Information about Studying Computer Science

Computer scientists are needed in all sectors of the economy, in municipal institutions, and in academia. Computer science and information technology form the nervous system of modern society and every business. Their diverse tasks range from setting up, configuring, and administering servers, to software development and programming, and even extend to business consulting and control of production facilities or energy supply networks.


The Institute of Computer Science provides a range of informational offerings for students and those interested in studying.


Computer science is an exciting, yet highly innovative and demanding field. For a computer science program at the University of Augsburg, you should have the following:


  • Interest in mathematics and a solid mathematical foundation (see also Mathematics Bridge Course)
  • Basic knowledge of programming (see also Computer Science Pre-Course)
  • Ability for logical and systematic thinking
  • Interest in intellectual challenges
  • Ability to work in teams

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Robert Lorenz
Stellvertretender Studiendekan Informatik
Lehrprofessur für nebenläufige Systeme
