Religious diversity shapes both the coexistence of the global community in general, and coexistence in Germany in particular, as never before. Schools, universities and political communities have long had a variegated aspect, especially when it comes to religion. This religious heterogeneity is becoming a social challenge. Social coexistence is only possible in the short term and in the long term through better mutual knowledge and a realistic view of what we have in common and what remains divisive.
Peace Education Centre for Interreligious Education (FripZiB)
The FripZIB is an institution for interreligious education at the Chair of Protestant Theology with a focus on religious education at the University of Augsburg (Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naurath). The work of the centre (and the learning workshop integrated into it) combines theory-based research on peace education and interreligious learning with event-oriented practice in schools and society. Our concern is to enable people to live and act peacefully in a pluralised and multi-religious society. To this end, we work on key qualifications, such as perception, articulation and reflection on the experiences of (religious) plurality, the ability for interreligious understanding, the prevention of prejudice and violence, the ability to accept pluralism, and much more.

Research and Coordination Office for Interreligious Education (FIB)
The FIB, which works across faculties, bundles interreligious research at the University of Augsburg under peace education perspectives on interreligiosity in schools. Interreligious learning is a central area of school education far beyond the provision of denominational religious instruction. At the FIB, interreligious perspectives are treated in an interdisciplinary manner as an overall topic of university self-understanding. In addition to research, the thematic field of interreligious sensitisation is also to be given greater attention in teaching practice in a wide variety of individual subjects. One strategic goal of the FIB is to further raise public awareness of the issues of religious diversity, religious exchange and the promotion of common ground in peace education.

Religions for Peace
Head: Prof. Dr. E. Naurath / Rev. Alexandra Caspari
Religions for Peace is the world's largest transnational interreligious organisation. Since it was founded in 1970, RfP has been committed to international and national peace policy and civil society responsibility for the common good worldwide and, with its headquarters in New York, works closely with the United Nations. Since 2018 there has been a regional group RfP Augsburg-Schwaben, which is also represented in the national governing body of Religions for Peace Germany. In 2020, Prof. Naurath was appointed as a delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany to the governing body (board) of Religions for Peace Europe.
Website Religions for Peace

Supplementary Interreligious Mediation study programme (ZIM)
The certificate is designed as a supplementary course of study for students, trainee teachers and teachers of all subject combinations and school types. A total of 3 modules are studied for 2 to 4 semesters: fundamentals of interreligious education, basic knowledge of world religions and elective modules for specialisation. The ZIM develops competence in religious studies, theology, law and didactics in dealing with religious diversity in schools as a place of learning.

SORAPS-Project: Study of Religions against Prejudices and Stereotypes
Religion and religious affiliation form a focal point for group-related stereotypes, prejudices and hostile images not only in European societies, but also in schools, which presents teachers in various subjects with new and unfamiliar challenges. The central aims of the SORAPS project is to create and test an online study module for the further training of teachers of the humanities, especially history teachers, which will provide them with specific skills in dealing with religion-related stereotypes, prejudices and hostile images.
International Website SORAPS: