Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar

Full professor
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Phone: +49 821 598 2607
Room: 2090 (D)
Open hours: Tuesdays, 1 - 2 p.m.
Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg




Curriculum Vitae

Since 2024:

  • Board member of the State Conference Psychology in Teacher Education in Bavaria

Since 2021:

  • Speaker of the project "Fostering competence development with digital, authentic and feedback-based instructional scenarios" (⬈  ) at the University of Augsburg

Since 2019:

  • Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty for Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Augsburg

Since 2018:

  • Speaker/scientific director of the Centre for Digital Learning and Teaching ( ) at the University of Augsburg

Since 2017:

  • Coordinator and chairman of the examination committee of the Master's program "Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program"


  • Coordinator of the Special Interest Group 20 (“Inquiry Learning”) of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

Since 2015:

  • Full Professor for Educational Psychology at the University of Augsburg


  • Associate professor for Psychology with a special emphasis on Educational Psychology at the University of Augsburg


  • Postdoctoral lecture qualification (Topic: “Orchestrating complex learning and teaching processes: Contextual and design-related conditions for the effectiveness of computer-supported collaboration scripts”)


  • Interim Professor for Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education at LMU Munich
  • Post-Doc at the Chair for Empirical Education and Educational Psychology at LMU Munich


  • Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychology from Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen


  • Researcher at Knowledge Media Research Center (KMRC) in Tübingen 


  • Scholarship student in the DFG-funded Virtual Ph.D. Program “Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange With New Media”


  • Master’s in Educational Science, Psychology and Sociology at LMU Munich

Research foci

  • Evidence-oriented reasoning of pre- and in-service teachers
  • Peer feedback
  • Technology-supported teaching and learning
  • Collaborative learning


Selected Publications




Journal Articles

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004


Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, & Kollar, Ingo (2025). Do students' beliefs and orientations toward peer feedback predict peer feedback quality and perceptions?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Wekerle, Christina, Kiemer, Katharina, Wagner, Kai, Trempler, Kati, Krause-Wichmann, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (in press). Comparing pre-service teachers', in-service teachers' and educational researchers' evidence-informed reasoning about classroom situations – results of a mixed methods investigation.
BibTeX | RIS | URL
Bilandzic, Helena, Kalch, Anja, Kinnebrock, Susanne, Buchner, Benedikt, Kollar, Ingo, & Schuller, Björn W. (2024). Discursive resilience – countering polarization and fragmentation in (social) media discourse.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Özbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance – does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Özbek, Tuğçe, Daumiller, Martin, Roshany-Tabrizi, Aida, Mömke, Tobias, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Friendship or feedback? – Relations between computer science students' goals, technology acceptance, use of an online peer feedback tool, and learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Özbek, Tugce, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Gegenfurtner, Andreas, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). How do different goals affect students' internal collaboration script configurations? Results of an epistemic network analysis study.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Spang, Laura, Fett, Kerstin, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Problem perception and problem regulation during online collaborative learning: what is important for successful collaboration?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wekerle, Christina, Daumiller, Martin, Janke, Stefan, Dickhäuser, Oliver, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Putting ICAP to the test: how technology-enhanced learning activities are related to cognitive and affective-motivational learning outcomes in higher education.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Opio-Göres, Mary, Kollar, Ingo, & Dorner, Birgit (2024). Teaching students to perform child welfare assessments with adaptable computer-supported scripts and metacognitive reflection prompts.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Bauer, Johannes & Kollar, Ingo (2023). (Wie) kann die Nutzung bildungswissenschaftlicher Evidenz Lehren und Lernen verbessern? Thesen und Fragen zur Diskussion um evidenzorientiertes Denken und Handeln von Lehrkräften.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Fey, Carl-Christian, Wekerle, Christina, Beckmann, Inke, Schröder, Arne, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Agile Methoden in Entwicklungsprojekten zur Innovation digitaler Hochschullehre.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kollar, Ingo, Greisel, Martin, Krause-Wichmann, Theresa, & Stark, Robin (2023). Editorial: Evidence-informed reasoning of pre- and in-service teachers.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Gabel, Sylvia, Keskin, Özün, Kollar, Ingo, Lewalter, Doris, & Gegenfurtner, Andreas (2023). Guiding pre-service teachers' visual attention through instructional settings: an eye-tracking study.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Melzner, Nadine, Kollar, Ingo, & Dresel, Markus (2023). How are achievement goals associated with self-, co-, and socially shared regulation in collaborative learning?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning: do attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy facilitate the use of scientific theories to analyze teaching problems?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Krause-Wichmann, Theresa, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Kollar, Ingo, & Stark, Robin (2023). Promoting future teachers' evidence-informed reasoning scripts: effects of different forms of instruction after problem-solving.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Keskin, Özün, Gabel, Sylvia, Kollar, Ingo, & Gegenfurtner, Andreas (2023). Relations between pre-service teacher gaze, teacher attitude, and student ethnicity.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Bauer, Elisabeth, Greisel, Martin, Kuznetsov, Ilia, Berndt, Markus, Kollar, Ingo, Dresel, Markus, Fischer, Martin R., & Fischer, Frank (2023). Using natural language processing to support peer‐feedback in the age of artificial intelligence: a cross‐disciplinary framework and a research agenda.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, Reiss, Kristina, & Ufer, Stefan (2022). Adaptable scaffolding of mathematical argumentation skills: the role of self-regulation when scaffolded with CSCL scripts and heuristic worked examples.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Spensberger, Florian, Kollar, Ingo, & Pankofer, Sabine (2022). Effects of worked examples and external scripts on fallacy recognition skills: a randomized controlled trial.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Melzner, Nadine, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Examining the regulation of motivational and comprehension-related problems during collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wekerle, Christina, Daumiller, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: the importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Using technology to promote student learning? An analysis of pre- and in-service teachers' lesson plans.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


