
2024 / In Press


Gabel, S., Keskin, Ö., & Gegenfurtner, A. (in press). Comparing the effects of a specific task instruction and prompts on pre-service teachers’ noticing of classroom management situations. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft.


Galano, D., Grund, A., Gegenfurtner, A., & Emslander, V. (in press). Shaping inclusive futures: Analyzing pre-service teachers' attitudes on lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students in Luxembourg. In Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2024. Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing.


Gegenfurtner, A. (in press). Cognitive theory of visual expertise: Implications for research on teacher noticing and professional vision. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., Bedenlier, S., Ebner, C., Keskin, Ö., & Händel, M. (in press). Designing effective synchronous online learning. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., Gruber, H., Lehtinen, E., & Säljö, R. (in press). Horizontal transition of expertise. Frontline Learning Research.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Kollar, I. (Eds.). (in press). Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Kollar, I. (in press). Design of digital learning environments: Evidence from meta-analyses. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Stahnke, R. (in press). Advancing research on teacher professional vision and teacher noticing. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Stahnke, R. (Eds.). (in press) Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.


Gegenfurtner, A., Tobisch, A., & Nett, U. E. (in press). Heterogenität in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten. In D. Urhahne, M. Dresel, & F. Fischer (Eds.), Psychologie für den Lehrberuf (2. Auflage). Springer.


Keskin, Ö., Seidel, T., Stürmer, K., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision: A meta-analytic review. Educational Research Review, 42, 100586. 


Quesada Pallarès, C., Gegenfurtner, A., & Roig, H. (2024). Transfer of training in lifelong learning education and beyond. Education Sciences.


Roig-Ester, H., Robalino Guerra, P. E., Quesada Pallarès, C., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Transfer of learning of new nursing professionals: Exploring patterns and the effect of previous working experience. Education Sciences, 14(1), 52. 


Seidel, T., Kosel, C., Böheim, R., Gegenfurtner, A., & Stürmer, K. (in press). A cognitive model of professional vision and acquisition of visual expertise using video excerpts in the teaching profession. In A. Gegenfurtner & R. Stahnke (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Theoretical and methodological advances. Routledge.


Stahnke, R., & Gegenfurtner, A. (in press). Introduction to empirical perspectives on teacher professional vision. In R. Stahnke & A. Gegenfurtner (Eds.), Teacher professional vision: Empirical perspectives. Routledge.


Stahnke, R., & Gegenfurtner, A. (Eds.). (in press). Teacher professional vision: Empirical perspectives. Routledge.


Testers, L., Alijagic, A., Brand-Gruwel, S., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2024). Predicting transfer of generic information literacy competencies by non-traditional students to their study and work contexts: A longitudinal perspective. Education Sciences, 14(2), 117. 


Wagner, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Urhahne, D. (in press). Effectiveness of flipped classrooms. In A. Gegenfurtner & I. Kollar (Eds.), Designing effective digital learning environments. Routledge.





Gabel, S., Keskin, Ö., Kollar, I., Lewalter, D., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2023). Guiding pre-service teachers' visual attention through instructional settings: An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1282848. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Gruber, H., Holzberger, D., Keskin, Ö., Lehtinen, E., Seidel, T., Stürmer, K., & Säljö, R. (2023). Towards a cognitive theory of visual expertise: Methods of inquiry. In C. Damşa, A. Rajala, G. Ritella, & J. Brouwer (Eds.), Re-theorising learning and research methods in learning research (pp. 146–163). Routledge. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Hartinger, A., Gabel, S., Neubauer, J., Keskin, Ö., & Dresel, M. (2023). Teacher attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual students: Evidence for intergroup contact theory and secondary transfer effects. Social Psychology of Education26(2), 509–532. 


Hagenauer, G., Gegenfurtner, A., & Gläser-Zikuda, M. (2023). Grundlagen und Anwendung von Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Springer.


Keskin, Ö., Gabel, S., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2023). Das Blickverhalten von Lehrpersonen und Lernenden in schulischen Erklärsituationen. In J. von Dall`Armi (Ed.), Erklären als zentrales Vermittlungskonzept der Bildungswissenschaften und Fachdidaktiken (pp. 36–51). Beltz.


Keskin, Ö., Gabel, S., Kollar, I., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2023). Relations between pre-service teacher gaze, teacher attitude, and student ethnicity. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1272671. 





Gegenfurtner, A. (2022). Bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (B-ESEM): A meta-analytic review of model fit. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1037111. 


Gegenfurtner, A. (2022). Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden gegenüber Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund: Die Bedeutung des sozialen Kontakts und des demographischen Hintergrunds. Bildung und Erziehung, 75(1), 41–58.


Gegenfurtner, A., Dresel, M., Matthes, E., Nett, U. E., Peuschel, K., & Hartinger, A. (2022). Lehrkräfteprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität: Eine Einführung in den Band. In A. Hartinger, M. Dresel, E. Matthes, U. E. Nett, K. Peuschel, & A. Gegenfurtner (Eds.), Lehrkräfteprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität. Theoretische Konzepte, Förderansätze, empirische Befunde (pp. 9–18). Waxmann.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2022). Toward a multidimensional conceptualization of motivation to transfer training: Validation of the Transfer Motivation Questionnaire from a self-determination theory perspective using bifactor-ESEM. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 73, 101116. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Testers, L. (2022). Transfer of training among non-traditional students in higher education: Testing the theory of planned behavior. Frontiers in Education, 7, 928996. 


Hartinger, A., Dresel, M., Matthes, E., Nett, U. E., Peuschel, K., & Gegenfurtner, A. (Eds.). (2022). Lehrkräfteprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität. Theoretische Konzepte, Förderansätze, empirische Befunde. Waxmann.


Nett, U. E., Dresel, M., Gegenfurtner, A., Matthes, E., Peuschel, K., & Hartinger, A. (2022). Förderung der Lehrkräfteprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität in der Schule. In A. Hartinger, M. Dresel, E. Matthes, U. E. Nett, K. Peuschel, & A. Gegenfurtner (Eds.), Lehrkräfteprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität. Theoretische Konzepte, Förderansätze, empirische Befunde (pp. 21–40). Waxmann.





Gebhardt, M., Lutz, S., Jungjohann, J., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2021). Pädagogik im sonderpädagogischen Schwerpunkt Lernen an der Universität Regensburg. spuren – Sonderpädagogik in Bayern, 64(2), 22–29. 


Gegenfurtner, A. (2021). Pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward transgender students: Associations with social contact, religiosity, political preference, sexual orientation, and teacher gender. International Journal of Educational Research, 110, 101887. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Ebner, C., & Schwab, N. (2021). Blended Learning an der Hochschule. In J. Noller, C. Beitz-Radzio, D. Kugelmann, S. Sontheimer, & S. Westerholz (Eds.), Studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre. Von der Theorie zur Praxis (pp. 179–194). Springer VS. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Fryer, L. K., Järvelä, S., Narciss, S., & Harackiewicz, J. (Eds.). (2021). Affective learning in digital education. Frontiers Media SA. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Narciss, S., Fryer, L., Järvelä, S., & Harackiewicz, J. (2021). Editorial: Affective learning in digital education. Frontiers in Psychology11, 630966. 


Kok, E. M., Sorger, B., Van Geel, K., Gegenfurtner, A., Van Merriënboer, J. J. G., Robben, S. G. F., & De Bruin, A. B. H. (2021). Holistic processing only? The role of the fusiform face area in radiological expertise. PLoS ONE, 16(9), e0256849.


Lewalter, D., Gegenfurtner, A., & Renninger, K. A. (2021). Out-of-school programs and interest: Design considerations based on a meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 34, 100406. 


Wagner, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Urhahne, D. (2021). Effectiveness of the flipped classroom on student achievement in K-12 education: A meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 35(1), 11–31.





Gegenfurtner, A. (2020). Professional vision and visual expertise. University of Regensburg.


Gegenfurtner, A. (2020). Testing the gender similarities hypothesis: Differences in subjective task value and motivation to transfer training. Human Resource Development International, 23(3), 309–320.


Gegenfurtner, A., Boucheix, J.-M., Gruber, H., Hauser, F., Lehtinen, E., & Lowe, R. K. (2020). The gaze relational index as a measure of visual expertise. Journal of Expertise3(1), 32–40.


Gegenfurtner, A., Knogler, M., & Schwab, S. (2020). Transfer interest: Measuring interest in training content and interest in training transfer. Human Resource Development International23(2), 146–167.


Gegenfurtner, A., Lewalter, D., Lehtinen, E., Schmidt, M., & Gruber, H. (2020). Teacher expertise and professional vision: Examining knowledge-based reasoning of pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and school principals. Frontiers in Education, 5, 59. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Schmidt-Hertha, B., & Lewis, P. (2020). Digital technologies in training and adult education. International Journal of Training and Development24(1), 1–4. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Zitt, A., & Ebner, C. (2020). Evaluating webinar-based training: A mixed methods study on trainee reactions toward digital web conferencing. International Journal of Training and Development24(1), 5–21. 


Laine, E., Veermans, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Veermans, K. (2020). Individual interest and learning of biology and mathematics in secondary school science education. Frontline Learning Research, 8(2), 90–108. 


Lehtinen, E., Gegenfurtner, A., Helle, L., & Säljö, R. (2020). Conceptual change in the development of visual expertise. International Journal of Educational Research100, 101545. 


Testers, L., Gegenfurtner, A., & Brand-Gruwel, S. (2020). Taking affective learning in digital education one step further: Trainees’ affective characteristics predicting multicontextual pre-training transfer intention. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2189. 





Ebner, C., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2019). Learning and satisfaction in webinar, online, and face-to-face instruction: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Education4, 92. 


Froehlich, D. E., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2019). Social support in transitioning from training to the workplace: A social network perspective. In H. Fasching (Ed.), Beziehungen in pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern und ihren Transitionen über die Lebensalter (pp. 208–222). Klinkhardt. 


Gebhardt, M., DeVries, J., Jungjohann, J., Casale, G., Gegenfurtner, A., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2019). Measurement invariance of a direct behavior rating multi-item scale. Social Sciences8(2), 46. 


Gegenfurtner, A. (2019). Reconstructing goals for transfer of training in faculty development programs for higher education teachers: A qualitative documentary method approach. Heliyon5(11), e02928. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Ebner, C. (2019). Webinars in higher education and professional training: A meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Educational Research Review28, 100293. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Fisch, K., & Ebner, C. (2019). Teilnahmemotivation nicht-traditionell Studierender an wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung: Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse im Kontext von Blended Learning. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung41(4), 58–83.


Gegenfurtner, A., Lehtinen, E., Helle, L., Nivala, M., Svedström, E., & Säljö, R. (2019). Learning to see like an expert: On the practices of professional vision and visual expertise. International Journal of Educational Research98, 280–291. 


Hauser, F., Reuter, R., Gegenfurtner, A., Gruber, H., & Mottok, J. (2019). Eye movements in software modelling – What do they tell us about heuristics? In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), ICERI2019 proceedings (pp. 6064–6070). IATED.


Szulewski, A., Braund, H., Egan, R., Gegenfurtner, A., Hall, A. K., Howes, D., Dagnone, J. D., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2019). Starting to think like an expert: An analysis of resident cognitive processes during simulation-based resuscitation examinations. Annals of Emergency Medicine74(5), 647–659.


Szulewski, A., Egan, R., Gegenfurtner, A., Howes, D., Dashi, G., McGraw, N. C. J., Hall, A. K., Dagnone, D., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2019). A new way to look at simulation-based assessment: The relationship between gaze-tracking and exam performance. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine21(1), 129–137. 


