getFeedback! - A Digicampus (Stud.IP) plugin for tutorial and peer-based feedback in teaching
Brief overview

Tutorial and peer-based feedback provide excellent opportunities to promote student learning. getFeedback!, a new Digicampus (Stud.IP) plugin developed at the University of Augsburg in collaboration with the company data-quest as part of the project "Strengthening Competence Development through Digital, Authentic, and Feedback-Based Teaching-Learning Scenarios" (KodiLL), funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education, supports educators in planning and implementing structured tutorial and peer-based feedback in their lectures, seminars, or exercises. It provides the following features in particular:
- Creating tasks to be solved by students.
- Determining whether the feedback should come from tutors or peers (fellow students).
- Providing guidance on giving effective feedback and its targeted processing.
- Diverse monitoring capabilities for the feedback process for the instructor.
Useful resources for getFeedback! can be found on this website.
Feel free to explore a bit!
If you have any questions about getFeedback!, please contact
Short introduction into getFeedback!
The following information in the video is in German.
Here you can find quickguides for the use of getFeedback! The provided information is in German.
If you need assistance with creating or using tutorial and/or peer-based teaching-learning scenarios with getFeedback!, you will find both a guide for instructors and a guide for students below. The provided information is exclusively in German.
To see how getFeedback! has already been used in other courses, here are some examples (in German):