Chair of Materials Engineering
Ceramic Matrix Composites
With their outstanding properties at high temperatures and in aggressive atmospheres, fiber-reinforced ceramic materials enable new concepts for mobility and energy conversion, increased efficiency and the development of new applications in extreme environments.
61th meeting of working group „Verstärkung keramischer Werkstoffe“ of the DKG/DGM AG Hochleistungskeramik and of the Ceramic Composites
Köln, 12th and 13th october 2023, Dietmar Koch
The working group "Reinforcement of Ceramic Materials" met on 13.10.2023 at the Institut für Werkstoffforschung of the German Aerospace Center (DLR WF) in Cologne. The more than 60 participants on site and the approx. 25 online participants took part in intensive discussions on the lecture topics. The day before, more than 30 doctoral students from all over Germany had already met under the direction of Katrin Bock, MRM University of Augsburg, for an internal exchange of views.
The presentations dealt with challenges for CMCs in aerospace, material requirements for reusable spacecraft, C/SiC tube structures, thermally stable structures made of short-fiber-reinforced CMC, thermally induced crack patterns, the infiltration capability of rovings, ox-ox-CMC for aerospace applications and advances in material development.
The working group „Verstärkung keramischer Werkstoffe“
The working group "Reinforcement of Ceramic Materials" (AK Verstärkung) is a joint working group of the German Society for Materials Science (DGM), the German Ceramic Society (DKG) and the Ceramic Composites of Composites United. In its current form, the Reinforcement Working Group has been meeting regularly since 1994 and has been chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Koch, Institute of Materials Resource Management (MRM), University of Augsburg, since 2007.
The aim of the Reinforcement Working Group is to bring together companies, research institutes and universities that are active in the field of ceramic fiber composites. At the meetings, scientific presentations are given and discussed intensively in plenary sessions. At the same time, the events also serve to initiate projects and collaborations. The Reinforcement Working Group usually meets twice a year, at the beginning of March and the beginning of October. The day before, young scientists working on ceramic fiber-reinforced composites or related topics discuss their work at the doctoral research group. In this context, the doctoral students can openly discuss their results and the progress of their work and build up their own scientific network. The Ceramic Composites doctoral working group is organized by Katrin Bock, MRM, University of Augsburg.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the working group and the PhD studentes will takte place on the 14th and 15th march 2024 in Stade.
Working group: Dietmar Koch (
PhD meeting: Katrin Bock (
The meeting of members of the Ceramic Composites, a section of the Composites United e.V., took place on the 13th October 2022 at the Fraunhofer HTL in Bayreuth. The Management was electred for the next two years. Elected members of the management are Ralph Hufschmied (Hufschmied), Linda Klopsch (DLR-BT Stuttgart), Dietmar Koch (MRM, Uni Augsburg), Florian Reichert (Schunk), and Stephan Schmidt-Wimmer (ArianeGroup). Philipp Goetz (CVT) and Wolfgang Rossner were coopted as members of the management. Old and new chairman of the management is Dietmar Koch.