Open Positions

With this job posting, we are looking for employees for our new chair. You should have an interest in the field of 'Networked Systems and Communication Networks' and be motivated to take on exciting tasks in teaching, research, and projects of the chair. As we aim to increase the proportion of women in our team, we strongly encourage women to apply.

The positions are to be filled as soon as possible. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert by email ( for an informal conversation. Details about possible tasks can be discussed more precisely, and any questions can be clarified there.

Open Ph.D. Positions

We offer the opportunity to participate in exciting research projects centered around the measurement and enhancement of the quality of networked applications. You will collaborate with esteemed national and international colleagues from both the research and industry sectors. If you have recently completed or are soon to complete your Master's degree and are seeking for a fulltime position to conduct research and pursue a Ph.D. in an innovative field, we encourage you to reach out!

Open Positions for Student Assistants

We are looking for student assistants to support us in setting up laboratories and testbeds as well as conducting initial experiments. Some experience with hardware setup and programming in Python would be advantageous for this role. Additionally, we are seeking student assistants to support us in our teaching activities. Familiarity and understanding of the content of the communication systems lectures would be beneficial in this context. If you are interested in working hands on at the chair alongside your studies, earning some extra money, and gaining exciting behind-the-scenes insights of teaching and research, then please get in touch!


Networked Embedded Systems and Communication Systems


