Midwifery is one of the oldest female professions. Nowadays, however, it is also possible for men to practise this profession. This multifaceted and varied profession includes providing independent and comprehensive advice, as well as care and support to women and their families during pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period, and breastfeeding. In addition, midwives independently and autonomously manage the physiological birth of a child as well as the examination, care, and monitoring of newborns and infants, thus making an indispensable contribution to preventive healthcare. To fulfil these tasks, midwives need a high degree of empathy, a sense of responsibility, medical understanding, communication skills, and the ability to withstand stress.



Degree programme leading to a professional license to practise


Since the winter semester 2023/24, the University of Augsburg has offered the bachelor’s degree programme in midwifery, which leads to a professional license to practise (Primärqualifizierender dualer Studiengang), at the Faculty of Medicine. This degree programme combines tradition with science and has a dual focus. It consists of a university-based study component, taught at the University of Augsburg, and a practical component, which takes place at clinical and non-clinical cooperation partners.

Close cooperation between Augsburg University Hospital and its Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics enables the sound transfer of scientific knowledge from theory to practice. The degree programme also focuses on interprofessional teaching, in which midwifery students learn together with students studying human medicine and/or trainees from other healthcare professions in theoretical modules and joint skills training units in order to develop a mutual professional understanding.

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg aims to contribute to advancing the still relatively young scientific discipline of midwifery in research, teaching, and practice.




Annette Kluge-Bischoff MPH
Head of degree program, coordination of midwifery degree program
Faculty of Medicine


Am Puls - Hebammenwissenschaft


About the degree programme
Degree programme: Midwifery
Official Designation: Hebammenwissenschaft
Degree: Bachelor of Science including state-recognised professional license (B. Sc.)
Study mode: Dual degree programme with vocational work placement (full-time)
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 7 semesters
Admission type: Open admission (with selection process)
Minimum German language skills: C 1

Application period

19.02.2024 - 24.03.2024

Go to the online application


Admission requirements

  1.  A signed training contract with Augsburg University Hospital.
  2. For the conclusion of this contract, the health suitability must be proven by the company doctor as well as a police clearance certificate of document type 0. University entrance qualification (HZB) in accordance with §10 HebG and QualV.
  3. Detailed information on the HZB can be found under "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (University entrance qualification - HZB). If the HZB was obtained at a non-German-speaking educational institution, German language skills at level C1 must be proven.



University entrance qualification

Section 10 of the Midwifery Act (HebG) regulates the basic admission requirements for studying midwifery.
In conjunction with the admission regulations of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) and the Qualification Ordinance (QualV), one of the following proofs of HZB must be submitted for the Midwifery Science degree program:

  • Abitur certificate (general higher education entrance qualification) - If a corresponding certificate is not yet available at the time of application, the half-year certificate must be submitted.
  • FOS-13/BOS-13 final certificate with proof of the necessary knowledge of a second foreign language (general higher education entrance qualification) - If a corresponding final certificate is not yet available at the time of application, the half-year certificate must be submitted.
  • FOS-13/BOS-13 school-leaving certificate without proof of the necessary knowledge of a second foreign language in the field of social work or health (subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification) - If a corresponding school-leaving certificate is not yet available at the time of application, the half-year certificate must be submitted.
  • Certificate of successfully completed undergraduate university studies with a standard period of study of at least six semesters (general higher education entrance qualification) - In this case, the certificate from the Studentenkanzlei serves as proof of the HZB.
  • University admission on the basis of professional qualifications in accordance with § 10 Paragraph 1 No.1 HebG in conjunction with §§ 29, 30 QualV with proof of full-time professional experience of generally three years - in this case, the certificate from the Studentenkanzlei serves as proof of the HZB. Please note: the application deadline is December 15 of the previous year.

A missing degree certificate must be submitted by 31.07.2024.


Further information on the Student Office (e.g. for applicants with foreign certificates or professionally qualified applicants) can be found at:

