Digital Twins for Product, Material, Processes, and Production Network

A data-supported description of objects and processes is necessary for the consistent implementation of digital technologies. The perfect digital twin is a digital representation of the physical component, system and process dynamics across the value chain and behaves like the real system. Strictly speaking, there is no one digital twin in the sense of a single perfect image, but rather a collection of requirement-optimized data models within the digital twin - the appropriate model can be selected or generated for each task.


In terms of the AI production network, digital twins are more than just a simple collection of process data: Digital twins derive correlations from this data (data models) and are even able to make predictions for their real-life counterparts. Digital twins don't just see the process - they understand the process. This makes it possible to derive future decisions - such as the adaptation of further process steps - from past data.

A large number of projects are now working on the utilization of digital twins, although these are usually still highly isolated concepts in today's industrial applications. In order to design the digital twin of tomorrow, which can also exist beyond the boundaries of individual companies, common interfaces and forms of representation based on proven industrial standards are required.

Digital twins are not limited to the product level alone, but also exist for entire production processes and even across the boundaries of individual production sites and companies. At production network level, the individual processes should be brought together in order to create a comprehensive digital image of the manufactured product and thus its quality. However, in order to implement self-organization approaches and smart optimization of the entire plant, a digital image of the production network itself is also necessary to enable virtual production planning. This seamless digital traceability of all processes involved in the product and the ability to use this data in a meaningful way leads to shorter innovation cycles and increased cost-effectiveness combined with higher quality.

© University of Augsburg


  • ADELeS - Assistance system for AI-supported detection and elimination of quality deviations and errors in production processes.
  • AI4FSW - Research into a multi-sensor process monitoring system for robot-based and gantry-based friction stir welding based on artificial intelligence methods.
  • AICUT - Automated detection of process faults and quality fluctuations in machining production using machine learning.
  • CPS4EU - Strengthening the Cyber Physical Systems value chain through the creation of European SMEs and the provision of CPS technologies.
  • FLOATTWIN - Digital twin for float glass production supported by artificial intelligence.
  • FORinFPRO - Self-adaptive control systems for intelligent manufacturing processes and closed-loop production.
  • INPAICT - AI as support for human decision-making in non-destructive testing and process monitoring.
  • KOGNIA - Design support through artificial intelligence and automated machine learning.
  • KoKiRo -  Research into an I4.0-capable, cognitive and flexibly configurable robot assembly system.
  •   NACSIM - AI-based microscopic, particle-based fluid simulation on large domains.
  • R4CMC - The R4CMC project deals with the repair of damaged ceramic fiber composites. Following non-destructive 3D analysis, damaged areas are specifically removed and then filled with suitable material using innovative repair processes. This conserves resources and reduces waste.
  • SensAI - Non-destructive characterization of materials through sensor data evaluation and machine learning.
  • SmartCut -  Smart solutions for machining processes through the use of suitable sensors and the fusion of their data.
  • SurroGlas - Substitution of numerical simulations in float glass production using artificial intelligence.
  • TurnKI - Research into a real-time monitoring system for the detection, classification and quantification of workpiece and tool deviations.
  • TwinSpace - Resource-coupled hardware-software co-development in the twin room.

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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Mechatronik



Coordinator Digitalisation and Self-Organisation

Dr.-Ing. Nils Mandischer
Koordinator Digitalisierung und Selbstorganisation
KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg

