Publications Prof. Dr. Heller, Prof. Dr. Simon



2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994


Bartenschlager Christina C., Brunner Jens O., Kubiciel Michael, Heller Axel R.. Evaluation of score-based tertiary triage policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: simulation study with real-world intensive care data.
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Esposito Teresa, Fregonese Martina, Morettini Giulio, Carboni Paloma, Tardioli Cecilia, Messina Antonio, Vaschetto Rosanna, Della Corte Francesco, Vetrugno Luigi, Navalesi Paolo, De Robertis Edoardo, Azzolina Danila, Piriyapatsom Annop, Tucci Mauro R., Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp, Bignami Elena, Maggiore Salvatore M., Simonte Rachele, Cammarota Gianmaria. Intraoperative individualization of positive-end-expiratory pressure through electrical impedance tomography or esophageal pressure assessment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
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Sheikhalishahi Seyedmostafa, Kaspar Mathias, Zaghdoudi Sarra, Sander Julia, Simon Philipp, Geisler Benjamin P., Lange Dorothea, Hinske Ludwig Christian. Predicting successful weaning from mechanical ventilation by reduction in positive end-expiratory pressure level using machine learning.
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Schumann C., Wachter Matthias, Eslauer E., Angeli R., Girrbach F., Heller Axel R., Simon Philipp. Rechtssicherheit und -kenntnisse in der Intensivmedizin: Auswertung einer quantitativen deutschlandweiten Umfrage.
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Grieger Milena, Brunner Jens O., Heller Axel R., Bartenschlager Christina C.. Scarce, scarcer, scarcest: sensitivity-flexible AI-based planning of elective surgeries for efficient and effective intensive care resource management [Abstract].
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Pilarczyk Kevin, Boeken Udo, Russ Martin, Briegel Josef, Buerke Michael, Geppert Alexander, Janssens Uwe, Kelm Malte, Michels Guido, Schlitt Axel, Thiele Holger, Willems Stephan, Zeymer Uwe, Zwissler Bernhard, Delle-Karth Georg, Ferrari Markus Wolfgang, Figulla Hans Reiner, Heller Axel R., Hindricks Gerhard, Pichler-Cetin Emel, Pieske Burkert, Prondzinsky Roland, Bauersachs Johann, Kopp Ina, Werdan Karl, Thielmann Matthias. Second Edition of the German–Austrian S3 Guideline “Infarction-related cardiogenic shock: diagnosis, monitoring and treatment”.
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Rohde A., Francis R., Gräsner J.-T., Heller Axel R.. Zur neuen S2k-Leitlinie: katastrophenmedizinische prähospitale Behandlungsleitlinien (Supplement Nr. 2/2024).
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Heller Axel R., Bartenschlager Christina C., Brunner Jens O., Marckmann G.. "Triagegesetz" – Regelung mit fatalen Folgen.
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Heller Axel R.. Ante, inter und post COVID -19: eine medizinische Perspektive auf Triage und Zivilschutz.
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Sander J., Simon Philipp, Hinske Ludwig Christian. Big Data und künstliche Intelligenz in der Anästhesie: Realität oder Fiktion?.
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Bartenschlager Christina C., Ebel Stefanie S., Kling Sebastian, Vehreschild Janne, Zabel Lutz T., Spinner Christoph D., Schuler Andreas, Heller Axel R., Borgmann Stefan, Hoffmann Reinhard, Rieg Siegbert, Messmann Helmut, Hower Martin, Brunner Jens O., Hanses Frank, Römmele Christoph. COVIDAL: a machine learning classifier for digital COVID-19 diagnosis in German hospitals.
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Bartenschlager Christina C., Grieger Milena, Erber Johanna, Neidel Tobias, Borgmann Stefan, Vehreschild Jörg J., Steinbrecher Markus, Rieg Siegbert, Stecher Melanie, Dhillon Christine, Ruethrich Maria M., Jakob Carolin E. M., Hower Martin, Heller Axel R., Vehreschild Maria, Wyen Christoph, Messmann Helmut, Piepel Christiane, Brunner Jens O., Hanses Frank, Römmele Christoph, Spinner Christoph, Ruethrich Maria Madeleine, Lanznaster Julia, Römmele Christoph, Wille Kai, Tometten Lukas, Dolff Sebastian, von Bergwelt-Baildon Michael, Merle Uta, Rothfuss Katja, Isberner Nora, Jung Norma, Göpel Siri, vom Dahl Juergen, Degenhardt Christian, Strauss Richard, Gruener Beate, Eberwein Lukas, Hellwig Kerstin, Rauschning Dominic, Neufang Mark, Westhoff Timm, Raichle Claudia, Akova Murat, Jensen Bjoern-Erik, Schubert Joerg, Grunwald Stephan, Friedrichs Anette, Trauth Janina, de With Katja, Guggemos Wolfgang, Kielstein Jan, Heigener David, Markart Philipp, Bals Robert, Stieglitz Sven, Voigt Ingo, Taubel Jorg, Milovanovic Milena. Covid-19 triage in the emergency department 2.0: how analytics and AI transform a human-made algorithm for the prediction of clinical pathways.
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Shmygalev Sergey, Heller Axel R., Eberlein-Gonska Maria, Albrecht D. Michael. Das Krankenhaus im Rahmen der Wirtschaftsordnung - vom Versorgungsauftrag zur ganzheitlichen Steuerung.
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Simon Philipp, Hinske Ludwig Christian, Heller Axel R.. Digitalization in anesthesiology and intensive care.
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Förch Anna, Deetjen Philipp, Heller Axel R.. Dysnatriämien.
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Thommes Marie S., Klasen Martin, Bickenbach Johannes, Deja Maria, Engelhard Kristin, Francis Roland, Gramatté Johannes, Hempel Gunther, Gmeinwieser Kerstin, Reedy Gabriel, Röder Daniel, Schroeder Ines, Heller Axel R., Sopka Saša. Effects of the "ICU Support" team meeting concept on patient-centered and staff-centered outcomes: study protocol for a randomized controlled multicenter study.
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Full list of authors and members of the Human-Net Consortium at:
Heller Axel R., Lackner Christian K., Luiz Thomas, Schmidt Jörg, Wurmb Thomas. Einsatzstelle.
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Saha Rohit, Pham Tài, Sinha Pratik, Maddali Manoj V, Bellani Giacomo, Fan Eddy, Summers Charlotte, Douiri Abdel, Rubenfeld Gordon D, Calfee Carolyn S, Laffey John Gerard, McAuley Daniel Francis, Shankar-Hari Manu. Estimating the attributable fraction of mortality from acute respiratory distress syndrome to inform enrichment in future randomised clinical trials.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG-SAFE investigators.
Girrbach Felix, Petroff David, Mols Sarah, Brechtelsbauer Karoline, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Extubation with reduced inspiratory oxygen concentration or postoperative continuous positive pressure to improve oxygenation after laparoscopic bariatric surgery: a randomized controlled trial.
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Heller Axel R., Bolkenius D.. Klimaschutz: technologieoffene Initiative von Anwendern und Herstellern notwendig.
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Bolkenius Daniel, Heller Axel R., Linné R.. Nachhaltigkeit in der operativen Medizin.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Mayer Konstantin, Klek Stanislaw, Rosenthal Martin D., Povero Massimiliano, Heller Axel R., Muscaritoli Maurizio. Omega-3 fatty acids in parenteral nutrition: a systematic review with network meta-analysis on clinical outcomes.
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Wolfert Christina, Koch Jacob, Abelmann-Brockmann Johanna, Heller Axel R., Berlis Ansgar, Mayr Edgar, Shmygalev Sergey, Hartwig Christiopher, Maurer Christoph, Sommer Björn, Shiban Ehab. Posttraumatic cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: retrospective evaluation of risk factors, management and complications [Abstract].
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Streibert Fridolin, Bernhardt Claudia, Simon Philipp, Hilbert-Carius Peter, Wrigge Hermann. Sichere Lagekontrolle von Magensonden: ein oft unterschätztes Thema zur Vermeidung potenziell schwerwiegender Komplikationen.
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Garber Sara, Brunner Jens O., Heller Axel R., Marckmann Georg, Bartenschlager Christina C.. Simulation der Letalität nach verschiedenen Ex-ante- und Ex-post-Triage-Verfahren bei Menschen mit Behinderungen und Vorerkrankungen.
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English version: Anaesthesiologie 72 (Suppl 1), 10–18 (2023).
Garber Sara, Brunner Jens O., Heller Axel R., Marckmann Georg, Bartenschlager Christina C.. Simulation of the mortality after different ex ante (secondary) and ex post (tertiary) triage methods in people with disabilities and pre-existing diseases.
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This is the English version of the original German article by Garber, S., Brunner, J.O., Heller, A.R. et al. “Simulation der Letalität nach verschiedenen Ex-ante-und Ex-post-Triage-Verfahren bei Menschen mit Behinderungen und Vorerkrankungen” in Die Anaesthesiologie 72, 555–564
Heller Axel R., Eberlein-Gonska Maria, Held Hanns C., Koch Thea. Systematisches Risikomanagement für eine geplante Gasabschaltung im High-Care-Bereich eines Universitätsklinikums.
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Heller Axel R., Neidel Tobias, Klotz Patrick J., Solarek André, Kowalzik Barbara, Juncken Kathleen, Kleber Christan. Validation of secondary triage algorithms for mass casualty incidents: a simulation-based study — English version.
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Heller Axel R., Neidel Tobias, Klotz Patrick J., Solarek André, Kowalzik Barbara, Juncken Kathleen, Kleber Christan. Validierung innerklinischer Sichtungsalgorithmen für den Massenanfall von Verletzten – eine simulationsbasierte Studie – deutsche Version.
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Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick. Weiterbildung und Kompetenzvermittlung in der Intensivmedizin.
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Originalversion 2015: DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-54675-4_17-1,
Dumps Christian, Simon Philipp, Girdauskas Evaldas, Girrbach Felix. When too much closeness harms: circumflex artery injury during mitral valve surgery.
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Bloos Frank, Held Jürgen, Kluge Stefan, Simon Philipp, Kogelmann Klaus, de Heer Geraldine, Kuhn Sven-Olaf, Jarczak Dominik, Motsch Johann, Hempel Gunther, Weiler Norbert, Weyland Andreas, Drüner Matthias, Gründling Matthias, Meybohm Patrick, Richter Daniel, Jaschinski Ulrich, Moerer Onnen, Günther Ulf, Schädler Dirk, Weiss Raphael, Putensen Christian, Castellanos Ixchel, Kurzai Oliver, Schlattmann Peter, Cornely Oliver A., Bauer Michael, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel, Jaschinski Ulrich, Putensen Christian, Drüner Matthias, Castellanos Ixchel, Schmidt Stefanie, Wehrfritz Andreas, Kränzlein Diana, Held Jürgen, Zacharowski Kai, Mutlak Haitham, Lindau Simone, Wiedenbeck Carolin, Mörer Onnen, Kuhn Sven-Olaf, Gründling Matthias, Kluge Stephan, de Heer Geraldine, Jarczak Dominik, Motsch Johann, Richter Daniel, Weigand Markus A., Bloos Frank, Bauer Michael, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel, Schlattmann Peter, Lehmann Thomas, Weiler Norbert, Schädler Dirk, Cornely Oliver A., Simon Philipp, Hempel Gunther, Weiss Raphael, Zarbock Alexander, Günther Ulf, Rohe Georg, Weyland Andreas, Kurzai Oliver, Walter Grit, Meybohm Patrick, Helmer Philipp. (1 → 3)-β-d-Glucan-guided antifungal therapy in adults with sepsis: the CandiSep randomized clinical trial.
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Simon Philipp, Wrigge Hermann. 41/w mit ARDS und nach ECMO-Therapie mit langer Abhängigkeit vom Respirator - Vorbereitungskurs Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin: Fall 28.
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Pochert Julia, Simon Philipp. 79/w mit Zustand nach hochgradiger Aortenklappenstenose und Implantation einer Transkatheteraortenklappe mit anschließender Bradykardie bis 28/min - Vorbereitungskurs Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin: Fall 26.
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Schwarzkopf Daniel, Matthaeus-Kraemer Claudia Tanja, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel O., Rüddel Hendrik, Poidinger Bernhard, Bach Friedhelm, Gerlach Herwig, Gründling Matthias, Lindner Matthias, Scheer Christian, Simon Philipp, Weiss Manfred, Reinhart Konrad, Bloos Frank. A multifaceted educational intervention improved anti-infectious measures but had no effect on mortality in patients with severe sepsis.
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Heins Jakob, Schoenfelder Jan, Heider Steffen, Heller Axel R., Brunner Jens O.. A scalable forecasting framework to predict COVID-19 hospital bed occupancy.
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Rüddel Hendrik, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel O., Reinhart Konrad, Bach Friedhelm, Gerlach Herwig, Lindner Matthias, Marshall John C., Simon Philipp, Weiss Manfred, Bloos Frank, Schwarzkopf Daniel. Adverse effects of delayed antimicrobial treatment and surgical source control in adults with sepsis: results of a planned secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
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Umlauf Julian, Heller Axel R.. Anteil an Geimpften in der Bevölkerung und Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID‑19)-Fälle – Limitationen und irreführende Schlussfolgerungen.
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Standl Thomas, Annecke Thorsten, Flohé Sascha, Heller Axel R., Kainer Franz, Parvu Volker. Aus der Sektion Schock.
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Busse David, Simon Philipp, Schmitt Lisa, Petroff David, Dorn Christoph, Dietrich Arne, Zeitlinger Markus, Huisinga Wilhelm, Michelet Robin, Wrigge Hermann, Kloft Charlotte. Comparative plasma and interstitial tissue fluid pharmacokinetics of meropenem demonstrate the need for increasing dose and infusion duration in obese and non-obese patients.
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Ellenberger Christoph, Pelosi Paolo, de Abreu Marcelo Gama, Wrigge Hermann, Diaper John, Hagerman Andres, Adam Yannick, Schultz Marcus J., Licker Marc. Distribution of ventilation and oxygenation in surgical obese patients ventilated with high versus low positive end-expiratory pressure: a substudy of a randomised controlled trial.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the PROBESE investigators, of the PROtective VEntilation Network (PROVEnet) and Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC).
Bartenschlager Christina C., Brunner Jens O., Heller Axel R.. Evaluation von scorebasierten Ansätzen für die Ex-post-Triage auf Intensivstationen während der COVID-19-Pandemie: eine simulationsbasierte Analyse.
