Resilient Materials Technologies and Value Creation Networks

By creating standardized exchange formats and interfaces, manufacturing routes can also be set up automatically across company boundaries. A continuous process chain in the sense of spatial proximity is then no longer an absolute necessity, and compatibility problems can also be avoided when linking several production plants. Another resilience aspect is the tolerance of the production network to the failure of individual plant components or to widely varying process times. These effects can be compensated for if manufacturing routes are decentralized in a targeted manner, as illustrated in the island structure of the research platform. The digital twins for product, material, process and production network ensure predictability as to what effects the variable coupling of several production plants will have on the component properties.




  • CESS - Contracts and analyses at code and IT architecture level to obtain secure systems.
  • CPS4EU - Strengthening the cyber physical systems value chain by networking European SMEs and providing suitable CPS technologies.
  • FORinFPRO - Self-adaptive control systems for intelligent manufacturing processes and closed-loop production.
  • HYBDDT - Production and testing of a CFRP tank structure for microlaunchers, which consists of two different matrix materials (duromer/thermoplastic) and is joined using a hybrid joining technology.
  • INPAICT - AI as support for human decision-making in non-destructive testing and process monitoring.
  • ProsKI - Development of an AI module for fault management to support decision-making in the event of a fault and to forecast future faults.
  • SensAI - Non-destructive characterization of materials through sensor data evaluation and machine learning.

Contact research focus

Hybrid Composite Materials
KI-Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg



Coordinator Materials & Production Technology

Deputy group leader "Processes"
Hybrid Composite Materials


