Julia Hornstein

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Educational psychology
Phone: +49 821 598-2770
Room: 4006 (D)
Open hours: During lecture-free period: February 24th 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.; April 1st 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. after prior arrangement by email
Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg



  • Outstanding Short Paper Award at the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
  • Invited JURE Symposium at the EARLI SIG 1 (Assessment and Evaluation) Conference in Barcelona, Spain


  • since October 2022: research assistant and doctoral student within the project "Tutor and Peer Based Feedback Systems for Large Lectures", subproject 3 of the interdisciplinary project "Facilitating Competence Development through Authentic, Digital and Feedback-Based Teaching-Learning Scenarios" (KoDiLL)  at the Chair of Psychology with a special focus on educational psychology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar
  • May – September: Student assistant at the Chair of Psychology with special focus on Educational Psychology at the University of Augsburg


  • Student assistant at the junior professorship empirical educational research


  • Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Research on Teaching and Learning at the University of Augsburg


  • Bachelor's degree in Educational Science with minors in Psychology and Philosophy at the University of Augsburg



Journal Articles



Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, & Kollar, Ingo (2025). Do students' beliefs and orientations toward peer feedback predict peer feedback quality and perceptions?. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2024.101438
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Conference Papers

2024 | 2023 | 2022


Hornstein, Julia, Keller, Melanie V., Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). How to scaffold the peer-feedback process: a meta-analysis.
BibTeX | RIS
Hornstein, Julia, Keller, Melanie V., Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Scaffolding the peer-feedback process: a meta-analysis. https://doi.org/10.22318/icls2024.833519
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Hornstein, Julia, Greisel, Martin, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Supporting pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning through peer-feedback: effects of feedback provision and feedback integration scaffolds. https://doi.org/10.22318/cscl2024.961446
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, Weidenbacher, Anna, Ott, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Who wants to hear bad news? How the epistemic perspective determines the perception of peer feedback. https://doi.org/10.22318/cscl2024.470012
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
Hornstein, Julia, Keller, Melanie V., Greisel, Martin, Dresel, Markus, & Kollar, Ingo (2024). Wie kann Peer Feedback instruktional unterstützt werden? Ergebnisse einer Meta-Analyse.
BibTeX | RIS


Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). "Wer will schon Kritik hören?": wie die epistemische Perspektive über die Wahrnehmung von Peer Feedback entscheidet.
BibTeX | RIS
Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Angemessenheit von Peer-Feedback: welche Rolle spielen individuelle Merkmale der Lernenden?.
BibTeX | RIS
Hornstein, Julia, Greisel, Martin, Weidenbacher, Anna, Ott, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Förderung evidenzorientierten Denkens von Lehramtsstudierenden durch Peer Feedback: Effekte von Feedbackgabe- und Feedbackintegrationsprompts.
BibTeX | RIS
Hornstein, Julia, Greisel, Martin, Ott, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Peer Feedback zur Unterstützung evidenzorientierten Denkens von Lehramtsstudierenden: Effekte von Feedbackgabe- und Feedbackintegrationsprompts.
BibTeX | RIS
Hornstein, Julia, Greisel, Martin, Ott, Johanna, Weidenbacher, Anna, & Kollar, Ingo (2023). Promoting evidence-informed reasoning in student teachers through peer feedback.
BibTeX | RIS


Greisel, Martin, Hornstein, Julia, Weidenbacher, Anna, Ott, Johanna, & Kollar, Ingo (2022). Peer-Feedback: welchen Einfluss haben eine Strukturierung der Feedbackgabe nach feed-up, feed-back und feed-forward auf die Feedbackqualität und Vergleichsprompts auf die Integration mehrerer Feedbacks?.
BibTeX | RIS


(applied filters: semester: current | institute: Psychologie m. b. B. d. Pädagogischen Psychologie | lecturers: Julia Hornstein | languages: deutsch | course types: all)
