Interaction of mathematics and materials science

28.02.24 - 01.03.24

Nils Meyer, Timo Neumeier, Ursula Weiß

Interdisciplinary research between applied mathematicians and material scientists lays the foundation to leverage the full potential of novel materials. However, the disciplines use different terminology and have limited insight to each other’s daily work. For example, a material scientist may wonder which parameters are needed to model a specific behavior, while a mathematician wonders how certain parameters can be determined experimentally. Therefore, we organize a workshop targeted to doctoral students at the intersection of material modeling and material characterization.

The workshop takes place as an internal workshop at the University of Augsburg and is divided into a theoretical part in the morning and practical exercises in the laboratory and on the computer in the afternoon.


Due to capacity reasons in the laboratory, the number of participants for the workshops is limited to 20 people. Please register using the form below.


You can find the schedule of the workshop here







© University of Augsburg

Workshop Interaction of mathematics and materials science

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