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Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix, Mols S., Aehling K., Hezel A., Lange M., Dietrich A., Wrigge H.. Extubation with reduced inspiratory oxygen improves post-extubation lung function in morbidly obese patients: a prospective randomized controlled trial [Poster].
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Pisani Luigi. Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management, and outcomes in invasively ventilated intensive care unit patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pooled analysis of four observational studies.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators.
Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Hol Liselotte, Nijbroek Sunny G. L. H., Neto Ary Serpa, Hemmes Sabrine N. T., Hedenstierna Goran, Hiesmayr Michael, Hollmann Markus W., Mills Gary H., Vidal Melo Marcos F., Putensen Christian, Schmid Werner, Severgnini Paolo, Wrigge Hermann, de Abreu Marcelo Gama, Pelosi Paolo, Schultz Marcus J.. Geo–economic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management and outcome of patients receiving intraoperative ventilation during general anesthesia– posthoc analysis of an observational study in 29 countries.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LAS VEGAS study–investigators.
Busse D., Simon Philipp, Petroff D., El-Najjar N., Schmitt L., Bindellini D., Dietrich A., Zeitlinger M., Huisinga W., Michelet R., Wrigge H., Kloft C.. High-dosage fosfomycin results in adequate plasma and target-site exposure in morbidly obese and nonobese nonhyperfiltration patients.
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Campos Niklas S., Bluth Thomas, Hemmes Sabrine N.T., Librero Julian, Pozo Natividad, Ferrando Carlos, Ball Lorenzo, Mazzinari Guido, Pelosi Paolo, Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Schultz Marcus J., Serpa Neto A., Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix. Intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure and postoperative pulmonary complications: a patient-level meta-analysis of three randomised clinical trials.
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Amado-Rodríguez Laura, Rodríguez-Garcia Raquel, Bellani Giacomo, Pham Tài, Fan Eddy, Madotto Fabiana, Laffey John G., Albaiceta Guillermo M., Simon Philipp. Mechanical ventilation in patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a sub-analysis of the LUNG SAFE study.
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Girrbach Felix, Zeutzschel Franziska, Schulz Susann, Lange Mirko, Beda Alessandro, Giannella-Neto Antonio, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Methods for determination of individual PEEP for intraoperative mechanical ventilation using a decremental PEEP trial.
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Skazel T., Buck A. K., Lassmann M., Kerner T., Schälte G., Heller Axel R., Hossfeld B., Gräsner J.-T., Meybohm P., Wurmb T.. Organisation und klinisches Management von radionuklearen Schadenslagen.
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Laake Jon Henrik, Småstuen Milada Cvancarova, Møller Morten Hylander, Larsson Anders, Aslam Tayyba Naz, Hofsø Kristin, Pham Tài, Fan Eddy, Bellani Giacomo, Laffey John G.. Patient characteristics, management and outcomes in a Nordic subset of the “large observational study to understand the global impact of severe acute respiratory failure” (LUNG SAFE) study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators.
De Pascale Gennaro, Antonelli Massimo, Deschepper Mieke, Arvaniti Kostoula, Blot Koen, Brown Ben Creagh, de Lange Dylan, De Waele Jan, Dikmen Yalim, Dimopoulos George, Eckmann Christian, Francois Guy, Girardis Massimo, Koulenti Despoina, Labeau Sonia, Lipman Jeffrey, Lipovetsky Fernando, Maseda Emilio, Montravers Philippe, Mikstacki Adam, Paiva José-Artur, Pereyra Cecilia, Rello Jordi, Timsit Jean-Francois, Simon Philipp. Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis.
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Girrbach F., Brechtelsbauer K., Hezel A., Aehling K., Lange M., Dietrich A., Wrigge H., Simon Philipp. Post-extubation CPAP support and oxygenation in morbidly obese patients: a prospective randomized controlled trial.
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Rezoagli Emanuele, McNicholas Bairbre A., Madotto Fabiana, Pham Tài, Bellani Giacomo, Laffey John G.. Presence of comorbidities alters management and worsens outcome of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: insights from the LUNG SAFE study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators and the ESICM Trials Group.
Bruno Raphael Romano, Wernly Bernhard, Flaatten Hans, Fjølner Jesper, Artigas Antonio, Baldia Philipp Heinrich, Binneboessel Stephan, Bollen Pinto Bernardo, Schefold Joerg C., Wolff Georg, Kelm Malte, Beil Michael, Sviri Sigal, van Heerden Peter Vernon, Szczeklik Wojciech, Elhadi Muhammed, Joannidis Michael, Oeyen Sandra, Kondili Eumorfia, Marsh Brian, Wollborn Jakob, Andersen Finn H., Moreno Rui, Leaver Susannah, Boumendil Ariane, De Lange Dylan W., Guidet Bertrand, Jung Christian, Simon Philipp. The association of the activities of daily living and the outcome of old intensive care patients suffering from COVID-19.
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Dorn Christoph, Petroff David, Kratzer Alexander, Kees Frieder, Kloft Charlotte, Zeitlinger Markus, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Tigecycline soft tissue penetration in obese and non-obese surgical patients determined by using in vivo microdialysis.
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Maddali Manoj V., Sinha Pratik, Simon Philipp. Validation and utility of ARDS subphenotypes identified by machine-learning models using clinical data: an observational, multicohort, retrospective analysis.
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Heller Axel R., Breuer Georg, Sander Michael. „Anästhesiologische Intensivmedizin“: die Reihe „Facharzt-Training Anästhesiologie“ geht weiter ….
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Marx Gernot, Bickenbach Johannes, Fritsch Sebastian Johannes, Kunze Julian Benedict, Maassen Oliver, Deffge Saskia, Kistermann Jennifer, Haferkamp Silke, Lutz Irina, Voellm Nora Kristiana, Lowitsch Volker, Polzin Richard, Sharafutdinov Konstantin, Mayer Hannah, Kuepfer Lars, Burghaus Rolf, Schmitt Walter, Lippert Joerg, Riedel Morris, Barakat Chadi, Stollenwerk André, Fonck Simon, Putensen Christian, Zenker Sven, Erdfelder Felix, Grigutsch Daniel, Kram Rainer, Beyer Susanne, Kampe Knut, Gewehr Jan Erik, Salman Friederike, Juers Patrick, Kluge Stefan, Tiller Daniel, Wisotzki Emilia, Gross Sebastian, Homeister Lorenz, Bloos Frank, Scherag André, Ammon Danny, Mueller Susanne, Palm Julia, Simon Philipp, Jahn Nora, Loeffler Markus, Wendt Thomas, Schuerholz Tobias, Groeber Petra, Schuppert Andreas. Algorithmic surveillance of ICU patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ASIC): protocol for a multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised quality improvement strategy.
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Heller Axel R.. Allgemeinanästhesie kombiniert mit Periduralanästhesie senkt Delirinzidenz: Kommentar.
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Worm Margitta, Ring Johannes, Klimek Ludger, Jakob Thilo, Lange Lars, Treudler Regina, Beyer Kirsten, Werfel Thomas, Biedermann Tilo, Bircher Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Fuchs Thomas, Heller Axel R., Hoffmann Florian, Huttegger Isidor, Kopp Matthias Volkmar, Kugler Claudia, Lommatzsch Marek, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Rueff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Vogelberg Christian, Sitter Helmut, Gieler Uwe, Brockow Knut. Anaphylaxie-Risiko bei der COVID-19-Impfung: Empfehlungen für das praktische Management.
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Vogelaers Dirk, Blot Stijn, Van den Berge Andries, Montravers Philippe, Simon Philipp. Antimicrobial lessons from a large observational cohort on intra-abdominal infections in Intensive Care Units.
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Richter T., Baus J., Eismann H., Happel O., Heller Axel R., Neuhaus C., Weinert M., St.Pierre M.. Bereitstellung einer Smart­phone-Variante von eGENA, der elektronischen Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungshilfe für Notfälle in der Anästhe­siologie.
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Neidel Tobias, Heins Jakob, Herrmann Katharina, Martignoni André, Zinsmeister Thomas, Dettmar Roland, Pukelsheim Markus, Brunner Jens O., Heller Axel R.. Coordination of hospitals in the Corona pandemic.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Klek Stanislaw, Mayer Konstantin, Omar Alsaleh Abdul Jabbar, Rosenthal Martin D., Heller Axel R., Muscaritoli Maurizio. Cost‐effectiveness of parenteral nutrition containing ω‐3 fatty acids in hospitalized adult patients from 5 European countries and the US.
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Madotto Fabiana, McNicholas Bairbre, Rezoagli Emanuele, Pham Tài, Laffey John G., Bellani Giacomo. Death in hospital following ICU discharge: insights from the LUNG SAFE study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators. Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Meidert Agnes, Fuchs-Buder Thomas, Heller Axel R., Weigand Markus, Zarbock Alexander, Rehm Markus. Die intensivmedizinische Behandlung der schwangeren Patientin: ein ausführlicher Exkurs in vier Schritten.
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Bauer Michael, Weyland Andreas, Marx Gernot, Bloos Frank, Weber Stephan, Weiler Norbert, Kluge Stefan, Diers Anja, Simon Tim Philipp, Lautenschläger Ingmar, Gründling Matthias, Jaschinski Ulrich, Simon Philipp, Nierhaus Axel, Moerer Onnen, Reill Lorenz, Jörres Achim, Guo Renfeng, Loeffler Markus, Reinhart Konrad, Riedemann Niels. Efficacy and safety of Vilobelimab (IFX-1), a novel monoclonal anti-C5a antibody, in patients with early severe sepsis or septic shock — a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, phase IIa Trial (SCIENS Study).
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Neidel Tobias, Heller Axel R.. Einfluss der Reihenfolge von Items auf die diagnostische Qualität von Vorsichtungsalgorithmen hinsichtlich der Vergabe der Sichtungskategorie I.
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Busse David, Borghardt Jens Markus, Petroff David, Pevzner Alice, Dorn Christoph, El‐Najjar Nahed, Huisinga Wilhelm, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp, Kloft Charlotte. Evaluating prediction methods for glomerular filtration to optimise drug doses in obese and nonobese patients.
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Thomas-Rüddel Daniel O., Hoffmann Peter, Schwarzkopf Daniel, Scheer Christian, Bach Friedhelm, Komann Marcus, Gerlach Herwig, Weiss Manfred, Lindner Matthias, Rüddel Hendrik, Simon Philipp, Kuhn Sven-Olaf, Wetzker Reinhard, Bauer Michael, Reinhart Konrad, Bloos Frank. Fever and hypothermia represent two populations of sepsis patients and are associated with outside temperature.
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Ring Johannes, Beyer Kirsten, Biedermann Tilo, Bircher Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Fuchs Thomas, Heller Axel R., Hoffmann Florian, Huttegger Isidor, Jakob Thilo, Klimek Ludger, Kopp Matthias V., Kugler Claudia, Lange Lars, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Rueff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Treudler Regina, Vogelberg Christian, Werfel Thomas, Worm Margitta, Sitter Helmut, Brockow Knut. Guideline (S2k) on acute therapy and management of anaphylaxis: 2021 update.
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Pich Henryk, Heller Axel R.. Hypovolämischer Schock.
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Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix, Petroff David, Schliewe Nadja, Hempel Gunther, Lange Mirko, Bluth Thomas, Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Beda Alessandro, Schultz Marcus J., Pelosi Paolo, Reske Andreas W., Wrigge Hermann. Individualized versus fixed positive end-expiratory pressure for intraoperative mechanical ventilation in obese patients: a secondary analysis.
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Werdan Karl, Buerke Michael, Geppert Alexander, Thiele Holger, Zwissler Bernd, Ruß Martin. Infarction-related cardiogenic shock - diagnosis, monitoring and therapy: a German-Austrian S3 guideline.
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Axel Heller is a member of the guideline group.
Uhlig Christopher, Vicent Oliver, Spieth Stephanie, Ludwig Stefan, Reeps Christian, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Spieth Peter Markus, Rössel Thomas. Influence of anatomic conditions on efficacy and safety of combined intermediate cervical plexus block and perivascular infiltration of internal carotid artery in carotid endarterectomy: a prospective observational trial.
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Bolkenius Daniel, Heller Axel R.. Klimaschutz: Nachhaltigkeit in der Anästhesie.
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Ring Johannes, Beyer Kirsten, Bircher Andreas, Biedermann Tilo, Fischer Matthias, Fuchs Thomas, Heller Axel R., Hoffmann Florian, Huttegger Isidor, Jakob Thilo, Klimek Ludger, Kopp Matthias V., Kugler Claudia, Lange Lars, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Ruëff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Treudler Regina, Vogelberg Christian, Werfel Thomas, Worm Margitta, Sitter Helmut, Brockow Knut. Kurzfassung der Leitlinie "Akuttherapie und Management der Anaphylaxie - Update 2021" für Patienten und Angehörige.
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Ring Johannes, Beyer Kirsten, Biedermann Tilo, Bircher Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Heller Axel R., Huttegger Isidor, Jakob Thilo, Klimek Ludger, Kopp Matthias V., Kugler Claudia, Lange Lars, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Rueff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Treudler Regina, Vogelberg Christian, Werfel Thomas, Worm Margitta, Sitter Helmut, Brockow Knut. Leitlinie zu Akuttherapie und Management der Anaphylaxie: Update 2021.
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Worm Margitta, Ring Johannes, Klimek Ludger, Jakob Thilo, Lange Lars, Treudler Regina, Beyer Kirsten, Werfel Thomas, Biedermann Tilo, Bircher Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Fuchs Thomas, Heller Axel R., Hoffmann Florian, Huttegger Isidor, Kopp Matthias Volkmar, Kugler Claudia, Lommatzsch Marek, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Ruëff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Vogelberg Christian, Sitter Helmut, Gieler Uwe, Brockow Knut. Management des Anaphylaxie-Risikos bei Covid-19-Impfung.
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Ring Johannes, Beyer Kirsten, Biedermann Tilo, Bircher Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Fuchs Thomas, Heller Axel R., Hoffmann Florian, Huttegger Isidor, Jakob Thilo, Klimek Ludger, Kopp Matthias V., Kugler Claudia, Lange Lars, Pfaar Oliver, Rietschel Ernst, Rueff Franziska, Schnadt Sabine, Seifert Roland, Stöcker Britta, Treudler Regina, Vogelberg Christian, Werfel Thomas, Worm Margitta, Sitter Helmut, Brockow Knut. Messages for patients and relatives from the 2021 update of the guideline on acute therapy and management of anaphylaxis.
