The chair "Regional Climate Change and Health" is located in the field of Environmental Health Sciences at the interface between physical climate research and health sciences. The chair addresses the local to regional effects of climate factors on human health and their changes in the context of global climate change. Information on regional and local scales are essential for developing and implementing measures in the field of health care and health management.


The main research foci are the influence of extreme weather types and events as well as air substances on human health. Besides the observational analysis of the relationships between the atmospheric environment and health, it is essential to provide high-resolution regional to local assessments of climate change and its manifestations. The focus is on the questions how atmospheric conditions influence human well-being and health and on the variability of these relationships.


Methodologically, process studies, statistical modelling and projection of the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of health-relevant climate factors are used. Relevant system elements of the anthroposphere are also considered. Due to the high dynamics of urbanisation in the 21st century and the particular vulnerability of cities with regard to climatic changes, the studies are mainly conducted with regard to urban areas.


In a further research focus, the chair is concerned with the topic of climate and environmental factors of vector-borne diseases, i.e. the propagation of diseases spread by pathogen-carrying organisms.

Latest publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021


Iram, Shazia, Qaisar, Iqra, Shabbir, Rabia, Pomme, Muhammad Saleem, Schmidt, Matthias, Hertig, Elke (im Druck): Impact of air pollution and smog on human health in Pakistan: a systematic review.
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Allahbakhshian-Farsani, Pezhman, Vafakhah, Mehdi, Khosravi-Farsani, Hadi, Hertig, Elke (im Druck): Projection of mean annual and maximum 24-h precipitation under future climatic scenarios in semi-arid regions.
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Hyhlik-Duerr, Alexander, Zerwes, Sebastian, Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Hertig, Elke, Streck, Elena (2024): Influence of weather and air constituents on aortic ruptures in the south of Germany [Abstract].
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Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Hertig, Elke (2024): Klimawandel und bodennahes Ozon.
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Breitner-Busch, Susanne, Mücke, Hans-Guido, Schneider, Alexandra, Hertig, Elke (2023): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf nicht-übertragbare Erkrankungen durch erhöhte Luftschadstoffbelastungen der Außenluft.
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Bangelesa, Freddy, Paeth, Heiko, Hertig, Elke (2023): Blessing and curse of bioclimatic variables: a comparison of different calculation schemes and datasets for species distribution modeling within the extended Mediterranean area.
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Hertig, Elke (2023): Bodennahes Ozon: Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und Veränderungen durch den Klimawandel.
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Hertig, Elke, Hunger, Iris, Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Matzarakis, Andreas, Niemann, Hildegard, Schulte-Droesch, Lea, Voss, Maike (2023): Climate change and public health in Germany – an introduction to the German status report on climate change and health 2023.
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Mlinarić, Martin, Moebus, Susanne, Betsch, Cornelia, Hertig, Elke, Schröder, Judith, Loss, Julika, Moosburger, Ramona, Rüth, Petra van, Gepp, Sophie, Voss, Maike, Straff, Wolfgang, Kessel, Tanja-Maria, Goecke, Michaela, Matzarakis, Andreas, Niemann, Hildegard (2023): Climate change and public health in Germany: a synthesis of options for action from the German status report on climate change and health 2023.
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Hoeppe, Alice, Zintel, Stephanie, Andreas, Marike, Bohnert, Kerstin, Brugger, Vincent, Frevert, Alice, Hennig, Hannah, Hoffmann, Kristina, Jabakhanji, Samira B., Kaiser, Anna, Manke-Reimers, Fabian, Rath, Miriam, Roth, Annika, Sasse, Katharina, Schneider, Sven, Schröder, Maike, Eichinger, Michael, Sniehotta, Falko F. (2023): Effektivität nationaler und überregionaler Hitzeaktionspläne auf Mortalität, Morbidität, Auslastung des Gesundheitssystems und individuelles Hitzeschutzverhalten: ein Rapid Systematic Review.
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Hertig, Elke, Jahn, Sally, Kaspar‐Ott, Irena (2023): Future local ground‐level ozone in the European area from statistical downscaling projections considering climate and emission changes.
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Jahn, Sally (2023): Health-relevant, compound ozone and temperature burden in Europe: statistical modeling and climate change projections.
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Die Dissertation entstand an der Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik
Merkenschlager, Christian, Hertig, Elke, Simon, Jonathan, Beck, Christoph (2023): High-resolution intra-urban assessments of future heat events and heat waves for the city of Augsburg, Germany.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Breitner-Busch, Susanne, Mücke, Hans-Guido, Schneider, Alexandra, Hertig, Elke (2023): Impact of climate change on non-communicable diseases due to increased ambient air pollution.
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Hertig, Elke, Hunger, Iris, Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Matzarakis, Andreas, Niemann, Hildegard, Schulte-Droesch, Lea, Voss, Maike (2023): Klimawandel und Public Health in Deutschland – eine Einführung in den Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel und Gesundheit 2023.
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Klünder, Vera, Schwenke, Paula, Hertig, Elke, Jochem, Carmen, Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Schwienhorst-Stich, Eva-Maria, Stauch, Lisa, Coenen, Michaela (2022): A cross-sectional study on the knowledge of and interest in Planetary Health in health-related study programmes in Germany.
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Bangelesa, Freddy, Paeth, Heiko, Hertig, Elke (2022): Analyse der klimatologischen BioClim-Indizes für Abschätzungen von Mückenverbreitungen im Mittelmeerraum [Abstract].
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Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Olschewski, Patrick, Koller, Stephanie, Hyhlik-Dürr, Alexander, Streck, Elena, Eckstein, Hans-Henning, Radu, Oksana, Hertig, Elke (2022): Determination of the influence of weather and air constituents on aortic aneurysm ruptures.
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Gäbel, Paul, Koller, Christian, Hertig, Elke (2022): Development of air quality boxes based on low-cost sensor technology for ambient air quality monitoring.
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Hertig, Elke, Ahmad, Bashir (2022): Die Hälfte des Eisvolumens könnte verloren gehen Herausforderungen für das Wassermanagement in Pakistan [Interview].
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Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Jahn, Sally, Pomee, Muhammad Saleem, Hertig, Elke (2022): Downscaling und Projektion von bodennahen Ozonkonzentrationen für Europa [Abstract].
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Voll, Christian, Berghaus, Thomas, Hertig, Elke (2022): Einfluss der urbanen Umwelt auf die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung im Stadtgebiet Augsburg [Abstract].
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Gäbel, Paul, Koller, Christian, Hertig, Elke (2022): Entwicklung von Messsystemen basierend auf kostengünstiger Sensortechnologie zur Überwachung der Luftqualität [Abstract].
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Beck, Christoph, Hertig, Elke (2022): Hitzebelastung in Städten: Änderungen unter dem Klimawandel - die Fallstudie Augsburg.
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Pomee, Muhammad Saleem, Hertig, Elke (2022): Klimawandel am Indus: Klimaprojektionen und Auswirkungen auf die Wasserwirtschaft.
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Pomee, Muhammad Saleem, Hertig, Elke (2022): Precipitation projections over the Indus River Basin of Pakistan for the 21st century using a statistical downscaling framework.
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Pomee, Muhammad Saleem (2022): Statistical downscaling to analyze the impacts of climate change on future water resources of the Indus river basin of Pakistan.
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This cumulative thesis is based upon three international publications to assess the climate response of the highly glacierized river basin of Pakistan.
Straub, Annette, Fricke, Verena, Olschewski, Patrick, Seubert, Stefanie, Beck, Christoph, Bayr, Daniela, Kolek, Franziska, Plaza, Maria P., Leier-Wirtz, Vivien, Kaschuba, Sigrid, Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia, Buermann, Wolfgang, Gerstlauer, Michael, Damialis, Athanasios, Philipp, Andreas (2022): The phenomenon of thunderstorm asthma in Bavaria, Southern Germany: a statistical approach.
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Jahn, Sally, Hertig, Elke (2022): Using clustering, statistical modeling, and climate change projections to analyze recent and future region‐specific compound ozone and temperature burden over Europe.
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Hanke, Louisa, Müller, Jonas, Schunke, Julia, Simon, Jonathan, Beck, Christoph, Hertig, Elke (2021): Abschätzung von Hitzeereignissen und hitzebedingten Risikogebieten im Stadtgebiet Augsburg unter Berücksichtigung von sozio-ökonomischen und lokalspezifischen Faktoren [Abstract].
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Koller, Stephanie, Beck, Christoph, Hertig, Elke (2021): Assessing local daily temperatures by means of novel analog approaches: a case study based on the city of Augsburg, Germany.
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Olschewski, Patrick, Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Koller, Stephanie, Schenkirsch, Gerhard, Trepel, Martin, Hertig, Elke (2021): Associations between weather, air quality and moderate extreme cancer-related mortality events in Augsburg, Southern Germany.
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Kaspar-Ott, Irena, Hertig, Elke (2021): Der Klimawandel: wo wir stehen und was uns erwartet.
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Hertig, Elke (2021): Der Mittelmeerraum im Klimawandel.
BibTeX | RIS
Gäbel, Paul, Koller, Christian, Hertig, Elke (2021): Development of air quality boxes based on low-cost sensor technology [Abstract].
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Koller, Stephanie, Hertig, Elke, Meisinger, Christa, Wehler, Markus (2021): Gesundheitsrelevante Einflüsse von Luftinhaltsstoffen und meteorologischen Bedingungen [Abstract].
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Jahn, Sally, Hertig, Elke (2021): Gesundheitsrelevante, kombinierte Temperatur-Ozon-Ereignisse in Europa [Abstract].
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Hertig, Elke (2021): Klimawandel und Gesundheit in Europa.
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Merkenschlager, Christian, Hertig, Elke, Paeth, Heiko (2021): MOMO-Med: Modellierung von Moskito-Vektoren und Erkrankungsrisiken im Mittelmeerraum unter Berücksichtigung von Klimawandel und Landnutzungsänderungen [Abstract].
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Pomee, Muhammad Saleem, Hertig, Elke (2021): Temperature projections over the Indus River Basin of Pakistan using statistical downscaling.
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Burgstall, Annkatrin, Kotlarski, Sven, Casanueva, Ana, Hertig, Elke, Fischer, Erich, Knutti, Reto (2021): Urban multi-model climate projections of intense heat in Switzerland.
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