Print media Gender
Here we would like to present you a selection of texts on gender topics, which have been written by scientists of the University of Augsburg or in cooperation with them.
The connection between gender and health is a current topic in health research. Experts from medicine, biology, ethics, law, public health, sociology, communication science, psychology and nursing science reflect on the latest research findings.
Editorial team of the volume
Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner
Dr. Julia von Hayek
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Manzei (responsible)
Prof. Dr. Florian Steger
with the collaboration of Ann Kristin Augst, M.A.
Further information on the volume
2018, 330 Seiten, Broschiert, 44,-€
ISBN: 978-3-8487-5192-1
Pre-order is possible in the publisher's online store or via
order form
Current voices on the volume
De-pathologizing intersexuality and gender incongruence.
Interview of the month of the portal "Just Health" with Prof. Ulrich M. Gassner