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Fleischmann-Struzek Carolin, Kesselmeier Miriam, Ouart Dominique, Hartog Christiane S., Bauer Michael, Bercker Sven, Bucher Michael, Meier-Hellmann Andreas, Petros Sirak, Schreiber Torsten, Simon Philipp, Weidhase Lorenz, Born Sebastian, Braune Anke, Chkirni Hicham, Eichhorn Cornelia, Fiedler Sandra, Gampe Christin, König Christian, Platzer Stephanie, Romeike Heike, Töpfer Kristin, Reinhart Konrad, Scherag André. Mid-German Sepsis Cohort (MSC): a prospective observational study of sepsis survivorship.
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Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix, Petroff David, Wrigge Hermann. Obesity and positive end-expiratory pressure: reply.
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Dorn Christoph, Petroff David, Stoelzel Melanie, Kees Martin G, Kratzer Alexander, Dietrich Arne, Kloft Charlotte, Zeitlinger Markus, Kees Frieder, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Perioperative administration of cefazolin and metronidazole in obese and non-obese patients: a pharmacokinetic study in plasma and interstitial fluid.
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Busse David, Simon Philipp, Michelet Robin, Ehmann Lisa, Mehner Frank, Dorn Christoph, Kratzer Alexander, Huisinga Wilhelm, Wrigge Hermann, Petroff David, Kloft Charlotte. Quantification of microdialysis related variability in humans: clinical trial design recommendations.
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Fronczek Jakub, Polok Kamil, de Lange Dylan W., Jung Christian, Beil Michael, Rhodes Andrew, Fjølner Jesper, Górka Jacek, Andersen Finn H., Artigas Antonio, Cecconi Maurizio, Christensen Steffen, Joannidis Michael, Leaver Susannah, Marsh Brian, Morandi Alessandro, Moreno Rui, Oeyen Sandra, Agvald-Öhman Christina, Bollen Pinto Bernardo, Schefold Joerg C., Valentin Andreas, Walther Sten, Watson Ximena, Zafeiridis Tilemachos, Sviri Sigal, van Heerden Peter Vernon, Flaatten Hans, Guidet Bertrand, Szczeklik Wojciech, Simon Philipp. Relationship between the Clinical Frailty Scale and short-term mortality in patients ≥ 80 years old acutely admitted to the ICU: a prospective cohort study.
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Nijbroek Sunny G., Hol Liselotte, Swart Pien, Hemmes Sabrine N.T., Serpa Neto Ary, Binnekade Jan M., Hedenstierna Goran, Jaber Samir, Hiesmayr Michael, Hollmann Markus W., Mills Gary H., Vidal Melo Marcos F., Putensen Christian, Schmid Werner, Severgnini Paolo, Wrigge Hermann, Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Pelosi Paolo, Schultz Marcus J.. Sex difference and intra-operative tidal volume: insights from the LAS VEGAS study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LAS VEGAS study investigators, the PROVE Network and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology
Busse David, Simon Philipp, Petroff David, Dorn Christoph, Schmitt Lisa, Bindellini Davide, Kratzer Alexander, Dietrich Arne, Zeitlinger Markus, Huisinga Wilhelm, Michelet Robin, Wrigge Hermann, Kloft Charlotte. Similar piperacillin/tazobactam target attainment in obese versus nonobese patients despite differences in interstitial tissue fluid pharmacokinetics.
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Mazzinari Guido, Serpa Neto Ary, Hemmes Sabrine N. T., Hedenstierna Goran, Jaber Samir, Hiesmayr Michael, Hollmann Markus W., Mills Gary H., Vidal Melo Marcos F., Pearse Rupert M., Putensen Christian, Schmid Werner, Severgnini Paolo, Wrigge Hermann, Cambronero Oscar Diaz, Ball Lorenzo, de Abreu Marcelo Gama, Pelosi Paolo, Schultz Marcus J.. The Association of Intraoperative driving pressure with postoperative pulmonary complications in open versus closed abdominal surgery patients – a posthoc propensity score–weighted cohort analysis of the LAS VEGAS study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LAS VEGAS study–investigators, PROtective VEntilation NETwork and Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology
Bulte Carolien S.E., Boer Christa, Hemmes Sabrine N.T., Serpa Neto Ary, Binnekade Jan M., Hedenstierna Goran, Jaber Samir, Hiesmayr Michael, Hollmann Markus W., Mills Gary H., Vidal Melo Marcos F., Pearse Rupert M., Putensen Christian, Schmid Werner, Severgnini Paolo, Wrigge Hermann, Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Pelosi Paolo, Schultz Marcus J.. The effects of preoperative moderate to severe anaemia on length of hospital stay: a propensity score-matched analysis in non-cardiac surgery patients.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LAS VEGAS; study–investigators; the PROVE Network; and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology.
Kranke Peter, Geldner Götz, Kienbaum Peter, Gerbershagen Hans Jürgen, Chappell Daniel, Wallenborn Jan, Huljic Susanne, Koch Tilo, Keller Thomas, Weber Stephan, Kunitz Oliver, Linstedt Ulf, Eberhart Leopold H.J.. Treatment of spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension with cafedrine/theodrenaline versus ephedrine during caesarean section: results from HYPOTENS, a national, multicentre, prospective, noninterventional study.
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Axel Heller and Philipp Simon are members of the HYPOTENS study group.


Simon Philipp. Antiinfektive Therapie bei Adipositas – „einfach das Doppelte?“.
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Herter Tobias, Heller Axel R.. Asystole triggered by the trigeminocardiac reflex following posttetanic count stimulation of the facial nerve: a case report.
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Römmele C., Neidel Tobias, Heins Jakob, Heider Steffen, Otten V., Ebigbo Alanna, Weber T., Müller M., Spring Oliver, Braun G., Wittmann M., Schoenfelder Jan, Heller Axel R., Messmann Helmut, Brunner Jens O.. Bettenkapazitätssteuerung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie: eine simulationsbasierte Prognose der Normal- und Intensivstationsbetten anhand der deskriptiven Daten des Universitätsklinikums Augsburg.
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Heller Axel R., Mees Sören T., Lauterwald Benjamin, Reeps Christian, Koch Thea, Weitz Jürgen. Detection of deteriorating patients on surgical wards outside the ICU by an automated MEWS-based early warning system with paging functionality.
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Zarbock Alexander, Küllmar Mira, Kindgen-Milles Detlef, Wempe Carola, Gerss Joachim, Brandenburger Timo, Dimski Thomas, Tyczynski Bartosz, Jahn Michael, Mülling Nils, Mehrländer Martin, Rosenberger Peter, Marx Gernot, Simon Tim Philipp, Jaschinski Ulrich, Deetjen Philipp, Putensen Christian, Schewe Jens-Christian, Kluge Stefan, Jarczak Dominik, Slowinski Torsten, Bodenstein Marc, Meybohm Patrick, Wirtz Stefan, Moerer Onnen, Kortgen Andreas, Simon Philipp, Bagshaw Sean M., Kellum John A., Meersch Melanie. Effect of regional citrate anticoagulation vs systemic heparin anticoagulation during continuous kidney replacement therapy on dialysis filter life span and mortality among critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a randomized clinical trial.
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Heller Axel R., Juncken Kathleen. Einsatzführung durch den LNA.
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Heller Axel R., Juncken Kathleen. Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Luftrettung bei MANV.
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Nepogodiev D.. Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans.
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Authorship: COVIDSurg Collaborative, of which Axel Heller is a member.
Neuhaus C., Schild S., Eismann H., Baus J., Happel O., Heller Axel R., Richter T., Weinert M., Sedlmayr B., Sedlmayr M., Prokosch H.-U., Schleppers A., St.Pierre M.. Funktionalität und Bedienung von eGENA, der elektronischen Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungshilfe für Notfälle in der Anästhesio­logie.
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Eismann H., Schild S., Neuhaus C., Baus J., Happel O., Heller Axel R., Richter T., Weinert M., Sedlmayr B., Sedlmayr M., St.Pierre M.. Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungshilfen für Notfälle in der Anästhesiologie: Grundlagen und Anwendungen.
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Madotto Fabiana, Rezoagli Emanuele, Pham Tài, Schmidt Marcello, McNicholas Bairbre, Protti Alessandro, Panwar Rakshit, Bellani Giacomo, Fan Eddy, van Haren Frank, Brochard Laurent, Laffey John G.. Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: insights from the LUNG SAFE study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators and the ESICM Trials Group.
Girrbach Felix, Petroff David, Schulz Susann, Hempel Gunther, Lange Mirko, Klotz Carolin, Scherz Stephanie, Giannella-Neto Antonio, Beda Alessandro, Jardim-Neto Alcendino, Stolzenburg Jens-Uwe, Reske Andreas W., Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Individualised positive end-expiratory pressure guided by electrical impedance tomography for robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomised controlled clinical trial.
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Girrbach F., Schulz S., Hempel G., Lange M., Klotz C., Petroff D., Gianella-Neto A., Beda A., Neto A. C. J., Stehr S. N., Reske A. W., Wrigge H., Simon Philipp. Individualisierter PEEP bei normalgewichtigen Patienten während Allgemeinanästhesie zur minimalinvasiven, roboter-assistierten, radikalen Prostatektomie (REERPE) – eine prospektive, randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische Studie.
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Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix, Schliewe N., Hempel G., Petroff David, Lange M., Dietrich A., Bluth T., Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Wrigge Hermann. Individualized versus standard positive end-expiratory pressure for intraoperative mechanical ventilation in morbidly obese patients - a prospective secondary sub-analysis of two randomized controlled trials.
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Heller Axel R., Koch T.. Innerklinisches Notfallmanagement: Konzepte zur Optimierung der Patientensicherheit im Krankenhaus.
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Deetjen Philipp, Jaschinski Ulrich, Heller Axel R.. Intensive care unit acquired hypernatremia after major surgery is associated with urine concentrating defect: an observational study.
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Robba Chiara, Hemmes Sabrine N. T., Serpa Neto Ary, Bluth Thomas, Canet Jaume, Hiesmayr Michael, Hollmann M. Wiersma, Mills Gary H., Vidal Melo Marcos F., Putensen Christian, Jaber Samir, Schmid Werner, Severgnini Paolo, Wrigge Hermann, Battaglini Denise, Ball Lorenzo, Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Schultz Marcus J., Pelosi Paolo. Intraoperative ventilator settings and their association with postoperative pulmonary complications in neurosurgical patients: post-hoc analysis of LAS VEGAS study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the FERS for the LAS VEGAS investigators, PROtective VEntilation Network and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology.
Werdan K., Boeken U., Briegel M. J., Buerke M., Geppert A., Janssens U., Kelm M., Michels G., Pilarczyk K., Schlitt A., Thiele H., Willems S., Zeymer U., Zwißler B., Delle-Karth G., Ferrari M., Figulla H., Heller Axel R., Hindricks G., Pichler-Cetin E., Pieske B. M., Prondzinsky R., Thielmann M., Bauersachs J., Kopp I., Ruß M.. Kurzversion der 2. Auflage der deutsch-österreichischen S3-Leitlinie „Infarkt-bedingter Kardiogener Schock – Diagnose, Monitoring und Therapie“.
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Werdan K., Boeken U., Briegel M. J., Buerke M., Geppert A., Janssens U., Kelm M., Michels G., Pilarczyk K., Schlitt A., Thiele H., Willems S., Zeymer U., Zwißler B., Delle-Karth G., Ferrari M., Figulla H., Heller Axel R., Hindricks G., Pichler-Cetin E., Pieske B. M., Prondzinsky R., Thielmann M., Bauersachs J., Kopp I., Ruß M.. Kurzversion der 2. Auflage der deutsch-österreichischen S3-Leitlinie „Infarkt-bedingter Kardiogener Schock – Diagnose, Monitoring und Therapie“.
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Simon Philipp, Busse David, Petroff David, Dorn Christoph, Ehmann Lisa, Hochstädt Sophie, Girrbach Felix, Dietrich Arne, Zeitlinger Markus, Kees Frieder, Kloft Charlotte, Wrigge Hermann. Linezolid concentrations in plasma and subcutaneous tissue are reduced in obese patients, resulting in a higher risk of underdosing in critically ill patients: a controlled clinical pharmacokinetic study.
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Heller Axel R.. Luftrettung.
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Heller Axel R., Juncken Kathleen. Medizinischer Katastrophenschutz: Praxisbeispiel MTF Dresden.
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Simon Philipp, Petroff David, Busse David, Heyne Jana, Girrbach Felix, Dietrich Arne, Kratzer Alexander, Zeitlinger Markus, Kloft Charlotte, Kees Frieder, Wrigge Hermann, Dorn Christoph. Meropenem plasma and interstitial soft tissue concentrations in obese and nonobese patients — a controlled clinical trial.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Klek Stanislaw, Mayer Konstantin, Omar Alsaleh Abdul Jabbar, Rosenthal Martin D., Heller Axel R., Muscaritoli Maurizio. Omega-3 fatty acid-containing parenteral nutrition in ICU patients: systematic review with meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis.
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Pham Tài, Pesenti Antonio, Bellani Giacomo, Rubenfeld Gordon, Fan Eddy, Bugedo Guillermo, Lorente José Angel, Fernandes Antero do Vale, Van Haren Frank, Bruhn Alejandro, Rios Fernando, Esteban Andres, Gattinoni Luciano, Larsson Anders, McAuley Daniel F., Ranieri Marco, Thompson B. Taylor, Wrigge Hermann, Brochard Laurent J., Laffey John G.. Outcome of acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure: insights from the LUNG SAFE Study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Trials Group.
Labeau Sonia O., Blot Stijn I., Jaschinski Ulrich, Simon Philipp. Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study.
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Correction: Intensive Care Med 47, 503–520 (2021).
Philipp Simon and Ulrich Jaschinski are members of the DecubICUs Study Team and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) Trials Group Collaborators.
Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Heller Axel R., Juncken K.. Primärversorgung in der Zentralen Notaufnahme.
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Ehmann Lisa, Simon Philipp, Busse David, Petroff David, Dorn C., Huisinga W., Dietrich A., Zeitlinger Markus, Wrigge Hermann, Kloft C.. Risk of target non-attainment in obese compared to non-obese patients in calculated linezolid therapy.
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Heller Axel R.. Sichtung.
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Bruno Raphael Romano, Wernly Bernhard, Beil Michael, Muessig Johanna M., Rahmel Tim, Graf Tobias, Meybohm Patrick, Schaller Stefan J., Allgäuer Sebastian, Franz Marcus, Westphal Julian Georg, Barth Eberhard, Ebelt Henning, Fuest Kristina, Horacek Michael, Schuster Michael, Dubler Simon, Schering Stefan, Wolff Georg, Steiner Stephan, Rabe Christian, Dieck Thorben, Lauten Alexander, Sacher Anne Lena, Brenner Thorsten, Bloos Frank, Jánosi Rolf A., Simon Philipp, Utzolino Stefan, Kelm Malte, De Lange Dylan W., Guidet Bertrand, Flaatten Hans, Jung Christian. Therapy limitation in octogenarians in German intensive care units is associated with a longer length of stay and increased 30 days mortality: a prospective multicenter study.
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Eberhart L., Geldner G., Kowark A., Zucker T.-P., Kreuer S., Przemeck M., Huljic S., Koch T., Keller T., Weber S., Kranke P.. Treatment of intraoperative hypotension with cafedrine/theodrenaline versus ephedrine: a prospective, national, multicenter, non-interventional study—the HYPOTENS trial.
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Axel Heller and Philipp Simon are members of the HYPOTENS study group
Umlauf Julian, Heller Axel R.. Zwerchfellultraschall zur Vorhersage des Weaning-Versagens - "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".
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Heller Axel R.. 83/w nach anästhesiebedingter Hepatitis: Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung, Fall 10.
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Muders Thomas, Hentze Benjamin, Simon Philipp, Girrbach Felix, Doebler Michael R.G., Leonhardt Steffen, Wrigge Hermann, Putensen Christian. A modified method to assess tidal recruitment by electrical impedance tomography.
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Cortegiani Andrea. Association between night-time surgery and occurrence of intraoperative adverse events and postoperative pulmonary complications.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LAS VEGAS Investigators, the PROVE Network, and the Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Wurmb T., Kerner T., Geldner G., Schälte G., Heller Axel R., Hossfeld B., Gräsner J.-T.. Bewältigung von Krisen oder Katastrophen im Krankenhaus: die Rolle der Anästhesiologie.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Chancen durch medizinische Einsatzteams und präventive Ansätze.
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Elke Gunnar, Hartl Wolfgang H., Kreymann K. Georg, Adolph Michael, Felbinger Thomas W., Graf Tobias, de Heer Geraldine, Heller Axel R., Kampa Ulrich, Mayer Konstantin, Muhl Elke, Niemann Bernd, Rümelin Andreas, Steiner Stephan, Stoppe Christian, Weimann Arved, Bischoff Stephan C.. Clinical nutrition in critical care medicine: guideline of the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM).
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Dorn Christoph, Kratzer Alexander, Schießer Selina, Kees Frieder, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Determination of total or free cefazolin and metronidazole in human plasma or interstitial fluid by HPLC-UV for pharmacokinetic studies in man.
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Motta Ribeiro Gabriel Casulari, Jandre F. C., Simon Philipp, Wrigge Hermann, Giannella-Neto Antonio. Does individualized positive end-expiratory pressure affect the distribution of ventilation in obese patients?.
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Burau Daniela, Petroff David, Simon Philipp, Ehmann Lisa, Weiser Christine, Dorn Christoph, Kratzer Alexander, Wrigge Hermann, Kloft Charlotte. Drug combinations and impact of experimental conditions on relative recovery in in vitro microdialysis investigations.
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Breuer G., Heller Axel R.. Editorial: Facharzt-Training Anästhesiologie – ein Sonderheft für Assistenz- und Fachärzte! Praxisnahe Fallbeispiele kombiniert mit fundiertem Hintergrundwissen.
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Uhlig Christopher, Rössel Thomas, Denz Axel, Seifert Sven, Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Effects of a metabolic optimized fast track concept (MOFA) on bowel function and recovery after surgery in patients undergoing elective colon or liver resection: a randomized controlled trial.
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Heller Axel R., Breuer G.. Facharzt-Training Anästhesiologie: das zweite Sonderheft ist da! 25 weitere praxisnahe Fallbeispiele kombiniert mit fundiertem Hintergrundwissen.
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van Beekum Cornelius J., Ellerkmann Richard, Fritzsche Katrin, Güldner Andreas, Heller Axel R., Lehmann Felix, Lenkeit Stefan, Michelfelder Marissa, Müller Andreas, Osmers Anne, Pich Henryk, Richter Torsten, Schewe Jens-Christian, Vilz Tim O., Weise Matthias, Zimmer Sebastian. Fallbeispiele.
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Simon Philipp, Petroff David, Dorn Christoph, Ehmann Lisa, Kloft C., Prettin C., Dietrich A., Zeitlinger Markus, Kees Frieder, Wrigge Hermann. Measurement of soft tissue drug concentrations in morbidly obese and non-obese patients – a prospective, parallel group, open-labeled, controlled, phase IV, single center clinical trial.
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Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., Schewe Jens-Christian, editors. Medizinische Einsatzteams: Prävention und optimierte Versorgung innerklinischer Notfälle, Scoringsysteme, Fallbeispiele.
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Simon Philipp, Petroff D., Werdehausen R., Ehmann L., Busse D., Hochstädt S., Dietrich A., Kloft C., Zeitlinger M., Dorn C., Kees F., Stehr S., Wrigge H.. Modellierung von Linezoliddosierungen anhand von Plasma- und Gewebespiegel normalgewichtiger und adipöser Patienten.
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Pham Tài, Serpa Neto Ary, Pelosi Paolo, Laffey John Gerard, De Haro Candelaria, Lorente Jose Angel, Bellani Giacomo, Fan Eddy, Brochard Laurent Jean, Pesenti Antonio, Schultz Marcus Josephus, Artigas Antonio, Simon Philipp. Outcomes of patients presenting with mild acute respiratory distress syndrome.
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Juncken Kathleen, Heller Axel R.. Patientensicherheitskultur.
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Dorn Christoph, Petroff David, Neumann Nancy, Kratzer Alexander, El-Najjar Nahed, Dietrich Arne, Kloft Charlotte, Zeitlinger Markus, Kees Martin G., Kees Frieder, Wrigge Hermann, Simon Philipp. Plasma and tissue pharmacokinetics of fosfomycin in morbidly obese and non-obese surgical patients: a controlled clinical trial.
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van Haren Frank, Pham Tài, Brochard Laurent, Bellani Giacomo, Laffey John, Dres Martin, Fan Eddy, Goligher Ewan C., Heunks Leo, Lynch Joan, Wrigge Hermann, McAuley Danny. Spontaneous breathing in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: insights from the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE*.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators.
Regner Maic, Heller Axel R.. Technische Lösungen.
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Marx G., Van Aalst G., Balzer F., Beckers R., Brokmann J.-C., Czaplik M., Deisz R., Von Dossow V., Dusch M., Ellger B., Gräsner J.-T., Von der Groeben C., Hadzidiakos D., Heller Axel R., Nau C., Rossaint R., Weiß D. S., Wunder C., Wurmb T.. Teleme­dizin für die vier Säulen der Anästhesiologie: Positionspapier der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anästhesio­logie und Intensivmedizin (DGAI) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Telemedizin (DG Telemed).
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Juncken K., Heller Axel R., Cwojdzinski D., Disch A. C., Kleber C.. Verteilung der Sichtungskategorien bei Terroranschlägen mit einem Massenanfall von Verletzten: Analyse und Bewertung der Ereignisse in Europa von 1985 bis 2017.
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Heller Axel R.. Was ist ein Medizinisches Einsatzteam (MET)?.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Mayer Konstantin, Klek Stanislaw, Omar Alsaleh Abdul Jabbar, Clark Richard A. C., Rosenthal Martin D., Heller Axel R., Muscaritoli Maurizio. ω‐3 fatty‐acid enriched parenteral nutrition in hospitalized patients: systematic review with meta‐analysis and trial sequential analysis.
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Trumpp Alexander, Lohr Johannes, Wedekind Daniel, Schmidt Martin, Burghardt Matthias, Heller Axel R., Malberg Hagen, Zaunseder Sebastian. Camera-based photoplethysmography in an intraoperative setting.
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Muessig J. M., Nia Amir M., Masyuk Maryna, Lauten Alexander, Franz Marcus, Bloos Frank, Schaller Stefan J., Fuest Kristina, Graf Tobias, Janosi Rolf Alexander, Meybohm Patrick, Simon Philipp, Rahmel Tim, Kelm M., Jung Christian. Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) reliably stratifies octogenarians in German ICUs [Poster].
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Muessig Johanna M., Nia Amir M., Masyuk Maryna, Lauten Alexander, Sacher Anne Lena, Brenner Thorsten, Franz Marcus, Bloos Frank, Ebelt Henning, Schaller Stefan J., Fuest Kristina, Rabe Christian, Dieck Thorben, Steiner Stephan, Graf Tobias, Jánosi Rolf A., Meybohm Patrick, Simon Philipp, Utzolino Stefan, Rahmel Tim, Barth Eberhard, Schuster Michael, Kelm Malte, Jung Christian. Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) reliably stratifies octogenarians in German ICUs: a multicentre prospective cohort study.
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Elke Gunnar, Hartl Wolfgang, Kreymann K., Adolph Michael, Felbinger Thomas, Graf Tobias, de Heer Geraldine, Heller Axel R., Kampa Ulrich, Mayer Konstantin, Muhl Elke, Niemann Bernd, Rümelin Andreas, Steiner Stephan, Stoppe Christian, Weimann Arved, Bischoff Stephan. DGEM-Leitlinie: „Klinische Ernährung in der Intensivmedizin“: S2k-Leitlinie (AWMF-Registernummer 073-004) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (DGEM) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DIVI) sowie den Fachgesellschaften Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (DGAI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internistische Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin (DGIIN), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (DGK), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie (DGTHG) und Deutsche Sepsis-Gesellschaft (DSG).
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Schewe Jens-Christian, Lenkeit Stefan, Ganser Janina, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Die Implementierung medizinischer Einsatzteams als Beitrag zur Verbesserung der perioperativen Patientensicherheit. Wer? Wann? Wie?.
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Gensichen Jochen, Schultz Susanne, Adrion Christine, Schmidt Konrad, Schauer Maggie, Lindemann Daniela, Unruh Natalia, Kosilek Robert P., Schneider Antonius, Scherer Martin, Bergmann Antje, Heintze Christoph, Joos Stefanie, Briegel Josef, Scherag Andre, König Hans-Helmut, Brettschneider Christian, Schulze Thomas G., Mansmann Ulrich, Linde Klaus, Lühmann Dagmar, Voigt Karen, Gehrke-Beck Sabine, Koch Roland, Zwissler Bernhard, Schneider Gerhard, Gerlach Herwig, Kluge Stefan, Koch Thea, Walther Andreas, Atmann Oxana, Oltrogge Jan, Sauer Maik, Schnurr Julia, Elbert Thomas. Effect of a combined brief narrative exposure therapy with case management versus treatment as usual in primary care for patients with traumatic stress sequelae following intensive care medicine: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial (PICTURE).
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Moulla Yusef, Lyros Orestis, Blüher Matthias, Simon Philipp, Dietrich Arne. Feasibility and safety of bariatric surgery in high-risk patients: a single-center experience.
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Dorn Christoph, Kratzer Alexander, Liebchen Uwe, Schleibinger Michael, Murschhauser Alexandra, Schlossmann Jens, Kees Frieder, Simon Philipp, Kees Martin G.. Impact of experimental variables on the protein binding of tigecycline in human plasma as determined by ultrafiltration.
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Standl Thomas, Annecke Thorsten, Cascorbi Ingolf, Heller Axel R., Sabashnikov Anton, Teske Wolfram. Nomenklatur, Definition und Differenzierung der Schockformen.
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Hempel Gunther, Simon Philipp, Salz Peter, Wrigge Hermann. Respiratorisches Versagen: Innovationen zur Diagnostik und Therapie.
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Petroff David, Simon Philipp, Wrigge Hermann. Response to: ‘Positive end-expiratory pressure in obese patients during general anaesthesia. The role of intra-abdominal pressure’.
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Voelker Maria Theresa, Bergmann Andreas, Busch Thilo, Jahn Nora, Laudi Sven, Noreikat Katharina, Simon Philipp, Bercker Sven. The effects of hemoglobin glutamer-200 and iNO on pulmonary vascular tone and arterial oxygenation in an experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome.
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Neidel Tobias, Heller Axel R.. Triage beim Massenanfall von Verletzten (MANV).
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Heller Axel R., Hemmerling René, Fichtner Andreas. Zentralvenöse Katheterisierung: Welche Qualität bieten wir unseren Patienten an, und welchen Nutzen bringt ein einmaliges standardisiertes Training?.
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Bluth Thomas, Heller Axel R.. Anästhesie in der Urologie.
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Birkmaier Stephan, Helmert Jens R., Böttiger Bernd W., Castren Maaret, Roth Matthias, Schorling Per, Pannasch Sebastian, Müller Michael, Heller Axel R.. CorPatch ® – a smartphone-based BLS guidance and feedback system: improvements in laypersons' chest compressions.
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Heller Axel R., Salvador N., Frank M., Schiffner J., Kipke R., Kleber C.. Diagnostic precision of triage algorithms for mass casualty incidents: English version.
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Mirus M., Heller Axel R.. Diagnostik in der Notfallmedizin: warum die Anamnese entscheidend ist.
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Heller Axel R., Salvador N., Frank M., Schiffner J., Kipke R., Kleber C.. Diagnostische Güte von Vorsichtungsalgorithmen für den Massenanfall von Verletzten und Erkrankten.
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Englische Version:"Diagnostic precision of triage algorithms for mass casualty incidents. English version",
Bloos Frank, Rüddel Hendrik, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel, Schwarzkopf Daniel, Pausch Christine, Harbarth Stephan, Schreiber Torsten, Gründling Matthias, Marshall John, Simon Philipp, Levy Mitchell M., Weiss Manfred, Weyland Andreas, Gerlach Herwig, Schürholz Tobias, Engel Christoph, Matthäus-Krämer Claudia, Scheer Christian, Bach Friedhelm, Riessen Reimer, Poidinger Bernhard, Dey Karin, Weiler Norbert, Meier-Hellmann Andreas, Häberle Helene H., Wöbker Gabriele, Kaisers Udo X., Reinhart Konrad. Effect of a multifaceted educational intervention for anti-infectious measures on sepsis mortality: a cluster randomized trial.
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Neidel Tobias, Salvador Nicolas, Heller Axel R.. Impact of systolic blood pressure limits on the diagnostic value of triage algorithms.
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Nestler C., Simon Philipp, Petroff David, Hammermüller Sören, Kamrath D., Wolf S., Dietrich A., Camilo L. M., Beda Alessandro, Carvalho Alysson R., Giannella-Neto Antonio, Reske Andreas W., Wrigge Hermann. Individualized positive end-expiratory pressure in obese patients during general anaesthesia: a randomized controlled clinical trial using electrical impedance tomography.
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Simon Philipp, Pietsch Uta-Carolin, Oesemann René, Dietrich A., Wrigge Hermann. Präoperative Flüssigkeitskarenz in der bariatrischen Chirurgie.
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Eisold C., Heller Axel R.. Risikomanagement in Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin.
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Wilke Michael H., Becker Karsten, Kloss Sebastian, Heimann Sebastian M., Goldmann Anton, Weber Bertram, Pletz Mathias W., Simon Philipp, Petrik Christian. Treatment of MRSA pneumonia: clinical and economic comparison of linezolid vs. vancomycin – a retrospective analysis of medical charts and re-imbursement data of real-life patient populations.
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Koch Thea, Töpfer Armin, Heller Axel R., Maertins Anne. Aktivierung der Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterbefragung in der Krankenhauspraxis: Bericht eines Veränderungsprojektes.
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Heller Susanne C., Frenzel R, Schuler U, Heller Axel R.. Analyse von Krankenhauseinweisungen in der SAPV (spezialisierte ambulante Palliativbetreuung).
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Töpfer Armin, Sobottka Stephan B., Heller Axel R.. Anwendungsbeispiele für Null-Fehler-Qualität im Krankenhaus: Optimierung der OP-Planung und der Wechselzeiten durch Six Sigma.
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Rössel T., Paul R., Richter T., Ludwig S., Hofmockel T., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Anästhesiologisches Management bei endovaskulären Gefäßeingriffen.
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Heller Axel R., Häske David, Stuke Lance, Bernhard Michael, Schweigkofler U., Gliwitzky Bernhard, Münzberg Matthias. Comparison of the Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) recommendations and the German national guideline on treatment of patients with severe and multiple injuries.
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Keh Didier, Trips Evelyn, Marx Gernot, Wirtz Stefan P., Abduljawwad Emad, Bercker Sven, Bogatsch Holger, Briegel Josef, Engel Christoph, Gerlach Herwig, Goldmann Anton, Kuhn Sven-Olaf, Hüter Lars, Meier-Hellmann Andreas, Nierhaus Axel, Kluge Stefan, Lehmke Josefa, Loeffler Markus, Oppert Michael, Resener Kerstin, Schädler Dirk, Schuerholz Tobias, Simon Philipp, Weiler Norbert, Weyland Andreas, Reinhart Konrad, Brunkhorst Frank M.. Effect of hydrocortisone on development of shock among patients with severe sepsis: the HYPRESS randomized clinical trial.
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Bloos Frank, Trips Evelyn, Nierhaus Axel, Briegel Josef, Heyland Daren K., Jaschinski Ulrich, Moerer Onnen, Weyland Andreas, Marx Gernot, Gründling Matthias, Kluge Stefan, Kaufmann Ines, Ott Klaus, Quintel Michael, Jelschen Florian, Meybohm Patrick, Rademacher Sibylle, Meier-Hellmann Andreas, Utzolino Stefan, Kaisers Udo X., Putensen Christian, Elke Gunnar, Ragaller Maximilian, Gerlach Herwig, Ludewig Katrin, Kiehntopf Michael, Bogatsch Holger, Engel Christopf, Brunkhorst Frank M., Loeffler Markus, Reinhart Konrad. Effect of sodium selenite administration and procalcitonin-guided therapy on mortality in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock: a randomized clinical trial.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the SepNet Critical Care Trials Group
Bellani Giacomo, Laffey John G., Pham Tài, Fan Eddy, Brochard Laurent, Esteban Andres, Gattinoni Luciano, van Haren Frank, Larsson Anders, McAuley Daniel F., Ranieri Marco, Rubenfeld Gordon, Thompson B. Taylor, Wrigge Hermann, Slutsky Arthur S., Pesenti Antonio. Epidemiology, patterns of care, and mortality for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units in 50 countries.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the LUNG SAFE Investigators
Scharf Rüdiger Eberhard, Heller Axel R., Adams H.A., Baumann G., Cascorbi Ingolf, Emmel M., Fischer Doris, Flohé Sascha, Fries Dietmar, Gänsslen Axel, Geiger S., Hildebrand Frank, Klar E., Klippe H.J., Lampl L., Prange H., Rolle Udo, Sarrafzadeh A., Standl Thomas, Teske Wolfram, Werner Gerald S., Zander R.. Hämostase im Schock - Teil 3: allgemeine Pathophy­sio­logie der Hämostase.
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Gänsslen Axel, Heller Axel R., Adams H. A., Baumann G., Cascorbi Ingolf, Emmel M., Fischer Doris, Flohé Sascha, Fries Dietmar, Geiger S., Hildebrand Frank, Klar E., Klippe H. J., Lampl L., Prange H., Rolle Udo, Sarrafzadeh A., Scharf Rüdiger Eberhard, Standl Thomas, Teske Wolfram, Werner Gerald S., Zander R.. Hämostase im Schock - Teil 4: spezielle pathophysio­logische Aspekte.
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Cascorbi Ingolf, Heller Axel R., Lampl L., Adams H-.A., Baumann G., Emmel M., Fischer Doris, Flohé Sascha, Fries Dietmar, Gänsslen Axel, Geiger S., Hildebrand Frank, Klar E., Klippe H. J., Prange H., Rolle Udo, Sarrafzdaeh A., Scharf Rüdiger Eberhard, Standl Thomas, Teske Wolfram, Werner Gerald S.. Hämostase im Schock - Teil 5: hämostasewirksame Medikamente.
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Shmygalev Sergey, Damm Martin, Knels Lilla, Strassburg A., Wünsche K., Dumke R., Stehr S. N., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. IgM-enriched solution BT086 improves host defense capacity and energy store preservation in a rabbit model of endotoxemia.
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Heller Axel R., Schaffer Kerstin. Recruiting und Personalentwicklung am Uniklinikum Dresden: wer sind die richtigen?.
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Eisold C., Heller Axel R.. Risikomanagement in Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin.
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Heller Axel R.. Structure follows Process follows Strategy.
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Koch Thea, Töpfer Armin, Heller Axel R.. Team Management im Krankenhaus für eine Lernkultur.
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Sakr Yasser, Ferrer Ricard, Reinhart Konrad, Beale Richard, Rhodes Andrew, Moreno Rui, Timsit Jean Francois, Brochard Laurent, Thompson B. Taylor, Rezende Ederlon, Chiche Jean Daniel. The Intensive Care Global Study on Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (IC-GLOSSARI): a multicenter, multinational, 14-day inception cohort study.
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Philipp Simon is a member of the ESICM Trials Group
Simon Philipp, Sasse Max, Laudi Sven, Petroff David, Bartels Michael, Kaisers Udo X., Bercker Sven. Two strategies for prevention of cytomegalovirus infections after liver transplantation.
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Forst H., Fuchs-Buder T., Heller Axel R., Weigand M., editors. Weiterbildung Anästhesiologie: CME-Beiträge aus Der Anästhesist 2015.
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Heller Axel R., Heger J., Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Müller M. P.. Cafedrine/theodrenaline in anaesthesia: influencing factors in restoring arterial blood pressure.
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Uhlig Christopher, Felbinger Thomas, Heller Axel R.. Comments on Kagan et al.: "Preemptive enteral nutrition enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and antioxidants in severe multiple trauma: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study".
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Thomas-Rueddel Daniel O., Poidinger Bernhard, Weiss Manfred, Bach Friedhelm, Dey Karin, Häberle Helene, Kaisers Udo, Rüddel Hendrik, Schädler Dirk, Scheer Christian, Schreiber Torsten, Schürholz Tobias, Simon Philipp, Sommerer Armin, Schwarzkopf Daniel, Weyland Andreas, Wöbker Gabriele, Reinhart Konrad, Bloos Frank. Hyperlactatemia is an independent predictor of mortality and denotes distinct subtypes of severe sepsis and septic shock.
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Heller Axel R.. Lebenslanges Lernen.
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van Zaane Bas, van Klei Wilton A., Buhre Wolfgang F., Bauer Peter, Boerma E. Christiaan, Hoeft Andreas, Metnitz Philipp, Moreno Rui P., Pearse Rupert, Pelosi Paolo, Sander Michael, Vallet Benoit, Pettilä Ville, Vincent Jean-Louis, Rhodes Andrew. Nonelective surgery at night and in-hospital mortality: prospective observational data from the European Surgical Outcomes Study.
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For a full Members list of the European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS) group for the Trials groups of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology please see appendix I,
Pich Henryk, Heller Axel R.. Obstruktiver Schock.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Presurgery sedation and patient experience: comment & response.
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Müller Michael P., Poenicke Cynthia, Kurth Maxi, Richter Torsten, Koch Thea, Eisold Carolin, Pfältzer Adrian, Heller Axel R.. Quality of basic life support when using different commercially available public access defibrillators.
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Pich Henryk, Heller Axel R.. Qualitätssicherung in der Weiterbildung.
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Forst H., Fuchs-Buder T., Heller Axel R., Weigand M.. Weiterbildung Anästhesiologie: CME-Beiträge aus: Der Anästhesist 2013-2014.
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Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick. Weiterbildung und Kompetenzvermittlung in der Intensivmedizin.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Eandi Mario, Povero Massimiliano, Mayer Konstantin, Muscaritoli Maurizio, Heller Axel R., Fries-Schaffner Eva. Cost-effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acid supplements in parenteral nutrition therapy in hospitals: A discrete event simulation model.
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Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick, Richter Torsten, Papkalla Norbert, Poenicke Cynthia, Herkner Carsten, Osmers Anne, Brenner Sigrid, Koch Thea, Schwanebeck Uta. Effects of a mandatory basic life support training programme on the no-flow fraction during in-hospital cardiac resuscitation: an observational study.
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Lübbert Christoph, Rodloff Arne C., Laudi Sven, Simon Philipp, Busch Thilo, Mössner Joachim, Bartels Michael, Kaisers Udo X.. Excess mortality due to KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in liver transplant recipients.
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Klippe H.-J., Adams H. A., Baumann G., Casvorbi I., Emmel M., Fischer D., Flohé S., Fries D., Gänsslen A., Geiger S., Heller Axel R., Hildebrand F., Klar E., Lampl L., Prange H., Rolle U., Sarrafzadeh A., Scharf R. E., Standl T., Teske W., Werner G., Zander R.. Hämostase im Schock, Teil 1: historische Aspekte.
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Klippe H.-J., Adams H. A., Baumann G., Cascorbi I., Emmel M., Fischer D., Flohé S., Fries D., Gänsslen A., Geiger S., Heller Axel R., Hildebrand F., Klar E., Lampl L., Prange H., Rolle U., Sarrafzadeh A., Scharf R. E., Standl T., Teske W., Werner G., Zander R.. Hämostase im Schock, Teil 2: Physiologie der Hämostase.
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Bloos Frank, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel, Rüddel Hendrik, Engel Christoph, Schwarzkopf Daniel, Marshall John C., Harbarth Stephan, Simon Philipp, Riessen Reimer, Keh Didier, Dey Karin, Weiß Manfred, Toussaint Susanne, Schädler Dirk, Weyland Andreas, Ragaller Maximillian, Schwarzkopf Konrad, Eiche Jürgen, Kuhnle Gerhard, Hoyer Heike, Hartog Christiane, Kaisers Udo, Reinhart Konrad. Impact of compliance with infection management guidelines on outcome in patients with severe sepsis: a prospective observational multi-center study.
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Heller Axel R.. Intravenous Fish Oil in Adult Intensive Care Unit Patients.
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Lübbert Christoph, Rodloff Arne C., Laudi Sven, Simon Philipp, Busch Thilo, Mössner Joachim, Bartels Michael, Kaisers Udo X.. Lessons learned from excess mortality associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase 2-producing k. pneumoniae in liver transplant recipients.
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Steinfeldt Thorsten, Schwemmer U., Volk Thomas, Neuburger Michael, Wiesmann Thomas, Heller Axel R., Vicent Oliver, Stanek A., Franz M., Wulf Hinnerk, Kessler Paul. Nerve localization for peripheral regional anesthesia: Recommendations of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine.
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Nestler C., Simon Philipp, Hammermüller Sören, Zimmermann I., Jardim-Neto Alcendino, Giannella-Neto Antonio, Beda Alessandro, Dietrich A., Kaisers U. X., Reske Andreas W., Wrigge Hermann. PEEP-dependent end-expiratory lung volume changes in morbidly obese patients after initiation of mechanical ventilation.
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Rössel Thomas, Kersting Stephan, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Combination of high-resolution ultrasound-guided perivascular regional anesthesia of the internal carotid artery and intermediate cervical plexus block for carotid surgery.
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Simon Philipp, Nestler Christian, Hammermüller Sören, Thiele Maria, Camilo Luciana M., Beda Alessandro, Dietrich Arne, Reske Andreas W., Kaisers Udo X., Wrigge Hermann. Effects of individualized PEEP-adjustment in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
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Nestler Christian, Simon Philipp, Hammermüller Sören, Kamrath Daniela, Camilo Luciana M., Beda Alessandro, Dietrich Arne, Reske Andreas W., Kaisers Udo X., Wrigge Hermann. Feasibility of electric impedance tomography based PEEP-titration in morbidly obese patients during anesthesia.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Fette.
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Deile Martin, Damm Martin, Heller Axel R.. Inhalative Anästhetika.
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Rössel Thomas, Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick, Müller Angela, Kersting Stephan. Management of intraoperative embolic stroke during carotid surgery under regional anesthesia.
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Heller Axel R., Papkalla Norbert, Richter Torsten, Poenicke Cynthia, Herkner Carsten, Osmers Anne, Brenner Sigrid, Schwanebeck Uta, Koch Thea, Müller Michael Patrick. No-Flow-Fraction, ROSC, and Discharge Rate in In-Hospital Resuscitations Before and After the 2010 Guidelines.
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Resuscitation Science Symposium Session Title: Best Original Resuscitation Science Poster Session and Reception
Simon Philipp, Thomas-Rüddel Daniel Oliver, Nemes T., Reinhart Konrad, Bloos Frank, Kaisers Udo X.. Obesity and inflammatory markers in severe sepsis.
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Heller Axel R., Wendel Martina, Vu Thi Thom. Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Opportunity for Cancer Prevention?.
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Forst Helmuth, Fuchs-Buder T., Heller Axel R., Weigand M., editors. Weiterbildung Anästhesiologie: CME-Beiträge aus: Der Anaesthesist Januar 2012 - Juni 2013.
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Heller Axel R.. Aiming is not enough: you must hit.
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Kiss Thomas, Bluth Thomas, Heller Axel R.. Anästhesie bei endourologischen und roboterassistierten Eingriffen.
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Huhle Robert, Burghardt Matthias, Zaunseder Sebastian, Wessel Niels, Koch Thea, Malberg H, Heller Axel R.. Effects of awareness and nociception on heart rate variability during general anaesthesia.
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Hennig C, Heller Axel R., Müller A, Schuler Uli, Heller Susanne C.. Gründe für stationäre Behandlung trotz SAPV: eine retrospektive Fallanalyse.
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Pearse Rupert M, Moreno Rui P, Bauer Peter, Pelosi Paolo, Metnitz Philipp, Spies Claudia, Vallet Benoit, Vincent Jean-Louis, Hoeft Andreas, Rhodes Andrew. Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study.
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For a full Members list of the European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS) group for the Trials groups of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology please see appendix I,
Pradelli Lorenzo, Eandi Mario, Povero Massimiliano, Mayer Konstantin, Heller Axel R., Muscaritoli Maurizio. PIH20 cost-effectiveness of supplemental N-3 in total parenteral nutrition therapy in the Italian, French, German and UK context: a discrete event simulation model.
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Radke Oliver C., Schneider Thomas, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Spontaneous Breathing during General Anesthesia Prevents the Ventral Redistribution of Ventilation as Detected by Electrical Impedance Tomography: a randomized Trial.
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Adams H. A., Baumann G., Cascorbi Ingolf, Emmel M., Fischer Doris, Fries Dietmar, Gänsslen Axel, Heller Axel R., Hildebrand Frank, Klar E., Klippe H., Knoefel W., Krettek C., Lampl L., Maul H., Prange H., Rolle U., Sarrafzadeh A., Sasse M., Standl T., Teske W., Zerkowski H.. Stellungnahme der Sektion „Schock“ der DIVI zur Schocklage.
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Heller Susanne C., Hennig C, Müller A, Heller Axel R., Schuler Uli. Vorhersagefaktoren für die individuellen Chancen einer Palliativversorgung bis zum Versterben in der Häuslichkeit: eine Zwischenanalyse.
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Pradelli Lorenzo, Mayer Konstantin, Muscaritoli Maurizio, Heller Axel R.. n-3 fatty acid-enriched parenteral nutrition regimens in elective surgical and ICU patients: a meta-analysis.
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The Erratum to this article has been published in Critical Care 2013 17:405: The authors noticed that Table 2 should list medium chain triglycerides (MCT) instead of olive oil emulsion (OO) in the column 'Standard lipid emulsion'
Pradelli Lorenzo, Mayer Konstantin, Muscaritoli Maurizio, Heller Axel R.. n-3 fatty acid-enriched parenteral nutrition regimens in elective surgical and ICU patients: a meta-analysis.
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Heller Axel R., Shmygalev Sergey, Sabatowski Rainer. Akutschmerzdienst heute: teurer Luxus, notwendiges Übel oder Methode zur Erlösmaximierung?.
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Heller Axel R.. Be prepared! Hospital planning for major public events [Editorial].
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Heller Axel R., Denz A., Neidel J., Konopke R., Gottschlich B., Seifert Sven, Koch Thea. Effects of a metabolic optimized fast track concept (MOFA) [Abstract].
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Shmygalev Sergey, Heller Axel R.. Erblindung nach nichtophthalmologischen Eingriffen.
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Shmygalev Sergey, Heller Axel R.. Erblindung nach nichtophthalmologischen Eingriffen.
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Heller Axel R., Mayer Konstantin, Heyland Daren K.. Fish oil in sepsis: if you want to catch more fish, use more hooks [Letter].
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Damm Martin, Hübler A., Heller Axel R.. Kardioprotektion.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity-Concept: Inclusion of Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Adverse Effects.
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Radke Oliver C., Schneider Thomas, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. P-58 Spontaneous breathing during general anaesthesia prevents ventral redistribution of ventilation detected by electronic impedance tomography (EIT) [Abstract].
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Radke Oliver C., Schneider Thomas, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Spontaneous breathing during general anesthesia prevents ventral redistribution of ventilation detected by electronic impedance tomography EIT.
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Radke O., Katzer M., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Banning succhinylcholine from routine use: Does it improve patient safety?: 17AP3–3.
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Handrick G., Frank M. D., Heller Axel R., Aschenbrenner Ulf, Koch Thea. Die NACA 6 und 7 Fälle in der Luftrettung: eine 4-Jahres-Analyse aus einem deutschen Luftrettungszentrum [Abstract - Deutscher Anästhesie Kongress 2010].
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Heller Axel R., Bleyl Jörg U., Heintz Manuel, Schlemmer Matthias, Koch Roland, Hübler Matthias, Koch Thea, Spieth Peter, Gama de Abreu Marcelo. Effects of perfluorohexane vapor in the treatment of experimental lung injury.
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Bagheri A., Shmygalev Sergey, Werschy A., Heller Axel R.. Frühzeitige Epiduralanästhesie in der Geburtshilfe: Einfluss auf das Eintrittsrisiko einer Sectio.
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Heller Axel R., Wendel Martina. Immunomodulation by Fish Oil Derived Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cancer.
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Heller Axel R., Clemens Elina, Quednau I., Klaschik E.. Impact of cafedrine/theodrenaline (Akrinor®) on therapy of maternal hypotension during spinal anesthesia for Cesarean delivery: a retrospective study.
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Walther A., Wollmann K., Rapp A., Heller Axel R.. Lesen während der Allgemeinanästhesie: Auswirkungen auf Vigilanz und Arbeitsleistung.
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Wendel Martina, Heller Axel R.. Mitochondrial function and dysfunction in sepsis.
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Bleyl Jörg U., Heller Axel R., Fehrenbach Antonia, Heintz Manuel, Fehrenbach Heinz, Klenz Gesa, Abreu Marcelo Gama de, Hübler Matthias, Spieth Peter M., Koch Thea. Pretreatment with perfluorohexane vapor attenuates fMLP-induced lung injury in isolated perfused rabbit lungs.
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Burghardt M., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. QRS complex detection methods used in heart rate variability research: a citation analysis (3AP4–6).
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Frank M. D., Aschenbrenner Ulf, Haacke Wladimir, Handrick G., Heller Axel R.. Quo Vadis Rettungsdienst: ein Überblick über 6 Jahre Einsatzentwicklung einer deutschen Großstadt am Beispiel Dresdens [Abstract: Deutscher Anaästhesie Kongress 2010].
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Heller Axel R., Alms Angela, Carl M., Braun J., Dongas A., Erb J., Goetz A., Goepfert Matthias S.G., Gogarten W., Grosse J., Heringlake Matthias, Kastrup Marc, Kroener Axel, Loer S.A., Marggraf Günter, Markewitz Andreas, Reuter Daniel A., Schmitt Dierk V., Schirmer U., Wiesenack Christoph, Zwissler B., Spies Claudia. S3 guidelines for intensive care in cardiac surgery patients: hemodynamic monitoring and cardiocirculary system.
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Volltext inkl. deutscher Übersetzung unter dem Titel: "S3-Leitlinie zur intensivmedizinischen Versorgung herzchirurgischer Patienten: Hämodynamisches Monitoring und Herz-Kreislauf-System" Diese Kurzfassung der S3-Leitlinie ist eine interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der DGAI und der DGTHG. Neben dieser Publikation in GMS German Medical Science – an Interdisciplinary Journal, ist die Publikation 2010 weiter auch in der Zeitschrift "Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin" und in der „Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie“ erschienen.
Carl M., Alms A., Braun J., Dongas A., Erb J., Goetz A., Goepfert M., Gogarten W., Grosse J., Heller Axel R., Heringlake M., Kastrup M., Kroener A., Loer S.A., Marggraf G., Markewitz A., Reuter Daniel, Schmitt D.V., Schirmer U., Wiesenack C., Zwissler B., Spies C.. S3-Leitlinie zur intensivmedizinischen Versorgung herzchirurgischer Patienten: Hämodynamisches Monitoring und Herz-Kreislauf-System.
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Diese Kurzfassung der S3-Leitlinie ist eine interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der DGAI und der DGTHG. Neben dieser Publikation in der „Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie“, ist die Publikation weiter im Jahre 2010 in "GMS German Medical Science – an Interdisciplinary Journal" und der Zeitschrift "Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin" erschienen.
Heller Axel R., Alms Angela, Braun J., Carl M., Dongas A., Erb J., Goepfert Matthias S. G., Goetz A., Gogarten W., Grosse J., Heringlake Matthias, Kastrup Marc, Loer S. A., Reuter Daniel A., Schirmer U., Spies Claudia, Wiesenack Christoph, Zwissler B., Kroener Axel, Marggraf Günter, Markewitz Andreas, Schmitt Dierk V.. S3-Leitlinie zur intensivmedizinischen Versorgung herzchirurgischer Patienten: hämodynamisches Monitoring und Herz-Kreislauf-System.
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Diese Kurzfassung der S3-Leitlinie ist eine interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der DGAI und der DGTHG. Neben dieser Publikation in A&I durch die DGAI veröffentlicht die DGTHG diese Kurzfassung in der Zeitschrift ihrer Fachgesellschaft „Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie“. Die Publikation ist weiter im Jahre 2010 in GMS German Medical Science – an Interdisciplinary Journal erschienen.


Wendel Martina, Heller Axel R.. Anticancer Actions of Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Current State and Future Perspectives.
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Volk Thomas, Engelhardt Lars, Spies Claudia, Steinfeldt Thorsten, Kutter Bernd, Heller Axel R., Werner Christian, Heid Florian, Bürkle Hartmut, Koch Thea, Vicent Oliver, Geiger Peter, Kessler Paul, Wulf Hinnerk. Das Netzwerk Regionalanästhesie des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreises Regionalanästhesie der DGAI und des BDA.
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Heller Axel R., Heller Susanne C.. Die familienfreundliche Klinik: (wie) geht das?.
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Heller Axel R., editor. Dresden teamwork concept for medical high risk organizations.
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Heller Axel R., Panousis P., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Epidural ropivacaine concentrations for intraoperative analgesia during major upper abdominal surgery: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study.
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Knels L., Meissner S., Wendel M., Krueger A., Koch E., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Evaluation of morphological changes during perfusion fixation of lung tissue by 3D-Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).
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American Thoracic Society 2009 International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San Diego, California
Volk T., Engelhardt L., Spies C., Steinfeldt T., Gruenewald D., Kutter B., Heller Axel R., Werner C., Heid F., Bürkle H., Gastmeier P., Wernecke K.-D., Koch Thea, Vicent O., Geiger P., Wulf H.. Infektionsinzidenz von Katheterverfahren zur Regionalanästhesie: erste Ergebnisse aus dem Netzwerk von DGAI und BDA.
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Heller Axel R., Adolph M., Koch Thea, Koletzko Berthold V., Kreymann K.G., Krohn K., Pscheidl E., Senkal Metin. Lipid emulsions – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 6.
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Heller Axel R., Wach P.. On using impedance cardiography for estimation of central blood pressure.
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Wendel M., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Pathomechanismen des Organversagens: zelluläre Sauerstoffverwertungsstörung im Rahmen der Sepsis.
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Heller Axel R., Fuchs Alexander, Rössel Thomas, Vicent Oliver, Wiessner Diana, Funk Richard H. W., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Precision of Traditional Approaches for Lumbar Plexus Block: Impact and Management of Interindividual Anatomic Variability.
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Heller Axel R., Carvalho Alysson R., Spieth Peter, Pelosi Paolo, Beda Alessandro, Lopes Agnaldo José, Neykova Boriana, Koch Thea, Gama de Abreu Marcelo. Pressure support ventilation and biphasic positive airway pressure improve oxygenation by redistribution of pulmonary blood flow.
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Konopke Ralf, Kersting Stephan, Distler Marius, Dietrich Jeannine, Gastmeier Jörg, Heller Axel R., Kulisch Eberhard, Saeger Hans-Detlev. Prognostic factors and evaluation of a clinical score for predicting survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases.
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Heller Axel R., Bauer K. R., Eberlein-Gonska M., Albrecht D. Michael, Koch Thea. Regionalanästhesie als Wettbewerbsvorteil im Krankenhaus: strategische Umfeldanalyse.
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Rössel T., Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Anästhesie zur Karotischirurgie: gibt es einen Goldstandard?.
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Volk Thomas, Engelhardt L., Witzel T., Gogarten W., Kessler P., Wulf H., Freitag M., Kutter B., Franz M., Zink W., Müller R., Neuburger M., Heller Axel R., Meier G., Meißner W., Schwemmer U., Pogatzki-Zahn E., Heid F., Steinfeldt T., Kill C., Plöger B., Gottschalk A., Bürkle H., Kugler M., Lange M., Standl T., Wiebalck A., Grau T., Estel B., Hamann J., Reichstein F., Marx A., Wernecke K.-D., Schleppers A., Volk T.. Aus dem wissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreis Regionalanästhesie: ein Netzwerk zur Sicherheit in der Regionalanästhesie in Deutschland – eine Initiative der DGAI und des BDA.
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Simon Philipp, Sack Ulrich, Muensterer Oliver, Kaisers Udo, Burkhardt U.. Comparison of interleukin-6 after open and laparoscopic appendectomy in children: 10AP2-8.
