Shuo Liu defends his PhD Thesis

When digital stress can also be positive

Alice Baird defends her PhD Thesis
On the 20th of October 2022, our former colleague Alice Baird successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Computer Audition for Emotional Wellbeing’. The examiners were Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn Schuller (Alice’s supervisor), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André, Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer (both University of Augsburg) and PD. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ronald Böck (Genie Enterprise Inc.). Congratulations, Alice!

PhD for Lukas Stappen
Our former colleague Lukas Stappen successfully defended his doctoral thesis ‘Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Videos’ on the 19th of October 2022. The examiners were Lukas's supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn Schuller, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg), Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer (University of Augsburg) and PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Ronald Böck (Genie Enterprise Inc.). Congratulations!

Job Advertisement: Research Associate (m/f/d)
At the Faculty of Applied Computer Science at the University of Augsburg there is now a position at the Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing (Prof. Dr. Björn Schuller) as
Research Associate (m / f / d)
Maximilian Schmitt defends his PhD Thesis
On the 18th of March 2022, our former colleague Max Schmitt successfully defended his doctoral thesis ‘Bag-of-Words Representations for Computer Audition’. The examiners were Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn Schuller (Max’s supervisor), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André (Universität Augsburg), Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer (Universität Augsburg) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Kolossa (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). Congratulations, Max!

PhD Defence: Congratulations, Zhao Ren!
Our former colleague Zhao Ren successfully defended her PhD thesis „Deep Learning Techniques for Computer Audition“ on the 22nd of February. The examiners were Zhao’s supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn Schuller, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André and Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer (both University of Augsburg) as well as Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Maier (FAU Erlangen). Congratulations!

PhD for Vedhas Pandit
Congratulations to former EIHW researcher Vedhas Pandit on the successful defence of his doctoral thesis! Vedhas defended his PhD, ‚Time- and Value-continuous Explainable Affect Estimation In-the-wild‘ on the 23th November. The examiners were Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Björn Schuller — Vedhas’ supervisor, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Lienhart (University of Augsburg).

Job Opportunity for Students at EIHW
The chair for Embedded Intelligence in Healthcare and Wellbeing is looking for two students to support our research.
Topic: emotion recognition from facial and physiological information.
Qualification: skills in Machine Learning and Data Analysis
Workload: 40h/month (no degree yet) bzw. 36h/Monat (bachelor degree)
Duration: June 1 2021 to Dec 31 2021

EIHW at NDR "Visite"
German public TV broadcaster NDR featured the chair EIHW in the health magazine „Visite“.

Prof. Dr. Björn Schuller on P.M. Wissen
Prof. Schuller was featured on ,,P.M. Wissen" by Austrian TV station ServusTV.
EIHW on "Zeit zu Reden"
In January, Professor Schuller was interviewed on the Augsburg program “Zeit zu reden”, on which he spoke about the chair’s Corona-App.