Testers, L., Gegenfurtner, A., A., Van Geel, R., & Brand-Gruwel, S. (2019). From monocontextual to multicontextual transfer: Organizational determinants of the intention to transfer generic information literacy competences to multiple contexts. Frontline Learning Research7(1), 23–42. 


Todd, A., Boivin, P., Ramírez, J. B., Surian, A., Markauskaite, L., Billett, S., Kaye, T., Hofmann, R., Felix, S., Tomasik, M. J., Van Campen, C., Koh, E., Gegenfurtner, A., Newell, S., Wijnia, L., Muukkonen, H., & Detienne, L. (2019). 21st century learning environments. Lifelong Learning Platform.





Emmerdinger, K., Gegenfurtner, A., & Stern, W. (2018). Inklusion sehbeeinträchtigter Studierender durch die Implementierung assistiver Technologien und Universal Design in Lern-Management-Systemen. spuren – Sonderpädagogik in Bayern, 61(2), 40–43.


Gegenfurtner, A., Eichinger, A., Latzel, R., Dietrich, M. P., Barkowsky, M., Glufke, A., Stadler, A., & Stern, W. (2018). Mobiles Eye-Tracking in den angewandten Wissenschaften. Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences4, 370–394. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Gebhardt, M. (2018). Sexualpädagogik der Vielfalt: Ein Überblick über empirische Befunde. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik64(3), 379–393. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Schwab, N., & Ebner, C. (2018). “There’s no need to drive from A to B”: Exploring the lived experience of students and lecturers with digital learning in higher education. Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences4, 310–322. 


Jungjohann, J., Gegenfurtner, A., & Gebhardt, M. (2018). Systematisches Review von Lernverlaufsmessung im Bereich der frühen Leseflüssigkeit. Empirische Sonderpädagogik10(1), 100–118.


Kok, E., De Bruin, A. B., Van Geel, K., Gegenfurtner, A., Heyligers, I., & Sorger, B. (2018). The neural implementation of surgical expertise within the mirror-neuron system: An fMRI study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience12, 291. 


Reinhold, S., Gegenfurtner, A., & Lewalter, D. (2018). Social support and motivation to transfer as predictors of training transfer: Testing full and partial mediation using meta-analytic structural equation modeling. International Journal of Training and Development22(1), 1–14. 


Szulewski, A., Braund, H., Egan, R., Hall, A. K., Dagnone, J. D., Gegenfurtner, A., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2018). Through the learner’s lens: Eye-tracking augmented debriefing in medical simulation. Journal of Graduate Medical Education10(3), 340–341. 


Weidenhiller, P., Gebhardt, M., & Gegenfurtner, A., (2018). “Der Schulbegleiter muss vom Typ her offen sein” – Eine Interviewstudie zur Kooperation zwischen Lehrkräften und Schulbegleitern an bayerischen Gymnasien. spuren – Sonderpädagogik in Bayern61(1), 34–40.


White, M. R., Braund, H., Howes, D., Egan, R., Gegenfurtner, A., Van Merriënboer, J. J. G., & Szulewski, A. (2018). Getting inside the expert’s head: An analysis of physician cognitive processes during trauma resuscitations. Annals of Emergency Medicine72(3), 289–298.





Al Lily, A., Foland, J., Stoloff, D., Gogus, A., Erguvan, I., Awshar, M., Tondeur, J., Hammond, M., Venter, I., Jerry, P., Vlachopoulos, D., Oni, A., Liu, Y., Badosek, R., López de la Madrid, M., Mazzoni, E., Lee, H., Kinley, K., Kalz, M., Sambuu, U., Bushnaq, T., Pinkwart, N., Adedokun-Shittu, N., Zander, P., Oliver, K., Pombo, L., Sali, J., Gregory, S., Tobgay, S., Joy, M., Elen, J., Jwaifell, M., Said, M., Al-Saggaf, Y., Naaji, A., White, J., Jordan, K., Gerstein, J., Yapici, İ., Sanga, C., Nleya, P., Sbihi, B., Lucas, M., Mbarika, V., Reiners, T., Schön, S., Sujo-Montes, L., Santally, M., Häkkinen, P., Al Saif, A., Gegenfurtner, A., Schatz, S., Vigil, V., Tannahill, C., Partida, S., Zhang, Z., Charalambous, K., Moreira, A., Coto, M., Laxman, K., Farley, H., Gumbo, M., Simsek, A., Ramganesh, E., Birzina, R., Player-Koro, C., Dumbraveanu, R., Ziphorah, M., Mohamudally, N., Thomas, S., Romero, M., Nirmala, M., Cifuentes, L., Osaily, R., Omoogun, A., Seferoglu, S., Elçi, A., Edyburn, D., Moudgalya, K., Ebner, M., Bottino , R., Khoo, E., Pedro, L., Buarki, H., Román-Odio, C., Qureshi, I., Khan, M., Thornthwaite, C., Kerimkulova, S., Downes, T., Malmi, L., Bardakci, S., Itmazi, J., Rogers, J., Rughooputh, S., Akour, M., Henderson, J., de Freitas, S., & Schrader, P. (2017). Academic domains as political battlegrounds: A global enquiry by 99 academics in the fields of education and technology. Information Development, 33(3), 270–288. 


Bomke, C., Reitmaier-Krebs, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Weng, G. (2017). Brückenkurs Mathematik für heterogene Gruppen im Rahmen des Projekts DEG-DLM. In B. Meissner, C. Walter, & B. Zinger (Eds.), Tagungsband zum 3. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern (pp. 238–243). Technische Hochschule Nürnberg.


Damşa, C. I., Froehlich, D. E., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2017). Reflections on empirical and methodological accounts of agency at work. In M. Goller & S. Paloniemi (Eds.), Agency at work: An agentic perspective on professional learning and development (pp. 445–461). Springer. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Fisch, K., & Reitmaier-Krebs, M. (2017). Disziplinäre Fachkultur als Einflussgröße auf die studentische Akzeptanz von E-Learning-Angeboten an Hochschulen. In Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Ed.), Digitalisierung der Hochschulen: Forschung, Lehre, Administration (S. 6–7). DZHW.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Gebhardt, M. (2017). Sexuality education including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues in schools. Educational Research Review22, 215–222. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Kok, E., Van Geel, K., De Bruin, A., Jarodzka, H., Szulewski, A., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2017). The challenges of studying visual expertise in medical image diagnosis. Medical Education51(1), 97–104. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Kok, E. M., Van Geel, K., De Bruin, A. B. H., & Sorger, B. (2017). Neural correlates of visual perceptual expertise: Evidence from cognitive neuroscience using functional neuroimaging. Frontline Learning Research5, 14–30. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Lehtinen, E., Jarodzka, H., & Säljö, R. (2017). Effects of eye movement modeling examples on adaptive expertise in medical image diagnosis. Computers & Education113, 212–225.


Gegenfurtner, A., Spagert, L., Weng, G., Bomke, C., Fisch, K., Oswald, A., Reitmaier-Krebs, M., Resch, C., Schwab, N., Stern, W., & Zitt, A. (2017). LernCenter: Ein Konzept für die Digitalisierung berufsbegleitender Weiterbildungen an Hochschulen. Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences3, 234–243. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2017). Methodologies for studying visual expertise. Frontline Learning Research5(3), 1–13. 


Szulewski, A., Gegenfurtner, A., Howes, D., Sivilotti, M., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2017). Measuring physician cognitive load: Validity evidence for a physiologic and a psychometric tool. Advances in Health Sciences Education22(4), 951–968. 





Gegenfurtner, A., Könings, K. D., Kosmajac, N., & Gebhardt, M. (2016). Voluntary or mandatory training participation as a moderator in the relationship between goal orientations and transfer of training. International Journal of Training and Development20(4), 290–301. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Szulewski, A. (2016). Visual expertise and the Quiet Eye in sports – comment on Vickers. Current Issues in Sport Science1, 108. 





Gebhardt, M., Schwab, S., Krammer, M., & Gegenfurtner, A., (2015). General and special education teachers’ perceptions of teamwork in inclusive classrooms at elementary and secondary schools. Journal of Educational Research Online, 7(2), 129–146.


Gorges, J., Gegenfurtner, A., & Kuper, H. (2015). Motivationsforschung im Weiterbildungskontext. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft18(S1). 


Knogler, M., Harackiewicz, J. M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Lewalter, D. (2015). How situational is situational interest? Investigating the longitudinal structure of situational interest. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 43, 39–50. 


Quesada-Pallarès, C., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2015). Toward a unified model of motivation for training transfer: A phase perspective. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft18(S1), 107–121. 


Testers, L., Gegenfurtner, A., & Brand-Gruwel, S. (2015). Motivation to transfer learning to multiple contexts. In L. Das, S. Brand-Gruwel, K. Kok, & J. Walhout (Eds.), The school library rocks: living it, learning it, loving it (pp. 473–487). IASL.





Brand-Gruwel, S., Testers, L., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2014). Motivation to transfer: Factors influencing transfer of learned competences to the job. In A. Baran et al. (Eds.), New technologies and the future of teaching and learning (pp. 63–74). EADTU.


Gegenfurtner, A., Quesada-Pallarès, C., & Knogler, M. (2014). Digital simulation-based training: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology45(6), 1097–1114. 





Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Dimensions of motivation to transfer: A longitudinal analysis of their influences on retention, transfer, and attitude change. Vocations and Learning6(2). 187–205. 


Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Transitions of expertise. In J. Seifried & E. Wuttke (Eds.), Transitions in vocational education (pp. 305–319). Budrich.


Gegenfurtner, A., & Hagenauer, G. (2013). Achievement goals and achievement goal orientations in education. International Journal of Educational Research61, 1–4. 


Gegenfurtner, A., & Seppänen M. (2013). Transfer of expertise: An eye-tracking and think-aloud study using dynamic medical visualizations. Computers & Education63, 393–403. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Siewiorek, A., Lehtinen, E., & Säljö, R. (2013). Assessing the quality of expertise differences in the comprehension of medical visualizations. Vocations and Learning6(1), 37–54. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Veermans, K., & Vauras, M. (2013). Effects of computer support, collaboration, and time lag on performance self-efficacy and transfer of training: A longitudinal meta-analysis. Educational Research Review8, 75–89.


Knogler, M., Gegenfurtner, A., & Quesada Pallarès, C. (2013). Social design in digital simulations: Effects of single versus multi-player simulations on efficacy beliefs and transfer. In N. Rummel, M. Kapur, M. Nathan, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.), To see the world and a grain of sand: Learning across levels of space, time, and scale (Vol. 2, pp. 293–294). ISLS.


Laine, E., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Stability or change? Effects of training length and time lag on achievement goal orientations and transfer of training. International Journal of Educational Research61, 71–79. 


Lankes, E.-M., Vaccaro, D., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Wie kommen Evaluationsteams zu ihrer Einschätzung der Unterrichtsqualität bei externen Evaluationen? Unterrichtswissenschaft41(3), 197–215.


Segers, M., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2013). Transfer of training: New conceptualizations through integrated research perspectives. Educational Research Review8, 1–4.


Siewiorek, A., Gegenfurtner, A., Lainema, T., Saarinen, E., & Lehtinen, E. (2013). The effects of computer-simulation game training on participants’ opinions on leadership styles. British Journal of Educational Technology44(6), 1012–1035.





Gegenfurtner, A., & Vauras, M. (2012). Age-related differences in the relation between motivation to learn and transfer of training in adult continuing education. Contemporary Educational Psychology37(1), 33–46.


Gegenfurtner, A., Vauras, M., & Veermans, K. (2012). Is computer support more significant than collaboration in promoting self-efficacy and transfer? In J. van Aalst, K. Thompson, M. J. Jacobson, & P. Reimann (Eds.), The future of learning (Vol. 1, pp. 220–226). ISLS.


Gegenfurtner, A., Veermans, K., & Vauras, M. (2012). How CSCL moderates the influence of self-efficacy on students’ transfer of learning. In A. Ravenscroft, S. Lindstaedt, & C. Delgado Kloos (Eds.), 21st century learning for 21st century skills (pp. 93–102). Springer.


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Seppänen, M., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2012). Can technology-based gaze replays of experts model diagnostic performance of novices? A test in medical education. In J. van Aalst, K. Thompson, M. J. Jacobson, & P. Reimann (Eds.), The future of learning (Vol. 2, pp. 459–460). ISLS.


Seppänen, M., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2012). Seeing through a teacher’s eyes improves students' imaging interpretation. Medical Education, 46(11), 1113–1114. 


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Gegenfurtner, A., & Siewiorek, A. (2010). The many dimensions of having a good eye: A methodological reflection of metaphors in visual cognition analysis. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the disciplines (Vol. 1, pp. 508–515). ISLS.


Gegenfurtner, A., Vauras, M., Gruber, H., & Festner, D. (2010). Motivation to transfer revisited. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the disciplines (Vol. 1, pp. 452–459). ISLS.


Siewiorek, A., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2010). Leading to win: The influence of leadership style on team performance during a computer game training. In K. Gomez, L. Lyons, & J. Radinsky (Eds.), Learning in the disciplines (Vol. 1, pp. 524–531). ISLS.





Gegenfurtner, A. (2009). Ontogenetic and sociogenetic perspectives on learning, technology, and medical image diagnosis. In A. Dimitracopoulou, C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, & P. Reimann (Eds.), Computer supported collaborative learning practices (Vol. 2, pp. 252–254). ISLS.


Gegenfurtner, A. (2009). What is seen on the screen? Exploring collaborative interpretation, representational tools, and disciplined perception in medicine. In A. Dimitracopoulou, C. O'Malley, D. Suthers, & P. Reimann (Eds.), Computer supported collaborative learning practices (Vol. 2, pp. 71–72). ISLS.


Gegenfurtner, A., Festner, D., Gallenberger, W., Lehtinen, E., & Gruber, H. (2009). Predicting autonomous and controlled motivation to transfer training. International Journal of Training and Development13(2), 124–138. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Nivala, M., Säljö, R., & Lehtinen, E. (2009). Capturing individual and institutional change: Exploring horizontal versus vertical transitions in technology-rich environments. In U. Cress, V. Dimitrova, & M. Specht (Eds.), Learning in the synergy of multiple disciplines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 676–681). Springer. 


Gegenfurtner, A., Veermans, K., Festner, D., & Gruber, H. (2009). Motivation to transfer training: An integrative literature review. Human Resource Development Review8(3), 403–423. 





Gegenfurtner, A. & Gruber, H. (2008). Antecedents of extrinsic motivation to transfer training. In H. Malloch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. IESEG School of Management.





Gegenfurtner, A. (2007). On predicting two dimensions of extrinsic motivation to transfer training [unpublished diploma thesis]. University of Regensburg. 





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Gegenfurtner, A., Hies, K., Hofmann, V., Jahn, G., Lehner, F., Mattern, J., & Nikitopoulos, A. (2006). Fehlerkultur. In S. Weisweiler, M. Sauerland, D. Walch, & M. Hammerl (Eds.), Mitarbeiterqualifizierung und -mobilität: Einflussfaktoren und Auswirkungen des flexiblen Mitarbeitereinsatzes im logistischen Umfeld (pp. 94–153). Bayerischer Forschungsverbund.