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Heller Axel R., Stehr Sebastian N., Knels Lilla, Weissflog Christian, Schober Johannes, Haufe Dirk, Lupp Amelie, Koch Thea. Effects of igM-enriched solution on polymorphonuclear neutrophil function, bacterial clearance, and lung histology in endotoxemia.
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Simon Philipp, Burkhardt Ullrich, Sack Ulrich, Kaisers Udo X., Muensterer Oliver J.. Inflammatory response is no different in children randomized to laparoscopic or open appendectomy.
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Heller Axel R., Fuchs A., Rössel T., Vicent O., Wiessner Diana, Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Mapping Data of 48 Cadavers to Support More Error Robust Needle Positioning in Lumbar Plexus Block: 644.
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Heller Axel R., Fuchs A., Vicent O., Rössel T., Meier V. K., Wiessner Diana, Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Mapping of 48 Cadavers for Optimizing Needle Position in Lumbar Plexus Block: 624.
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Heller Axel R., Theilen Hermann, Litz R. J.. Nitrous oxide-induced tension pneumocephalus after thoracic spinal cord surgery: a case report [Letter].
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Heller Axel R.. Pharmaconutrition with Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Status Quo and Further Perspectives.
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Carvalho A, Spieth P, Pelosi P, Neykova B, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, de Abreu M Gama. Pressure support ventilation improves oxygenation by redistribution of pulmonary blood flow in experimental lung injury.
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Heller Axel R., Vicent O., Koch Thea. Regional Anaesthesia (RA) as Value Driver in the Hospital: A Strategic Market Analysis (334).
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Heller Axel R., Vicent O., Meier V. K., Bleyl J. U., Hübler M., Litz R. J., Koch Thea. Regional Anaesthesia (RA) as Value Driver in the Hospital: Avoidance of Expensive Bottle Necks Within the Process (364).
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Litz R. J., Rössel Thomas, Heller Axel R., Stehr Sebastian N.. Reversal of central nervous system and cardiac toxicity after local anesthetic intoxication by lipid emulsion injection.
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Bleyl Jörg U., Heller Axel R.. Standard operating procedures und OP-Management zur Steigerung der Patientensicherheit und der Effizienz von Prozessabläufen.
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Heller Axel R.. Strategieorientiertes Workflowmanagement als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor für das Krankenhaus: Bedeutung des Sekundärdienstleisters Anästhesie.
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unveröffentlichte Masterarbeit
Heller Axel R., Ragaller Maximilian. Störung des Gastrointestinaltraktes auf der Intensivstation.
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Heller Axel R., Radke J., Koch Thea. Wirksamkeitsnachweis und Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehungen von Akrinor® bei Patienten unter Allgemein- und Regional­anästhesie.
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Adolph M., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Koletzko B., Kreymann K., Krohn K., Pscheidl E., Senkal M.. 6 Lipidemulsionen.
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Heller Axel R., Rothermel J., Weigand M.A., Plaschke K., Schmeck J., Wendel Martina, Bardenheuer H.J., Koch Thea. Adenosine A(1) and A(2) receptor agonists reduce endotoxin-induced cellular energy depletion and oedema formation in the lung.
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Heller Axel R., Rössel Thomas. Anordnung zur Rückgewinnung gasförmiger Stoffe. 29.11.2007. DE, Patentschrift DE 10 2006 032 663 B3.
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Heller Axel R., Rössel Thomas, Litz R. J.. Can precise data improve a nonprecise anesthetic? [Letter].
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Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick, Litz R. J.. Comparing the steam engine with a horse-drawn carriage? [Letter].
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Meißner Sven, Krüger Alexander, Wendel Martina, Knels Lilla, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Koch Edmund. Determination of Alveolar Geometry by Optical Coherence Tomography to Develop a Numerical Model of the Fluid Dynamics in the Pulmonary Acinus.
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Carl M., Alms A., Braun J., Dongas A., Erb J., Goetz A., Göpfert M., Gogarten W., Große J., Heller Axel R., Heringlake M., Kastrup M., Kröner A., Loer S., Marggraf G., Markewitz A., Reuter M., Schmitt D., Schirmer U., Wiesenack C., Zwissler B., Spies C.. Die intensivmedizinische Versorgung herzchirurgischer Patienten: hämodynamisches Monitoring und Herz-Kreislauf-Therapie S3-Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie (DGTHG) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (DGAI).
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Roessel T., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Zimmermann T., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. High-Resolution Ultrasound-Guided High Interscalene Plexus Block for Carotid Endarterectomy.
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Heller Axel R.. Immunstimulation bei schwerer Sepsis - Omega-3-Fettsäuren.
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Heller Axel R., Stengel Stefanie, Stehr Sebastian N., Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Koch Rainer, Koch Thea. Impact of the ratio of intravenous omega-3 vs. omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in postoperative and in septic patients — a post hoc database analysis.
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Wendel Martina, Rössel Thomas, Bergmann Sybille, Otto Steffen, Ragaller Maximilian, Zimmermann Thomas, Konopke Ralf, Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Impact of total parenteral nutrition including omega-3 fatty acids on the regulation of plasma lipoproteins and glycemic control after major abdominal surgery.
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Stehr Sebastian N., Ebner Annette, Hannack S., Heintz A., Heller Axel R., Deussen Andreas, Koch Thea, Hübler M.. Insulin effects on myocardial function and bioenergetics in L-bupivacaine toxicity in the isolated rat heart.
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Fortin J., Grüllenberger R., Habenbacher W., Hacker A., Heller Axel R., Passath H., Flotzinger D., Wach P.. New aspects of estimating electrical participating volume of the thorax for transthoracic impedance cardiography.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Koch Thea. Optimierung klinischer Behandlungspfade durch Regionalanästhesieverfahren.
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Litz R. J., Roessel T., Heller Axel R., Stehr S., Koch Thea. Reversal of central nervous system and cardiac toxicity following local anesthetic intoxication by lipid emulsion application: 8AP10-11.
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Hübler M., Heller Axel R., Bleyl J.U., Rössel T., Stehr S.N., Koch Thea. Spatial pulmonary flow distribution in rabbit isolated lungs is a poor representation of the situation in vivo: ex vivo spatial blood flow distribution.
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Panousis P., Heller Axel R., Burghardt M., Bleyl J. U., Koch Thea. The effects of electromyographic activity on the accuracy of the Narcotrend®monitor compared with the Bispectral Index during combined anaesthesia.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Panousis P.. The effects of electromyographic activity on the bispectral index during combined anesthesia [Letter].
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Krueger Alexander, Knels Lilla, Meissner Sven, Wendel Martina, Heller Axel R., Lambeck Thomas, Koch Thea, Koch Edmund. Three-dimensional Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography of alveolar mechanics in stepwise inflated and deflated isolated and perfused rabbit lungs.
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Heller Axel R., Henning Carla B.E.S.. What is the definite merit of clonidine premedication in patients with sleep apnea? [Letter].
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Heller Axel R., Stengel S., Roessler S., Koch Thea. Both the dose and the ratio of omega 3 vs. omega 6 fatty acids affect ICU stay in severely ill patients: A-813.
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Litz R. J., Scheit M., Gaebler R., Fitze G., Grosser K., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Continuous thoracic epidural analgesia within a care pathway in young adolescents undergoing Nussʼ procedure for pectus excavatum repair: A-461.
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Wiessner Diana, Groessle R., Heller Axel R., Hakenberg O., Wirth M. P., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Continuous thoracic epidural analgesia within a clinical pathway in tetraplegic patients undergoing abdominal surgery: A-460.
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Panousis P., Neubauer David, Brocke A., Koch Thea, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R.. Does pEEG monitoring predict implicit recall?: A-114.
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Litz R. J., Neidel J., Michel S., Thies U., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Efficiency and complications during postoperative continuous epidural analgesia. A 4-year survey: A-452.
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Weissflog C., Schober J., Stehr S. N., Knels L., Haufe D., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. IgM-enriched immunoglobulin preparation improves lung histology in a model of gram negative endotoxemia: A-726.
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Heller Axel R., Frank Mark. Katastrophenmedizin: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit.
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Kommentar zum Artikel "Katastrophenmedizin: Übliche Rechtfertigung für Triage zweifelhaft" von Weyma Lübbe (erschienen im Deutschen Ärzteblatt 2006: 103(37) A 2362-2368)
Wendel Martina, Paul Rüdiger, Heller Axel R.. Lipoproteins in inflammation and sepsis. II. Clinical aspects.
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Burghardt M., Neubauer David, Brocke A. K., Panousis P., Litz R. J., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Measurement of vegetative stress by continuous wavelet transformation of the heart rate in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery with and without thoracic epidural anaesthesia: A-94.
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Heller Axel R., Zimmermann Katrin, Seele Kristin, Rössel Thomas, Koch Thea. Modifying the Baricity of Local Anesthetics for Spinal Anesthesia by Temperature Adjustment: Model Calculations.
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Panousis P., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., Litz R. J.. Narcotrend monitoring prevents fluid overload during colonic surgery under combined anaesthesia: A-111.
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Heller Axel R., Stehr Sebastian N., Litz R. J.. Omega-3 alpha linolenic acid does not reflect the entire omega-3 fatty acid [Letter].
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Stehr Sebastian N., Heller Axel R.. Omega-3 fatty acid effects on biochemical indices following cancer surgery.
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Heller Axel R., Stehr Sebastian N., Litz Rainer J., Rössler Susann, Heller Susanne C., Koch Rainer, Koch Thea. Omega-3 fatty acids improve the diagnosis-related clinical outcome.
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Heller Axel R., Müller M., Frank M., Dreßler J.. Rigor mortis - ein sicheres Todeszeichen?.
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Litz R. J., Brandt M., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Spinal anaesthesia using Taylors lumbosacral approach reducing the incidence and severity of haemodynamic side effects in patients undergoing transurethral surgery:A-433.
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Panousis P., Litz R. J., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. The effects of electromyographic activity on the bispectral index during combined anaesthesia: A-109.
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Litz R. J., Roessel T., Wiessner Diana, Seifert S., Gastmeier J., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Ultrasound guided interscalene cervical block for carotid surgery: A-491.
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Heller Axel R., Burghardt Matthias. Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Quantifizierung von vegetativen Stressniveaus. 31.08.2006. DE, Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2005 007 963 A1.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Weiterbildung Anästhesie: ein Handbuch zur Vorbereitung auf die Facharztprüfung.
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Koch Thea, Stengel S., Koch R., Heller Axel R.. Wo liegt das optimale Verhältnis von Omega-3 zu Omega-6 Fettsäuren? Eine Analyse von 661 Patienten.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Georgiev Mitko, Hakenberg Oliver W., Manseck Andreas, Koch Thea, Wirth Manfred P.. 1118: The Incidence and Duration of Postoperative Ileus in Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy. A Multivariate Analysis of Contributing Factors.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Georgiev M., Hakenberg O., Manseck A., Wirth M.. 711 factors affecting incidence and duration of postoperative ileus in patients undergoing radical cystectomy: a multivariate analysis [Abstract].
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Mueller M.P., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. A new simulator-based psychological training on crisis management.
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Vicent O., Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Wiessner Diana, Theissig F., Putz R.. An anatomical study of the lumbar plexus and the psoas compartment in 95 cadavers: A-447.
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Heller Axel R., Ragaller M., Litz R. J.. Anästhesie bei univentrikulärem Herzen: zwischen Szylla und Charybdis.
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Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Auswirkungen einer parenteralen Ernährung mit n-3-Fettsäuren auf das Therapieergebnis - Eine multizentrische Analyse bei 661 Patienten.
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Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Benefits of ω-3 fatty acids in parenteral nutrition.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Wiessner Diana, Dammann C., Weissgerber R., Hakenberg O. W., Wirth M. P., Koch Thea. Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen der thorakalen Epiduralanästhesie bei urologischen Operationen: dargestellt am Beispiel der G-DRG M01B, OPS-301 5–604.0 (radikale retropubische Prostatektomie).
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Litz R. J., Meier V., Wiessner Diana, Brandt M., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Block performance and hemodynamic side effects using Taylor’s lumbosacral approach compared to a lumbar approach for spinal anaesthesia.
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Heller Axel R., Rößler Susann, Koch Thea. Calculation of diagnoses and organ failure-related optimum dosage of omega-3 fatty acids from a multicenter database of 661 patients receiving parenteral nutrition.
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Litz R. J., Stehr S., Vicent O., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Compressing spinal epidural haematomas during central neuraxial block performance: An 8-year survey: A-431.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Das Komplementsystem: alter Hut oder Ziel neuer Therapieansätze?.
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Müller M., Litz R. J., Heller Axel R.. Die Toxizität von Ropivacain ist dosis-, nicht konzentrationsabhängig: Meinungsaustausch zum Beitrag "Pfeiffer G, Bär K, Neubauer P, Höhne M (2004) Versehentliche intravenöse Infusion von 380 mg Naropin (Ropivacain). Anaesthesist 53:633–636".
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Müller M., Bergmann B., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Dynamische Entscheidungsfindung in der Notfallmedizin: Beispiel einer Querschnittlähmung nach Verkehrsunfall.
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Panousis P., Litz R. J., Vicent O., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Effect of epidural ropivacaine concentration on desflurane requirement during major abdominal surgery under monitoring the anaesthetic depth - a randomized, controlled, double blind investigation: A-407.
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Panousis P., Rössel T., Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Koch Thea. Effect of thoracic epidural anaesthesia on desflurane and sevoflurane requirement during major abdominal surgery: A-405.
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Vicent O., Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Panousis P., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Efficiency of combined psoas compartment block and sciatic nerve block for total knee joint replacement: A-448.
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Heller Axel R., Müller Michael Patrick, Frank M.D., Stehr Sebastian N., Koch Thea. Erfahrungen aus 2 Semestern Wahlfach Anaesthesiologie nach neuer AppOÄ: Ausbildungsqualität = Lehrinhalt + Motivation.
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Deutscher Anästhesiecongress DAC 2005
Müller Michael, Graupner A., Weber S., Frank M. D., Biewener A., Nitsche I., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Evaluationsbasierte Optimierung der Lehre: am Beispiel des Kurses "Akute Notfälle" im Reformcurriculum der Medizinischen Fakultät Dresden.
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Heller Axel R., Roessler S., Litz R. J., Gottschlich B., Heller Susanne C., Koch Thea. Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on mortality and length of hospital stay in severely ill patients: A-4.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Wiener D., Dammann C., Weigel S., Neidel J., Wirth M. P., Koch Thea. Impact of thoracic epidural analgesia on revenue using G-DRG M01B, OPS-301 5-604.0 (radical retropubic prostatectomy): A-432.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Froehner M., Manseck A., Wirth M. P., Koch Thea. Implementing thoracic epidural analgesia for postoperative pain relief within a clinical pathway reduces the incidence and severity of early non-surgical complications in patients undergoing open radical prostatectomy: A-424.
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Heller Axel R., Zimmermann K., Seele K., Rössel Thomas, Koch E., Litz R. J.. Modifying the baricity of local anaesthetics for spinal anesthesia by temperature adjustment - model calculations: A-5.
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Heller Axel R., Rößler Susann, Koch Thea. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce mortality and length of hospital stay in a cohort of 661 patients with different diagnoses.
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Heller Axel R., Stehr Sebastian N., Koch Thea, editors. Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Clinical Nutrition.
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Heller Axel R., Rößler S.. Omega-3-Fettsäuren in der Sepsis: good trick or bad trap?.
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Sebastian H., Litz R. J., Wiessner Diana, Vicent O., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Patient controlled epidural analgesia for major urologic surgery. Influence of different dosage regimen on quality of analgesia, side effects and economics: A-414.
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Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Seifert Sven, Gastmeier J., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Patients undergoing liver surgery benefit from thoracic epidural analgesia within a perioperative care program.
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Heller Axel R., Hübler Matthias, Bleyl Jörg U., De Abreu Marcelo Gama, Kroll Tobias, Rüssel Thomas, Koch Thea. Perfluorohexane vapor has only minor effects on spatial pulmonary blood flow distribution in isolated rabbit lungs.
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Vicent Oliver, Wissner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. Psoas compartment and sciatic nerve block without general anesthesia for total knee joint replacement- is it reliable?.
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Heller Axel R., Müller M. P., Frank M. D., Dreßler J.. Rigor mortis - ein sicheres Todeszeichen?.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J.. Störung der Darmfunktion - Diagnostik und Therapie.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Weiland A., Konopke R., Heller Axel R., Gastmeier J., Koch Thea. The benefits of intra- and postoperative use of epidural analgesia in patients undergoing liver surgery: A-406.
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Vicent Oliver, Größler R., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. The incidence of cardiac arrest during regional anaesthesia: An 8-year survey.
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Vicent Oliver, Größle R., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Litz R. J.. The incidence of compressing spinal epidural haematomas during central neuraxial block performance. An 8- year survey.
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Litz R. J., Reytan N., Vicent O., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. The influence of the temperature of bupivacaine 0.5% used for lumbosacral spinal anaesthesia (Taylorʼs approach) on onset and extent of block: A-365.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Weißgerber R., Froehner M., Wirth M., Koch Thea. Thoracic but not lumbar epidural analgesia for postoperative pain relief within a clinical pathway reduces the incidence and severity of early non-surgical complications in patients undergoing open radical prostatectomy.
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Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Hakenberg O., Georgiev M., Koch Thea, Manfred P., Wirth M., Litz R. J.. Thoracic epidural analgesia reduces the incidence and duration of postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction in patients undergoing radical cystectomy.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Weissgerber R., Koch Thea, Hakenberg O., Manseck A., Wirth M.. Thoracic, but non lumbar epidural analgesia for postoperative pain relief reduces the incidence and severity of early non-surgical complications in patients undergoing open radical prostatectomy [Abstract].
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Seifert S., Roessel T., Heller Axel R., Gastmeier J., Koch Thea. Throracic epidural analgesia reduces incidence and duration of prolonged mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing transsternal thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: A-413.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J.. Why do orthopedic patients have a higher incidence of serious complications after central neuraxial blockade?.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Koch Thea. A fine balance: one-lung ventilation in a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Heller Axel R., Georgiev M., Leike S., Koch Thea, Wirth M.. Continuous thoracic epidural analgesia reduces incidence and duration of postoperative ileus in patients undergoing radical cystectomy [Abstract].
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Frank M. D., Müller M., Weber S., Haacke V., Aschenbrenner U., Biewener A., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Dresden.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Vicent O., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Estimating the risk of unintentional renal puncture during psoas compartment block: A-441.
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Heller Axel R.. Immunmodulatorische Therapieansätze bei systemischer Inflammation und akuter Lungenschädigung.
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Heller Axel R.. Immunnutrition zur Senkung der Infektionsrate.
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Litz R. J., Wiessner Diana, Groessle R., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Incidence of sudden and unexpected cardiac arrests during spinal anesthesia: A six-year survey: A-481.
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Litz R. J., Vicent Oliver, Standhaft Diana, Heller Axel R.. Misplacement of a psoas compartment catheter in the subarachnoid space.
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Stehr Sebastian N., Weber Sören, Heller Susanne C., Weikel Jutta, Hübler Matthias, Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester effects on neutrophil function and bacterial clearance.
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Heller Axel R., Rössel Thomas, Gottschlich Birgit, Tiebel Oliver, Menschikowski Mario, Litz R. J., Zimmermann Thomas, Koch Thea. Omega-3 fatty acids improve liver and pancreas function in postoperative cancer patients: omega-3 fatty acid after cancer surgery.
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Litz R. J., Sebastian H., Wiessner Diana, Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Patient controlled epidural analgesia reduces the amount of local anaesthetics and opioids administered in patients undergoing major urologic surgery: A-794.
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Wiessner Diana, Litz R. J., Vicent O., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R.. Psoas compartment block using ultrasonic guidance by a lateral view in patients: A-451.
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Litz R. J., Wiessner Diana, Georgiev M., Leike S., Wirth M. P., Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Thoracic epidural analgesia reduces incidence and duration of postoperative ileus in patients undergoing radical cystectomy: A-795.
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Heller Axel R., Fiedler Fritz, Braun Philipp, Stehr Sebastian N., Bödeker Hans, Koch Thea. Clusterin protects the lung from leukocyte-induced injury.
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Froehner Michael, Koch Rainer, Litz Rainer, Heller Axel R., Oehlschlaeger Sven, Wirth Manfred P. Comparison of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status classification with the Charlson score as predictors of survival after radical prostatectomy.
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Heller Axel R.. Effekte von Hydrocortison auf die Granulozytenfunktion.
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Heller Axel R., Theilen Hermann J., Koch Thea. Fish or Chips?.
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Heller Axel R., Heller Susanne C., Borkenstein Annette, Stehr Sebastian N., Koch Thea. Modulation of host defense by hydrocortisone in stress doses during endotoxemia.
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Gama de Abreu Marcelo, Heintz Manuel, Heller Axel R., Széchényi Roswitha, Albrecht D. Michael, Koch Thea. One-lung ventilation with high tidal volumes and zero positive end-expiratory pressure is injurious in the isolated rabbit lung model.
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Heller Axel R., Meier V. K., Seifert Jens, Litz R. J.. Thorakotomie und Skoliosekorrektur bei univentrikulärem Herzen.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Effects of intravenous fish oil on pulmonary integrity and function.
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Heller Axel R.. Enterale Ernährung in der Behandlung der generalisierten Inflammation (SIRS).
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Heller Axel R.. Immunmodulatorische Einflüsse von Omega-3-Fettsäuren in der postoperativen Phase.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Immunologische Bedeutung von Fett in der parenteralen Ernährung am Beispiel der n-3 Fettsäuren.
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Heller Axel R., Fischer S., Rössel Thomas, Geiger S., Siegert G., Ragaller M., Zimmermann T., Koch Thea. Impact of n-3 fatty acid supplemented parenteral nutrition on haemostasis patterns after major abdominal surgery.
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Heller Axel R., Fiedler F., Braun P., Heintz M., Koch Thea. Effects of clusterin on neutrophil induced Lung Injury.
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Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., Bleyl J. U., Haufe D., Heintz M., Funk R. W.H., Albrecht D. Michael. Effects of vaporized Perfluorohexane on neutrophil-mediated Lung Injury.
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Heller Axel R.. Immunmodulatorische Therapieansätze bei systemischer Inflammation und akuter Lungenschädigung: in vivo und in vitro Untersuchungen.
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Heller Axel R., Groth Gesine, Heller Susanne C., Breitkreuz Raoul, Nebe Thomas, Quintel Michael, Koch Thea. N-acetylcysteine reduces respiratory burst but augments neutrophil phagocytosis in intensive care unit patients.
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Heller Axel R., Schmeck Joachim, Heller Susanne, Phan Hoa, Nebe Thomas, Urbaschek Renate, Koch Thea. Endothelin-1 impairs neutrophil respiratory burst and elimination of escherichia coli in rabbits.
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Heller Axel R., Ragaller Maximilian, Koch Thea. Epidural abscess after epidural catheter for pain release during pancreatitis.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Immunonutrition mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren. Eine neue therapeutische Strategie?.
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Heller Axel R., Koch T., Kirschfink M.. Impact of C1-INH and sCR-1 on respiratory failure after complement activation.
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Heller Axel R., Schmeck Joachim, Gröschler A., Recker Anja, Neuhof Heinz, Urbaschek Renate, Koch Thea. Impact of endothelin-1 in endotoxin-induced pulmonary vascular reactions.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Djonlagic Ina, Manseck A., Koch Thea, Wirth M.P., Albrecht D. Michael. Kombinierte Anästhesie mit Epiduralkatheter: eine retrospektive Analyse des perioperativen Verlaufs bei Patienten mit radikalen Prostatektomien.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Pathophysiologische und ökonomische Aspekte bei Regionalanästhesieverfahren.
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Heller Axel R., Kunz Marc, Samakas Andreas, Haase Michael, Kirschfink Michael, Koch Thea. The complement regulators C1 inhibitor and soluble complement receptor 1 attenuate acute lung injury in rabbits.
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Heller Axel R., Litz R. J., Djonlagic Ina, Koch Thea, Albrecht D. Michael. Thoracic epidural anaesthesia (TEA) reveals benefits in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.
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Schmect Joachim, Krafft Peter, Gröschler Antje, Heller Axel R., Neuhof Heinz, van Ackern Klaus, Koch Thea. Characterization and Distribution of Endothelin Receptors in the Pulmonaty Circulation: Investigation of Isolated, Perfused and Ventilated Rabbit Lungs.
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Schmeck Joachim, Heller Axel R., Phan T.L.H., Urbaschek Renate, Koch Thea. Effects of endothelin-1 on bacterial clearance in rabbits.
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Kelbel I., Koch Thea, Prechtl A., Heller Axel R., Schlotzer E., Schiefer H.G., Neuhof H.. Effects of parenteral application of fish oil versus soy oil emulsions on bacterial clearance functions.
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Heller Axel R., Fiedler Fritz, Schmeck Joachim, Lück Vanessa, Iovanna Juan, Koch Thea. Pancreatitis-associated protein protects the lung from leukocyte-induced injury.
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Heller Susanne, Weber Katrin, Heller Axel R., Urbaschek Renate, Koch Thea. Pentoxifylline improves bacterial clearance during hemorrhage and endotoxemia.
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Heller Axel R., Kirschfink Michael, Koch Thea. Role of the terminal complement complex in bacterial clearance and neutrophil function.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Kirschfink Michael. 35: Edema Formation And Pressure Increase in the Pulmonary Vasculature is Attenuated by the Complement Regulators C1-Inhibitor and Scr-1.
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Schmeck Joachim, Schmeck Sanja, Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., van Ackern Klaus. Detection of ETA and ETB-receptors in rat pulmonary arteries and characterization of receptor related effects in the lung.
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Koch Thea, Heller Susanne, Heller Axel R., Urbaschek Renate, Schmeck Joachim. Effects of Endothelin1 on bacterial clearance.
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Heller Axel R., Heller S., Blecken S., Urbaschek R., Koch Thea. Effects of intravenous anesthetics on bacterial elimination in human blood in vitro.
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Heller Axel R.. Einfluss einer Omega-3-Lipidlösung auf die inflammatorische Gefässantwort : Untersuchungen am Modell der isoliert perfundierten Kaninchenlunge.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea, Schmeck Joachim, van Ackern Klaus. Lipid mediators in inflammatory disorders.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Pharmakologische Aspekte von mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren in der parenteralen Ernährung.
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Heller Axel R., Ragaller Maximilian, Schmeck Joachim, Flüth Heidi, Müller Michael Patrick, Albrecht D. Michael, Koch Thea. Role of NO and endothelin in hemoglobin-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction.
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Schmeck J., Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., van Ackern K., Patt B., Neuhof H.. The role of endothelin-1 as a mediator of the pressure response after air embolism in blood perfused lungs.
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Koch Thea, Heller S., Heller Axel R., Urbaschek R.. Effects of I.V. Immunoglobulins on PMN Function and Bacterial Killing in Endotoxemic Rabbits: 637.
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Koch Thea, Heller S., Weber K., Heller Axel R., Urbaschek R.. Effekte von humanem I.V. Immunglobulin auf die Bakterien-Clearance und Granulozytenfunktion bei Endotoxinämie.
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Breil Irmingard, Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., Schlotzer Ewald, Gruenert Adolf, van Ackern Klaus, Neuhof Heinz. Alteration of n-3 fatty acid composition in lung tissue after short-term infusion of fish oil emulsion attenuates inflammatory vascular reaction.
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Heller S., Heller Axel R., Urbaschek R., Koch Thea. Effects of pentoxifylline on bacterial clearance after haemorrhage and endotoxaemia in rabbits: A.343.
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Heller Axel R., Broil I., Neuhof H., Koch Thea. Metabolism of N-3 fatty acids during short-term infusion of fish oil emulsion: favourable effects on inflammatory vascular reaction in lung tissue: A.344.
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Heller Axel R., Gröschel J., Müller M., Waschke K.F.. Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und Zukunftsperspektiven des Internets für Anästhesisten.
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Heller Axel R., Koch Thea. Omega-3-Fettsauren als adjuvante Therapie bei inflammatorischen Reaktionen.
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Koch Thea, Heller Axel R., Breil I., Van Ackern K., Neuhof H.. Alterations of pulmonary capillary filtration and leukotriene synthesis due to infusion of a lipid emulsion enriched with Omega-3-fatty acids.
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Koch Thea, Duncker Hans P., Heller Axel R., Schaible Rolf, van Ackern Klaus, Neuhof Heinz. Effects of stroma-free hemoglobin solutions on pulmonary vascular resistance and mediator release in the isolated perfused rabbit lung.
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