New research article „Fostering pre-service teachers’ situation-specific technological pedagogical knowledge – Does learning by mapping and learning from worked examples help?”
The results of a study on the facilitation of pre-service teachers‘ technology-related teaching skills were recently published in Computers in Human Behavior. The study addressed the question how pre-service teachers‘ professional vision of technology-enhanced teaching could be enhanced best. Christina Wekerle and Ingo Kollar investigated the effects of learning by mapping and learning from worked examples on different dimensions of professional vision when learning with cases. Pre-service teachers were asked to generate mind maps of academic texts and to deal with ideal analyses of written classroom cases, in which a teacher’s implementation of technology was described. Following this, pre-service teachers generated their own analysis of a written classroom case. The results showed positive effects of learning from worked examples on the use of educational academic knowledge in pre-service teachers’ analyses. However, learning from worked examples did not result in more high-quality analytic processes focusing on explaining or solving problematic classroom situations. Learning by mapping was even negatively associated with the use of academic knowledge. Quality of maps could be identified as a possible factor that might explain the efficiency of learning by mapping. You find the full article until 10 January 2021 here: Reference: Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2021). Fostering pre-service teachers’ situation-specific technological pedagogical knowledge – Does learning by mapping and learning from worked examples help? Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 106617.