März, Esther, Wessels, Insa, Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Martin R. (2021). "I just stand around and look friendly" - comparing medical students’ and physicians’ ward round scripts.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Fostering pre-service teachers’ situation-specific technological pedagogical knowledge – does learning by mapping and learning from worked examples help?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Csanadi, Andras, Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2021). Pre-service teachers’ evidence-based reasoning during pedagogical problem-solving: better together?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kiemer, Katharina & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Source selection and source use as a basis for evidence-informed teaching: do pre-service teachers' beliefs regarding the utility of (non-)scientific information sources matter?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Melzner, Nadine, Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2020). Regulating self-organized collaborative learning: the importance of homogeneous problem perception, immediacy and intensity of strategy use.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Ghanem, Christian, Kollar, Ingo, Pankofer, Sabine, Eckl, Markus, & Fischer, Frank (2019). Does probation officers’ reasoning change in the light of scientific evidence? Analyzing the quality of evidence utilisation in social work.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Spensberger, Florian, Kollar, Ingo, Gambrill, Eileen, Ghanem, Christian, & Pankofer, Sabine (2019). How to teach evidence-based practice in social work: a systematic review.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Ghanem, Christian, Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, Lawson, Thomas R., & Pankofer, Sabine (2018). How do social work novices and experts solve professional problems? A micro-analysis of epistemic activities and the use of evidence.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Csanadi, Andras, Eagan, Brendan, Kollar, Ingo, Shaffer, David Williamson, & Fischer, Frank (2018). When coding-and-counting is not enough: using epistemic network analysis (ENA) to analyze verbal data in CSCL research.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Wang, Xinghua, Kollar, Ingo, & Stegmann, Karsten (2017). Adaptable scripting to foster regulation processes and skills in computer-supported collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Vogel, Freydis, Wecker, Christof, Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2017). Socio-cognitive scaffolding with computer-supported collaboration scripts: a meta-analysis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Ghanem, Christian, Lawson, Thomas R., Pankofer, Sabine, Maragkos, Markos, & Kollar, Ingo (2017). The Diffusion of Evidence-Based Practice: Reviewing the Evidence-Based Practice Networks in the United States and German-Speaking Countries.
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Stegmann, Karsten, Kollar, Ingo, Weinberger, Armin, & Fischer, Frank (2016). Appropriation from a script theory of guidance perspective: a response to Pierre Tchounikine.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kiesewetter, Jan, Kollar, Ingo, Fernandez, Nicolas, Lubarsky, Stuart, Kiessling, Claudia, Fischer, Martin R., & Charlin, Bernard (2016). Crossing boundaries in interprofessional education: A call for instructional integration of two script concepts.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Reichersdorfer, Elisabeth, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2016). Developing argumentation skills in mathematics through computer-supported collaborative learning: the role of transactivity.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Reichersdorfer, Elisabeth, Vogel, Freydis, Fischer, Frank, & Reiss, Kristina (2014). Effects of collaboration scripts and heuristic worked examples on the acquisition of mathematical argumentation skills of teacher students with different levels of prior achievement.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Sodian, Beate, Hussmann, Heinrich, Pekrun, Reinhard, Neuhaus, Birgit, Dorner, Birgit, Pankofer, Sabine, Fischer, Martin, Strijbos, Jan-Willem, Heene, Moritz, & Eberle, Julia (2014). Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda in Education.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kollar, Ingo, Pilz, Florian, & Fischer, Frank (2014). Why it is hard to make use of new learning spaces: A script perspective.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2013). Orchestration is nothing without conducting – But arranging ties the two together!.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Stegmann, Karsten, & Wecker, Christof (2013). Toward a Script Theory of Guidance in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Fischer, Frank, Stegmann, Karsten, Wecker, Christof, & Kollar, Ingo (2011). Online-Diskussionen in der Hochschullehre: Kooperationsskripts können das fachliche Argumentieren verbessern.
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Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, C., Langer, S., & Fischer, Frank (2011). Webbasiertes Forschendes Lernen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht - Interventionsstudien zur Bedeutung von individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen und instruktionalen Gestaltungsmerkmalen.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2010). Peer assessment as collaborative learning: A cognitive perspective.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wecker, Christof, Stegmann, Karsten, Bernstein, Florian, Huber, Michael J., Kalus, Georg, Kollar, Ingo, Rathmayer, Sabine, & Fischer, Frank (2010). S-COL: a Copernican turn for the development of flexibly reusable collaboration scripts.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2008). Was ist eigentlich aus der neuen Lernkultur geworden? Ein Blick auf Instruktionsansätze mit Potenzial zur Veränderung kulturell geteilter Lehr- und Lernskripts.
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Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Slotta, James D. (2007). Internal and external scripts in computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Hesse, Friedrich W. (2006). Collaboration scripts – a conceptual analysis.
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Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2006). Supporting self-regulated learners for a while and what computers can contribute.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Meister, D. M., Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, & Slotta, J. D. (2004). Lehrer-Communities: Erfahrungen aus der web-basierten WISE-Lernumgebung.
BibTeX | RIS
Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, Slotta, J. D., & Meister, D. (2004). Missbildung bei Fröschen: Parasiten oder chemische Substanzen? Online-Kontroversen in WISE.
BibTeX | RIS


Book Chapters

2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007


Kollar, Ingo, Greisel, Martin, Özbek, Tugce, Spang, Laura, & Vogel, Freydis (in press). Computer-supported collaborative learning.
BibTeX | RIS
Gegenfurtner, Andreas & Kollar, Ingo (in press). Design of digital learning environments: evidence from meta-analyses.
BibTeX | RIS


Kollar, Ingo (2023). Lernen von Erklärungen und Lernen durch Erklären aus lehr-lern-psychologischer Perspektive.
BibTeX | RIS
Kollar, Ingo & Greisel, Martin (2023). Small group learning.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Effekte individueller und kontextueller Faktoren auf die evidenz- und erfahrungsorientierte Reflexion mediengestützten Unterrichts von Lehramtsstudierenden.
BibTeX | RIS


Kiemer, Katharina, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2020). Kooperationsskripts beim technologieunterstützten Lernen.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2019). Lehren und Unterrichten.
BibTeX | RIS


Daxenberger, Johannes, Csanadi, Andras, Ghanem, Christian, Kollar, Ingo, & Gurevych, Iryna (2018). Domain-Specific Aspects of Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: Insights from Automatic Coding.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2018). Mediengestütze Lernarrangements für die Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen: theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde.
BibTeX | RIS
Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, Christof, & Fischer, Frank (2018). Scaffolding and scripting (computer-supported) collaborative learning.
BibTeX | RIS


Ghanem, C., Schwegele, A., Pankofer, S., Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2016). Bewährungshilfe und Wissenschaft - eine Annäherung (?): Bedingungen für eine evidenzbasierte Sozialarbeitspraxis aus Sicht von Bewährungshelfer_innen.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS


Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, Christof, & Fischer, Frank (2014). The role of content support and transactivity for effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on domain-specific learning: a meta-analysis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Stegmann, Karsten, Wecker, Christof, Zottmann, Jan, & Weinberger, Armin (2013). Collaboration scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. & Kollar, Ingo (2012). Collaboration scripts.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Kollar, Ingo & Fischer, Frank (2010). Mediengestützte Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingsansätze für die Weiterbildung.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Clark, Douglas, Sampson, Victor, Stegmann, Karsten, Marttunen, Miika, Kollar, Ingo, Janssen, Jeroen, Erkens, Gijsbert, Weinberger, Armin, Menekse, Muhsin, & Laurinen, Leena (2010). Online Learning Environments, Scientific Argumentation, and 21st Century Skills.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kollar, Ingo (2010). Turning the classroom of the future into the classroom of the present.
BibTeX | RIS


Weinberger, Armin, Kollar, Ingo, Dimitriadis, Yannis, Mäkitalo-Siegl, Kati, & Fischer, Frank (2009). Computer-supported collaboration scripts - perspectives from educational psychology and computer science.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Jucks, Regina, Kollar, Ingo, Krämer, Nicole, & Fischer, Frank (2009). Psychologische Grundlagen des Medien- und Bildungsmanagements.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS


Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Haake, Jörg M., & Mandl, Heinz (2007). Introduction.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Carmien, Stefan, Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Gerhard, & Fischer, Frank (2007). The Interplay of Internal and External Scripts: A Distributed Cognition Perspective.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Conference Papers

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005


(2024). 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2024: proceedings, June 8-9, 2024, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA.
BibTeX | RIS | URL
Özbek, Tugce, Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Do different goals affect the configuration of university students' internal collaboration scripts? Results of an epistemic network analysis study.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Hornstein, Julia, Keller, Melanie V., Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Scaffolding the peer-feedback process: a meta-analysis.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Hornstein, Julia, Greisel, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Supporting pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning through peer-feedback: effects of feedback provision and feedback integration scaffolds.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, Weidenbacher, Anna, Ott, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Who wants to hear bad news? How the epistemic perspective determines the perception of peer feedback.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Greisel, Martin, Bauer, Elisabeth, Kuznetsov, Ilia, Berndt, Markus, Dresel, Markus, Fischer, Martin R., Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2023). How to use theory to implement natural language processing for peer-feedback.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Spang, Laura, Greisel, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Perceptions predict problem regulation? The role of homogeneous problem perception for successful regulation in collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Özbek, Tugce, Wekerle, Christina, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). "It's good because he said so" – the effects of pre-service teachers' passive vs. constructive engagement on technology acceptance.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL


Greisel, Martin, Spang, Laura, Fett, Kerstin, Melzner, Nadine, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). "Houston, we have a problem!" Homogeneous problem perception, and immediacy and intensity of strategy use in online collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Fett, Kerstin, Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Do all roads lead to Rome? An expert study to assess the immediacy of strategies to regulate collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Greisel, Martin, Wekerle, Christina, Wilkes, Theresa, Stark, Robin, & Kollar, Ingo (2021). Which motivational factors predict pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning when being confronted with teaching problems?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL


Melzner, Nadine, Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2019). Effective regulation in collaborative learning: an attempt to determine the fit of regulation challenges and strategies.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Melzner, Nadine, Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2019). Using Process Mining (PM) and Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) for comparing processes of collaborative problem regulation.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


De Backer, Liesje, Kollar, Ingo, Williams, Christopher A., Seufert, Tina, Weinberger, Armin, Melzner, Nadine, Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, Kielstra, Jolique, Molenaar, Inge, Van Keer, Hilde, Valcke, Martin, & Hämäläinen, Raija (2018). Assessing prerequisites and processes of self-, co- and shared regulation during collaborative learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Wekerle, Christina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Effects of expertise on teachers' technology-supported teaching scripts.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Kiemer, Katharina & Kollar, Ingo (2018). Evidence-based reasoning of pre-service teachers: a script perspective.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Melzner, Nadine, Kollar, Ingo, & Dresel, Markus (2018). How groups regulate their learning: the influence of achievement goals on self-, co- and shared regulation strategies.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Csanadi, Andras, Eagan, Brendan, Shaffer, David, Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2017). Collaborative and individual scientific reasoning of pre-service teachers: new insights through Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA).
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Schwaighofer, Mattias, Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Strohmaier, Anselm, Ottinger, Sarah, Terwedow, Ilka, Ufer, Stefan, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2017). Sequencing and fading worked examples and collaboration scripts to foster mathematical argumentation - working memory capacity matters for fading.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Hod, Yotam, Eberle, Julia, Benichou, Maya, Charles, Elizabeth, Cress, Ulrike, Fischer, Frank, Goodyear, Peter, Kali, Yael, Kollar, Ingo, Slotta, Jim, Thompson, Kate, Tjietjen, Phil, & Yeoman, Pippa (2017). Synthesizing CSCL perspectives on the theory, methods, design, and implementation of future learning spaces.
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Lerner, Patrick, Csanadi, Andras, Daxenberger, Johannes, Flekova, Lucie, Ghanem, Christian, Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Gurevych, Iryna (2016). A user interface for the exploration of manually and automatically coded scientific reasoning and argumentation.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Ottinger, Sarah, Kollar, Ingo, & Ufer, Stefan (2016). Content and form - all the same or different qualities of mathematical arguments?.
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Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2016). Fostering university freshmen's mathematical argumentation skills with collaboration scripts.
BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Sommerhoff, Daniel, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Mathematical argumentation and proof supporting a complex cognitive skill.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Ottinger, Sarah, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Mathematisches Argumentieren und Beweisen in der Studieneingangsphase – Analyse inhaltlicher und formaler Qualitätsindikatoren.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Sommerhoff, Daniel, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Proof validation aspects and cognitive student prerequisites in undergraduate mathematics.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Csanadi, Andras, Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2016). Scientific reasoning and problem solving in a practical domain: are two heads better than one?.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Sommerhoff, Daniel, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2016). Validieren von Beweisen - Probleme von Studierenden und die Rolle von mathematischen und übergreifenden Voraussetzungen.
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Kollar, Ingo & Harrer, A. (2015). ClassroomImaging: a tool to code and visualize compley classroom learning processes.
BibTeX | RIS | URL
Sommerhoff, Daniel, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2015). Forschung zum mathematischen Argumentieren - ein deskriptiver Review von PME-Beiträgen.
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Vogel, Freydis, Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Reichersdorfer, Elisabeth, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2015). Fostering argumentation skills in mathematics with adaptable collaboration scripts: only viable for good self-regulators?.
BibTeX | RIS
Järvelä, Sanna, Kirschner, Paul A., Hadwin, Allyzon, Järvenoja, Hanna, Malmberg, Jonna, Kollar, Ingo, Stegmann, Karsten, Fischer, Frank, Janssen, Jeroen, Kirschner, Femke, van Leeuwen, Anouschka, Erkens, Gijsbert, Brekelmans, Mieke, Lajoie, Susanne P., Lee, Lila, Poitras, Eric, Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E., & Hogaboam, Peter (2015). Regulated learning in CSCL: theoretical progress for learning success.
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Sommerhoff, Daniel, Ufer, Stefan, & Kollar, Ingo (2015). Research on mathematical argumentation: a descriptive review of PME proceedings.
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Vogel, Freydis, Reichersdorfer, E., Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2013). Learning to argue in mathematics: effects of heuristic worked examples and CSCl scripts on transactive argumentation.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Fischer, Frank, Slotta, James D., Dillenbourg, P., Kollar, Ingo, Stegmann, K., Wecker, C., & Tchounikine, P. (2013). Scripting and orchestration: recent theoretical advances.
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Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, C., Langer, S., & Fischer, Frank (2013). When instruction supports collaboration, but hinders learning - the case of classroom and small group collaboration scripts in the CSCL classroom.
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Reichersdorfer, E., Vogel, F., Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Reiss, Kristina, & Ufer, S. (2012). Different collaborative learning settings to foster mathematical argumentation skills.
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Vogel, F., Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2012). Effects of Computer-Supported Collaboration Scripts on domain-general learning outcomes: a meta-analysis.
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Lorenz, Elisabeth, Vogel, Freydis, Ufer, Stefan, Kollar, Ingo, Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2012). Effekte heuristischer Lösungsbeispiele in kooperativen Settings auf mathematische Argumentationskompetenz bei Lehramtsstudierenden.
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Raes, Annelies, Schellens, Tammy, De Wever, Bram, Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, Christof, Langer, Sybille, Fischer, Frank, Tissenbaum, Mike, Slotta, James D., Peters, Vanessa L., & Butler Songer, Nancy (2012). Scripting science inquiry learning in CSCL classrooms.
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Kollar, Ingo, Ufer, Stefan, Lorenz, E., Vogel, F., Reiss, Kristina, & Fischer, Frank (2012). Using heuristic worked examples and collaboration scripts to help learners aquire mathematical argumentation skills.
BibTeX | RIS | URL


