Martin Frey)
- Influence of species protection on project development of wind turbines – causes of conflict and solution strategies (Fabian Kempf)
- Influence of the expansion of renewable energies on the power constellations in Morocco (Kenan Dogan)
- Effects of climatic changes on Germany's energy infrastructures (Stefan Gall)
- The power of citizens in the energy transition (Lucas Schwarz)
Urban-rural relationship in the context of the energy system transformation – GIS-based analysis of renewable energy development paths using the example of the Augsburg economic region (Marwin Deisinger)
Inner-ecological conflict between climate and nature conservation – dealing with spaces worth protecting in the context of the energy system transformation (Jonas Fricke)
Soil sealing by solar systems – a GIS-supported analysis to assess the soil quality of PV sites in planning region 9 (Wilhelm Holzapfel)
GIS-based identification of the heat demand of residential buildings and settlements – a spatially transferable planning approach based on publicly available data (Julia Fruth)
GIS-based analysis of the photovoltaic potential of large cities on the basis of settlement genetic characteristics (Fabian Jetter)
Development of a web-based GIS planning tool for a spatially compatible expansion of renewable energies (Florian Simetsreiter)
Municipal control of the energy transition – concretisation of substantial space requirements of wind energy in Bavaria (Matthias Schmidt)
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific Career
- Study: University of Regensburg, Chair of Economic and Social Geography, diploma, (2001-2007)
- Thesis: GIS-gestützte Standortanalyse für Biogasanlagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Standortfaktoren von Silomais (completed 01.05.2007)
- Student assistant, University of Augsburg, Chair of Human Geography and Geoinformatics (01.01.2008-31.03.2008)
- Research associate, University of Augsburg, Chair of Human Geography and Geoinformatics (seit 01.04.2008)
- Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Augsburg, Chair of Human Geography and Geoinformatics (Prof. Dr. Gerd Peyke) (completed 28.06.2012)
- Thesis: Erfassung und Bewertung des Einflusses der Ressource Raum im Rahmen der Förderung von Erneuerbaren Energien sowie Ableitung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes zur optimalen Integration von regenerativen Technologien in den ländlichen Raum
- Habilitation in the field of Human Geography, University of Augsburg, Chair of Human Geography and Transition Research (Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmidt) (completed 12.07.2021)
- Appointment as senior lecturer (12.04.2022)
- Member of the appointment committee „Human Geography“ (2012-2013)
- Advisor for the bachelor program of Geography (2012-2016)
- Representative for various modules of geographic studies (2012-2016)
- Advisor for the secondary subject „Renewable Energies“ (seit 2019)