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July 10, 2024

CNOM Young Professional Award für Augsburger Informatiker

Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Vernetzte Eingebettete Systeme und Kommunikationssysteme, hat den diesjährigen CNOM Young Professional Award des Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Communications Society Technical Committee on Network Operation and Management gewonnen.


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Profile picture of Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert
May 27, 2024

CNOM Young Professional Award for Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert

Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert is the receipient of the 2024 CNOM Young Professional Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Communications Society (ComSoc) Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM). The award recognizes outstanding research contribution and leadership for young professionals in the field of network and service management.
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CNOM Young Professional Award for Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert
May 7, 2024

New overview paper on artificial intelligence and communication networks

Our latest paper is a good starting point for newcomers to the fields of artificial intelligence and communication networks. It provides a comprehensive overview for researchers investigating the application of machine learning to optimize communication networks and the use of these networks to improve training processes in machine learning.
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Machine Learning With Computer Networks
April 24, 2024

Presentation by Katharina Dietz

Katharina Dietz, PhD candidate at the Chair of Communication Networks at the University of Würzburg, visited our chair and gave a talk on "User-based active learning for network monitoring tasks". The presentation was based on a joint publication and current joint research activities and was subsequently discussed with staff and interested students.
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April 10, 2024

Mit KI die Internet-Geschwindigkeit verbessern

Moderne KI-Verfahren sollen künftig den Verkehr im Internet so verteilen, dass sich möglichst niemand ausgebremst fühlt. An der Universität Augsburg wurde jetzt ein System vorgestellt, das die Qualität sehr vieler Datenströme in Echtzeit bewerten kann. Das gilt als eine Grundvoraussetzung, um durch ein besseres Daten-Management die Zufriedenheit im Netz zu verbessern.
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Laptop mit Speedtest