Wang, X., Kollar, Ingo, Stegmann, K., & Fischer, Frank (2011). Adaptable scripting in computer-supported collaborative learning to foster knowledge and skill acquisition.
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Lorenz, Elisabeth, Vogel, Freydis, Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Reiss, Kristina, & Ufer, Stefan (2011). ELK-Math: Effekte von inhaltsübergreifenden und inhaltsspezifischen Ansätzen zur Förderung mathematischer Argumentationskompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden.
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Slotta, Jim, Tissenbaum, M., Lui, M., Alagha, I., Burd, E., Higgins, S., Mercier, E., Fischer, Frank, Pilz, F., Kollar, Ingo, Moher, T., Gnoli, A., Jaeger, A., Wiley, J., López Silva, B., Evans, M., Motto, A., Brunger, A., & Crider-Wilkins, J. (2011). Embedding CSCL in classrooms: conceptual and methodological challenges of research on new learning spaces.
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Wecker, C., Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2011). Explaining the effects of continuous and faded scripts on online search skills: the role of collaborative strategy practice.
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El-Refai, W., Kollar, Ingo, & Fischer, Frank (2011). Facilitating web design skills through online design-based learning: the case of collaboration scripts and incomplete concept maps.
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Kollar, Ingo, Hämäläinen, R., Evans, M. A., De Wever, B., & Perrotta, C. (2011). Orchestrating CSCL - more than a metaphor?.
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Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, C., Langer, S., & Fischer, Frank (2011). Orchestrating web-based collaborative inquiry learning with small group and classroom scripts.
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Wecker, C., Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Prechtl, H. (2010). Fostering online search competence and domain-specific knowledge in inquiry classrooms: effects of continuous and fading collaboration scripts.
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Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Slotta, J. D. (2008). Argumentation in web-based collaborative inquiry learning: scripts for writing and scripts for talkong aren't the same.
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Kollar, Ingo, Wecker, Christof, Fischer, Frank, Kohnle, Carmen, & Slotta, James D. (2007). Are core objectives of web-based collaborative inquiry learning already core learning prerequisites? The case of argumentation competences and computer literacy.
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Stegmann, Karsten, Kollar, Ingo, Zottmann, Jan, Gijlers, Hannie, De Jong, Ton, Dillenbourg, Pierre, Slotta, James D., & Fischer, Frank (2007). Towards the convergence of CSCL and inquiry learning: scripting collaborative inquiry learning.
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Kollar, Ingo, Fischer, Frank, & Slotta, James D. (2005). Internal and external collaboration scripts in web-based science learning at schools.
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2025 | 2024 | 2013 | 2007 | 2006 | 2002


Gegenfurtner, Andreas & Kollar, Ingo (Eds.). (in press). Designing effective digital learning environments.
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Clarke-Midura, J., Kollar, Ingo, Gu, X., & D'Angelo, C. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2024.
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Kollar, Ingo (2013). Orchestrierung komplexer Lehr- und Lernprozesse: Kontextuelle und designbezogene Bedingungen der Effektivität von computerunterstützten Kooperationsskripts.
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unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift


Fischer, Frank, Kollar, Ingo, Mandl, Heinz, & Haake, Jörg M. (Eds.). (2007). Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Cognitive, Computational and Educational Perspectives.
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Kollar, Ingo (2006). Webbasiertes Forschendes Lernen in der Biologie: Effekte internaler und externaler Kooperationsskripts auf Prozesse und Ergebnisse des gemeinsamen Argumentierens.
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Zugl.: Diss., Universität Tübingen


Kollar, Ingo (2002). Gewissheits- und Ungewissheitsorientierung beim kooperativen Lernen in Videokonferenzen - der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Strukturierungsmaßnahmen.
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unveröffentlichte Magisterarbeit

Courses / teaching

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Ingo Kollar | course types: all)

