Contact Persons Computer Science

The subject-specific academic advisory service provides support in selecting courses—of course, only after a thorough review of the sample study plan and the module handbook.

Information regarding the structure of the degree programme and examination regulations can be found in your examination regulations and on the pages of the Examinations Office. If you still have any unanswered questions, please contact the Examination Board.

For questions or issues related to courses, please reach out to the following individuals in the specified order:

  1. The course instructor
  2. The module coordinator (see the respective module in the module handbook)
  3. The subject-specific academic advisor
  4. The Dean of Studies

Additionally, the university and the student services organisation offer various central advisory services, including support for students with disabilities and anti-discrimination guidance.

When making any enquiries, please always state which degree programme and examination regulations you are following and adhere to the institute's communication etiquette.

Email Etiquette

Following the instructions of the university’s data protection officer, university staff are required to ignore emails sent from private providers (e.g., Gmail,, T-Online) due to data protection regulations.

Please adhere to the following email etiquette:

  • Use only your university email address (e.g.,
  • Provide a clear and relevant subject line.
  • Use a proper salutation and closing phrase.
  • Introduce yourself with your degree programme (e.g., BSc Computer Science), examination regulations (e.g., PO 2018), and student ID number, or include these details in your email signature.
  • Always contact the relevant instructor first before reaching out to academic advisors, programme coordinators, or the Dean of Studies.

Subject-Specific Academic Advisory Service

The subject-specific academic advisors are available to assist you with discipline-specific questions throughout your studies. Additionally, you may also use the advisory services provided by the university’s central student advisory service.

Please initially contact the relevant subject advisor via email to arrange an appointment if necessary.


Support Services for Students with Disabilities, Chronic Illnesses, or Mental Health Concerns

If you require support, please reach out to one of the following advisory services:

Key Contact Persons

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schlesner
Dean of Studies for Computer Science
Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Informatik, Data Mining und Data Analytics


Prof. Dr. Robert Lorenz
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Informatik
Lehrprofessur für nebenläufige Systeme


Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Fischer
Studienberatung Informatik
Department of Computer Science

