Networking from Veneto in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe: Giustiniana Wynne Rosenberg Orsini between Venetian Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism
Today, networking is a natural necessity of our everyday life. NETVECO will analyse networking in the late eighteenth century in order to better understand communication practices in the present. Just like nowadays, networking in the late eighteenth century was also self-fashioning and not free of interests. Combining micro- and macro-analyses and approaches from literary studies, cultural studies, the gender dimension and linguistics, the project will demonstrate how individuals interact by epistolary communication in order to create networks via the concrete case study of the Anglo-Venetian author Giustiniana Wynne, Countess Rosenberg-Orsini. Thus, NETVECO will offer an outstanding contribution to the study of the Enlightenment as European cultural heritage and the study of communication in Early Modernity.
The case study of a geographically and historically limited case will permit the analysis of economies of emotions and relations, as a system of credit and negotiation at the intersection of private and public life, of patriotism and cosmopolitanism: Venice and the region of Veneto in the 1780s and 90s, between South-Western and South-Eastern Europe, between cultural flourishing and political decline, touristic hotspot and hotspot of migration play a key role in the last years of the European Ancien Régime. Focusing on concrete actors in a concrete context will help us to understand the interaction between cultural transfer processes and individual motivations in a crucial period for European Modernity as period of crisis. The project will give access to as yet unpublished sources, e.g. the correspondence of Bartolomeo Benincasa with the Venetian Inquisition during the French Revolution, which offers a completely new perspective on individual relations and politics in this period. Outstanding scientific articles and monographs will be accompanied by a complex online exhibition also destined to a wide audience.
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