- FORSocialRobots - The FORSocialRobots project aims to make a decisive contribution to improving the social capabilities of robots in six relevant fields of robotic applications (inspection, logistics, production, service, retirement home and dementia center) and in five scientific subprojects (architecture of social capabilities, social situational communication, socially adaptive and proactive interaction, simulation and validation of socially cognitive robots in the digital twin and human-robot interaction in the work context), thereby increasing their effectiveness and acceptance among potential users and supporting completely new technical developments.
- INPAICT - AI as support for human decision-making in non-destructive testing and process monitoring.
- AI skills development in technical work and production - Needs, challenges and current status of artificial intelligence in the field of material and production work.
- KoARob - AI-based combination of assistance and sensor systems for safe human-robot collaboration. The aim is an intuitive and efficient joint work process.
- KOGNIA - Design support through artificial intelligence and automated machine learning.
- MindBot - Mental health promotion of cobot workers in Industry 4.0.
Contact research focus
Coordinator Digitalisation and Self-Organisation
Dr.-Ing. Nils Mandischer
Koordinator Digitalisierung und Selbstorganisation
KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg
- Phone: +49 821 598 69287