- ADELeS - Assistance system for AI-supported detection and elimination of quality deviations and errors in production processes.
- AI4FSW - Research into a multi-sensor process monitoring system for robot-based and gantry-based friction stir welding based on artificial intelligence methods.
- AICUT - Automated detection of process faults and quality fluctuations in machining production using machine learning.
- CPS4EU - Strengthening the Cyber Physical Systems value chain through the creation of European SMEs and the provision of CPS technologies.
- FLOATTWIN - Digital twin for float glass production supported by artificial intelligence.
- FORinFPRO - Self-adaptive control systems for intelligent manufacturing processes and closed-loop production.
- INPAICT - AI as support for human decision-making in non-destructive testing and process monitoring.
- KOGNIA - Design support through artificial intelligence and automated machine learning.
- KoKiRo - Research into an I4.0-capable, cognitive and flexibly configurable robot assembly system.
- NACSIM - AI-based microscopic, particle-based fluid simulation on large domains.
- R4CMC - The R4CMC project deals with the repair of damaged ceramic fiber composites. Following non-destructive 3D analysis, damaged areas are specifically removed and then filled with suitable material using innovative repair processes. This conserves resources and reduces waste.
- SensAI - Non-destructive characterization of materials through sensor data evaluation and machine learning.
- SmartCut - Smart solutions for machining processes through the use of suitable sensors and the fusion of their data.
- SurroGlas - Substitution of numerical simulations in float glass production using artificial intelligence.
- TurnKI - Research into a real-time monitoring system for the detection, classification and quantification of workpiece and tool deviations.
- TwinSpace - Resource-coupled hardware-software co-development in the twin room.
Contact research focus
Coordinator Digitalisation and Self-Organisation
Dr.-Ing. Nils Mandischer
Koordinator Digitalisierung und Selbstorganisation
KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg
- Phone: +49 821 598 69287