Dr. med. Katharina Rockmann Master of Bioethics (Uni. Syd.)

Research associate
Ethics of Medicine
Phone: 0821 598 xx

Further Information

Katharina Rockmann is a physician and palliative care specialist, leading an ambulant specialized palliative care team in Regensburg. In addition, she completed the master program in bioethics at the University of Sydney and is chair of the clinical ethics committee of the hospital “Barmherzige Brüder“ in Regensburg.
Her main research interests are ethical questions at the end of life with a particular focus on family ethics as well as methods of ambulant ethics consultation services, one of which she has established in Regensburg in 2024.

Short CV

education and qualification:
1994-2000 - Medical school (Ludwig Maximilians university, Munich)
2002 - Conferral of a doctorate und license to practice
2009 - Medical specialist designation “internal medicine”
2013 - Medical specialist designation ”palliative care”
2013-2015 -holder of a scholarship: European Palliative Care Academy (EUPCA)
2019-2022 - Master of Bioethics, University of Sydney, Australia


work experience:
2001-2012 - University hospital Regensburg, Department of internal medicine
2004-2006 - Medical registrar, The Canberra Hospital, Canberra, ACT, Australia
since 2012 - Specialized ambulant palliative care (SAPV), PALLIAMO, Regensburg;
since 2017 - Head of SAPV PALLIAMO

since 2024 -  Chair of Ambulant Ethics Consultation Service, Regensburg
since 2024 -  Chair of Clinical Ethics Committee of hospital Barmherzige Brüder, Regensburg

